
Friday, April 15, 2011

Austerity Vs. Real Compassion

Barack Obama has sent his deficit plan. Some believe that this plan will not equate into radical changes to benefit Main Street America. A lot of his plan is left up for negotiation. Barack Obama since the 2010 elections especially is acting more centrists and many Democratic corporatists are following suit. Some like the Majority/US Action group says that the President wants to cut $4 trillion, but not $1 from the Pentagon. The cuts in the budget are proposed to be almost 800 billion in cuts. The country now needs job creation not massive deficit cuts. Some want cuts in the military not in domestic programs where funds are needed. Over ½ of the money that the Congress makes goes into the Pentagon. This doesn’t count for the money for actual wars. President Obama is proposing over 700 billion dollars in cuts to programs that benefit the poor, seniors, and children, while only trying to save 400 billion on war and weapons. Real cuts for the Pentagon aren’t there. The rest of discretionary spending will face the real cuts (like education, the environment, health care, etc. All Americans will feel it one way or another). The President is seeking small increases on the wealthiest in terms of taxes. There are problems (not just deficit problems) with the upward shift of income and wealth to the economic elite. This corporate cronyism has been in existence for the last 3 decades. The middle class, the working class, and the poor have few resources, and the wealthiest have become very rich. The vast majority of income gains in America over 30 years have been gone into the richest 5 percent of the population with the greatest gains in the top 0.5%. This wealth to the top came as a result of President Reagan’s trickledown economics, the Bush tax cuts, and the Bush/Obama Wall Street bailouts. During the economic expansion from 2002 to 2007, the top 1 percent captured 2/3 of income growth. Now, the top 1 percent has 70% of the wealth of the nation. To balance the budget, the government needs to go where the money is. That is why some want to tax the richest since they have prospered instead of cutting essential services for the broad middle class. Taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks, and corporate welfare have funneled wealth to the top as well. This a major source of the national debt. From 2001 to 2008, the tax cuts for the wealthy cost the U.S. Treasury $700 billion that all add to the national debt. Now, there are about 7,500 households in America with annual incomes of over $20 million. IN the 2 and a half decades, this group have profited from a tax system that favors the wealthiest. The top 400 (in earners) have seen their share of income paid in federal income tax plummet from 51.2% in 1955 to 16.6% in 2007, the most recent year with top 400 statistics available. Congress should boost the top tax rate to 50% on annual incomes over $5 million and to 70% on incomes over $10 million. This would generate an additional $105 billion annually, going a long way toward getting our fiscal house in order. The Institute for Policy Studies shown a report called, “Unnecessary Austerity, Unnecessary Shutdown.” It proved that austerity isn’t needed to solve our economic problems. The reports that we aren’t broke since America is awash with wealth. There are corporations holding trillions in cash. The individual wealth overall in America has increased 23 percent since 2000 to $236,213 per American adult. They want 5 tax revenue reforms in order to get a total of $4 trillion in the next decades. The report says that the vast majority of Americans will see tax increase. One is to make many higher income tax brackets fro millionaires (that can get 60 to 80 billion dollars a year), stop overseas corporate tax havens (with $100 billion in revenue per year), have a transaction tax (getting 150 billion dollars in revenue), revamp the estate tax to include progressive rates (getting 25 billion dollars a year), and end preferential treatment for income from dividends and capital gains (getting 88 billion dollars in revenues). The Progressive Caucus has proposed an alternative budget too. The CPC Budget wants to balance the budget by 2014 and create a budget surplus by 2021. They want to reduce the deficit by $5.7 trillion from 2012 to 2021. They do this by getting money from the wealthy and the corporate elite (where some corporations have profited from government programs, the military and security state apparatus that spends 66 percent of federal discretionary spending). Some want to cut the military budget in order to make a real clean energy economy. There is debate on health care. Some want health care for all since administrative costs of health care is too high in America. Rep. Paul Ryan may talk slick, but he wants the destruction of most of Medicare as the centerpiece of his deficit cutting plan. He claims that Medicare is too cumbersome, but Medicare is the most cost efficient part of the U.S. health care system that covers everyone over 65 years old. Ryan wants a voucher system in the private insurance industry to cover some people and funnel trillions of dollars from Medicare to do it. Even parts of the Obama health care law will strengthen the insurance industry without any public option. There are hundreds of millions in annual tax subsidies and the reactionaries view this as not enough. Ryan is wrong since do you save money by putting in place a middleman who takes 15% to 20% of the funding of health care for its profits, executive salaries, advertising and investments in property and other profit centers?  Ryan would leave seniors with insufficient funds to pay for health care. Even Robert Reich wants Medicare to be preserved. We pay a lot in health care, yet other developed nations don’t. Reich points out: “Estimates of how much would be saved by extending Medicare to cover the entire population range from $58 billion to $400 billion a year. More Americans would get quality health care, and the long-term budget crisis would be sharply reduced.” Now, we have one out of six Americans on food stamps.  President Barack Obama is right that the super rich should pay slightly higher taxes, but he should beware of the reactionaries that want him to compromise too much (they are against the interests of the middle class, the working class, and the poor. While, the military, the security state, and the wealthy will be mostly fine if the Tea party had its way).

The stem cell debate is transparent to figure out. There are differences between embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and altered nuclear transfer. There are ethical debates surrounding the uses, components, and justifications revolving around these stem cells indeed. Embryonic stem cells are wild, untamed, and unpredictable. Scientists when using them watched on how they have caused tumors in animals during a phase of testing. iPS cells are induced pluriopotent cells. They are normal body cells such as cheek cells and skin cells that have undergone full adult development. They have been chemically treated to return to a state where they can be redirected to become other types of body cells. These cells have shown some degree of instability with the propensity to return to their fully differentiated adult state. Adult stem cells have undergone a great degree of development from the early embryonic stage of development. They have the ability to become certain types of tissues. They are remarkably stable when used. They have been proven repeatedly adaptable in clinical trials and therapeutic application. Now, there are over 100 therapies in using these cells. The establishment loves embryonic stem cells (as exemplified in the article called “Analysis Imperfections mar Hopes for Reprogrammed Stem Cells.” It was written by Julie Steenhuysen from Reuters). The article promoted the argument of Dr. George Daley of Harvard Stem Cell Institute. He believes the iPS cells aren’t scientifically worthy to be a complete replacement or substitute for embryonic stem cells (and anything to the contrary is based on political or religious reasons. He is wrong indeed). It is true that it’s barbarism to give women hormones to get eggs from her, fertilize the eggs in a lab, create new human begins, and then tear them apart in their embryonic stages of development (in order to benefit other human beings economically). That’s barbarism from political, religious, and ethical grounds. Dr. Daley doesn’t talk about adult stem cells at all since it morally creates over 100 therapeutic applications. ESCs are wild and untamable. Adult Stem cells have gone in the process of cellular maturation naturally and are very stable. ESCs have experienced tissue rejection by the recipient. IPS cells are sought after, because of the embryonic stem cells’ weaknesses. iPS cells have an advantage of stability that comes with being a mature cell and have the abundance of cells like skin cells and their ease of isolation. Tweaks can be used to get the cells to revert to an earlier developmental stage since every cell has an identical set of genetic switches. If there is a resetting of the switches in the DNA, then these cells can revert back to an earlier embryonic stage of malleability (and retain much of their adult stability). Since the iPs cells come from the patient, there is no issue of tissue rejection. These cells can come back to their adult form. The instability differs from the instability of the embryonic stem cells in one key respect. When an iPS cell reverts to adult form, therapy fails and the cell dies. The difficulty with embryonic cells is that they tend to form tumors, which adds a whole new disease state to the patient.
As the state of the research exists, it is far easier to tweak the behavior of the iPS cell than it is to bring any semblance of order out of the primordial chaos of embryonic stem cells. The difference? When the human body develops, cells mature under the influence of immediately neighboring and distant cells in the boy. It’s hard to take cells from a young embryo and replicate blindly the phenomenally complex processes of maturation that occur in the context of an integrated organism. That is why tweaking the iPs cell is the easier and morally superior approach.

People are now saying that regime change is promoted in Libya, because Libya was nationalizing its oil profits (and the elite want a privatization of their central bank). The invasion of Libya is bigger than some wanting to privatize the national oil company, but some want to control its state owned central banking system. There is the US/British inserted language in the UN resolution that allowed them to freeze the accounts of the nationalized oil company as well as the central bank of Libya. The CIA back pro-West opposition said that they have formed a new national oil company and a central bank. The neo-liberal economic hit men had to write up the legal documentation for this action (this new company may hand in its control to multinationals outside of Libya). Many globalist apologists and neo-liberals have been running around the last week claiming that the real government in Libya is the Transnational National Council. Globalists wanted to control central banks in the world for a long time. Oil is like a profitable side issue like every other state asset that desires Libya to be privatized and sold off to multinational corporations (like Bechtel, GE, and Goldman Sachs). Oil is very important and is one major force behind the global wars for profit. Yet, banking is a serious matter on why wars exist in the 21st century. The story about the Coalition Provisional Authority proves that some want to control the central bank in nations. Coalition Provisional Authority took over in Iraq, the 2nd thing they did, after signing a law banning the Baathists and disbanding the military, was to sign over the state owned central banking system to privately held banking interests. This brought Iraq online with the web of private central banks. This took place the very first day of the CPA’s control of Iraq. The UN Resolution 1483 says that the authority to authorize expenditures from Iraq’s oil revenue from the UN to the Coalition Provisional Authority. The International Advisory and Monitoring Board are made up of senior financial experts from the U.N., the IMF, and the World Bank. After the U.S. military came and took over Iraq, the CPA issued many binding orders. These orders privatized Iraq’s economy and opened it up to foreign investment. Multinational corporations loved this development since they saw the war as an opportunity to make billions of dollars in profits. That is why if you control the issuance of money in a nation, then you can make huge profits plus you can enslave people with debt that it produces. All of the assets can belong to you even the oil. This is why some want to control the central bank in Libya beyond just the oil. Some of the rebels in Libya are killing innocent black people and some are made up of al-Qaeda affiliated fighters. The rebels formed a new central bank in Libya and a new national oil company. According to Bloomberg, the Transitional National Council has “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.” This is a slick tactic since you can control the banks and the control of the money supply before a new government in formed in order to control people. The UN Security council resolution was passed on March 17th, 2011. The rebels made this new oil company and new central bank system on the 19th, not 48 hours after the UN resolution promised to just provide a no fly zone over Libya for “humanitarian purposes.” These facts proved that Libya was attacked not to really protect civilians, but stealing its economic and oil resources from them (when this system gave education and health care to the Libyans). The Security Council adopted a resolution on March 17 that froze the foreign assets of the Libyan National Oil Corp. and the Central Bank of Libya, both described in the text as “a potential source of funding” for Qaddafi’s regime. No single life is saved now. Libya opposed the banking elite, so Libya is being attacked. Some establishment liberals don’t see this since some of them support the airstrikes in Libya. Libya is hurt because of imperialism that can make Libya have a low literacy rate and huge poverty.

Donald Trump is the new man in the political view. He is a Republican billionaire. He might run for President. Some Democrats want him to run for President since they feel that he is an easier opponent to defeat political than the Mormon Mitt Romney. He is a part of the same establishment that feels the need to say controversial, sometimes ridiculous things. Donald Trump wants questions to be asked to see if Barack Obama is an American citizen or not. The truth is that the evidence now proves that Barack Obama was born in Hawaii. He questions if Barack Obama is a Muslim on the neo-con Laura Ingraham’s show when Obama isn’t a Muslim. Trump wants us Americans to stay in Iraq in order to keep the oil when the Iraq war wasn’t about humanitarian reasons. We know it was about preserving oil, the central banks, and other resources for Western control (with token leadership in Iraq to maintain the status quo). The Republicans now represent record low taxation for the super rich, wars of aggression against people of color, and policies that violate our civil liberties or human rights domestically. We have the lowest tax rates in over 50 years, so this problem is a jobs & revenues problem in our economy. Trump knows how to play on people's fears, but we don't need fear of this world to stagnant our progression as human beings. We need the fear of the Lord alone in order to develop real reforms and adhere to real spirituality during the existence of our lives.

Secret Societies are real. The Rothschilds are bankers for a German house. They have united with the Vatican, yet they don’t have more total power above the Papacy. The Vatican/Jesuit network existed long before the Rothschilds. The Frankists came from the wicked Jacob Frank. He converted to Roman Catholicism and accepted Frankism (or a libertine moral philosophy). Frankists are made up of Jewish people that allied with the papacy via baptism in numerous cases. The Jesuit General during the time of Weishaupt was Jesuit General Lorenzo Ricci. Weishaupt was Jesuit trained and a Freemason. He created the Bavarian Illuminati to centralize all Freemasonry under the command of the elite. Even Count Mariano Rampolla was an OTO member and he was Cardinal Secretary of State to Pope Leo XIII. The Jesuit General in Rampolla’s time was Luis Martin. Freemasonry united with the Jesuits in many times (except for the Masons schisms in the mid 1700’s and the 19th century with Masons Simon Bolivar, Benito Juarez, and ex priest Charles Chiniquy resisting the Jesuits). The 33rd Degree is the highest degree of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. There are degrees higher than that in other Masonic orders. Even some British Freemasons from the Windsors are allies of the Papacy. Queen Elizabeth II is a Patroness of Freemasonry and she supports the Pope Benedict XVI.

By Timothy

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