
Wednesday, October 23, 2019

We Live in a Very Historic Time.

We live in crossroads in our time in America. For the first time in decades, we could actually witness a President being impeached and possibly removed from office. There are private photos of an indicted Giuliani associate having close ties to Trump and his inner circle. We have whistleblowers outlined many sworn testimony about how Trump led the charge to use Giuliani and others to try to talk with Ukraine in attempting to bring dirt about the Bidens for political reasons. We have seen massive stonewalling by the Trump team. We have seen many in the Trump camp disregard subpoenas. There is a total capitulation among many GOP leaders to Trump's agenda filled with militarism, xenophobia, racism, and anti-democratic rights. While Trump administration's officials lie and call witnesses as having no credible, we have detailed notes and documents proving the corruption found in the Trump administration. Trump has lied that his opponents hate America. In one rally, he brags about wanting to remain President for 16 years which is impossible unless the Constitution is overthrown.

Trump is an authoritarian who believes that the executive branch should have supreme control of the country (which is against the separation of powers that states that all three branches of government are equal in power). That is why Florida Governor Ron Desantis ordered his political committee to return the $50,000 donation sent to him by a Giuliani associate. His Presidency didn't exist out of thin air. The massive economic inequality, oligarchy, racism, and corruption were pieces of the fuel for the rise of Trump. He was President by the undemocratic Electoral College not by the popular vote (as most Americans didn't vote for Trump in 2016). Trump's unconstitutional policies are clear. What is also clear is that it doesn't have to be this way. The rights of black people, immigrants, women, and all oppressed are important to preserved and enhanced.

One of the most offensive statements from Trump is that he compared the legal, constitutional investigation against him to a lynching. Immediately, many people criticized him, but Lindsey Graham from South Carolina supports Trump's statement. Graham is a neophyte and a disgrace. This investigation is no where near a lynching in any way shape or form. Lynching is the brutal murder of innocent men, women, and children via violent, murderous terrorism. Black people have been the victims of lynching for a long time. That is why people in the Civil Rights Movement and the black freedom movement worked so hard to eradicate lynching in America plus the world. That is why the African American National Museum of History and Culture exists in D.C. and the National Lynching Museum exists in the Deep South. They were formed to let us know that never again, and that black people deserve total justice without compromise.

Trump's statement is not only racist, but it trivializes the evil of lynching against African Americans. Trump knows what he is doing, since tons of people in Trump's base are stone cold racists. Now, CNN reported of their poll that as high as 50% of Americans want Trump impeached and removed from office. Only the Senate can remove Trump from office after the impeachment from the House. Graham should be ashamed of himself. The Washington Post reported that Russia and Hungary helped to sour Trump on Ukraine. The U.S. top diplomat William Taylor was told Trump wanted aid withheld until Ukraine said that it would investigate Joe Biden. William Taylor said that there was a direct line from Ukraine plot to Trump. His sworn testimony collaborates what many whitleblowers have said, and Giuliani is under investigation now.

One of the most important news is the statue of Eugene Bullard being placed at the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, Georgia. I heard of Eugene Bullard for many years now. He was the first black American fighter pilot of American history. He participated in World War I. He experienced massive discrimination as he lived during the early 20th century. Yet, he displayed courage and resiliency in his life. Harriett Bullard White or his distant cousin cried with tears of joy over his statue being displayed on October 9, 2019. The ceremony had members of the Air Force, Bullard's relatives, and the surviving members of the Tuskegee Airmen present. He was born in Columbus, Georgia. He came into Scotland and then to France to be part of the French Foreign Legion. He received his wings as a member of the Aéronautique Militaire in May 191. His ancestors came from Haiti. We know that the Haitians led the Haitian Revolution that freed them from tyranny. Eugene Bullard fought in World War II to defeat the Nazis at Orleans, France. Bullard received 15 decorations from the government of France. He was a true soldier, an advocate for civil rights (as he defended the right of Paul Robeson to speak, etc.), and he was a champion for freedom.

Nous croyons en la liberté. Le sacrifice des Afro-Américains et de tous les peuples épris de liberté est très important.

Je crois en la justice.

By Timothy

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