
Sunday, October 16, 2011

More News in October 2011

The war on terror is expanding into Uganda. The President sent troops to Uganda to battle with the murderous Lord’s Resistance Army (or LRA). This comes after Gaddafi was defeated in Libya. It isn’t a secret that the globalists want more control in Africa. Congress passed the LRA Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Bill. It was signed by President Barack Obama in early 2010. It wanted the American government to develop a new multifaceted strategy against the LRA. The President said that he is sending about 100 U.S. soldiers to Uganda to help the regional forces fight the LRA. They are combat equipped and the troops are providing information and advice to partner nation forces as President Obama wrote in a letter to the U.S. Congress. He hasn’t consulted Congress to do this. He just sent a congressional letter announcing that he would violate the national sovereignty of another country.  This new intervention is near the Africom mega base in Djibouti. It’s rare for America to commit forces to help African nations put down insurgencies. The U.S. military, the CIA, and the Europeans manufacture insurgencies in many cases. The White House use humanitarian justifications like going in to avenge the lax American response to the genocide of Rwanda. The Lord’s Resistance Army’s 24-year campaign of rebellion, rape and murder represents one of the world’s worst human rights crises today.” The whole story is that Uganda is an American strategic asset. Wayne Madsen back in 2005 found out that America had major communications and listening stations in Uganda’s Ruwenzori Mountains. Now, Africom has set up a sprawling operation. Libya was its first engagement. The IMF used its intervention to try to control Rwanda financially (and the genocide of Tutsis and Hutu tribes came as a result of tensions spanning decades). In what is now a well-established pattern, the global elite exploited tensions created by the disastrous economic impact of its loan sharking operation and moved to establish a sphere of influence in a region historically dominated by the former colonial powers of France and Belgium. “The civil war in Rwanda was a brutal struggle for political power between the Hutu-led Habyarimana government supported by France, and the Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) backed financially and militarily by Washington,” Chossudovsky concludes. “Ethnic rivalries were used deliberately in the pursuit of geopolitical objectives. Both the CIA and French intelligence were involved.” The IMF and World Bank played a cynical and murderous game in Uganda as well. Banker money ostensibly earmarked for the country’s economic and social reconstruction went to military destabilization operations in Rwanda and the Congo. So, Ugandan external debt was used to fiancé its military operations on behalf of America (and us footing the bill). Uganda’s austerity measures and cutting social expenditures benefit the Ugandan military. Africom wants to fight lRA. Africa is targeted because of its natural resources and large landscape. The globalists want the land to spread world totalitarian government worldwide. They have fought in the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, and Africa. The intentional bankers readily have engineered destructions of national economies and use destabilization plans in order for them to control societies.

We live in the world that learning math and science is a must. So, now, there is the importance of trigonometry that must be known. Trigonometry comes from the 2 Greek words called trigonon (meaning triangle) and metron (meaning measure). It’s a branch of mathematics that studies triangles and the relationships between their sides and the angles between these sides. In other words, trigonometry deals with the angels and other mathematical components involving triangle. There are many cyclical parts to it and trigonometric functions. You have to learn trigonometry and algebra to know the high level mathematics of calculus. These high level forms of mathematics were known by the ancients spanning thousands of years in the four corners of the world. Now, trigonometry is taught in middle and high schools worldwide. It’s found in astronomy, engineering, and navigating. Sumerian astronomers introduced angle measure using a division of circles into 360 degrees. The Babylonians studied the ratios of similar triangles and found ratios too (like the Sumerians). The black ancient Nubians did the same method of finding sides and angles of triangles. The ancient Greeks used trigonometry to make it an ordered science. Classical Greek mathematicians named Euclid and Archimedes studies the properties of chords and inscribed angles in circles. The modern sine function was first shown in the Surya Siddhartha. Its properties were documented by the 5th century Indian mathematician and astronomer Aryabhata. Islamic mathematicians focused on six trigonometric functions back in the 10th century A.D. Now, the 45 degree angle, the angle A corresponds to side a, the 45 degree angle of B corresponds to side b, the C angle is 90 degree angle corresponding to side c. Side b is adjacent, side a is opposite, and side c is of course the hypotenuse. Sin A is the opposite/hypotenuse or a/c.

Scholars believe that Daniel’s 69 weeks prophecy lasted from 445 B.C. to the 30’s A.D. (in the end of Jesus Christ’s life). Gavin Finley, M.D. used the 360 day per year calculation. A week is 7 years according to some theologians. So, Gavin believed those 69 weeks times 7 weeks equals to 483 holy days. 483 days times 360 days are equaled to 173,880 days in solar years (or years plus 24.7 days in calendar years). According to Gavin: “…And when is our finishing day? As we shall see the 173,880 day time line comes to its terminus on a very auspicious day in the Passover month of Nisan in 32 A.D., specifically Nisan 10 of that year. As we shall discover, that Nisan 10 date was 5,888 moons and 8 days later….With those extra 24 days we shall measure out the days from the spring equinox points to reach out to those two auspicious dates, the decree of Artaxerxes to Nehemiah in 445 B.C. and the Palm Sunday entry into Jerusalem of Jesus at "Messiah the Prince" in 32 A.D...” So, as we see that the prophet Daniel was a great leader and one of the greatest prophets in human history. That is why it’s easy to see that the great feasts as mentioned by the prophets (including the prophet & Messiah Yeshua ben Joseph) relate to future prophetic times.

Move On is trying to take over the Occupy Wall Street Protests. Like always, I don’t believe Left gatekeepers like should control any real movement for change. They have just as much corporate funding as the Republicans have been. The MoveOn leaders and executives are in television lying about how they speak for the OWS movement. The mainstream media is trying to call them as spokespeople for the OWS. MoveOn wants the OWS movement to merge with the Democratic Party when that party is just as exploitative and has a nefarious of a history as the Republicans are. MoveOn won’t greatly expose how Wall Street money put Democrats and Republicans into office like Goldman Sachs. OWS is made up of liberals, libertarians, and people from across the political spectrum. Move On has tried to infiltrate the Occupy Trenton protest as well. The protesters are mostly rejecting offers since they want to be their own movement separate of any political affiliation. They want to be in the 99 percent of people’s interests. We should be careful of agent provocateurs as well. Also, reactionary liars talk about there is a difference between free market capitalism and corporatism. The reality we had free market capitalism without any regulations and we had child labor, bad waters, and other evils. So, regulations are needed to protect people and society. Not all regulations are good, but some regulations are necessary to promote in America plus the world.

When you get older, things become more clearly. As the years and decades go by from the 1960’s, the things that Malcolm X said were correct. Kwame Ture and Malcolm X were right that black people should never let non-blacks dictate the composition and power structure of the black community. Even Dr. King was right to expose how the economic inequalities in America are a disgrace. Before he died in 1968, he condemned certain aspects of white society that sounded like a non-violent version of Malcolm. He said these things in 1967-1968, so this is one of his legacies. One historical example is that Japanese for centuries restricted or outright banned European influence in Japan for their knowledge of European imperialism (since in that time period of the 1400-early 1900’s. This is during the period of the Shoguns and Emperors), imperialism was overt and rather brutal. (It’s still brutal now, but it’s used under the guise of “humanitarianism” and “freedom”). Japan grew when they traded with other nations, but maintained their cultural cohesiveness. So, black people should run their own house via unity & cooperation. I’m not saying be hateful or prejudice, but running our own house is just pure common sense. Also, teaching black children about math, science, computers, engineering, and technology (that is the essence of growing civilizations spanning all of human history. Without these tools, you don’t have a civilization. Yes, computing system existed thousands of years ago) can cause people to be tech literate, save money, build a business, and build a better community. Inventing, discovering, and making breakthroughs are legitimate actions as well. Black people working together is a great solution. Using investments like educational institutions, scholarships, business groups, scientific research communities, and other real programs can help people. Intelligence, real power, understanding social skills, and continual improvements are great tools in life for us to achieve in general. That’s universal. We shouldn’t allow non-blacks to dictate or control the communities & culture of black people period. Other ethnicities would never allow this and we shouldn’t allow this at all. So, the essence of my people sticking together, investing in our communities, and allow future black generations to grow in a higher level can create a true renaissance. Being better morally, socially, and mentally is great.

By Timothy

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