
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

It's Time for Facts.



One of the most important issues of our time is the conditions at Howard University. We know that Howard University is one of the most well known HBCUs on Earth. Yet, students have legitimately protested over deplorable living conditions in dorms and other locations. There is no excuse for the richest nation in the history of the world to have college students experiencing decaying walls, lax resources, and bad treatment of human beings. Even Debbie Allen said that students should be heard. This is why students have occupied Howard University’s Blackburn Center to demand change. Mold, asbestos, and insect infestations have ruined many locations where students sleep at. Protesters want Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick convene a school-wide town hall meeting to discuss student and alumni representation on the Howard board of trustees, improved living conditions and freedom from legal and academic repercussions for student protesters. The students want better Wi Fi, better mental health services, and better  financial aid assistance. Corvias is the firm that students say did a terrible job in establishing maintenance of services at Howard University (which is in Washington, D.C.). Students should never be scapegoated for what is going on in the cafeteria too. There is a social inequality or class element where students and faculty suffer while the administration in many cases live in luxury.


There is news about Arizona Rep. Paul Gosar (who is a Republican) who tweeted out a 90 second amine video which his face is superimposed as a hero slaying a giant with the giant's image superimposed with Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's face on it. There is a flying in the air with 2 swords towards the image bearing the visage of President Joe Biden. This is sick from Gosar, whose own relatives said that Gosar is a stone cold racist. Gosar and his team tried to justified this sickness as just a joke. Threatening the lives of a Congresswoman and the President of the United States of America is never a joke. Any other co-worker in any other job would be fired immediately for doing something like that. So far, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy is silent, because he is a coward. People in the House and Senate have been threatened with violence frequently during this year alone. Even some of the 13 House Republicans who voted for the infrastructure bill by been threatened by extremists now. 


Carville's views on wokeness is not only ignorant but silly. It's the complete view of moderate who care more for class reductionism, the status quo, and appeasing white racists' fears about change than justice for all of humanity. That is the truth. Treating any human being with dignity and respect is not some burden. It is a commonsense action of respect and generosity. Not to mention that treating people with dignity doesn't cost a thing. The situation is that viewing all people as being created equal is key in building up a more just society. James Carville's lie is easily refuted by mentioning that Terry McAuliffe never promoted a woke campaign in Virginia. He was barely in mostly black and brown areas in Virginia. He never promoted a revolutionary campaign but a centrist one. The Republicans lie about CRT that galvanized moderates (who hide their hatred of anti-racism education) to vote for a radical far right Republican who is Glenn Youngkin. Far too often, when many criticize "wokeness," they are using that as a code word to attack the interests of black people (and minimizing the pain and stories of all marganlized peoples). The censorship agenda in the Internet is very real. When I am on Youtube making comments without profanity or offensive language, my words have been increasingly being censored. So, anyone that tells you that there is no censorship in the Net is wrong. That is why I believe in net neutrality. While social media is being scapegoated, you have real issues being ignored from imperialism to the corporate domination of resources.


Kanye West recently was on another pro-Trump rant by criticizing people who backed Biden. Yet, Trump is overt with his sexism, racism, and xenophobia. Trump bragged about abusing women, cursing out peaceful protesters, and promoting the big lie. So, Kanye West ignoring that reality. He's a hypocrite. Kanye represents his abhorrent political views under the guise of "free thinking." Many of these free thinking types are just far right extremists who try to justify their extremism and lie under the banner of "independent thinker." Kanye said the lie that Black History Month is just about slavery and showing how oppressed we are as black people. Black History Month in actuality is about celebrating the accomplishments of black people globally and how we overcome oppression to make huge contributions in the world. This traitor said that racism must end where we must not put black in front out it. Sorry, I'm glad to put black involving my identity, because I am black. I am black and beautiful. Then, Kanye has the nerve to say that he's for the people. He isn't for the majority of the people, but a select few of the oligarchy. I always find these new type of sellouts always want to deemphasize blackness, but they want to seek social acceptance from white racists like Trump.


Yesterday was the birthday of a late icon. We remember her from many movies. Also, she was a civil rights activist, and a human being who worked so hard to make sure that future black American actresses would gain opportunities from Taraji P. Henson to Angela Bassett. She was born in the Midwest at Cleveland, Ohio. Her childhood was filled with trauma and excellence. During her youth, he sang and danced as part of the The Dandridge Sisters. Back in those days, black people had to be the jack of all trades just to get into the door. It's like that today too. She loved to perform at the Cotton Club and at the Apollo Theater. She lived in California too. Later, she worked in TV appearances and movies. The Harlem Globetrotters movie featured her in 1951. In 1953, she starred in Carmen Jones, which is a movie about WWII era African Americans filled with romance, love, jealousy, and ultimately tragedy. It was part of her signature films. Her underrated films include Bright Road, Malaga, and Porgy and Bess. Dorothy Dandridge promoted the cause of civil rights by standing up for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, working with the National Urban League including the NAACP. Racism never stopped her talent. She lived a life filled with excitement and realism. Halle Berry's Introducing Dorothy Dandridge gave tribute to her life and profoundly inspiring legacy. I have watched the movie before too. As a singer, Dandridge never was anemic. She displayed outstanding vocal ability. In the end, Dorothy Dandridge never lived to see so many black actors and black actresses having massive contributions in society. Yet, she always envisioned that world where Black Excellence in acting would be widespread in a global fashion. Even in 2021, we have a long way to go, but the future certainly gives us hope and a determination to make it better than the past. We honor the late heroes who laid a foundation for us. Dorothy Dandridge was a beautiful black soul whose gifts, work, and triumphs made the world better truly.

 Sweet Dreams Dorothy Dandridge.

By Timothy


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