
Friday, October 21, 2011

Gaddafi's death


  1. Mandela and Tutu Hypocrites. Long as Gaddafi was giving them money, they covered themselves in his shit.

    Tutu and Mandela have no problem endorsing the covert mass murder of millions of hteir own kaffir followers; but when it comes to Gaddafi publicly killing his own people, then Tutu pretends to object. Where the fuck were Tutu and Mandela when Gaddafi told the truth about AIDS origins?

    Norwegian Vikings must be shuddering in their graves; to see what gutless fucking cowards their descendants as exemplified by the NOrwegian Nobel Committee are!

    And frankly, I don't believe Gaddafi is dead. I suspect he made a deal to fake his death, so he can get a new identity. He may be able to get his sweet revenge in secret, from all those he supported, who stabbed him in the back, when it suited them. I wouldn't put it past him.

  2. Using the K is racist. You know better.
