
Friday, November 15, 2019

Friday Updates in Mid November of 2019.

Nancy Pelosi has said that Trump's obstructing firsthand witnesses from testifying before impeachment committees is wrong. She also said that Trump is explicitly using bribery by abusing his oath by withholding military aid to Ukraine unless Ukraine investigate his political rivals for political purposes. Trump said that his call to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was perfect. Obviously, he's a liar. Ambassador Taylor and George Kent have shown conclusive, credible testimony in public and under oath. These witnesses are experts. Pelosi said that the bribe was about to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of an investigation. Many Democrats are using definitions of the crime that the Trump administration has done. Trump has done criminal actions, and he must be impeached as mentioned in the U.S. Constitution. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (who is a California Democrat) said that bribery is a potentially impeachable offense. This is different than what Nixon has done. Trump has tried to use a foreign nation to try to him benefit an election (and he has tried to force his cabinet to refuse to testify).

Stephen Miller should resign. He has promoted the Muslim ban and a lot of anti-immigrant policies, even in support of restricting legal immigration. There are Stephen Miller emails that reference to white nationalist and anti-immigrant views. The SPLC has released the emails to the public. They are from 2015 and 2016 that have Miller promoting white nationalist websites and views. Stephen Miller has communicated with Brietbart. Miller promoted a book called Camp of the Saints which is a racist book. It degraded migrants too. Stephen Miller influences the Trump administration on immigration policies. Many of the richest people on Earth desire not even a penny more in taxes of the super wealthy. That is the true shame. Many billionaires own a large part of America. The rise in the polls of Elizabeth Warren has caused many in the super wealthy class to flip out. FDR was so much for them that they tried to end his progressive New Deal plans. FDR helped to create Social Security, and back then Social Security was taboo. Today, you have plans for Medicare for all and a Green New Deal that billionaires like many in that class refuse to accept. As Biden trails in the polls in many areas, the elites can't stand it. The hypocrites yell about taxes, but taxes are legitimate when they are fair to invest in our future. Social inequality is an issue in this 2020 election whether people like it or not.

One person with one billion dollars can spend 1,000 dollars every day and their wealth won't run out for more than 2,700 years. Bloomberg claims to e on the cutting edge, but supported stop and frisk, cut social programs, laid off thousands of teachers in NYC, and doesn't agree with a wealth tax. Liars say that people want to demonize the rich. No, we just tell the truth about the rich. If you're rich, you must pay your fair share of taxation, or we will pass laws to get you pay your fair share of taxes. We have record economic inequality. The super wealthy pay a lower tax rate in federal, state, and local taxes than every other income group. The working class and freedom loving people should own the wealth of America.

One of the most important news in the Americas is the coup in Bolivia. Evo Morales isn't perfect, but he shouldn't be treated like this. He was overthrown, and a right wing Senator has declared herself President in defiance of the Constitution of Bolivia. The Senator's name is Jeanine Anez or the leader of the nation's right wing opposition party. She lacked the constitutionality required number of lawmakers to approve her appointment. Anez has a known history of making racist attacks against indigenous Bolivians. Morales (who is an indigenous man) has resigned under threat of the Bolivian military and police forces. Anez lacks a legislative quorum. Many people are opposed to this coup. Bolivia now is a very impoverished nation. It has the risk of civil war. Now Bolivian workers and others face armed troops and authoritarian forces. The police over there blocked the supporters of former President Evo Morales from going into the area of Congress at La Paz. Many people are resisting this coup. Trump celebrated the coup. He said that he wanted Venezuela and Nicaragua to be next to be forced to accept right wing government. It is no secret that imperialists from Washington, D.C. want Latin America and South America to be made in the image of Western imperialists. U.S. imperialism thrives on economic exploitation and war plus violence (just like the conquistadors' genocide against innocent, indigenous people thrived on exploitation centuries ago). Imperialism is antithetical to democracy, because imperialism is about the violation of human rights at the expense of the growth of oligarchy. Morales is part of the indigenous population. Therefore, we have to be clear about advocating independent people having their own freedom.

The impeachment hearings are in the public. This is a historic time that deals with the Democrats defending democratic institutions. Republicans are calling the hearing a sham and theatrical. Yet, a legal hearing is not a farce. The two witnesses involved today were Bill Taylor and George Kent. There has been new evidence tying President Trump to Ukraine meddling. Trump is clear that the Trump and Zelensky meeting was tied to the probes on the Bidens. Nunes was wrong to assume that Ukraine was involved in the 2016 election meddling. Taylor said that the actions of the White House trying to leverage security assistance wasn't normal. According to Taylor, Sondland said that Trump cares more about the Biden investigation than anything else. Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff was very clear that this hearing is about the preservation of checks and balances, of maintaining other democratic principles, and ensuring that future Presidents won't go down the road of Trump. Schiff said that the administration refusing to allow senior officials to testify before Congress is an abuse of power. There is no excuse for a sitting President to solicit aid from a foreign government to influence an election. Bribery is wrong and these acts are impeachable offenses. These witnesses are under oath saying these things. Without question, we live in very unique times.

By Timothy

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