Monday, June 09, 2008

It's Important

On FOX News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviewed Virginia's Governor named Tim Kaine and Minnesota's Governor named Tim Pawlenty. Kaine endorsed Barack Obama for the Presidency. Conversely, Pawlenty endorsed John McCain for the Presidency. Each man tried to present their best justifications in advocating either Obama or McCain. Their conversations and debates ranged from the economy, the environment, and to health care. Kaine said that Barack is the proficient candidate in bringing people together in order to find solutions. Pawlenty believes that McCain is a person with a potent bipartisan mindset needed to accomplish solutions in America. Both candidates believe in man-made global warming, the war on terror, and embryonic stem cell research. Although, McCain believes in drilling in certain locations with state's support, while Obama wants the government to activitely have fuel efficient cars, clean coal, and a carbon tax. Each want to reduce carbon emissions in half by 2050, but carbon dioxide is a natural gas necessary for the survival of plant life. The sun, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation patterns of the oceans, and other natural factors have more influence in the climate than human beings do. That is real science. Kaine and Pawlenty debated on oil. Oil is recieving record high prices for many factors. Tim Kaine is known for being a moderate Governor of Virginia. Tim Pawlenty is known to be a mostly conservative governor of Minnesota. The reasons for high oil prices include increased demand, the restriction of independent energy exploration, food crops being controlled mostly by Big Agra, too much corn extraction for ethanol, etc. Now, G8 members (8 of the most powerful economic nations in the world today) are meeting about this issue. Business Secretary John Hutton and other leaders were in the meeting. The price of oil now is about $138 a barrel. Some want to end subidies, but a multifaceted solution is needed to help with the oil crisis. You need to have incentives for alternative energies, a short term plan of more discovery of new oil resoucres in America (plus other places), and the development of creating hydrocarbons from bacteria (thereby refuting the myth of Peak Oil since tons of bacteria exist on planet Earth. Peak Oil is known shill agenda promoted by the Bilderbergers, the media, the global elite for decades). The economy is in crisis as well with home foreclosures, etc. A solution to it has to be multifaceted. For if you have just an one size fit all solution, then little will be made. You can enact rebates to people who need them, have a fund to assist those suffering in the economy, give people economic freedom to make their own decisions, make harsher penalties against mortgagers who intentionally price gouge or unfairly harm the economic lives of people, focus on investments in building our infrastructure (like roads, bridges, schools, etc.), and simpfly the tax code in helping people from across economic classes (including tax credits for the poor and middle class). We should allow private groups and organizations to help communities more easily, and help build the economy from the ground up not just from the top bottom. I don't believe in socialism or making the government to rule over the economy or people's lives 100% of the time. We should never overspend on unnecessary projects like illegal wars, there ought to be rewards fro companies that stay their jobs here in America, tax loopholes benefiting transnational corporations ought to be eliminated, billions dollars shouldn't be spent on bailing out Wall Street Companies like Bears Stern, etc. The Federal Reserve should go out the window since it's a monopolized system of issuing little-valued paper currency. That is why I don't agree with Timothy Geithner's (the Fed's President in New York) call for a global bank framework (which is nothing more than a plan of bank centralization). There ought to be sound money. There should be free and fair trade where our manufacturing jobs don't ship overseas neither will our national sovereignity become decreased (as NAFTA and CAFTA has achieved).

Hillary Clinton finally quit her race on Saturday. She was still maintaining her views and seek to fight for the Presidential campaign of Barack Obama. The Presidential race is going forward. Those who support the Democrats and Republicans are in full force. Barack Obama is campaigning in Raleigh, North Carolina after his weekend break in Chicago with his family. These advocates suck up to John McCain and Barack Obama as almost saviours to our problems. Some of these people will get personal and emotional against those who don't advocate either of them with ad-hominem attacks and the like. Third parties are increasing their presence, because of the disillusionment over the current policies of both major parties from attacking people in Iraq & Afghanistan to the endorsement of the Patriot Act (yes, even Barack Obama agrees with the immoral Patriot Act). The Governor's Mansion in Texas was burned. Texas Governor Rick Perry wasn't residing there at the time of the dangerous fire. News reporters believe it was arson, but the whole story isn't known yet. There is a legitimate view that our Civil Liberties have been depleted especially after September 11, 2001. Losing our freedoms is of course wong. After the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration persisted with a sustained attack on our rights and civil liberties. Bush claimed that these laws will only effect terrorists. Yet typically the administration utilized ambigious definitions in their outlining of a terrorist. An easy example of this tactic was the passage of the USA Patriot Act in 2001. This Act was written and created before 9/11. Many House and Senate members didn't even read all of the bill, but some still voted for it. Even some federal court described that some of the provisions in the law was unconstitutional. The reason is that Section 802 calls anyone a terrorist if they violate US law thereby equating nearly all crime as terrorism. It has sneak and peak procedures (or allowing the police to search in suspected "terrorists" homes without telling them about it) which inheritely is a violation of the Fourth Amendment. Resolutions passed in 8 states and 396 cities and counties condemning the act for its attack on civil liberties. The White House used the term "enemy combatants" as an excuse to hold anyone called with that title without legal representation. That is why Jose Padilla, an American citizen, was held for a while in a Navy jail. After, the judge ruled that Jose can't be held in illegal detention, the Bush administration just charged in with wanting to be a terrorist. He was still convicted even when chief FBI agent James T. Kavanaugh found no evidence connecting Padilla with a radioactive dirty bomb plan. Britian and the EU have been battling each other for years. In 2008, there is a strong anti-EU contignent that is dedicated in resisting the excess anti-national sovereignity policies of the European Union. Richard Spencer from the London Telegraph on Sunday, at June 8, 2008 reported on such a story. A survey says that British voters would grees to radical moves in encorporating a looser, new relationship with the European Union. The ICM opinion poll for Global Vision (a Eurosceptic campaign) found that a majority of those in Britian would want to opt out of the political and economic union. They want to restrict itself to links based on trade and co-operation. Some want a referendum to make British citizens to make their decision about their composition inside of the European Union. Ministers would then need to renegotiate the terms of Britain's membership with all other EU member states – a policy currently held by none of the three main political parties. Ireland is also soon is going to have a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. The Treaty wants to give more powers to Brussels (one headquarters of the EU) abolishing dozens of national vetoes and creating the new post of EU president, cannot come into force in any of the 27 member states. If Ireland votes no, EU integration is strified to a degree. France and the Netherlands rejected the EU Constitution in 2005. The European Union is nothing more than a proposed single European country that violates the national sovereignity of many European nations. Many ideas aren't original at all. For example, Communism was promoted not first by Karl Marx. Others before him wrote about similar concepts like the Jesuits, Thomas More, philosopher, and even Plato back in the time of B.C. Evolution is no different. The concept of Evolution was mention by ancient Mystery Schools thousands of years ago in Egypt. It was promoted by Secret Societies like the Freemasons (Darwin's grandfather was a Freemason and believed in a form of Evolution). Even some Freemasons said that they want the evolution of man into superman to turn man into a godlike being. Of course, that's blasphemy. It's just impossible to do since man can never be like unto God, and it's an utopian goal of the globalists (with the promotion of nano-technology and transhumanism). For example, in "Mystic Masonry", 32nd degree Mason J.D. Buck wrote that humanity is the only Personal God. WND reported that Charles Darwin's "Origin of the Species" book was ripped off from a famous naturalist. An author named Roy Davies (former head of factual programming for BBC Wales) believes that Darwin stole information from a Welsh scientist working in Indonesia. Davies cites this as Wallace's Theory not Darwin's theory. Davies' book, "The Darwin Conspiracy: Origins of a Scientific Crime," outlines this new theory on the history of the modern view of evolution. George Beccaloni, a curator at London's Natural History said that Alfred Wallace wrote of natural selection as early as 1858. Some want things to change. The reality is that Evolution is a theory and many scientists disagree with certain aspects of it in legitimate ways. There are high temperature across the East Coast now from Atlanta to Boston. It's going to be in the high 90's and even low 100's in many places. Over here where I living in Virginia, it could be in the high 90's. It's been established that a police state exists in Washington D.C. In D.C., you can't own a gun in your own home unless you're a cop. There are proposals to randomnly search people illegally in D.C. There was illegal searches of citizens' homes as well to look for weapons. Now, this disgusting trend is spreading into the Northern city of Philadephia. Philadephia's Mayor named Michael Nutter wants stop and frisk done by cops without probable cause. He also wants to turn the city into a police state. Mayor Nutter said that he wants a crime emergency resulting in banning people from hanging on street corners in some neigbhorhoods. He wants to limit traffic in some places. He wants to devise "Targeted Enforcement Zones” and throw a bunch of police into “violent neighborhoods.” These are unconstitutional proposals, because we have a right to associate in a street corner if we wish and we still have a Fourth Amendment. Some folks may not be able to play cards in the park, because of the restrictions of associations. "Violent neighborhoods" is a term defined by the government for control basically. To restrict where we can go, to show IDs to police to just live our lives, and be violated of our Fourth Amendment rights is a police state plain and simple. it's similar to the Nazis and the Soviet Union. The good news is that this is proposed in Philadephia and people should oppose these goals completely.

Life Issues are important to discuss about. Steven Ertelt from on June 6, 2008 described more about stem cells. There is another breakthrough in the creation of ethical embryonic-like stem cells. These cells are also called iPS cells. They are created when adult stem cells are converted into an embryonic state without the destruction of human life (i.e. you don't have to destroy embryos in order to do it). Professor Shinya Yamanaka of Japan, along with scientists in Wisconsin, came up with the original reversal method. It required a virus to genetically alter adult cells and had inherent safety concerns. Today scientists at Scripps Research Insitute in California and the the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine in Germany used drugs not viruses to trun brain cells from an adult back into embryonic-like stem cells. Dr. Sheng Ding said that these results show that scientists are on the way to make embryonic-like stem cells without genetic modification. Soon, ips cells can make any type of human tissue to help patients. Wesley Smith, who is a leading American bioethicist, said these news prove that human clonining isn't neeeded to advance stem cell science. Embryonic stem cell research just kills life and are inferior to adult stem cells. That is why embryonic stem cells forms tumors or teratomas. Now, adult stem cells are closer to cure Parkinson's Disease. The media journal Stem cells reported on this fact. Their new studies (it was found also by scientists at Griffith University in Australia) show that adult stem cells from a patient's own nose can treat Parkinson's. The researchers used these cells from a rat to create the dopamine producing brain cells. The rats moved corrected when they recieved the human nose adult stem cells. Adult stem cells are more effective and have more treatments than embryonic stem cells. That's the scientific reality that many refuse to accept. Notice how the mainstream media isn't reporting on this like CNN, MSNBC, or even FOX. The reason is that many of them want embryonic stem cell research, which kills people. ESC research isn't needed anymore since you can have an ethical alternatives like the transformation of adult stem cells into embryonic-like stem cells. In February, Yamanaka announced his team found a way to grow the cells without inducing tumors. Peter Barber from the Financial Times on Sunday, at June 8, 2008 set up descriptions about 9/11 Truth. Few mainstream journals and magazines will cover this subject for fear of criticism. Some mainstream media outlets are in league with the status quo with the prescription of not questioning the official story at all. Barber writes about Cynthia McKinney. She was a Congresswoman from Georgia and is a well known activist for progressive causes. In recent years, she has talked about real issues on a higher level like the war in Iraq, poverty, and, the missing $1.7 trillion dollars from the Pentagon, child sex rings globally, wargames, and 911. She spoke of these issues and more at the Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles, California. Some folks in the church wore T-Shirts saying "9/11 was an inside job." Others were passing out DVDs, approving of 9/11 Truth, etc. The 9/11 Truth Movement has grown greater especially from 2006 onward. Such groups involved in this movement are from a wide spectrum (like this year’s winner of the best actress Oscar, Marion Cotillard) and they continue to grow onward. Architects, Engineers & Scientists for 9/11 Truth is a title of one such organizaton desiring a real investigation of the facts. A Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll in 2006 found that more than a third of those questioned suspected that federal officials assisted in the attacks or took no action to stop them so that the US could go to war. Richard Gage, a San Francisco architect who founded Architects, Engineers & Scientists for 9/11 Truth believe that the Twin Towers fell by a controlled demolition. The jet feul in the Twin Towers mostly exited the building. Building Number Seven fell in a symmetrical fashion with tons of signs of a controlled demolition. One thing is certain. People have a right to ask questions, the 9/11 Commission have been exposed to have conflicts of interests, and 9/11 was inside job (since that definition simply entails that a few people organized and carried out a sophisticated and wicked operation). That's the truth. The Bilderberg Group is being exposed. Hundreds of people were at Chantilly, Virginia protesting that nefarious organization. The reason is that the Bilderberg Group is made up of 120+ individuals dictating alot of the policies in the global realm without our input or permission. It has strong secrecy with intelligence agencies plus security preventing people from even going into Bilderberg's meetings. Many of the Bilderberg's members have said degatory comments and endorsed wicked policies for the globe.

For example, Bilderberger Henry Kissinger called the military dumb animals, which is disrespectful. Bilderberger David Rockefeller wrote in his Memoirs on page 405 that he agreed with the creation of an integrated economic, political system synonymous with an one world . Some of the leaders of Bilderberg Group are descendants of the leaders of British East India Company and the Skulls and Bones during the 19th century. These men were instrumental in funding the slave trade, funding the opium trade (causing havoc unto innocent Chinese people. The Jesuits were involved in the drug trade back in Japan as well centuries ago), and contributing to the evil imperialsim of the West. There were some security in the Bilderberg meeting with machine guns. The Bilderberg should be exposed, but it's one part of the puzzle. The City of London, the Pilgrims, certain elite families (i.e. Black Nobility, Saxe Coburg Gotha, the Rothschilds, etc.) and the Vatican/Jesuits (who head up the real international bankers) are more powerful than the Bilderbergers. These groups were involved in wars like WWII. That's why Papal Knights of Malta funded the Nazis like Joseph Kennedy and even some high level Freemasons like Henry Ford (he recieved a Nazi award), Dr. Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, and Thomas Watson. WWII was done in order to create a more integrated world, form Israel more easier (although many good Jewish people live in Israel), and get Germany to not be an international power (since before WWI, they had the strongest army in the world and competed on the level of the British Empire). Knight of Malta and Pilgrim member and a N.M. Rothschild & Sons representative to the Trilateral Commission General the Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank. Knight of Malta Emilio T. González is the Undersecetary of Homeland Security. Religion is great when utilized in the right way. There has been controversy over Charlton Pearson. Pearson is a famous preacher from the Tulsa area inside of the state of Oklahoma. He claims to have created a new Inclusive gospel, but it isn't new at all. Pearson preaches Universalism. That means everyone can go to Heaven even if you don't believe in God or if you don't live a righteous life. Now, he goes further than that. Pearson even believes that Hitler or Stalin can go to Heaven, which is extreme. Pearson is right to oppose the Iraq War as being anti-peace and a violation of basic morality. You don't fight wars at all against nations that have done nothing to us at all. Also, Iraq or even Afghanistan are no direct threat to America. He is right that we should be meek and nice to all human beings irrespective of their race or background. I don't stereotype people or hate anyone personally. I disagree with him that you can believe what you want and still go to Heaven. I believe we have to be moral and believe in God. I don't believe in complusion, so people have a right to accept or reject the gospel freely if they want to. I disagree with Pearson strongly on Terri Schiavo. Charlton Pearson believes that she should be murdered by the authorities, it was legal, and it was great. That's wrong and sick. Here's why. The reason is that Florida Statues forbids starving people to death (including the Geneva Convention), it's immoral to kill people, and she never expressed her wishes even in a will. Terri Schiavo was murdered plain and simple. You don't kill innocent people and Pearson forgotten about the words saying: "Thou Shalt not Kill." Pearson claims to have an aura of tolerance, but he stereotypes conservative Christians as aligning with a jingoistic-form of pseudo-patriotism and a blind alleigance to Republicans (whose leaders include Masons, the Knights of Malta, CFR members, and the like). The truth is that many conservative Christians and those from across the political spectrum don't agree with the Iraq War, abhor NAFTA's policies, and love individual freedom. Many conservative Christians are independently minded. He needs to realize that. Biometrics is promoted globally. Ben Bain from the FCW on June 7, 2008 reported on how Bush is supporting biometrics. This is nothing new since Presidents like Roosevelt allowed thousands of innocent Japanese American citizens to be immorally placed in concentration camps. There were ADEX files on innocent Americans. Under the Clinton administration, he approved of the Carnivore program, which allowed the FBI to monitor the Internet including emails. George W. Bush on many incidents have taken Big Brother tactics into a new level. He signed a presidential directive in June 5, 2008. It requires the increased compatibility of methods agencies use to collect, store and share fingerprints, face and iris recognition data and behavioral characteristics to identify and screen “known and suspected terrorists.” The directive also applies to other categories of individuals the directive said would be identified soon who may also pose a threat to national security. The National Security Presidential Directive 59/Homeland Security Presidential Directive 24 is the name of it. In other words, this directive wants to increase the way agencies store information and monitor people who are percieved as "terrorists" (Notice how terrorists aren't defined specifically). They want agencies like Homeland Security to use common information technology. Anyway who are "suspected terrorists" anyway and how is that definition concieved of? You are either a terrorist or you're not. Being suspect is being innocent, so that's immoral. The reason is that due prcoess is needed to punish a person via the law. You don't need to be innocent and subjected to iris scans, biometrics, and the whole nine yards for being "suspected." It's bigger than that. The corporate elite, the government, and the Bilderberg Group (according to Jim Tucker) want RFID chips into people (which will result into a cashless society if possible). ABC News had a story loving the idea of humans having microchips on their bodies by 2017 for medical purposes. Frankily, it's important to endorse our civil liberties. It's important to protect our religious liberties and it's vital for us to respect the Second Amendment. I always believed in individual liberty, I believe in health freedom, I abhor government sponsored terrorism against its own citizens, I reject forced vaccinations, and limited government (i.e. the government can't do what it wants whenever it wants to). Permanently, I will expand my mind in writing and talking about a wide overview of subjects. A lesson in life is not giving up. Regardless of what you are or where you have been, we should never give up. Another day is another oppurtunity to fight for the truth. When we born, we were brought into this battle for truth. In the end, the new world order will be over and defeated. It's important to wake up.

By Timothy

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