Sunday, October 09, 2011

Occupy Wall Street and Occupy the Fed: Two Sides of the Same Coin

1 comment:

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...

Tragic and Sad. More bandaids and asprins for their 'we ain't got any critical thinking root cause problem solving skills' braintumours.

Of course if you got critical thinking root cause problem solving skills; it helps if you are capable of implementing those principles practically in your own life.

How many of those protestors are OUT OF DEBT?

How many consider honest and honourable relationships important enough to practice such with their colleagues?

How many consider fully informed consent agreements important; and how many don't even have a fully informed consent agreement with their most intimate partner: wife or husband; let alone children, family members or work colleagues.

Reminds me of the SA Kaffir Intelligence Agent Official in the Ministry of Intelligence Officers at SA Parliament when I dropped off some documents for the NIA from the Pentagon; and he said "Eish: who is the Pentagon?"

The Psychotronic Gods must be crazy; cause they are putting on a funny show! ;-)