Prisons are utilized as nearly as worse as plantations. Maya Schenwar from Global Research on August 30, 2008 outlined this truth. There is a prison location on 18,000 acres of farmland, it's located 59 miles northwest of Baton Rouge, and it's made up of mostly African Americans in the fields of Louisiana. The men pick cotton, wheat, soybeans, and corn. They literally work for pennies. The guards, who are mostly white, guard the location on horseback. The farm is called Angola. Angola is the nation and homeland of many of the slaves who first worked its soil. The prisoners exist from the maximum security Louisiana State Penitentiary, otherwise known as Angola. Thousands of prisoners are there. The land on where the prison stands was home to several slave plantations. This was bought up in the decades following the Civil War. It's the largest prison in the US acre wise. There are tons of critics of the cosmology of Angola. Tory Pegram, who coordinates the International Coalition to Free the Angola 3, told Truthout that slavery is going on still in Angola. Mwalimu Johnson, who spent 15 years as a prisoner at the penitentiary and now works as executive secretary of the Capital Post-Conviction Project of Louisiana, agrees with Tory. Johnson said that Angola is nothing more than a sophisticated plantation. Angola isn't the only place where forced labor is done. 17 percent of Louisiana prisoners are compelled to do farm labor, 17 percent of Texas prisoners and a full 40 percent of Arkansas prisoners do the same thing. The 2002 Corrections Yearbook, which was compiled by the Criminal Justice Institute, documented these facts. The prisoners are paid little to nothing for planting and picking the same crops harvested by slaves 150 years ago. Louisiana prisoners pick cotton and they earn 4 cents an hour. Some guards has killed inmates for decades and were exploited in extremely bad conditions in Angola. There were whippings and torture there as late as the 1970's. There are some reforms, but there is still a long way to go to end the involuntary servitude (plus economic exploitation) of the prisoners in that location. There is still next to no payment, they even keep half the money they make, and most Angola prisoners are never released. Ninety-seven percent will die in prison, according to Fontenot. It's worse in other places of Texas, Arkansas, and Georgia. Some of these locations have prisoners being paid nothing at all for their work in prison farms. Racism have occured there. These evil treatments for prisoners are in the 13 Amendment, which doesn't forbid slavery and involuntary servitude for prisoners. Therefore, amending the 13th Amendment for the abolishment of involuntary servitude for all citizens is needed. Labor camps with little pay are not only immoral, but dehumanizes our fellow man.
Who is Sarah Palin? That's a question that many want to be answered. She was an Alaskan Governor. Many people are loving the pick. This news has almost overshadowed the historic Barack Obama's acceptance speech for the Democratic Party days ago. I view her as the perfect tactic McCain is using to con conservatives to vote for him. John McCain is smart for doing this. Yet, this doesn't change the fact, that McCain believes that killing babies is fine for rape or incest or that he subscribes to the failed science of embryonic stem cell research. Sarah Palin should be commended on some things. She is the governor of the state of Alaska. She defeated incumbent governor Frank Murkowski in the Republican primary and former Democratic governor Tony Knowles in the general election. Her career as a governor and the mayor of Wasilla was to issue government reform. She took on many corrupt policies. She is pro-life and pro-Second Amendment. She is only 44 years old. These are good things. The problem is that she was investigated for a scandal involving money. Also, there are legitimate questions about her experience when she is held as the Vice Presidential candidate of America (for the Republican Party). The reason is that she was a mayor and governor, but Sarah Palin never held real foreign policy experience. She supports the aerial hunting of wolves (which I don't support), she rejects the man-made global warming lie (which is fine for me), and her foreign policy views aren't well defined. It seems that Palin is more conservative than McCain overall, but McCain is still not a true liberty lover (and McCain will take precedent above Palin's views). McCain favors the anti-First Amendment Campaign Finance Law, he agrees with the war on terror, and he likes the Patriot Act including the big government Homeland Security program. In the short term, this choice will give great dividends among people, but it's unknown what the long term consequences of Sarah on the ticket will be. Sarah Palin is the first female Republican Vice Presidential nominee in American history. This is a time of discernment and it's easy to witness the problems of both Obama and McCain.
Baghdad is still having complications. Kareem Abed Zair from AlterNet on August 29, 2008 described on how Baghdad lacks drinking water. There are 6 million people living in that city. This problem is said by Sadeq al-Shammari who is the head of Baghdad's Water Authority. Shammari commented that more than three million people in Baghdad have no access to running water. This shortage comes from the huge temperature in that time of the year. The UN Children’s Fund, and UNICEF has criticized the Iraqi authorities for spending too little on public amenities at a time government coffers are brimming with hard cash from oil sales. Iraq have recieved record oil profits. An UNICEF official said that the government of Iraq have huge resources, but they are slow in investing them. Shammari outlined the shortage as a critical situation. He said that the conditions of Baghdad's sewage system and heavy water treatment plants were even worse. Shammari made the point that a few minute interruption in power supply causes at least a three hour interruption in drinking water. Public amenities like water facilities, sewage systems and hospitals are not supposed to be covered by outages which may continue for up to 20 hours in Baghdad. Therefore, Iraq has made some progress. Although, it will be a long time before it has an authentic chance to develop into a real nation of true liberty. Our occupation of Iraq isn't making things radically better either. Even the Iraqi government wants a timeline for us to leave, but John McCain disregards that fact. Now, we don't need empire building, which is crippling our nation. Therefore, we should leave Iraq immediately and build our troops home from military bases from around the world. That would save billions of dollars indeed.
War powers are controversial, especially within the executive branch of government. John Byrne from the Raw Story on Sunday, from August 31, 2008 outlined that Bush is quietly seeking to make his war powers permanent by declaring an indefinite state of war. Byrne wrote that Bush quietly moved to expand the reach of Presidential power by ensuring that America remains in a state of permaent war. There is a proposal that was buried in a newsaper. It says that the United States remains at war with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and "associated organizations." Part of the proposal for Guantanamo Bay legal detainees, the provision before Congress seeks to “acknowledge again and explicitly that this nation remains engaged in an armed conflict with Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated organizations, who have already proclaimed themselves at war with us and who are dedicated to the slaughter of Americans.” Some dissenters of the policy believe that a reaffirmation of war carries a broad legal implication. This could imperil Americans' civil liberties and the rights of foreign nationals for decades to come. Also, this doesn't outline an end to the war in general at some time in the future. The war has given President Bush the means to violate our liberties via the warantless wiretapping program. Even Jose Padilla, who was a Chicago citizens, was held in 2002 without trial for 5 years (violating his habaes corpus rights) before being convicted of conspiring to kill individuals abroad and provide support for terrorism. Padilla was never convicted of planning to build a dirty bomb. There is no need to make these actions permament in the war on terrorism. These justifications can be manipulated easily to create many violations of our rights.
Relief agencies are criticizing the military role in Georgia. David Woods from Baltimore Sun on August 30, 2008 proclaim these news. Non-governmental relief agencies are furious that President Bush has put the Pentagon in charge of the operation. They charge that the militarization of the humanitarian operation puts them at risk. Anne Richard, who is the vice president of the New York-based International Rescue Committee,(a non-governmental organization working in Georgia and elsewhere) said that they are concerned about blurring the lines between who is an aid worker plus who is a soldier. Richard fears that they could be mistaken for soldiers. 2 weeks ago, 3 women working in Afghanistan were attacked and killed by insurgents. They were from the International Rescue Committee. These women were traveling in a clearly marked IRC vehicle. The military has provided helicopters and heavy lift cargo plans to help humanitarian crises like in the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan. On August 13, 2008, President Bush put the Defense Department in charge of the humanitarian relief mission. The USS Mount Whitney is one ship going such a mission. There are 70 troops there in Georgia as well. NGOs don't agree with this procedure. U.S. officials also said the military intended to send medical supplies until they were informed that Georgian hospitals had plenty of supplies on hand. Some believe that the military shouldn't head the operation. I agree with that, because if the military acquire too big of a role, that can provoke even more conflict in the Georgian region.
They are lies promoted by the liberal establishment and by the mainstream media. They feel that Democrats are a viable alternative to the Republicans. The truth is that neither major party are. The Democrats endorse the war on terror just like the Republicans by and large do. They just disagree in how the killing spree is to be carried out. Barack Obama's speech and John McCain soon to be speech in their conventions will embrace the global war on terrorism. Obama gave a speech that we must to take out Osama bin Laden and fight terrorists. They view bin Laden as the "Big Enemy" threaten American soil. When the truth is that Osama bin Laden (along with his al-Qeada network) is an US sponsored intelligence asset that was created and sustained by the CIA. Joe Biden is even more hardcore than Obama by saying that al-Qaeda and the Taliban attacked us in 9/11. Some in the progressive community (like in the The Nation Magazine and Progressive Democrats for America) believe that killing people in Afghanistan in October 2001 was justified under humanitarian grounds. The reality and truth is that there is no evidence that Afghanistan and the Taliban carried out 9/11 at all. Especially, John McCain wants increases in military spending, when over spending in the military will result in unemployment including other economic problems for America. We already spend more more in the military than our domestic spending in a huge margin. The reason is that this empire building has transplanted jobs from civilian sectors to other issues. A necessary solution is to end the war on terrorism period. We do have a responsibility to compensate damages in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we need not to go out and fight anymore foreign wars at all. I also disagree with Barack Obama's proposal of sending more military troops into Afghanistan as well.
An Russia/Iran alliance have been talked about by Bible prophecy scholars and political analysts for years. Guess what, that alliance is for real. Juan Cole from Informed Comment on August 30, 2008 wrote about this true. He wrote that Russia is proposing a strategic alliance between Russia and Iran. They want to counter US moves which are being aggressive toward Russia. This is during the time of Russia recognizing South Ossetia's and Abkhazia's independence. Russia wants to protect these 2 states from Georgian aggression. In response to these developments, America and NATO are funding the ascension of Georgia and Ukraine. Moscow is considering many responses. Russia considers the U.S. and NATO as acting in unfriendly terms. Now, Moscow is trying to build up its military technical ties with Syria and launch negiotations on the re-establishment of its military presence in Cuba. There is possible more hardcore military alliance among Russia and Iran. A strategic alliance presuming the signing of a new large-scale military political treaty with Iran could change the entire geopolitical picture of the contemporary world. Russia and Iran jointly possess more than 60 percent of the world’s gas deposits. So, their oil is very vital to the stability of oil prices. What's the truth? The truth is that sincere, righteous people live in America, Russia, Iran, China, Israel, and across the world. The deal is that the leadership of the Western world are controlled by globalists who are under the power of the Vatican/Jesuits, the City of London, and lead European bloodlines. It's easy to figure that Iran and Russia have been in a strategic alliance spanning for many decades. Russia and Iran aren't the enemy here. It's the real global elite manipulating nations in a chessboard game that's the enemy (including Satan and his evil principalities).
Surveillance in our society (even in the Western world) have gone from another and into another level. Tom Burghardt from Global Research, from August 28, 2008 reported on a new spy software coming online. It's called a surveillance in a box making its debut. This system is classified as the Intelligence Platform (as similar to the FBI's Quantico Circut that used illegal warantless wiretaps). According to New Scientist, German electronics giant Siemens has developed software allegedly capable of integrating tasks (that used to done by seperate surveillance teams or machines) to sort information via Seimens dubs or intelligence modules. Seimens said that they had sold this technology to 60 countries in Europe and Asia, but they won't say which. Privacy and human rights critics believe the system has a resemblance to China's Golden Shield (where it's a massive surveillance network that integrates huge information databases, internet, and email monitoring, speech plus facial recognition platforms in combination with CCTV monitoring). This Intelligence Platform wasnts to have real time high tech tools to foil terrorist plots before they come about (or watch anti-war/anti globalization activists). They can centralize information. The problem with this device is that it can monitor information. Additionally, innocent people can be investigated or placed in watch lists. False leads with the Information Platform can be abundant. According to New Scientist, PRISE analysts told the EU that new advanced surveillance instruments doesn't means there is more security in a nation at all. Computer security expert Bruce Schneier told New Scientist, "currently there are no good patterns available to recognise terrorists,' he says, and questions whether Siemens has got around this." So, even Big Brother isn't perfect, but it's certainly a corporate boom for the military industrial complex. There ought to be constant watch of Big Brother including opposition to the Real ID Act and any form of government infringement of our privacy.
Alternatives to embryonic stem cells research are going in so strong, that embryonic stem cell research are offficially obsolete. Steven Ertelt from on August 28, 2008 outlined this story. Now, scientists are still make more advances with direct reprogramming. This is an ethical alternative to the murderous embryonic stem cell research. Now, these Harvard scientists have transformed one type of adult cell directed into another type of adult cell type. The results are are producing the specialized pancreatic beta-cells that can secret insulin. Other scientists are doing this groundbreaking advance. Three genes were added to pancreatic cells within living mice, and this was enough to directly change the cells into insulin-secreting cells. The research team, also led by Dr. Michael Murphy of the Indiana University School of Medicine, restored blood circulation and limb function in mice treated with these cells. This could potentially be used as an off-the-shelf treatment for damaged or diseased limbs. Dr. David Prentice, who is a former biology professor at Indiana State University School of Medicine, discussed about this success. Now, Prentice is now a Family Research Council fellow. He said that this technique is similar to Yamanaka's of Japan. The difference is this application eliminates the need to form embryonic type stem cells at all. Doug Melton of Harvard reported on the experiments back in June, but this is the first peer-reviewed publication of the results which is online in the journal Nature. Embryonic stem cells have been known to cause tumors. There is good news because good techniques makes evil science obsolete. It turns an adult cell into another adult cell. Tony Perkins said that: "In case you missed it, Maarten van der Weijden won the open-water race Olympic gold medal. His life was saved years ago by an adult stem cell transplant for leukemia, one of thousands of lives saved by adult stem cells." ESCs are being exposed once and for all.
There are plenty of lies against me, so I've decided to answer them one by one. One lie is that I support the ADL. For years, I've written against the Anti-Defamation League. I oppose the ADL not because of any racial issues. I oppose the ADL because of its links to the Masonic B'nai B'rith Lodge (which controls the ADL ultimately) and it's a political organization that endorses extreme policies. Many of the radical views of the leadership of the ADL are similar to the Sabbataians, who have an anti-Torah mentality. . The ADL's policies are anti-gun, anti-free speech (by supporting rules that violate people's rights to question views. The ADL were instrumental in locking up the innocent Philadephia 11), demonizing conservative Christians, and being anti-gun. Even the JPFO and Rabbi Lapin have disagreed with some of the ADL's policies. Another lie is that I harbor hatred for Palestinians or I follow the Talmud. I harbor no such hatred. What I do say is that every human being whether they are Arabic or Jewish have a right to live in Israel if they want to. Jews and Arabs continously lived in Israel for over 2,000 years (as documented by the "From Time Immemorial" book and other sources). The displacement of Palestinians from Israel in 1947 by many Arabic and Zionist leaders was wrong. Also, the forced presecution and displacement of over 800,000 Jewish people in the 1940's from Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and North Africa was wrong as well. So, the Israelis and the Palestinians should work together to make a just solution to their problems without too much intervention from the West or the Vatican (The Vatican are working with Labor Zionists in order to control the Temple Mount plus Israel. The Labor Zionists colloborated with Jesuit-inspired Papist Adolf Hitler). The Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, and the Knight of Columbus hold huge power in America plus globally in banking (law enforcement, politics, education, etc. For example Knight of Malta Emilio T. González is the Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services). Even the leader of the John Birch Society is Jesuit-trained John F. McManus (whose leaders in times passed were high-level Masons and have links to the Knights of Malta). The Vatican's goal has always been to allow the Pope to rule as much as possible along with the promotion of its false teachings. As for the Talmud, it's man-made tradition and it isn't superior to the OT or the NT. One side claims that the Talmud has degatory comments about Jesus and others deny it. Regardless, I don't follow it. The Khazar lie is refuted because the Ashkenazi lived in Europe years before the Khazars came into Europe, DNA evidence prove that Jews and Arabs are related, and other tribes (like the Lemba, Sephradi, Yemeni, etc. They aren't Khazars at all) live in Israel to this day. Now, these liars omit that Jewish people aren't to blame for all of the evils in the world, they omit the Muslim radicals murdering of black people in Sudan (and other countries like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, etc.), and they ignore the Jesuit/Vatican connection to the new world order. I respect the good Jewish people and the good Palestinian people. To ignore these facts is real dishonesty. So, these liars can't intimidate me. Also, the NT was created in the Middle East (the Peshitta Syrian version existed in the 100's A.D.) not by the Piso family (or Josephus) at all. So, these lies about me and what I stand for are refuted. Gustav is coming into America. People were evacuated from New Orleans. FEMA and Northcom are one of the big heads of the response team. The idea of the state ruling our lives is the essence of being anti-freedom. One example is how that armed security forces (including the FBI) conducting Baghdad-like raids on the houses of activists, terrorizing many and arresting some for thought crimes — such as "planning to cause a riot" — and other bogus charges. These people were innocent and even Glen Greenwald exposed these arrests as immoral. Police raids against innocent people have been occuring for years from America to globally. That is why I'm not into state running everything. People have the right to protest the government and their expression preserved.
By Timothy
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