Nixakliel - 05/16/2012 - 13:14
Seemingly all the Dims [IE: Clinton & Obama] have to do to be seen as 'liberal' [if not progressive] is to proclaim themselves to be pro-Darwinism, pro 'gay' marriage & pro-abortion [ala Clinton {who helped popularize the term 'pro-choice'} & Obama {who is now on the record as pro 'gay' marriage] no matter how war mongering, anti-worker, anti-Hispanic Immigrant their actual policies are {were}! [Clinton was seen favorably by 'main-stream' feminists- even after his 'bi-partisan' deal {sell-out} w Newt Grinch-witch on so-called welfare 'reform' vis-a-vis poor mothers of small-children! Likewise for Obama even though his corp RTTT so-called 'reform' is effectively an attack on teachers [& their unions]- whose ranks are up-to 80% women!]!
It seems thats the only difference between the corp-contolled Dims vs Repugs are- the Dims are so-called socially 'liberal' [= vocally support Darwinism, 'gay'marriage, & abortion] while the Repugs are socially conservative [= vocally anti- those positions]. But when it comes to policies that are: pro-Wall St Bankster, anti-worker, Pro US war-machine & US imperialism & the MIISC, pro roll-out the US Police-State while rolling-back civil-liberties, pro-FBI entrapment ala the phony 'War on Terror', Pro- the Prison Industrial Complex / mass-incarceration, pro- corporatize [= profitize] all Gov't services, anti- poor people & Hispanic immigrants, etc... -It seems the only difference between the Dims [IE: Obama / Clinton] & the Repugs [Romney, Bush Jr / Sr, Reagan] is in tone & degree [IE: Obama may be less vocally blustery, but his policies are just as bad {if not worse} than Bush Jr]
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