
Friday, April 15, 2011

No-Tax-Hike Pledge Creates Republican Rift

mariusvinchi   16 minutes ago (3:55 PM)
Why do they continuall­y call the proposal a "tax hike", when it is in fact allowing tax breaks to sunset?
A hike would indicate a new tax system, not the return to "normal" levels....
It's all about the language.
DRaymond   25 minutes ago (3:47 PM)
The nice thing about a no-tax pledge is that it eliminates any need to think.  No need to think about what is fair.  No need to think about what is best for the country,  No need to think about any of the many alternativ­es and their policy and macroecono­mic effects.  No need to look at many old corporate giveaways and subsidies to companies and wonder if we are getting any real public benefit from them.  No need for any of that because you just said no to everything­.

That's just as well though, because thinking makes you look like an 'elite' and not a 'patriot'.

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