
Sunday, October 16, 2011

News on Economics

Note by Me: I don't agree with every part of socialism, but this is interesting information.

By Timothy


RussFeingold2012 says:
What Hitlerian psyop artists Drudge, AJ, and Glen Beck are.
First Drudge promotes Pat Buchanan’s new 21st Century Mein Kampf:
http : / / www . drudgereport . com/flashpb.htm
Then he tries to tie socialist in with NEO-NAZI’s by posting this crap!
I got news for Drudge: YOU’RE THE NEW NAZI’s! Alex Jones has guest on his show that openly calls for military dictatorship in this country…
Socialist are not calling for protection of racial purity from the Mexican “incursion,” and genocidal austerity against Black and other poor people. Here’s what Socialist are calling for:
http : / / www . wsws . org/articles/2011/oct2011/pers-o15.shtml
“Indeed, the top 0.1 percent—are responsible for the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, which they have exploited to further enrich themselves. The richest 400 Americans control $1.53 trillion, while a record number of people in the US have been driven into poverty. The median income of Americans has fallen 10 percent since 2007, even as corporate profits and the bank accounts of the rich have soared. Young people face a future with no jobs, in which their education gets them nothing but tens of thousands of dollars of debt.”
“There exist social rights that are essential to life in a complex modern society and, therefore, inalienable and non-negotiable.”
These rights include:
• The right to a job and a livable income
• The right to high-quality public education and health care, free of charge
• The right to housing and utilities
• The right to a secure retirement
• The right to a healthy environment and access to culture
“The rights of the working class must be counterposed to the rights of the corporations, which are unconditionally defended by the two-party system—the “right” of corporations to destroy jobs and slash wages; the “right” of the banks to kick people out of their homes; the “right” of the political system to destroy social programs upon which millions of people depend.
“In its very name, the Occupy Wall Street movement expresses a basic understanding that all of the needs of the working class come into conflict with the dictatorship of the banks and financial institutions over economic and political life. These corporations control vast resources, the product of the collective labor of billions of people the world over.
“To break the stranglehold of the corporate and financial elite over society and politics, the banks and major corporations must be placed under public ownership and operated under the democratic control of the working class. This will make available the resources for a multi-trillion-dollar public works program to ensure full employment, eliminate poverty and meet social needs in the US and internationally.
“The apologists for capitalism claim that inequality is not related to the economic crisis, as if the withdrawal of trillions of dollars from productive use has no economic impact. The insatiable drive of the financial aristocracy for more and more money has fueled one speculative binge after another and bankrupted the country. The same CEOs who say they have no money to pay decent wages and who carry out job cuts manage to pay themselves and their top executives millions or even tens of millions of dollars every year.
“Working people must reject with contempt the claim that “there is no money” to meet basic social needs. Immediate measures must be taken to establish social equality, including reintroducing a progressive income tax and a 90 percent tax on all incomes over $500,000—the tax rate that existed in 1950—along with a wealth tax on multimillionaires and billionaires.
“Capitalism has failed the working class of the United States and the entire world. The time has come for the working class to fight for a different approach to the economic organization of society. The only viable alternative to capitalism is socialism: the reorganization of economic life under the democratic control of the working class to serve social needs, not private profit.
“The fight for equality is the fight for socialism. The socialist transformation of economic life cannot be achieved without a struggle. All history demonstrates that the rich never give up. their power and privileges without a fight.”
“The occupation of Wall Street must be expanded to the occupation of the factories. Every workplace must become the center for mass resistance to the attack on the rights of working people.
“To organize and unify these struggles and direct them against the capitalist system, a new party must be built. American politics is dominated by two capitalist parties which work to silence and repress any genuine expression of the interests of the vast majority of the people.”


knowledge says:
lets see this new Nazis movement is more about race and religion as a way of life not about a capitalism so why wouldn’t they show support? first OWS was attacked as being backed by Obama and his team with NO TRUTH and its being repeated as dogmatic truth for no reason and now because some group with beliefs that people hate agrees with them there is a problem? really you ignorant bigots! first off this is to stand against the 1% and use a voice not “stop all the world’s problems” so you will have people that have different points of view on human life then you working with you get over it. 2nd and most important what happens with Muslims in America join this movement? are we all gonna say that OWS is supported by terrorist? where does this stupid ignorant half cocked reporting that Alex is becoming known for stop?


ittakesavillage says:
It won’t ever stop. It’s part of the business model.
Pick a target group> convince them they should be angry> sell them a solution for their anger.
Oldest trick in the book.
Effective, too, because people will fight to the death defending their exploiters. And them give them more money.


ittakesavillage says:
When is Infowars goona have an article titled:
“KKK groups and the Aryan nation support Ron Paul”?
Is it okay to show affiliations when it fits your agenda, but not when it may out you?


ittakesavillage says:
Breaking news:
Nazi, communist, and socialist groups like to eat food.
Maybe good patriots should stop eating food…
Every day on Infowars, OWS is attacked because of some of its followers
And yet, Ron Paul is touted as the new Jeebus- despite some of his followers. The difference is that OWS protesters would eject blatant racists and Nazis from their midst. Ron Paul welcomes financial support erom extreme hate froups.


ittakesavillage says:
Wow you are stupid.
The hypocrisy is having articles like this one, yet keeping silent on the hate groups that support Ron Paul.
Hypocrisy is railing agains the MSM, yet constantly quoting Fox News as a source for articles.
Baaahh, baaahhh.
Be sure to renew your PPTV subscription.
Because there’s a war on for your money


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