
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Historic Times.

Today will be a very historic day. It will be a public impeachment inquiry hearing. Democrats promise that the first hour of each hearing will be a blockbuster. It is clear that Trump, Giuliani, and others are trying to use their influence to try to bribe Ukraine to give them dirt on the Bidens. Ever since this scandal came about, the reality of impeachment becomes more and more real. Tons of witness testimony have mentioned the corruption from the Trump administration and his allies. The whistleblower helped to stop the extortion scheme from really establishing itself. Trump almost fired the Intelligence Community Inspector General Atkinson, because he reported something to Congress. Trump didn't view Atkinson as loyal, but Atkinson is America's lawyer not Trump's lawyer. Innocent people don't threaten someone with firing. There is enough evidence to convict Trump for impeachment including obstruction of justice. We have been down this road before. There were Watergate hearings back in June of 1973. Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and Tim Morrison both listened to the phone call in July between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump is a person who breaks social norms, hates the separation of powers, rejects subpoenas, and believes in authoritarianism. He must be impeached and removed from office in my view. There is infighting in the Trump administration among Mulvaney and Pat Cipollone over the impeachment inquiry issue. Cipollone said that Mulvaney made things worst with his press conference. This comes before public hearings. Trump admitted that he wanted to find dirt on the Bidens. He lied and said that the investigation lacks due process.

It has been 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. It happened when I was in the first grade of elementary school. That event ended the Soviet communist domination of East Germany. Back in 1989, many people in Eastern Europe fought tyrannical regimes. Many people demanded democratic change and justice. The revolutions against the regimes of the Eastern bloc was powerful and real. They included the working class people fighting against the repressive class. The German Democratic Republic ended. Soon afterwards, Germany experienced reunification.

While Stalinism ended, new problems existed. Unemployment, renewed far right nationalism, and other evils still exist in some sections of Germany. Stalinism was wrong, since it endorsed a dictatorship of the SED and the East German Stasi police force that terrorized people in East Germany decades ago. Some believe in the myth that Stalinism was representative of socialism. What was going on with the USSR and satellite states were about areas being ruled by the small minority (while the working majority didn't experience democracy. They had exploitation and oppression). In those regimes, only a small minority had control over what happened in society. Today, international power is dominated by select banks and multinational corporations. So, the end of the Berlin Wall should be celebrated. Yet, we have a long way to go in our journey to freedom.

I knew it was a only a matter of time when that ADOS movement would implode in division. Now, we have Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore having a debate with Tariq Nasheed. You will notice that I don't support anyone of these 3 individuals for many different reasons. I don't support Tariq Nasheed, because of his misogyny. Tariq said that single black women shouldn't get reparations, he claims to be for black empowerment (but he has book glamorizing pimping women and PUA nonsense. Tariq criticizes IRs done by people with whom he disagrees with, but he brags on being attracted to Brooke Hogan and praises the flag of Europe. He's a hypocrite. One thing about me is that I'm not a hypocrite. I love black women romantically alone, but I don't disparage people who are in other relationships), he uses slurs against black people with whom he disagrees with, and he constantly lies about black history. I don't agree with Carnell or Moore because of their advocacy of ADOS, Carnell is wrong to call Pan-Africanism dead, and Moore is wrong for claiming that if a Nigerian person is a descendant of a slave trader, then he or she should pay black Americans reparations (which is nonsense as the vast majority of Africans had nothing to do with the Maafa). Moore (who supports Bryon Allen's lawsuit against Comcast. Comcast should be held accountable. Likewise, Allen is a partner to the Sinclair group which advances Trump talking points) said that self hating comment that he has more in common with a white American than a black African person.

I really didn't want to show this information in public, but truth is truth. Sometimes, you have to keep it real and show the truth in society. I do have my receipts. This liar Tariq Nasheed saying that Trump is providing tangibles for black Americans is the height of absurdity. This person Tariq went to Brazil to exploit women, but he has the nerve to claim to be for empowerment. There is a lot of tea on this man that I do know, but I won't reveal. So, Tariq Nasheed praised Donald Trump on economic opportunity zones knowing full well that economic opportunity zones benefit select multinational corporations, Trump is opposed to civil rights rights, he or Trump agrees with voter suppression policies, Trump promotes tax cuts to the super wealthy, and Trump is an overt racist. Moore and Carnell (who has ties to the far right, anti-immigrant group PFIR. That group was once funded by the late white racist nationalist John Tanton) criticized Nasheed on this issue, and now we are here with a massive debate. A divided kingdom can't stand. You saw reap what you have sown. ADOS has shown division, tension, and confusion. I will never support ADOS as I believe in black Pan African unity. Also, vote. Don't let anyone tell you that voting doesn't matter. The voter suppression laws in North Carolina, and in other states prove that voting matters. With the bickering among the false movements of ADOS and FBA, you see their fruits of hatred, division, and bigotry. One hypocrite has a film about the Haitian Revolution, but he scapegoats Afro-Caribbeans for criminal actions (which is highly bigoted), disrespects black women, and spews other bigoted rhetoric. Then, you have the duo of ADOS spewing deceptions like claiming that Pan-Africanism is dead when Pan-African chapters are worldwide today. I'm glad to support black Pan African unity. Pan-Africanism has stood the test of time after over a long time.

By Timothy

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