Saturday, July 09, 2016

Savant's New Words

The Republican Party may be self-destructing. It is wise we avoid this sinking ship. Not that the Democrats are so great. But the Republicans are worse, indeed MUCH WORSE with this fascistic demagogue Il Duce Don Trump

among the problems NOT started by black men (or woe ) are structural racism, poverty, capitalist exploitation, mass unemployment, inflation, wars in the Middle East the prison industrial complex, and also the social conditions which breed violence and crime. And I could go on and on...

 But long before the Romans Egypt was invaded by Hyksos, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks. After the Romans there was the Muslim Arab conquest. Then there was British colonialism. Centuries and centuries of invasions and occupations were bound to change the ethnic characteristics of the Egyptians. If you consider how our physical characteristic must have been affected by nearly 400 years of subjugation in this predominantly white country, you can imagine what must have happened to Egypt after thousands of years of invasions and occupations


De Facto segregation never really ended. Hence whoever talks about bringing back segregation probably means bringing back De Jure segregation, legally sanctioned segregation enforced by violence, prisons and police.


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