
Thursday, October 20, 2011

A New Phone

1 comment:

  1. So tell me: I am still waiting for you to answer my question about when I ever lied to you; in the past ten years?

    Secondly: Tell me; when you clearly demonstrate you do not appreciate me interpreting your communication by giving you speaker the highest and noblest honourable intention; shall I conclude you want me to interpret all you say as if you are a lying deceiving two-faced kaffir?

    Its not my preference to interpret any individuals communications as originating from a two faced lying deceiving kaffir; I always give everyone the benefit of the doubt that their itnentions are honourable; until they prove otherwise. Once it is clear they want to be considered as a kaffir; there is sweet fuck all I have left to say to them; or to consider whatever the fuck they have to say as worthy of serious consideration.

    If so, there is no more need for us to communicate. You can use your new phone to call any of the billions of women on this planet who shall be happy to treat you like a sperm donor walking wallet, who probably won't even know how to spell honour, let alone practice it in her interpretations of your statements to her.

    So, when did I lie to you?
