Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring is Here in 2009 Part 2

The Draft

The draft or conscription is always wicked and evil. The reason is that the draft is about the government to force a human being (against their will or conscience) to practice in a specific type of work. It remains to be seem if Barack Obama explicitly supports a mandatory draft for numerous American, but his allies do. There is no question about it. Barack Obama have supported community service as apart of his agenda for "change." Some advocates of the draft because all Americans have a duty to do labor. No person had a duty to do labor. Our duty is to follow God and real morality. The government-imposed citizen "service" or national service has been supported by every American President since George H. W. Bush (whether it's voluntary or not). There is nothing wrong with citizens enacting things in a legitimate service. People regularly perform volunteer work for schools, churches, and other locations. These charitable needs do indeed improve our country. The problem with an extreme form of national service is that it could lead into being mandated or brokered by the government (supported by those who believe that service should only exist from the state). Barack Obama during his campaign call on citizens of all ages to serve America, by developing a plan to require 50 hours of community service in middle school and high school and 100 hours of community service in college every year (The blueprint likewise called for the expansion of AmeriCorps from 75,000 to 250,000 and the creation of five separate "Corps" of government-funded "volunteers" to deal with education, health, energy, veterans affairs, and homeland security). This was so controversial that Barack Obama's political website had to eliminate "require" from his proposal. Obama still supports a civilian national force that is strong as the military. The campaign for "universal voluntary service" is bipartisan and enjoys enthusiastic support from the mainstream media. Richard Stengel, Time magazine's managing editor, is co-chair of Service Nation, a non-profit established to promote Obama's service campaign. Former GOP presidential candidate John McCain has joined with Obama in promoting government-imposed service. It isn't just some liberals supporting a universal military draft like Freemason Roman Catholic Charlie Rangel. Former Speaker Newt Ginrich and Tony Blankley have both called for an universal military draft. Rangel propose legislation to force those who are 18 at least to spend 2 years in either military service or in a government selected "Homeland Security" role. The military, reviewing these graduates' transcripts, extracurricular activities, and medical reports, would select however many they needed to fulfill their draft allotments for a two-year period of military service. Those not chosen by the military would undertake a two-year service obligation in Rangel's plans. Bankley believes that Barack Obama's national service proposal doesn't go farther enough (if that isn't hard to believe). The neo-con Blankley wants to provide the program to contribute to military draft. That's a disgrace since we should never be forced by the government (or the state) to pracitipate in wars that we don't agree with at all. The supporters of these proposals (whether it involves the military or civilians) deal with that lie that citizens ought the service to the state our time, labor, and wealth. Also, White House Chief of State Rahm Emanuel (whose relative was apart of the Irgun group) blatantly wants the forced drafting of the youth to have so-called "national service." In his book, “The Plan: Big Ideas for America," Emanuel wants all Americans from the ages of 18 to 25 to be asked to serve 3 months of basic training, community service, and civil defense preparation. Emanuel is also an enthusiastic supporter of the United States Public Service Academy Act, a lobbying group founded in 2006 in order to promote the foundation of an American public service academy modeled on the military academies - a youth corps whose students would be trained in “civilian internship in the armed forces." That is why Emanuel admitted that he wanted a mandatory domestic draft for young Americans in a 2006 interview with Ben Smith (of the New York Daily News). Obama's website changed the word "required" to "community service" to describe their service programs. Rahm Emanuel is known for using profanity (including promoting political agitation) and he has a big influence on Barack Obama.

A Democratic Senator from Connecticut (named Chris Dodd, whose relative supported anti-gun laws for decades) introduced 4 bills that want to establish the grounwork for a system of comprehensive national service. Dodd said that this legislation will: "...create the architecture and the structure that will serve as the invitation for everyone to serve.” These Senate bills have been co-sponsored by Thad Cochran (a Republican from Mississippi) and they are companion legislation to bills Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3rd District, introduced on Tuesday in the House. These bills call for increases in federal spending for public service programs. The legislation will target anyone from schoolchildren to the elderly and aim to create new bases of volunteers beyond the usual young adult pool of service program participants according to The Day. Two of the bills, named the Summer of Service Act and the Semester of Service Act, are particularly aimed at middle school and high school students and will offer “credits” in return for participation in community-service programs. These bills want to bribe young people to work in exchange for credits. Some residents and education experts fear that these public service programs may become apart of student graduation requirements. A third bill, named The Encore Service Act, offers cash awards to people aged 55 and over who complete 250 or 500 hours of public service. In return for their service, participants would also receive an education award which could be transferred to their children or grandchildren. The fourth bill is called the Action Act. It's about increasing awards for AmeriCorps volunteers and reestablishing the Corporation's connection with federal agencies. The bill would also grant the Corporation for National Service Cabinet-level status under the Obama administration. Previously, Senator Dodd failed to bring a vote to his bills. Others have called for a national service program in America.

The GIVE bill threatens to enact a possible mandatory draft for Americans. On March 18, Rep. George Miller, a Democrat from California, tacked an amendment on H.R. 1388, entitled “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act,” or GIVE (to government), which some believe is apart of Obama’s plan to require mandatory service for all able young people. Miller's amendment will “prohibit organizations from attempting to influence legislation; organize or engage in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes; and assist, promote, or deter union organizing,” (within the organizations) according to, a site that tracks Congress. That proposal is a violation of the First Amendment of course. So, the "volunteer corps" act was passed by the House with a 321-105 margin. This bill will require the government to create a plan for indentured servitude (it would also have those in the program to deny millions of people their right to oppose and organize against the government). “This is as close to a sedition act, a violation of 1st Amendment rights, as has been proposed in recent history. A basic right as a part of our natural, inalienable rights, is to resist government. Our founders not only knew it was a right but it was a responsibility. This legislation begins to break that down significantly,” writes Gary Wood for the Examiner. GIVE can make conscription a reality for millions of young people, put them in unifrorms, and send them into 4 year (public service) acadamies where they are brainwashed to become "public sector leaders." Under section 6104 of the bill, entitled “Duties,” in subsection B6, the legislation states that a commission will be set up to investigate, “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.” Barack Obama have called for a civilian national security force that is just as strong as the military is. Section 120 of the bill addresses the “Youth Engagement Zone Program” and states that “service learning” will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.” H.R. 1388 not only reauthorizes programs under the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, but also includes “new programs and studies” and is expected to be funded with an allocation of $6 billion over the next five years, explains Bob Unruh for WND. Other concerns with the program is that it could be used to create an ca. 250,000 volunteers in a national civilian security force. It appears that Miller’s amendment is designed to strip members of this emerging “National Civilian Security Force” of their constitutional rights under the First Amendment (including to strips funds possibly from existing private volunteer organizations).The First Amendment reads as follows: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” On March 23, a similar bill was passed by the Senate on a 74 to 14 vote. “From President Kennedy’s days to the creation of Americorps by then President Bill Clinton, the notion of public service has become a rallying cry. Tonight’s vote, propelled by President Obama’s urging of an expansion, would mean a growth in such work from 75,000 community service jobs to 250,000,” reported the New York Times. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see if we don't fight against this measure, mandatory drafts will occur in the next few years.

During World War I, even Freemason Bernard Baruch, who was chairman of the Wilson administration's War Industries Board endorsed the state ownership of all Americans (He said that he lived in a society of socialism and that the individuals want submit to the welfare of the state). This is very similar to slavery since slavery revolved around forced labor against a person's will to satisfy an elite or the government. Of course, slavery is much more than a draft, but both are still immoral. The first American public figure of significant stature to endorse this concept was philosopher and psychologist William James, who in 1910 urged "a conscription of the whole youthful population. . . for a certain number of years as part of the army enlisted against Nature." James wanted a national conscription system to build roads, bridges, skyscrapers, and other services. Even the eight plank of the Communist Manifesto calls for a draft-like system. It dictates a "universal liability of all to labor" as the state directs, and the creation of state-supervised "industrial armies." Vladimir Lenin imposed forced labor after the Bolshevik coup. Vladimir Lenin demanded that his subjects consider themselves part of a "great army of free labor" to be deployed as the ruling oligarchy saw fit in his words: "The generation that is now 15 years old. . . must arrange all the tasks of their education in such a way that every day, in every city, the young people shall engage in the practical solution of the problem of common labor, even the smallest, most simple kind..." You can easily improve a society without a government mandated draft entity. Conscription of American citizens (or the human bondage submited to the state) is illegal. Involuntary servitude is banned under the 13th Amendment, but the Supreme Court supported the draft in 1918. The government exists to protect the ives and individual rights of citizens. Conscription inverts the government's role in falsely believing that people exist to protect the government. William Norman Grigg expresses this point concisely:

"...In any form, government-compelled "service" is an assertion of state ownership of the individual, and a violation of the most fundamental property right -- self-ownership. In the Western tradition of individual liberty under law, no other human being, either individually or acting as part of a collective, can properly claim ownership over any part of our lives, or the product of our exertions, without our consent. That consent can be expressed through contract, commerce, covenant, or charity. It cannot properly be obtained through coercion or fraud..."

In other words, the state has no right to own your life in service at all. The government has no right to force us into labor without our consent. We certainly have the express and fundamental right of human independent automony indeed. The Vietnam War exposed the draft for what it is. Many people during the 1960's and the early 1970's protested not only the Vietnam War, but the draft. During that time, the poor and minorities were disapportionally targeted in the draft. The outline of the draft back them consisted of a lottery system. Luckily, by the early 1970's, the draft was ended. Many lives from the Vietnam War were saved because of the draft. The draft is definitely evil.


The Battle of Wounded Knee

The Battle of Wounded Knee exposed imperalism as immoral and outlines the need to limit how powerful the state should be. Crazy Horse' image is depicted as a momument in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Ironically, the Native American Activist and Facilllator of the newly created Independent Republic of Lakota said: "...What’s happening in my country is also happening in your country…. You don’t even know it, but you’re the Indians of the 21st Century, and that’s very sad..." The irony is that his words are becoming more and more accurate today. Now, there were many Sioux tribes that were herded to the shore of Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota (and the Census Bureau reported about the disapperance of a contiguous frontier line). This was before the U.S. Army slaughtered hundreds of starving Sioux people. After this Massacre, Manifest Destiny (or imperalism) spread beyond the North American continent into Hawaii, the Philliphines, Cuba, etc. We all know that the Native American reservations were so bad that American Indians suffered high mortality rates, poverty, alcholism, and other outrageous conditions. Roughly three years after the December 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee, historian Frederick Jackson Turner justified this slaughter and land grabbing as a means of civilization. Yet, unjustifed murder of fellow man is the essence of not being civilized at all. In other words, imperalist criminals stealing land and slaughtering their fellow human beings is not representative of true civilization at all. Many settlers in the frontier sincerely and legitimately owned land. Yet, the Manifest Destiny concept is a representation of corrupt corporatism. Ironically, despite the defining of the Manifest Destiny as individualistic, some of it was apart of collectivism. One example is how Manifest Destiny was executed through government subsidies and gifts of government land. In fact, In the book of "Westward the Tide" had words from the novelist Louis L’Amour that talked about this issue in more depth:

"..They never advanced a foot without government land to sell, government money to spend, and the protection of the Army. The [pioneers] asked no protection from anybody, or if so, not for long, but moved on out ahead of the Army wherever their path was not blocked by too tight a line, and where they stopped they put down roots.."

Therefore, it doesn't matter if some people had individualistic roots, the State wanted to coerce people in the frontier of America. Now, in 1874, George Armstrong Custer led an invasion force into the Black Hills of South Dakota, which was a territory considered sacred to the Sioux. The United States government solemnly promised to the Sioux that they can hold on to the land in perpetuity by a treaty less than a decade earlier. Typically, many U.S. military forces would break the treaties that they had with the Native American people living in their own lands. Custer falsely assumced that the Black Hills composed of gold that must be brought down under American control. So, they did illegal immigration to the Black Hills in a deluge. In September 1875, Washington convened a conference with Sioux representatives in the hope that the Native Americans would (in Dee Brown’s phrase) “sell their land in order to save the United States Government the embarrassment of having to break a treaty to get it.” The Sioux including Sitting Bull stood defiant against these demands. Sitting Bull replied by picking up a pinch of soil and releasing it to the wind. He said these famous words: “I want you to go and tell the Great Father that I do not want to sell any land to the government – not even as much as this.” Now, the government then prepared to steal the land and murdered the Native Americans who tried to defend their lands. American forces lost the first major Battle of Little Bighorn or what the Sioux called the Battle of Greasy Grass. This was Custer's Last Stand between the Lakota-Northern Cheyenne and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the United States Army. The battle was the most famous action of the
Sioux War of 1876-77 it was a remarkable victory for the Lakota and Northern Cheyenne, led by Sitting Bull. The U.S. Seventh Cavalry, including a column of 700 men led by George Armstrong Custer, was defeated. Five of the Seventh's companies were annihilated. George Armstrong Custer himself was killed as were two of his brothers, a nephew, and a brother-in-law.

The Native Americans defended their God-given homeland, yet the government leviathan plotted more terror agaisnt the Sioux. The government couldn't immediately find Sitting Bull, Gall, Crazy Horse, and other Indian commanders. Therefore, they allowed the war criminal General T. Sherman to treat all of the Sioux on the reservation as prisoners of war. The Sioux broke down by increasing demographics, terror, political pressure, etc. Crazy Horse was forced to bring his people into the reservation, because he faced starvation. Crazy Horse later learned that the American government stole his land, murdered innocent people, and kill Chief Joseph's Nez Perce. Crazy Horse wanted to rebel and leave the reservation. Later, he was arrested by the Indian Agency Police (whose members included Uislings like Little Big Man). He was later murdered by an U.S. Army private at Fort Robinson in September 5, 1877. Crazy Horse was buried by his parents in Wounded Knee, which was a creek on land that would become Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Sitting Bull fled to Canada after the battle of Greasy Grass in the hope that his people would be protected as subjects of the British Crown. Washington intervened and prevented Sitting Bull to get a piece of decent land. In July 1881, Sitting Bull joined, Red Cloud, Red Dog, Spotted Tail and other Sioux chiefs in choosing surrender over starvation. Sitting Bull was imprisoned at Ft. Randall, which was in violation of the promises of decent treatment. Sitting Bull still outline resilience despite his bad condition. Republican Senator John Logan of Illinois mocked Sitting Bull's and the Sioux's condition by promoting the Mussolini credo of "... You are fed by the government, clothed by the government, your children are educated by the government, and all that you have and are today is because of the government...Everything within the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State..." The state being blasphemeously worshipped is the essence of socialism and totalitarianism. Washington stole the Black Hills by threatening the Native American people by extortion via starvation. By an 1889 act of Congress, the pitiful remainder of the original 1868 treaty land was divided into six small reservations in South Dakota. The Sioux themselves were disarmed, deprived of their horses, and confined to reservation plots. Prior to the 1889 treaty, the Sioux had been promised that the subsistence rations promised in the 1868 pact would continue. But once the Black Hills had been signed away, Washington violated the agreement. By 1890, the promised rations were withheld outright. Even the European-American residents of South Dakota were even struggling. The Sioux were starving. The religious Ghost Dance was about a mystical vision of Native American earning their land back. It was promoted by Wovoka that used mysticism mixed with elements from the New Testament. The government tried to suppress Wovoka's new religion.

In October 1890, Daniel F. Royer, a disgraced pharmacist and former M.D. (his license had been revoked in California owing to a drug addiction) was appointed Indian Agent at the Pine Ridge Reservation. He had no experience in Indian affairs. Therefore, his appointment was done for purely political reasons. About two weeks later, Royer dispatched a panicky telegraph to Washington demanding military intervention and the arrest of the Sioux leaders.


False reports of the Sioux wanted to fight Americans came about. In December 15, Sitting Bull surrended peacefully. A Ghost Dance proponent drew a gun and one policement shot Sitting Bull at the head in point blank range. The murder of Sitting Bull prompted his half-brother, Bigfoot, to flee with his people to the reservation at Pine Ridge in search of sanctuary. The military still wanted to find him and his followers. Major Samuel Whitside, who intercepted Big Foot’s band on December 28, insisted on treating them as a captured military force. Under the guns of the Seventh Cavalry – which retained the bitter institutional memory of its defeat at Greasy Grass/Little Bighorn – the band was taken to a camp on the banks of Wounded Knee Creek, where the Indians were to be disarmed. In December 29, 1890, the Army stole guns from Big Foot's followers. The Army then killed the innocent man named Black Coyote. Bigfoot was gunned down. “We tried to run,” testified survivor Louise Weasel Bear, “but they shot us like we were buffalo.” The soldiers also killed innocent men, women, and children like cowards. Even little babies died. Over 150 Native American men, women, and children died in the Wounded Knee Massacre. Black Elk said that some who resisted survived including 2 brave little boys who defended themselves. This massacre was a slaughter. When Black Elk arrived on the scene, what he saw was not a battlefield, but rather “one long grave of butchered women and children and babies, who had never done any harm and were only trying to run away.” This murder cost about $2 million in 1890 dollars. Some of the Army criminals who were involved in the Wounded Knee Massacre were awarded medals form the U.S. Government. This massacre was the beginning of the end of the Frontier Era of American history. Later, the American Empire imprisoned, tortured, and slaughtered tens of thousands of Fillipinos after the Spanish American War. This tactic was done against Germany after WWI (via the Versailles Treaty) with the weapon of excessive reparations and even starvation (which caused the murder ous dictator of Hitler to arise. Ironically, Hitler justified his evil by citing Washington's unjustified treatment of Native Americans). The state recently imposed an embargo of Iraq that killed thousands of children in the 1990's (CFR member Madaleine Albright said that the embargo was worth it). In a fascinating interview with Scott Horton, Indian activist Russell Means describes how the American Indian Reservation System has been the incubator for totalitarian social engineering programs both here and abroad. The subjugation of the American Indian, he warns, provided the model for the ongoing dispossession of the American middle class. In other words, America is de-industralized and our wealth is being stolen in order to fund the agenda of the ruling elite. That is why militarization of society is increasing in America (including the prison industrial complex is still potent. Tons of non-violent criminals are in prison unfairly for extremely long sentences thanks to the mandatory minimums). Native Americans were stolen of their guns and ironically our personal right to own firearms is being threatened by new bills all of the time.

Angels and Demons

On May of 2009, Angels and Demons is a new film staring Tom Hanks. The "Angels and Demons Movie" tells the story of Robert (Tom Hanks) Langdon's brush with a shadowy secret society, the Illuminati. The film details Landgon's frantic quest for the world's most powerful energy source, in the company of a beautiful Italian physicist whose father, (a brilliant physicist), has been murdered. Based on the novel 'Angels and Demons', the movie follows world-renowned Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who is summoned to a Swiss research facility (CERN) to analyze a mysterious symbol seared into the chest of a murdered physicist. This weapon can kill millions of people. Like Da Vinci Code, it harbors disinformation about the real history of the Vatican and the Illuminati. Some believe it even covertly supports the Papacy (while overtly opposing the Papacy). That is why much of the cast of Angels and Demons discussed the film project with some of the leaders of the Papacy. The film proclaims that the Vatican are the bad guys, while the Illuminati are the good guys fighting against the Vatican. When, the truth is that both the Vatican (who have blatantly have unbiblical views like the Rosary and calling Mary the Queen of Heaven) and the Illuminati are both the bad guys working in a Hegelian Dialetic in forming the new world order. Both have concepts that related to the old Mystery Schools of ancient Babylon (and ancient Egypt). Both want an utopian world order and each tried or is trying to take over the world. Adam Weishaupt was a professor of the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria. He wanted enlightenment principles to rule the world along with the destruction of monarchies. He loved the concepts of Pythagoras and used the symbol of the owl (or Minerva) to represent wisdom.That is why he formed the Bavarian Illuminati in the time of May 1, 1776. The Illuminati consisted of writers, musicians, and doctors. In the Bavarian Illuminati, there are degrees where members are tested in order to advance into a higher degree. Adam Weishaupt was a professor of Canon Law and was never excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church at all. Also, Knigge defected from the Illuminati and accused Weishaupt of being a Jesuit agent. According to the link of

"...But in 1783 dissensions arose between Knigge and Weishaupt, which resulted in the final withdrawal of the former on 1 July, 1784. Knigge could no longer endure Weishaupt’s pedantic domineering, which frequently assumed offensive forms. He accused Weishaupt of “Jesuitism”, and suspected him of being “a Jesuit in disguise” (Nachtr., I, 129)...."

It's a fact that Weishaupt based his organization in the order of the Jesuits. The Bavarian government banned Weshaupt's Illuminati clique in 1782. Weishaupt was initiated into Freemasonry. We do know that Freemasonry is a Secret Society (this is one of the fews things that Angels and Demons got right). Freemasonry's origin in the modern era is from 1717, but scholars believe that similar groups existed from the old stonemasons from the Middle Ages. Their symbolism is definitely related to ancient Egypt (33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall admits to this), ancient Babylon, ancient Greece, and from the ancient Kabbalah. Under the guise of promoting brotherhood, the Freemasons mix the occult with Theism in their rituals and literature. The Freemasons talk heavily about certain mathematical formulas that deal with building concepts. These same mathematical words allowed the Freemasons to built huge structures from the Washington Monument to the Statue of Liberty for centuries (The right angle to a Mason is meant to deal rightly and fairly to their fellow man). Even the mostly Roman Catholic stonemasons built the Great Cathedrals of Europe during the Middle Ages. There is a debate rather the Knights Templar are some of the ancestors of Freemasonry. What we do know completely is that Freemasonry did utilized Templar cosmology in their organization indeed. The Templars were a secret Brotherhood. In 1119. 9 Templars wanted to go into the Holy Land to protect pilgrims (while covertly, they wanted to learn the secrets from Solomon's Temple and the mysteries). The Templars dug underneath the Temple of Solomon. The monk Bernard was involved in forming the Knights Templar. He translated Hebrew texts (He researched the feminine side of religion. In other words, he venerate the feminine side of religious thought). Ironically, the Knights Templar would be a group of warrior monks who fought Muslims during the various Crusades that was manifesting. The Pope and Prince Philip V wanted the Templar's huge wealth since the Templars were the biggest international bankers in Europe. That is why the Vatican persecuted and murdered many leading Knights Templar. The rest of the Templars migrated into Scotland and Switzerland. In Scotland, the Templar's descendants would form Rossayln Chapel. Some believe that the Knights Templar would influence the development of Scottish Freemasonry. In The Deadly Deception, Jim Shaw explained that one foundation of all Masonic symbolism is Phallic Worship.

"Since the true meaning of Masonic symbols (and thus, the true meaning of Masonry itself) is to be known only by the Prince Adepts of Masonry, we must hear what they say concerning them. They (Albert Pike, Albert Mackey, J.D. Buck, Daniel Sickles and others) teach that Masonry is a revival of the Ancient Mysteries (the mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Rome and Greece).

"These Ancient religions had two meanings, or interpretations. One was the apparent (exoteric) meaning, known to the uninitiated, ignorant masses; the other (esoteric) meaning was the true meaning, entirely different, known only to a small, elite group, initiated into their secrets and secret rituals of worship. These mystery religions were forms of nature-worship, more specifically and most commonly the worship of the Sun as source and giver of life to the Earth. Since Ancient times, this worship of the Sun (and of the Moon, stars and of nature in general) has been sexual in its outworkings and rituals. Since the Sun’s rays, penetrating the Earth and bringing about new life, have been central to such worship, the phallus, the male ‘generative principle,’ has been worshipped and the rituals climaxed with sexual union in the mystery religions of Isis and Osiris, Tammuz, Baal, etc. In summary, then, since the Ancient Mysteries (especially those of Egypt) are in fact the Old Religion of which Freemasonry is a revival, the symbols of Masonry should be expected to be phallic in true meaning. This, in very fact, is the case." (James Shaw & Tom McKenney's "The Deadly Deception," Huntington House Inc., Lafayette, LA, 1988, Appendix B, pp. 142-14)

The Angels and Demons omit that the Vatican has diplomatic relations in over 100 nations worldwide. The Vatican can produce propaganda. In 1622, Pope Gregory XV created the College of Propaganda. It had 13 Cardinals to establish foreign missions. One of Pope Gregory's accountants said that it's cheaper to teach them as sovereign neither of using force. Hence, the movie pictures the Vatican as a sovereign, moral authority when it isn't at all. The establishment is trying to promote this movie to lie that there is a bad and good side to the Illuminati, when it is all wicked (and evil). The film doesn't touch on the real smoking guns exposing the Vatican's corruption (like the Inquisition, the tie of Nazism and the Vatican, the Ecumenical Movement, the real history of Opus Dei, and how the Vatican had ties to the ancient Mystery Schools). Also, the elite want to use preemptive violence to overthrow our government instead of meekly helping our society. That is why Revolutions is a key tactics that the Jesuits and the Freemasons did to overthrow governments for centuries. Secret Societies love the Holy Grail myths. The Grail is a representation of knowledge and to others it is the feminime aspect of the occult. In Parzival, Wolfram von Eschenbach, citing the authority of a certain (probably fictional) Kyot the Provençal, claimed the Grail was a stone that fell from Heaven (called lapsit exillis), and had been the sanctuary of the Neutral Angels who took neither side during Lucifer's rebellion. The authors of the Vulgate Cycle used the Grail as a symbol of divine grace. The essence of Angels and Demons is that it's a continuation of the Da Vinci Code's deception. Da Vinci Code is a book that promotes the lies and endless geneaology that Jesus Christ had sex with Mary Madgelene to form the Merovingian family.

By Timothy


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Timothy said...

Thank you for your words.

By Timothy

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