
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Interesting Information

Maintaining a strong health is a key part of our human lives. The fight for Health care for all human beings is a key part of the overall human rights struggle. The chemical azodicarbonamide is obviously dangerous for human consumption. Transparency is related to this issue. Society must be informed on chemicals in their foods. Folks have the right to know what ingredients are found in various foods that we eat daily. It is all about protecting the essence of human existence. Also, the movement for more natural or organic foods is a movement that I subsequently agree with wholeheartedly. It is certainly our responsibility to make wise decisions on food eating and to hold companies accountable for the chemicals that they place in their foods. There is nothing wrong with using natural substances (which are legitimate) as a means to enrich our lives. He or Brent Thomas Posada should be arrested for making a false report. This is nothing new. Black men have been made the scapegoat for many things wrong in America and the world. Black men have been collectively stereotyped falsely as brutes, criminals, thugs, and degenerates by bigots. Too many folks have such a naïve view of white people collectively as being totally unblemished and devoid of massive character defects. So, this story outlines the need for us to follow reality. The reality is that the only people that can save us totally are us as black human beings. We have to take precautions in our daily lives. Sister Erica wrote down many of them in an eloquent fashion like usual. Erica is a Strong, Great Sister. We live in the real world and we have to protect ourselves and our people. That false report could of possibly created more injustices against innocent black male youth totally (from abuse to murder). Racists have always hated black people. The racists' foolishness just escapes the truth. The truth is that there is the grandiose, strong value of black humanity in general. We are superior to the racists' ignorance and their lies for BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL. Michael Dunn is a despicable person on so many levels. He could have easily stayed in the car and easily exited away from the vicinity (without encountering the young people at all). Michael Dunn deserves the ultimate form of justice nothing less. That action alone would have saved the life of Jordan Davis. If he would have done that action, Jordan Davis would still be alive today. It is a shame that a child like Jordan Davis will not live longer than his parents. Michael Dunn has arrogance, deception, and a perverted sense of thinking. That is blatantly evident by his actions and his testimony on the stand. Injustices like the injustice against Jordan Davis exist worldwide. We have every right to stand up for our dignity and to fight evil via all legitimate means.

Many in the Tea Party love Thomas Jefferson. The more research I found about Thomas Jefferson, the more I realize how evil he was. His hypocrisies gave us the Civil War and the Tea Party. He was the lead author of the Declaration of Independence. For some of the Tea Party crowd, Thomas Jefferson redefined the U.S. Constitution as a means to incorporate the Southern slaveholders' hostility to a strong federal government. Jefferson was unique for his time in that he was skeptical of organized religion, believed in how art can enhance public places, was interested in the scientific fashion. Thomas Jefferson defended the South's barbaric slave system. 
At Monticello, he carefully calculated the monetary value of his scores of slaves, had the lash applied to boy slaves as young as 10, and apparently sexually exploited at least one and possibly other slave girls. His invention of states' rights was used by the racist to persecute African Americans via slavery, Jim Crow, the prison industrial complex, etc. Today, reactionaries uses states' rights as a means to try to curtail voting rights and pass other laws the disproportionately target blacks. Jefferson agreed to nullification. He established policies toward the Native Americans that led to their expulsion to the west of the Mississippi. The Trial of Tears talked about genocide. Yet, Jefferson is best known for writing in the early days of America’s War for Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson was a big slaveholder in Virginia. He viewed blacks as inferior to whites, which makes him a hypocrite. Jefferson also slandered black people in his racist literature like the Notes on the State of Virginia. Sally Hemmings was totally exploited by Thomas Jefferson. He exploited human slaves for his own financial benefit, which is very satanic and evil to say the least. We know that many Anti-Federalists like Patrick Henry and George Mason accepted slavery and wanted to maintain it. Many leading Federalists were abolitionists. Even Alexander Hamilton was much more progressive than Thomas Jefferson on many issues including slavery. Thomas Jefferson refused to join the abolitionist Amis des Noirs in Paris, France. Hamilton wanted the government to have the Constitution to have a strong central government. The Articles of Confederation were soon gone. Article I, Section 8 allows Congress to “provide for … the general Welfare of the United States” and grants Congress the power “to make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States.” This was beyond strict construction as Jefferson believed. And, despite the Constitution’s explicit reference to making federal law “the supreme law of the land,” Jefferson exploited the lingering resentments over ratification to reassert the states’ supremacy over the federal government. Often working behind the scenes – even while serving as Vice President under President John Adams – Jefferson promoted each state’s right to nullify federal law and even to secede from the Union. Jefferson opposed the Haitian rebellion in Haiti while Hamilton supported the Brother Toussaint L'Ouverture to free his people from French plantation owners. Jefferson, when he was President, used a blockade of Haiti that caused violence and poverty there. Jefferson tried to block the Northern efforts to block the spread of slavery into Missouri (under the guise of states' right), which refutes any notion that Thomas Jefferson was some strong liberal. The Tea Party's intense hatred of African American President Barack Obama is related to Thomas Jefferson's hatred of black people. The false victimhood of white Southerners back then continues to exist today among many white people. So, Thomas Jefferson is an intellectual father of the Tea Party movement and the antithesis of many of his words. 

I made a promise to myself and my God that I will defend my blood and black women. I will not break my promise to anyone on this Earth. The reality is that any human being should improve their lives. Humanity living now is not totally perfect. Constructive critique is fine among any human being. Yet, I reject brutal, unfair hatred and stereotypes. The reality is that an increasingly amount of black women are going natural. Many black women don't wear weaves. Also, some black women wear weaves for many reasons. Self-hatred is never gender restrictive and black females are the greatest allies of us black men in human history. Black women stood by us in the civil rights movement and in the black liberation movement. Black women were there when they fought alongside us black men period in the slave revolts and during anti-slavery movements. Black women were there when they cared for us as children and birthed us. So, Black women are special, strong human beings. Black women were there in defending our character in many other areas too. See, Ida B. Wells wrote in defense of us Black Men when we were harshly stereotyped as rapists and degenerates collectively by a white racist society (which still exists today). Angie Stone and tons of other Sisters defend us Brothers all of the time. So, tons of black women love their total being and their blackness. Also, many white people have extensions, have surgeries, get tans, and they to mimic our culture all of the time. So, that fact ought not to be ignored. This gender war foolishness should end and real unity should begin as a means to create solutions for black people. Black men should be respected and Black women should be respected too. Yes, dark skinned black people are strong just like my father. Dark skinned black people are beautiful like Lupita Amondi Nyong'o. Black is Beautiful in general as found in light, brown, and dark. Colorism is an abomination. A real, strong black woman is never jealous of a white woman in any shape or form POINT BLANK PERIOD EXCLAMATION POINT. So, we should focus on creating proactive, constructive solutions here. This is a disgraceful action by the Flushing Queens elementary school in epidemic proportions. Malcolm X never endorsed indiscriminate violence against all white people or against any human being. He said the following words in 1965: "... I mean just that. Whatever is necessary. This does not mean that we should go out and initiate acts of aggression indiscriminately in the white community. But it does mean that, if we are going to be respected as human beings, we should reserve the right to defend ourselves by whatever means necessary. This is recognized and accepted in any civilized society....We're not a cadre, nor do we want it to be felt that we want to be tough. We're trying to be human beings, and we want to be recognized and accepted as human beings. But we don't think humanity will recognize us or accept us as such until humanity knows that we will do everything to protect our human ranks, as others will do for theirs..." So, he believed in self defense, which is a common human right and it is part of common sense. Malcolm X is a key human being to learn about in us learning about true black history (not politically correct propaganda), because he spoke the truth strongly and without fear. One of his strengths was that he gave an honest appraisal of the evil conditions in society without compromise. He called it as it is. He wanted justice for black people and he opposed strongly Western imperialism overseas that stripped the mineral resources of the Motherland. He defended our late hero Patrice Lumumba, who courageously stood up against Western imperialists. He endorses love for our BLACKNESS. He stood up for black manhood and wanted a progressive society to give women education and their due respect. He allowed women to work in the OAAU. So, young kids should learn about Malcolm X. He never endorsed violence for the sake of violence at all. He endorsed nonviolence with those who are nonviolent with us and he agreed with self-defense against brutish racists. Other folks are right to mention that kids are forced to recognize the holiday of a terrorist like Columbus, but young kids are banned from showing the truth about our heroic Brother Malcolm X. Malcolm X was a black revolutionary and he loved the truth and he loved history. RIP to Brother Malcolm X. 

Many folks who worship capitalism show condescension, which is typical. Just because select, rich white people have ruled this country, doesn't mean that this country has been ruled fairly. See, folks have the right to resist evil in any nation and we should never be satisfied with the status quo period. I never said that all members of your white race should give up all of their possessions. I did mention that wealth stolen from human beings in this country via corporate interests and that wealth being returned to the people has nothing to do with theft. It has to do with justice. Some use extreme hypotheticals when it was NAFTA and other unfair trade deals that ruined jobs. See, how you can trust a system that doesn't work. The 2008 recession proved and documented that the status quo doesn't work. Wall Street has been exposed for its criminal action and not one Wall Street leader has been prosecuted for their negligent actions. Black people have every right to defend their interests. Black people have the right to make their grievances known and to fight for justice. Black people have every right to not believe in some fictional fairy tale that capitalism is perfect. Black people have every right to fight against white supremacy and defend their dignity, their honor, their history, and their culture period. Folks know full well what black people want. You talk about Mao and Stalin, but ignore how the Maafa, the imperialist actions for centuries, the various wars, etc. influenced directly or indirectly by capitalist mercantilists and other imperialists murdered millions of human beings as well. Black people want an end to the unfair disparities in the criminal justice system. Black people want a stronger fight against racism and discrimination in this country. Black people want economic fairness. Tons of black people want an end to imperialism and the War on Drugs (to be replaced with alternatives). Black people want a real fight against poverty and other solutions. Capitalism has its variations. Capitalism is not monolithic. Stalin and Mao (who was supported by David Rockefeller) followed a Stalinist version of Communism killing millions too. Stalin and Mao are wrong for being involved in genocides, but the multinational corporations involved in the Maafa were wrong too. The excesses of the Gilded Age were wrong as well. I don't endorse a Stalinist version of Communism. Eric Williams' book "Capitalism and Slavery" alone documents everything. We don't have to embrace Capitalism nor Communism to have our liberation as Dr. King said. There are alternative economic solutions that we can use to liberate us as black people. I will never respect an economic system that murdered millions of humans in the four corners of the Earth (spanning long centuries). At the end of the day, we need revolutionary solutions beyond just one program to cause genuine solutions in the lives of black people. We need an end to the War on Drugs and the War on terror. We need an end to income inequality and create ways to fight poverty and racism. We need to radically build up jobs by creating economic justice.

We know what the truth is. In embracing political independence, we must embrace the truth. When we look at the works of Dr. King and Malcolm X, we see their progressive thinking and their explicit critiques of capitalism and sympathy for Democratic socialism. Dr. King wrote Stride Toward Freedom, Where do we go From Here, Chaos or Community? where he expressed a pro-Labor perspective (with legitimate criticism of the bigotry found in many labor movements from the past). Dr. Martin Luther King was neither a Democrat nor a Republican. He was a Black revolutionary Christian. He was a militant foe of racism and of economic injustice. He saw that racism and capitalist economic oppressed are intertwined and he said so. There is the Testament of Hope document that documents his views. His April 4, 1967 speech on Vietnam was historical and document cogent arguments on his opposition to the Vietnam War. His last President address to the SCLC outlines his revolutionary thinking. Dr. Thomas F. Jackson's FROM CIVIL RIGHTS TO HUMAN RIGHTS: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR AND THE STRUGGLE FOR ECONOMIC JUSTICE outline his revolutionary views too. We know that he opposed certain politicians like Barry Goldwater (an opponent of the Civil Rights Act of 1964) and Ronald Reagan, because of obvious reasons. We have every right to reject white supremacy and white privilege. We should also the truth about the enemy. It is a fact that the FBI was engaged in efforts back then to suppress the Black liberation movement. They used efforts to disinform and disrupt the community and its efforts to liberate itself via the FBI's COINTELPRO program. Today, the FBI spies on folks, even peaceful organizations, all of the time. That is why we should reject the reactionary movement. We see the liberals in society too. One issue with the mainstream liberals of today is that they are too weak to fight the fascists and that is why revolutionaries are needed in the world too. Reactionaries are known for their own self-delusion. Fascism is a far right form of totalitarianism. We know that Brothers and Sisters who want to take on the legacy of our heroes and ancestors must return to popular insurgency against injustice. Dr. King's last struggle was the Poor Peoples Movement and the fight for economic justice. So, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a progressive and a revolutionary. He was blatantly confronting the status quo even beyond mainstream politics. So, we should end the dehumanizing evils of plutocracy and racism. We have every right to condemn militarism and imperialism in general. We have to champion human rights. We should be great voices for justice and understand the philosophy of democracy including other political systems. Our faith should not be totally placed in either of the two corporate parties.

 By Timothy

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