
Friday, October 25, 2019

Lessons about Reality.

This year is the 70th year anniversary of the Chinese Revolution. This Revolution existed after people had a legitimate grievance to overthrow capitalist exploitation and Western imperialist powers who exploited China for centuries. The Opium wars alone were about the British using drugs and war to oppress the Chinese people. Mao led the revolution to be a victory. I agree with Mao on some issues, and I obviously don't agree with Mao on other issues. China as it today came about in 1949. It was one of the most historic events in human history. China freed itself from Japanese imperialism after World War II and U.S. puppets like Chiang kai-shek (who had a dictatorship of the Kuomintang). The Agrarian Law of 1950 helped farmers. The 1950 Marriage Law allowed women to choose their own partners. Foot bending and concubinage were banned by the law too. Today, illiteracy is down greatly and life expectancy is higher than 60 years in China. Today, we can't say that China is totally socialistic. It has billionaires controlling the majority of the wealth. The poor in China are forced to live in crowded areas. Free speech is heavily restricted. There is massive social inequality. The one child policy is still real in China, and many independent religious minorities have been persecuted. Now, we have to understand what happened from 1949 to 2019. The fight for liberation is not new in China. Chinese workers fought the British when British municipal police in 1925 shot protesters in Shanghai. Mao allied with Stalin. Later, Mao compromised.

He worked with capitalists like Nixon as later China is integrated into global capitalism. Deng Xiaoping is the man who made market reforms. China's Maoists also allied with other reactionaries. Deng's market reforms caused social inequality, expansion of private enterprise, and corruption by bureaucrats. Then, in 1989, we saw Tienanmen Square protests where people wanted democratic rights. The working class wanted change and bureaucrats ended the protests in a bloody fashion. These problems weren't about socialism, but about Stalinism and bureaucratic corruption. Today, China is the 2nd largest economy on Earth with over 1 billion people. It is competing with America over global dominance over the world markets. While we shouldn't support the bureaucrats in China and the U.S. imperialists desiring the status quo. We should support Americans, Chinese people, and any people of any color who generally want justice and peace for all as a true goal.

Many House GOP members have stormed the impeachment inquiry the day after the bombshell testimony existed from ambassador William Taylor. Taylor's testimony was chronological, detailed, and filled with evidence. Now, we know that Trump did the act of trying to get dirt on Biden in exchange for the U.S. financial funding of Ukraine. We know that Trump did impeachable actions on many levels not only on the Ukraine issue. The question is what process will exist for impeachment to be taken against the President. Trump has lifted all sanctions on Turkey. The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Laura Cooper has testified behind closed doors. One federal judge ordered the State Department to release Ukraine records within 30 days.

The Upshur family has a long history. They originated from the Eastern Shore of Virginia. from there, many of the Upshur family migrated into Maryland, New Jersey, and as far north as New York state. My 5th great grandfather was Benjamin Brickhouse I. He was born in 1750. She married Polly Brickhouse (1760-?), and they had a child named Benjamin Brickhouse II (1791-1878). Benjamin Brickhouse was born in Northampton County, Virginia, and she married Eliza Collins (1805-?). Their children are Johnson Brickhouse (1826-?) and Benjamin Brickhouse. Johnson Brickhouse or my 3rd great grandfather was a member of the 9th Colored Infantry as being part of the Union during the Civil War. He was enlisted in 1863. Johnson Brickhouse married Julia Perkins (1835-?), and their daughter was Anna Eliza Brickhouse (1857-1921). Ann Eliza Brickhouse was my 3rd great aunt. She at first married James Burton Jr. (1848-1931) and later she married James Kelly (1846-?) on February 12, 1893 at Northampton County, Virginia.  Anna Eliza Brickhouse and James Burton Jr. had the following children: Juliet Brickhouse (1875-1972), Nollar Rosa Burton Upshur (1877-1961), Sadie Brickhouse (1880-1952), Virginia (aka Jennie) Burton (1883-1968), Isaac Burton (1885-1972), Preston Burton (1888-1957), David Burton (1890-1946), Margaret (Maggie) Burton (1887-?), David Burton (1887-?), and Henry Burton (1886-?). Anna Eliza Brickhouse had the following children with James Kelly: Lloyd S. Kelly (1894-?), Lillie Kelly (1894-?), Charles Kelly (1896-?), John Kelly (1902-?), and Helen Kelly (1898-?). Nollar Rosa Upshur was my 1st cousin. She was born on September 6, 1877 at Northampton County, Virginia. She married Ruben Benjamin Upshur on April 26, 1898 at Northampton County, Virginia. Their children are part of the Upshur family, and they are related to me. Nollar and Ruben Upshur had the following children: Ollief S. Upshur (1899-1995), James Velvet Upshur (1901-1975), Milton Alfred Upshur (1904-1977), Marrie Uprshu (1906-?), Eskie Upshur (1907-?0, Reuben Upshur (1909-1938), Curtis V. Usphur (1913-1984), Alice G. Upshur (1915-1938), Andrew Phillip Upshur (1915-1995), Baylise Upshur (1919-2014), Belle E. Upshur (1921-?), Evangeline Virginia Upshur (1921-1995), and Helen Burton Upshur (1926-2006). My 2nd cousin Andrew Phillip Upshur was born on April 21, 1915 at Exmore, Northampton, Virginia. She married Hazel Virginia Douglas on April 27, 1948 at Northampton County, Virginia. Andrew Phillip Upshur lived in New York state (in Buffalo) before his passing, and he was a member of the U.S. Army during World War II. Their child was Andrew Philip Usphur Jr. (who was born on April 5, 1954. He is my 3rd cousin. He is from Buffalo, NY). She married Teria Ashe Upshur . Andrew Upshur Jr. and Teria Upshur’s children are Jordan Upshur and Langston Upshur (these two children are my 4th cousins). 

Now, many people in the world are struggling against the system of oligarchy. It is no secret that the oligarchs benefit from war and austerity. Constantly, many people believe in the two extremes of American exceptional perfection and the other extreme of every American being irredeemable or permanently nefarious. In life, you see that America's imperfections can never be justified, while we recognize the fact of numerous Americans are trying to live up to the ideals of democracy, equality, freedom, liberty, and other attributes of justice. The mass media is capitalist driven, because most of the media in the Western world are run by capitalists. The problem with the moderates is that their centrism "consensus" leaves out the poor, the homeless, and other people among the oppressed. Dreaming big refutes the ideology of the moderates. It took big dreams to cause the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, sending humans to the Moon, and other policies. To solve these problems , we must dream courageously, organize plans, work with the people, and constantly never give up. The evils of imperialism, the evils of racism, and colonialism must be exposed too. Either power must be in the hands of the few or power should be in the hands of the people (and we need a redistribution of economic and political power). I believe in the latter view completely.

 By Tiothy

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