
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Freedom Rider: Boycott America, Not Russia


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  2. Ego and Eco-logically illiterate Africans (or for that matter Europeans, Indians, Asians etc) WILL NEVER BE FREE.

    Always begging some parasite elite to promise them 'free something' in exchange for them being sperm donor, brood sow, vote or cannon fodder slaves on their Parasite Elite Leader's 'free welfare' vote farm slavery plantation; called Democracy.

    Ask that idiot, Kimberly, who wrote that article to define 'freedom' and she will respond 'huh'? She ain't got a fucking clue what she means when she uses the word 'freedom'; and if she does have a clue, why the fuck doesn't she provide her definition? Cause all she is interested in is using bullshit abstract crack-cocaine-verbiage to manipulate the emotions of her dumbfuck flat earth sperm donor and brood sow victimhood pity party readers.

    Hitler cared more about jews and a jewish homeland for jews, than these niggers give a fuck about poor niggers and a nigger homeland for niggers. Hitler cared enough about jews to tell them to their faces, that he considered certain morally delinquent jews to be scum, and was going to either exterminate those who refused to get out of Germany and move to Israel, to start a jewish homeland.

    These niggers don't even believe poor niggers deserve to know the truth about how elite parasite niggers hate them, and are willing to exterminate and sacrifice them on welfare vote farm sperm donor and brood sow vote farm slavery plantations.

    With friends like Kimberley and Black Agenda Report, and the dozens of other bullshit poor blacks with victim pity party poverty pimping 'free welfare' promises; poor black people don't need enemies.

  3. Sorry for my cussing. Also the analogy of hitler was not a good one; apartheid Verwoerd would have been better. Verwoerd was more honest with poor blacks, and a good paternal example for africans, than any african south african leader I know of.

    I appreciate you for all the black and african history you share. I imagine you know more about african history than most africans do. I appreciate you for the way in which you emphasise and encourage africans to educate themselves about their history, support each other. I wonder how many take notice, listen, and appreciate the advice.

    But, like the young man, in the second question and answer session part of the video I don't agree with encouraging welfare; whether corporate or individual; but particularly not the breeding of unwanted and unloved poverty stricken children.

    I know you support self-sufficiency and responsibility and so I don't understand when you contradict yourself and include statements about free health care and other forms of individual welfare. I know you oppose corporate welfare and I agree.

    Anyway I got mad and over-reacted. Sorry.

  4. About apartheid, and I know many will disagree; but I have yet to find one who will disagree based on facts, rather than mainstream media anti-apartheid propaganda.

    I ask them to name one black south african leader, who has encouraged black africans -- in word and his own personal example -- to keep their penises and vaginas in their pants, refrain from procreating until they have gotten an education and are financially capable of taking care of a child.

    Were apartheid boers 'racist' (i.e. did they consider themselves morally and intellectually superior to blacks)? Yes.
    Were they factually morally and intellectually superior to most blacks?

    I can name you dozens of apartheid 'racist' boers who -- in word and in their own personal example -- encouraged black africans to keep their penises and vagina's in their pants, refrain from procreating until they have gotten an education and are financially capable of taking care of a child.

    So, I'd say its quite possible (not certain, but highly plausible) that such boer men and women were morally and intellectually superior to africans who breed - unwanted and unloved poverty stricken children -- as if they are rabbits on viagra.

    I can name you dozens of so-called 'non-racist' (never defined) african and 'progressive' 'leaders' (sic) who encourage and bribe poor poverty stricken black and brown africans to spread their legs, and pop out poverty stricken unwanted and unloved children (more poverty stricken voters on their welfare vote farm plantations), and then blame this moral depravity on 'apartheid'.

    And progressive(sic) alleged 'non-racist' liberals are silent! So, it makes me wonder; when it comes to africans, how do liberals want africans to 'progress' morally or intellectually or emotionally, psychologically? If any individual can only 'progress' and 'grow' to be a better person, by receiving constructive honest feedback, and liberals not only deny africans such honest feedback from themselves, but also from conservatives, by screaming 'racist' etc; what do they really want for africans? Ever increasing and worsening destroyed african families, more unwanted and unloved poverty stricken african children?

  5. One of the few left wing african leaders who actually walked their 'progressive' talk, was Thomas Sankara. I don't agree with his communist ideology; but he did practice in deed many ideas which most progressives just talk; many of which I agree with, but which are not confined to socialism.

    Such as:
    From Thomas Sankara:

    At the time of his death he had a salary of $450 a month; and his most valuable possessions were a car, four bikes, three guitars, a fridge and a broken freezer. He was the world’s poorest president, but indeed its richest revolutionary.

    In an effort to slow the advance of the Sahara Desert, Sankara launched a reforestation programme that planted 10 million trees in its first year. Even today, trees are planted to celebrate birthdays, weddings and graduations. School attendance rose from 12% to 22% in just two years and was complemented by policies to encourage attendance and eventual graduation.

    A campaign for the restoration of women’s dignity and recognition of their role in society was launched in order to free women from the yoke of patriarchal domination. During Sankara’s presidency Burkina Faso was a leader in employing women in government posts. In a symbolic attempt to demonstrate to men what the daily realities of women’s lives were like, he declared a day of solidarity with housewives and forced men to go to market and take responsibility for household duties.

    Sankara refused to use the air conditioning in his office on the grounds that such luxuries were only available to a few BurkinabÈs.

    He refused to allow his portrait to be displayed all over the country in order to prevent a cult of personality developing around him.

    Shortly after coming to power he sold the government’s fleet of Mercedes-Benz and purchased the far more affordable and easy to maintain Renault 5. Sankara’s pragmatism and commitment to fiscal responsibility is still remembered: in 2003 critics of the Kenyan government’s purchase of 12 million dollars in luxury cars advised the government to follow the example set by Sankara.

    From Wikipedia:

    “The revolution and women’s liberation go together. We do not talk of women’s emancipation as an act of charity or because of a surge of human compassion. It is a basic necessity for the triumph of the revolution. Women hold up the other half of the sky.”

    Improving women's status was one of Sankara's explicit goals, and his government included a large number of women, an unprecedented policy priority in West Africa.

    His government banned female genital mutilation, forced marriages and polygamy; while appointing females to high governmental positions and encouraging them to work outside the home and stay in school even if pregnant. Sankara also promoted contraception and encouraged husbands to go to market and prepare meals to experience for themselves the conditions faced by women. Furthermore, Sankara was the first African leader to appoint women to major cabinet positions and to recruit them actively for the military.

    Assassinated at the age of 38, allegedly engineered by Charles Taylor, body dismembered and buried in an unmarked grave.

  6. Compare to Nelson Mandela:

    Died a multi-millionaire, worth R46 million.

    Did nothing about contraception and addressing african patriarchy.

    Could care less -- in practice -- about ecological overshoot.

    Every government office had his picture on its walls, and South Africans are expected to blindly worship him as if he is and was the Saint of Africa.

    Endorsed a massive arms deal for billions of rands; the submarines rusting for lack of experienced navy personnel to maintain or pilot them.

    Bred illegitimate children, he refused to even recognize; and endorsed the ANC's welfare poverty pimping breeding of poor africans on the ANC's welfare vote farm slavery plantation. Instead of encouraging education, the ANC encourage and reward with welfare, poor africans to be cannon fodder sperm donors and brood sow slaves to the ANC.

    Right wing conservative Apartheid government gave Mandela probably the fairest trial ever given by a conservative goverment to a left wing guerrilla communist terrorist, by any nation in the world. Even though Mandela was convicted of treason, the right wing judge refused to give him the death penalty; and sent Mandela to an orderly prison, where he was never tortured, but given special political prisoner treatment; eventually released, to become president, and died of natural causes at the age of over 90, a multi-millionaire.
