Fall is almost over in early December. Imus is back on the radio again. Time will tell if he will say controversial comments or not. As for controversy, CAIR (a prominent Islamic group) is targeting Michael Savage's advertisers. The reason is that Savage criticized CAIR as almost equivalent to a terrorist funding organization. CAIR's chairman of the board, Omar Ahmad, was cited by a California newspaper in 1998 declaring the Quran should be America's highest authority. He also was reported to have said Islam is not in America to be equal to any other religion, but to be dominant. I believe in free speech. I don't agree with Savage on every issue, but he has the freedom of speech to say what he wants on the airwaves. It's hypocritical for some liberals to lecture us on freedom, but want the freedom of speech suppressed in certain instances. MSNBC is obsessing with Mormon and say be tolerant. This is silly. Does MSNBC believes that we must be tolerant of racism, pedophilia, or terrorism? Of course not. Mormonism is a threat to society. In Mormonism doctrine, they seek to create Zion in American society (i.e. We must herald Jesus Christ coming back into America to set up his kingdom is contrary to Scripture). So, I'm not tolerant of all concepts and issues. This is similar to Will Smith's recent statements calling Scientology as similar to Christianity. He is so wrong since Scientology accepts the view that aliens over 70 million years ago created the Earth. Also, it teaches that matter is evil and we are trapped in a prison planet (related to Gnosticism). Its founder L. Ron Hubbard said degatory comments about Christians and was even criticized by his own son. So, Scientology is no where near similar to Christianity. Folks are talking about Ellis Island. Ellis Island harbored a large part of immigrants into America. It transformed America in acquiring the talents of those in Europe, the Caribbean, and other places around the world. I do believe that Ellis Island should be a historical landmark and preserved. This relates to immigrants. The truth of the matter, I'm all for legal immigration. Yet, all immigration must be done the right and we must oppose illegal immigration. Also, I don't believe in quotas or population control since illegal immigration is enough to oppose (with the Census recently saying that over 30 million illegal immigrants are here now) via deportation of felons who are illegal immigrants, seucring our border, plus other actions. I will say these following comments. Many immigrants are upstanding people. Many Hispanic immigrants are patriotic, God fearing, and nice individuals. Therefore, I don't believe in demonizing immigrants unfairly.
2008 is coming up soon. Time is going fast. Well, my core convictions are still perserved like concrete. Thomas Brejcha, an attorney with the pro-life Thomas More Society law firm in Chicago, help fired an Illionois police officer for cursing, assaulting, and harrasing female pro-life demonstrators. These teaches the lesson that harrashment will never silence the truth of the inhumanity and degenerate act of abortion. Roe v. Wade was an federal take over endorsing killing the unborn and an increasing number of Americans are opposing that decision, especially the young generation like me. The missing links are coming forward in the globe. For example, it's been discovered that the aggressive Blackwater company in Iraq is influenced by Knight of Malta Schmitz. Therefore, the SMOMs still have a lot of corporate power controlled by the Vatican (who help created a multiple of Secret Societies from Scottish Rite Freemasonry to Opus Dei and the Knights of Columbus. The Vatican killed Waldensians, Lollards, Tyndale, the Serbs in WWII, and others for a long time) to try to control as much people and power as possible. It isn't just the Vatican. The City of London (with its Mayors and the Pilgrim Society. The Black Nobility Royals are involved in this), Bilderbergers, and high level Freemasons still have immense power controlling high level political decisions globally. They are the ones controlling the central banks creating monopolies (i.e. shipping jobs overseas, they help create the Federal Reserve bank in the USA sending fiat money with little value, lowering the standard of the dollar, etc.). Jason Bergreen on December 3, 2007 wrote about another incident of a taser gun. An Utah police officer tasered a person who he percieved was an immediate threat, but there is no evidence that the person had a weapon on himself. You Tube from
Tuesday on December 4, 2007 reported on a man tasered multiple times for being drunk. He was beaten before it happened. Think Progress on Tuesday at December 4, 2007 reported on FOX refusing to air an ad about Constitution Rights. The Center for Constitutional rights created the ad about rendition, torture, and Gitmo. FOX said that they want documentated where the Constitution is being destroyed when evidence is all around (i.e. The evidence is how Patriot Act was illegally used against an innocent scientist, how militarized VIPER police illegally gaurd our streets in urban areas, Constitutional scholars said that the USA Military Commissions Act affects US citizens, random searches, Bush White House offical John Yoo wanting to torture baby's private parts, the epidemic of police brutality occuring in America plus across the world reported by even Paul Craig Roberts, and the Pentagon caught spying on domestic peace group without warrants). That's real. So, FOX should stop that censorship. New information is that not only Robert Baer of the CIA called 9/11 a possible inside job. An Italian ex-President Francesco Cossiga (he had a role in the creation of Operation Gladio. Gladio was about using NATO to perform terror attacks against supposedely "anti-Communist" targets) said that 9/11 was an inside job also. The 911 Truth Movement is here to stay without capitulation. There are those Neo-Cons want an Empire. Historically, when you attempt to have an empire (with the complexities of war, money, international bases, etc.) you will fall sooner or later. It happened to the Babylonians, the Greeks, and especially the ancient Roman Empire (Later the Germanic tribes conquered Western Roman Empire by 476 AD. when Rome once utilized them to protect their frontiers of Gaul and southern Germany). I also many years ago was made aware of the dangers of MSG in our foods (Flouride, a known toxic is in much of out water supply. The Nazi popularized using that to dumb down and harm the victims of the Holocaust). On that note, we should take notice and care of our health. A lot of folks enjoy a message of freedom without Big Government, without the Patriot Act, not getting along with IRS, accept legitimate civil liberties, wanting to immediately end the Iraq War (with many military bases being built and the nation divided divided as planned by the CFR. Frankily, the Iraqis should decide the fate of their own nation regardless of what kind of legitimate government they choose), and having our privacy perserved and enchanced. Late Fall is here and winter is coming in a couple of weeks.
By Timothy
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