Friday, February 01, 2008

American Academy of Pediatrics Unleashes Hysterical Attack on Fictional Television Show about Vaccine / Autism Link

American Academy of Pediatrics Unleashes Hysterical Attack on Fictional Television Show about Vaccine / Autism Link

Mike Adams
Natural News
Friday February 1, 2008

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has gone ballistic over a fictional television program airing on ABC that shows a family successfully suing a vaccine manufacturer for their child's autism. Not satisfied to push dangerous vaccines onto children in the real world, the AAP now feels it must also control the thoughts and ideas of people living in fictional worlds by pressuring television networks to censor their programming. Only television shows that conform to the pro-chemical, pro-pharmaceutical, pro-vaccine point of view will be tolerated by the AAP, it seems.

A letter signed by AAP President Renee Jenkins warns ABC that it will "will bear responsibility for the needless suffering and potential deaths of children from parents' decisions not to immunize based on the content of the episode." This is tantamount to saying that ABC's
television program will kill children! The AAP letter goes on to state the usual conventional medicine propaganda line that there is "no evidence" of any link between vaccines and autism.

Of course, that's only true if you limit your "evidence" to whatever dogmatic beliefs are currently being circulated in the minds of the promoters of western medicine. To these
doctors, there's no such thing as a dangerous injection, drug or synthetic chemical! It's all safe for children: Mercury fillings, chemical fluoridation of water supplies, 37 different vaccine injections, antibacterial soap in children's toothpaste... need I go on? The American Academy of Pediatrics seemingly hasn't met a corporate-sponsored chemical it didn't like.

(Article continues below)

Why the AAP has no credibility

This is the same association, you have to remember, that pushes ADHD drugs like Ritalin onto children. Children who show "symptoms" of ADHD (a fictitious disease invented by the drug companies) should not be treated with nutrition, according to the AAP. They should be treated with amphetamines that used to be sold on the street as "speed." (ADHD drugs are amphetamines.) Is this a children's health organization that parents should really trust?

Consider this: The 2002 cover of the American Academy of Pediatrics breastfeeding guide featured the name and logo of Ross Products, the company that makes Similac, the top-selling brand of
infant formula. I recently picked up a bottle of Similac "Go & Grow" formula. The front of the product claims, "Balanced nutrition for older babies. Improved formula!" I checked the back of the product and was shocked to see the ingredients, which listed the following as the first five ingredients:

42.6% corn syrup solids, 14.7% soy protein isolate, 11.5% high oleic safflower oil, 10.1% sugar (sucrose) and 8.4% soy oil

That's over 50% sugar! Don't believe these ingredients? I took a picture to prove it:

Let me go on the record right here, right now, and say that any doctor or medical organization that recommends a diet of corn syrup, soy protein, sugar and cheap oils to an infant should be arrested for malpractice. To think that the American Academy of Pediatrics actually promoted this company tells you everything you need to know about the AAP. The organization, in my opinion, is a disgrace to medicine. Its remarkable lack of nutritional knowledge demonstrates the organization's complete lack of credibility when it comes to talking about children's health. In my opinion, the AAP is nothing more than a Big Business front group that pushes junk infant formula products and dangerous medicines onto unsuspecting parents and children.

But intelligent parents know better. Reasonably-minded persons are increasingly questioning the sanity of injecting children with vaccines containing
mercury preservatives, and they're tired of being lied to by drug companies, the FDA and medical "front groups" that are really nothing more than propaganda organizations for Big Pharma. Did you know that the entire medical community calls vaccines "mercury free" even when they still contain trace amounts of mercury? It's just one of many lies told to the public about vaccines.

The links between vaccines and autism is real

As anyone who has been paying attention already knows, autism rates have skyrocketed in direct correlation with the rise in vaccines. Take any nation in the world, and you'll find that autism rates are near-perfectly correlated with vaccine rates. The conventional medical community acknowledges that autism rates are extremely high in the United States among those children who are vaccinated, but they insist there's "no proof" of any causal link between the two.

Sure there isn't. They're not looking for any. It's like asking Big Tobacco to find proof that cigarette smoke causes lung cancer and heart disease. The idea that vaccines might be unsafe goes against their whole distorted belief system of pushing more and more injections onto infants and children -- all while enriching the profits of powerful drug companies. You, the consumer, are not supposed to pay attention to the inconvenient truths that children are being killed by vaccine shots. Two more young girls just died last week after receiving the Gardasil HPV Vaccine shots, and the body count will continue to rise as long as children are subjected to these radically unsafe substances.

The reason the AAP has so viciously attacked ABC for airing a fictional television show on this topic is because the AAP recognizes the danger in inviting parents to wake up and start asking commonsense questions about the safety of vaccines. If there's one thing conventional medicine absolutely does not want to see, it's a mass revolt against the synthetic chemicals that pay their salaries and keep them in power. Just like any dynasty that exercises control over its population, the AAP doesn't want the commoners questioning the King. In fact, the peasants cannot even be allowed to read, view or think thoughts that might question the declarations of the King.

But the truth, of course, is that the Emperor has no clothes. The pro-vaccine push is more about pseudoscientific marketing than scientific medicine. It's about corralling people into a belief system, not about actually saving their lives. Any intelligent review of the literature on the safety of vaccines and the history of modern civilization will reveal, for example, that the sharp drop in infant mortality over the last one hundred years was due almost entirely to
public health measures (better hygiene, better sewer systems, cleaner water, etc.). The vaccine-pushing industry would love to take credit for these improvements, but they really just stem from basic improvements in the hygiene practices of the nation.

How vaccines harm children -- even when they work!

The vaccine-pushing doctors in this country would also like to take credit for "saving the lives of children" by protecting them from diseases like the measles, mumps and chicken pox. And yet, even here their logic is flawed: Vaccinating children against these non-fatal diseases actually weakens the immune system, denying it the ability to expand its function via an adaptive response to the chicken pox, for example. Vaccines actually impair future immune function, causing that child to be increasingly susceptible to future infectious diseases. A truly healthy child is one whose health is supported through wise nutritional therapies and is exposed to the live chicken pox virus. After a few days of uncomfortable symptoms, the immune system "learns" to overcome the infection, and by doing so, it expands its ability to more strongly protect the body from future infections.

Vaccines deny the child this experience, handing them a dead chicken pox virus combined with a stew of toxic chemicals. The result? An immune system that learns very little. It's like giving a child the answers to a math test before he takes the test, and then declaring him to be a brilliant math student when he gets an "A".

Pharmaceutical-trained physicians don't understand (or even acknowledge) the important role of the immune system in experiencing and overcoming
infectious disease, and they think that all health must be accomplished through intervention. Essentially, modern doctors don't trust Mother Nature, and they have no faith in the ability of the body to keep itself healthy. They do trust, however, in Big Pharma's chemicals, and they believe that virtually no chemical is too dangerous to inject or implant into the bodies of children.

Notice, for example, that most
pediatricians don't even speak out against the toxic mercury used in dental fillings? To them, mercury is perfectly safe to put into the mouths of children. So why on Earth would we expect these people to be alarmed over mercury being injected into the bodies of those same children?

Vaccine-pushing pediatricians are a threat to the health of children

Conventionally-trained pediatricians, it's sad to say, are the real threat to the health and safety of our children. While they're the ones blaming ABC for airing a television show, the truth is that they are the ones directly responsible for the deaths and suffering of countless children and families. The brand of scientifically-retarded medicine practiced by modern pediatricians today is solely based on financial motivations and power struggles (as in, who controls the health of the population). For every vaccine shot given to an innocent child, there's a profit. And the reason the industry is attacking ABC over this television program is because every shot that's avoided is a loss of that profit. This is about money, not public health. Want proof? Consider this:

What do you think would be happening today if an herb (instead of a vaccine) taken by millions of children was correlated with a huge rise in autism? The "scientific" community would be all over that herb, airing accusations of toxicity, calling for its ban, and the FDA would no doubt immediately ban the herb and criminalize anyone importing it or selling it. But what happens when it's a vaccine instead? The medical community defends it, insists there's no evidence of harm, and attempts to censor television shows while pushing its propaganda to the hilt.

Do you see the double standard at work in conventional medicine today? It stems from the unstated assumptions of our "drugs and surgery" system of medicine today: That all natural medicines are dangerous unless proven safe, and all drugs are safe unless proven dangerous.

Vaccines, then, are safe until someone proves them dangerous (at least according to those docs who keep pushing them). And nobody from the conventional world of medicine is really looking for hard for evidence of their danger. Furthermore, if someone from outside the realm of conventional medicine finds evidence of the harm of vaccines, their evidence will be rejected on the grounds that those people aren't part of the "recognized medical community." This is how these medical types circle the intellectual wagons and protect the status quo while rejecting any new evidence that goes against whatever "scientific" positions they've already announced are true.

The safety of vaccines cannot be questioned -- EVER! -- because the system of medicine practiced today depends on those vaccines as its primary myth-carrier. What myth is that? The myth that human health requires chemical intervention, and only specially trained doctors are smart enough to know what the body really needs. Mother Nature is an idiot, these doctors think, and they're determined to inject every child in the world with dangerous substances just to prove themselves right.

The arrogance is nothing short of astonishing.

The arrest and prosecution of vaccine pushers

Ultimately, when today's system of conventional medicine collapses after bankrupting this nation, I will be one of the first to publicly call for the mass arrest and prosecution of the criminal doctors who have committed these crimes against our children. The number of human beings they have harmed and killed with their medicine is nothing less than a chemical holocaust -- a crime against humanity that should be treated accordingly.

This prosecution action is not about revenge against those individuals, but rather about making sure society learns this important lesson about what happens when you turn over children's health to a for-profit system of medicine run by powerful corporations. It is important that the People rise up against this destructive class of medical aristocrats and strip them of their professional licenses, denying them the ability to harm other children. Because if we have to choose between protecting our children vs. protecting the egos of the doctors, I will choose our children every time.

Perhaps a future ABC show will feature a much larger court case involving class action lawsuits against pediatricians who have, through their arrogance and ignorance, poisoned an entire generation of children and caused irreversible neurological harm to tens of millions of innocents. I don't watch television, but I definitely wouldn't want to miss that show.

By the way, in support of this article, I have included (below) a list of selected quotes about vaccines and autism, including a quote from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. who investigated the U.S. government's collusion with Big Pharma in covering up the truth about vaccines:

"There's no doubt in my mind that maybe two years from now or five years from now or ten years from now, we are going to find out what we know intuitively, that thimerosal, the mercury in the vaccines, absolutely causes autism and other learning disabilities." -- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Studies of autistic children have frequently shown very high levels of mercury, with no other source but vaccines found for the exposure. These levels are equal to those seen in adults during toxic industrial exposures. Several autism clinics have found dramatic improvements in the behavior and social interactions in children from whom the mercury was chelated. Results depended on how soon the mercury was removed following exposure, but permanent damage can be caused if the metal is not chelated soon enough.
- Russell L. Blaylock, M.D., Health and Nutrition Secrets (Health Press, 2006)

Since the 1990s, there has been a tenfold or 1000-percent increase in autism, an increase which has been linked by some researchers to the organic mercury preservative commonly found in baby vaccines. A greatly increased incidence of juvenile diabetes has been correlated to specific
vaccination sequences and to the number of vaccines given. In some Australian Aboriginal communities, every second child died shortly after vaccination.
- Walter Last, The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health (Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2003)

The first reported case of autism occurred after thimerosal, a preservative for immunizations, was added to vaccines. Since then, the incidence of autism has increased at an alarming rate. Thimerosal is not a necessary additive and is toxic to the human body, yet it has been used for years. And although thimerosal has been phased out of childhood vaccines, the vast majority of flu shots given to children and adults still contain it, and it is believed that many pediatricians are still using unexpired vials of thimerosal-containing vaccines.
- KC Craichy, Super Health 7 Golden Keys to Unlock Lifelong Vitality (Bronze Bow Publishing, 2005)

Alan Cohen, an environmental physician from Connecticut, notes that high levels of autism and attention deficit disorder (ADD) did not occur until the mandatory use of childhood vaccinations, and suggests that there may be a connection between certain vaccines and the onset of these conditions. Antibiotic overuse can lead to an inability to properly digest nutrients, known as malabsorption syndrome. What happens is that
antibiotics destroy healthy bacteria in the gut, with a concomitant proliferation of yeast.
- Gary Null, Ph.D., The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing: A Comprehensive A-Z Listing of Common and Chronic Illnesses and Their Proven Natural Treatments (Bottom Line Books, 2001)

At the same time, the amount of mercury-laced vaccines, which have been proven to produce autism and other learning disabilities, was dramatically increased. Schools were given $500 per month per child that was on Ritalin�, Prozac, or some other psychiatric prescribed drug. The combination of taking phonics out of the schools together with increasing the amount of drugs being forced on our children created a dumbing down and demotivating of our youth. This produces a less intelligent, less motivated populace much more susceptible to advertising campaigns produced by drug companies and fast food companies.
- Kevin Trudeau, More Natural Cures Revealed: Previously Censored Brand Name Products That Cure Disease (Alliance Publishing Group, Inc., 2006)

Some believe that the mercury compound used in some vaccines is to blame. In addition, there is often a history of frequent ear infections with much
antibiotic use. Some believe that an overuse of antibiotics has killed off the friendly intestinal bacteria, leaving the gut vulnerable to the antibiotic-resistant, neurotoxin-producing bacterium Clostridium.
- Phyllis A. Balch, CNC, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements (AVERY, 2006)

Another challenge is convincing parents of the importance of vaccines. A 1998 article cited studies of 12 children who had pervasive developmental disorder, primarily autism. The parents and doctors of eight of the children said this began after they received the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine.
- Bottom Line Health, Bottom Line's Health Breakthroughs 2007 (Bottom Line Books, 2007)

Read this Rolling Stones article: "Deadly Immunity"

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