Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Rape Syndicate by Victor Thorn


The Rape Syndicate

by Victor Thorn

Imagine you’re living in a neighborhood, and you know something evil is going on, but you can’t quite put your finger on it.So you start investigating, and soon realize that women are getting raped inside their homes on a continual basis. This discovery horrifies you; but it gets worse because you find out that the rapes are being committed by an organized crime syndicate which has become very powerful over the years.Luckily, after delving deeper into this mess, you locate a group of people that are – at least on the surface – trying to stop the sexual predators. Called the Anti-Rape Movement (ARM), you finally have hope that the monsters in your midst can be stopped.To learn more about the serial rapists, you start buying some of ARM’s books and videos, while listening to their daily radio broadcasts on the Internet.

Quickly, you’re inundated with information about the rapists' sordid past, how they operate, the key figures in their organization, and how there are also similar cretins in other villages and states around the country.After a few months of intensive research, you know a great deal about the rapists; so one day you attend an Anti-Rapist Movement (ARM) meeting and say: “Y’know, there are a lot of people who know about these sickos that are raping our women. I think it’s time we actually DO something to stop them.”But much to your dismay, a group of ARM representatives step to the podium and say, “Hold on a second. We don’t actually want to STOP the rapists. We just want to talk about stopping them.”

Flabbergasted, you ask, “Why?”“Don’t you see?” a fast talking man who resembled (and sounded like) a deranged televangelist explained. “We make our living off of the Rape Syndicate. Most of us don't have jobs in the outside world, so every penny we rake in comes from talking about these criminals. In effect, our very lives depend on the Rape Syndicate. If we did something and actually got rid of the problem, we couldn’t bilk any more money out of the people. That means selling no more videos, books, or having people subscribe to our pay-per-view websites.”Filled with disbelief, you blurt, “So, you don’t want to solve the problem?”“No!” the fast talking snake-oil salesman from ARM growled. “Plenty of us have been talking about the Rape Syndicate for ten, twelve, even fifteen years now. All we want to do is have people tell other people about the perverts so they’ll give us more of their money and we can continue to support our lifestyles and not have to get real jobs.”“But when are we going to get organized and try to solve the actual root problem and stop the rapists?” you ask.“Never!” the sideshow barker proclaimed, pulling wads of money from his pocket.

“The only thing we’re here to do is keep you contained in a box so that nothing ever gets accomplished. And if you keep filling people’s heads with crazy notions about organization and action, or telling them we’re pulling a massive con-job on them, then we’ll get a few mobsters from the Rape Syndicate to rape you too!”At that point everything became clear. The Rape Syndicate and ARM worked hand-in-hand with each other, and they used the exact same techniques to keep people quiet and contained.They were mirror images of the pigs in George Orwell’s Animal Farm that purported to be on the side of good, but behind-the-scenes were every bit as corrupt as what they were supposedly rebelling against. In fact, ARM was on the same team as the Rape Syndicate, just like Skull & Bonesmen George Bush and John Kerry. Plus, whenever a person that wasn’t brain-dead actually spoke up, ARM unleashed one of their attack dogs on them – just like the Rape Syndicate.They were all the same – the rapists and the fake anti-rapists – and they maintained a symbiotic relationship with each other – just like the CIA and the Mafia.And guess what. If you looked into the future five or ten years from now, the same ARM figureheads and money-hungry scam artists would still be TALKING about the Rape Syndicate, while continually babbling like an infomercial buy my video buy my video --- and not a damn thing would ever get done about the actual problem.Talk talk talk … it’s all a big con job to keep you contained and “in your place,” while bilking whatever money is left that hasn’t already been stolen by the Rape Syndicate extortionists.

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