
Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A New Political Day.


We the people determines the composition of government not oligarchs or extremists. The people have spoken, and the majority of the American people want to end the Trump era. That era will end finally on January 20, 2020. While Trump supporters hypocritically lecture us on the law, they violate the law constantly. The Proud Boys illegally took down the BLM flags from churches in Washington, D.C. to burn them. These Proud Boys thugs vandalized black churches. It is similar to what happened in Germany during the 1930's against synagogues, but many conservatives heavily ignore this act of terrorism against black churches. Many of them stabbed people in D.C. streets too. Trump allowed the police to tear gas and beat peaceful protesters during the summer of 2020. Many GOP political leaders tried to stop mail in voting in Texas and in other states. They failed. 

Now, we have a new Biden administration on the horizon. Some want to go back to normal. I'm glad that Biden has won the election, but we don't need a return to "normal." We need revolutionary change. Here is the reason why we don't want normal. For the past 40 years, there has been a rise of economic inequality, stagnant wages, and the status quo. The GOP leaders have advanced hatred and divisions. Even some centrist Democrats decades ago promoted NAFTA, welfare reform, and the crime bill that ruined millions of American lives. The pandemic now is harming black people, other people of color, and the poor in disproportionate levels. Decades of redlining, systematic racism, gentrification, harm to the social safety net, environmental degradation existed in Trump's time and before. Today, America is the only industrialized nation on Earth without universal health care. This reality must change. It won't be changed by moderation. It must be changed by bold actions. Changing course is important. It is moral and commonsense to address these problems. We want justice for Breonna Tyloar and George Floyd. We have to defeat racism and economic oppression regardless if a Democrat or Republican is President. We want BIPOC people to have liberation, and we desire all in the human family to have true freedom.


In recent years, more and more people are talking about Afro-Latino people. That is a good thing, because many human beings don't know too much about Afro-Latino culture or history. They have existed in the Americas for centuries. They have been abolitionists, political leaders, athletes, lawyers, various scholars, musicians, and other contributors to society. Also, they are black people just like me. Many years ago, I read a book from Henry Louis Gates describing much of Afro-Latino people that certainly interested people including me. Since I have an inquisitive mind, I did my own research too. The largest number of Afro-Latino human begins are found in Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, and other locations. In Brazil, people like Pele, Zezé Motta, Nene, and Benedita da Silva made long lasting contributions to society. Celia Cruz, Lola Falana, Laz Alonzo, Nancy Morejón, and Gina Torres are of Afro-Cuban descent. Afro-Colombians like María Isabel Urrutia, Piedad Córdoba, Raul Cuero, and other people represent Black Excellence to the fullest. When you get older, many folks open their eyes to see a fuller representation of the truth. Tons of Afro-Latino people live in America too. As an African American, we have every right to learn and to grow in consciousness. Afro-Latino human beings are always my Brothers and my Sisters.


There is a story that Russia hacking the DHS, the State Department, the National Institute of Health via sophisticated means. The cyberattacks have breached email accounts across the U.S. federal government. Also, Russia was caught in a cyberattacks against other government agencies too. Many people love Putin (even those claiming to be "progressives"), because they claim to be against imperialism. I have no problem with being against imperialism in any manifestation, but Putin is no hero. Putin is not a socialist. He is a capitalist nationalist with links to Russian oligarchs (many of them oligarchs have been exposed to have participated in notorious scandals). In Russia, there is right wing extremism and racism. In Russia, many Russian opposition political leaders were victims of poisonings, harassment, and even death. Russia is notorious for meddling in the 2016 election, and places bounties on U.S. troops. Putin has policies that violate democratic rights, even religious liberty rights as Russia limits evangelism. In America, we have the First Amendment where religious expression is protected. So, Putin is no freedom fighter. He's a thug, and a sick person.

Today is a very monumental, historic day for the United States of America. After this long journey, the electoral college with its electors will confirm Joseph Biden and Kamala Harris as the winners of the 2020 Presidential election. As this goes onward, we have seen far right wing extremists use violence on Saturday night days ago. We have seen Trump and his allies make a mockery of the law and democracy by issuing the slander that widespread voting fraud existed. Trump is a notorious enemy of freedom by his policies and actions. Far right extremist hypocrites lecture us on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but they make it their duties to try to invalidate the results of a constitutional, legal election. Trump has cursed out peaceful NFL protesters, he has tried to ease libel laws, he eliminated the Iran nuclear deal, he has refuse to promote diversity education on racial justice in schools, and he has made bigoted remarks for decades. Many Proud Boys tore down a BLM flag from a church. Some of them were violent displaying racist epithets in D.C., and they are allied with Trump at the White House. Many Trump supporters have threatened violence over voter certification.   The electors made the right choice to make Biden the winner. The victory was heavily made by black people who defeated the odds in many areas of this nation. Efforts by the GOP to eliminate mail in ballots and restrict basic voting rights has failed to make Trump get a 2nd term. The election of 2020 is over. Now, we have to deal with the Georgia Senate campaign. If the Democrats win both seats, then the Senate will be mostly Democratic. That is why we have to be vigilant and defend our democracy like always. Breaking news is that Attorney General William Barr has resigned (he will step down on December 23, 2020). Jeff Rosen will be the acting attorney General. Bill Barr will go down as one of the most controversial Attorney Generals in history. Just because this has happened, Trump criticized Barr for saying that he didn't find any widespread fraud of the 2020 election. Trump complained about Barr didn't reveal investigations in public. Barr is the person who is leaving before a new President and a new Vice President comes into office. Barr is a terrible Attorney General. He did nothing when innocent protesters were assaulted in D.C., with batons including tear gas, and he did nothing when police brutality still continues to go on.
By Timothy

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