
Friday, November 12, 2021

End of the Weeks News.



We have seen the terrible aftermath of the Astroworld festival disaster. This event came where 8 people died and hundreds of people were injured via trampling and other events. The performance was led by the hip hop artist Travis Scott. The grounds were overcrowded and escape routes were blocked. What happened in Houston was sad and terrible. Many people had suffocation and trampling. The chaos dragged on for over 1 hour. People screamed and begged people to helped them. People were bleeding out of the mouth and nose. Many red flags existed for months. There is no doubt that Scott bears much responsibility, but one man alone isn't responsibility for this situation. Concert organizers were warned about the threat of deaths plus injuries. Earlier in the day, people overpowered security and broke down a gate. This allowed hundreds of people to run into the festival without a ticket and without a security check. 

The chief of the Houston police even told Scott that there was a potential for violence. The organizers, authorities, and the performer minimized the threat of a disaster. Scott kept the show going after saying that ambulances were here for the injured. It's bigger than one man. This disaster is the outcome of a whole societal, structure problem in the world. We have seen buildings collapsing, floods, and corporate exploitation. Texas alone has 4.2 million pandemic cases, and Greg Abbott promoted herd immunity instead of authentic solutions to deal with the spread of the virus We shouldn't embrace a radical individualism that has a sole concern with ourselves without concern to the collective power of the community. That is why we reject unjust violence, greed, and other evils. We certainly desire change to enrich the lives of human beings.


The case of the person Kyle Rittenhouse have been very bizarre with the Kenosha acting more like a defender of Kyle than an unbiased judge. The reality is that Kyle gotten illegal guns and killed many people. Kyle is a right ring extremist vigilante. He took the stand in trying to defend his acts of murdering 2 people and seriously injuring a third human being. This happened during the anti-police brutality protests at Kenosha, Wisconsin on August 25, 2020. The Kenosha Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder intervened many times to block questions that would refute Rittenhouse and his defense team words about "self-defense." The judge yelled at the Kenosha Assistant District Attorney Binger, "Don't get brazen with me!" This came after a defense motion for a mistrial. Rittenhouse admitted in trial that he shot his first victims 4 times when the person was unarmed. 

Also, Judge Schroeder excluded all the evidence of Rittenhouse's political and ideological motivations. The protesters came to protest the police shooting of the 29 year old black man Jacob Blake by Kenosha police officer Rusten Sheskey. Rittenhouse gathered his AR-15 style assault rifle to join other far right vigilantes who banished their guns at the protesters. Rittenhouse supported President Donald Trump. He is an associate of the terrorist Proud Boys group. The Proud Boys were involved in the 1/6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Rittenhouse shown white power signs at a meeting with top Proud Boys leaders too. This evidence was banned by the judge to be heard by the jury. One man accused Rittenhouse of pointing a gun at him. Even some in the corporate media (not just FOX News) are trying to defend the brazen racist killer Rittenhouse.

President Joe Biden recently gave a speech at Baltimore to celebrate the new infrastructure law. He wants electric plants to deal with electric vehicles. This new law is one of the greatest achievements of the Biden administration. Also, we know that DHS warns that extremists seek violence against members of Congress, schools, and health officials. Even some GOP voters for the infrastructure bill have been given death threats. These sick people are against any governmental intervention to help humanity. Trump is another person who promoted violence for years. Trump praised neo-Confederates, advances the big lie about the 2020 election, and came out to support other evil people like Bannon. Also, we need social infrastructure like paid family leave, living wages, universal pre-K education, Medicaid expansion, and other benefits to human beings.

By Timothy

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