
Friday, December 18, 2020

Important Topics on Late December 2020.


One of the big news story is how the Russian cyberattack targeted Energy Department's Nuclear Weapons agency. The information from that agency was breached. Trump is silent on these attacks like usual. It shows that Trump has negated his responsibility to defend America. Even some leftists view Russia as some heroic state. Russia is state dominated by corrupt, capitalist interests. Even Jill Stein was wrong to have dinner where Putin was present. Putin is not heroic. Putin is a far right wing nationalist capitalist. He has passed laws that violated democratic rights and evangelism. Putin has allied with many oligarchs in Russia. Putin has allowed nefarious spies in trying to infiltrate many institutions of American society. Anna Politkovskaya, who courageously opposed Putin’s war in Chechnya, was mysteriously murdered. The common lie among Putin supporters is that if you criticize Putin, then you want an invasion of Russia or imperialism. That is a lie as we reject a military invasion of Russia (as some neo-cons advocate). We desire Russia to embrace true liberation, and Putin to be held accountable for his authoritarianism and corrupt actions. No nation on Earth is immune from legitimate critique. Many hypocrites lecture others on the evils of American imperialism (American imperialism should be criticized), but they are silent on the abuses of power done by the person by the name of Putin. Putin's evil has nothing to do with every Russian person. It has to do with a select number of evil people who embrace far right nationalism at the expense of human freedom.


The recent raid of Anjanette Young's home in Chicago shows the disrespect of the human dignity of black people. Young barely survived in the raid, and she experienced brutal trauma. There is no excuse for what happened to her. She was not a criminal, and the police targeted the wrong house. After the police wanted her to not release the tape of her arrest, the tape was released. Even the White House counsel warned Trump not to fire Christopher Wray or FBI Director, because that would give the impression of a loyalty test. The reality is that Trump does have a loyalty test for the people he decides to appoint. Trump wants to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden. Barr refused to have it done. That is one reason why Barr resigned. Trump wants Barr's replacement to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, because Trump hates Joe Biden. 


Days ago was the Birthday of Sister Cindy Birdsong, and she is 81 years old. She had a solo career, and she was part of the legendary Supremes group during 1967 plus beyond. Before being part of the Supremes, she was in the Patti LaBelle and the Bluebelles. She was born in Mount Holly, New Jersey. She lived in Philadelphia and Camden, New Jersey. Camden is just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia. She wanted to be a nurse at first. Later, she came back into Philadelphia to be part of the music industry. She was in the Ordettes group. In the music world, Philadelphia is known for its soul groups like The Stylistics, the Three Degrees, and The Delfonics. The Bluebelles had their hit of I Sold My Heart to the Junkman in 1962. The Bluebelles and the Supremes wore similar outfits on stage. The Bluebelles were friends with Philly native Tammi Terrell. Birdsong worked for the Supremes, at the UCLA Medical Center as a nurse, and worked at Motown too. She made the song of Dancing Room in 1987. She sang with Patti Labelle during the 1980's. Also, she sang with Mary Wilson, and Kelly Rowland to celebrate the Supremes' legacy in 2004. Now, she lives in the Los Angeles area, and she has one son. I wish Sister Cindy Birdsong more blessings. 

This is an important topic to discussion, because some want us to be silent on these people. Some want us to ignore them, but they have a large following among our community unfortunately. They spew not only misogyny and disinformation. They also promote divisions in our community based upon nationality, sex, income, and background in general. Some of them even want to promote the FBA or the ADOS movements which are explicitly xenophobic and desire to divide black people based upon nationality. Therefore, I can't be silent on these fraudulent individuals. One person who is part of the new generation of deciever is a fraud named Kevin Samuels. I didn't know who this person is at first. I did my research to find that not only does he promote the PUA/red pill dating nonsense. He is a person who is known to make women cry because of his sexist words. He is like Tommy Sotomayor who has a platform to bash black women and follow the evil of colorism. Kevin Samuels readily has no class in mocking or disrespecting many of his callers to his show, he was twice divorced, and claims to date women under 25. Kevin Samuels' views are disturbing, archaic, and inaccurate. Tariq Nasheed is a person who is a liar and a hypocrite. Nasheed mocked John Lewis in offensive terms, he claims that massive voting fraud existed in Georgia (which is false), and he mocks IRs that he doesn't approve of but his mother in law is a white woman. Tariq released a film about the 1804 victory of Haitians against French imperialists, but he regularly mocks Caribbeans including Haitians on many occasions. Umar Johnson talks about Pan-Africanism (which I do agree with), but he recently said that women are not putting in the work which is a lie. Umar has many scandals from money for his school to child support issues. The common denominator among these Hoteps is that they refuse to call for a radical redistribution of wealth involving housing, economics, political power, and other things in order to see liberation. They refuse to promote long term solutions for our communities. They lecture us on tangibles, but they have no tangible policies to address income inequality, police brutality, homelessness, poverty in general, or other important issues but set up some businesses. There is nothing wrong with growing businesses, but solutions include much more than that. You have to confront the 1 percent and their power structure, you have to stop economic inequality, and you have to develop means to eradicate racism internationally. So, we should follow real black scholars like Solomon Comissiong, Michelle Alexander, Christina M. Greer, Dr. Eddie Glaude, and other Brothers and Sisters who are experts.


Days ago was the Birthday of the legendary singer Sister Lalah Hathaway, and she is 52 years old. Soul always encompasses her outstanding legacy as an artist. She is the daughter of the legend Donny Lathaway. Also, she won 5 Grammy awards. Chicago is the place of her birth. Lalah Hathaway has been a musician, a songwriter, a record producer, and an arranger. She can play the piano too. Her first album was Hathaway in 1990. By 1994, she released the album called A Moment. Joe Sample was the person she worked with on the album The Song Lives On in 1999. Her most successful album was in 2008 with Self Portrait. During this year of 2020, she is working on her studio album entitled, "L.A.L.A.H. rebirth." Lalah Hathaway also worked with musicians like Mary J. Blige, Marcus Miller, Take 6, Meshell Ndegeocello, Sandra St. Victor, Nona Hendryx, Joyce Kennedy, Indira, Simone, and The Winans. She has wrote songs, produced, and sang background vocals for many musicians. Her gift is that she can show a multiphonic singing voice. Lalah Hathaway invests in time to promote The Circle of Promise. She has raised money on her tours and record sales to fight breast cancer, especially within the African American community. Like her father, she is a legend and an icon of music. I wish Sister Lalah Hathaway more blessings.


By Timothy


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