Friday, March 26, 2010

Commentaries in the world from late March 2010

The Health law have caused controversy. People support it as a means to lower administrative costs, give choices, and improve the quality of life people. America has the highest administrative costs in the world of health care, so administrative cost should go down if you want real health care reform in America. Other citizens oppose because they believe it will raise taxes on not just one area, but many areas. Also, they feel it unconstitutionally forces people against their will to have health care if they don't desire it, it's a step toward government run health care, and it's a law that will benefit the insurance companies. Many liberals and folks from across the political spectrum disagree with the new law as believing that it will benefit Big Pharma and the insurance corporations (Some believe that companies like Caterpillar will increase prices or premiums in response to the health care law. Critics about the law believe that some of Medicare will be cut. Supporters of the law deny this charge). Verizon also warned that the burden of the 40% tax on high-end health plans under Obamacare “will simply be spread to all workers,” illustrating once again that taxes introduced under the guise of punishing the rich merely hit everyone in the pocket, while elitist Washington insiders like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Obama himself will be completely exempt from their own bill as a result of a loophole. What is the truth? The truth is that we don't know that total future of this law will be on the American people yet since all of it haven't been enforced yet. My gut feeling is that some of this law is legitimate like no denial or discrimination of people who have pre existing conditions, while other parts of it have errors. Some people will receive benefits and others will have struggles still in receiving health care benefits. I do believe now that health care isn't a privilege. Health care is a human right because health care is an extension of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It's like I have the freedom of conscience and the freedom of thought, but that isn't mentioned in the Constitution at all. So, health care should be available for all people in America. I don't agree with stereotyping, because people from across the political spectrum want health care reform for people. Some of them just disagree on the methods in getting that goal realized in fruition. I don't agree with many Republicans that health care solutions should be incremental or piece meal. Health care reform ought to be all encompassing and widespread among immediate situations as soon as possible. The reason for that is that lives literally are in risk of death. You have to do something as soon as possible to decrease death among our fellow human beings. There have been windows being destroyed in some Democratic locations and I don't agree with that since violence is never apart of true dissent in a society. Yet, SIEU workers assaulted an African American too for just disagreeing with Obama's policies. That was wrong as well. Not to mention I don't believe in calling people terrorists or sexual slur for protesting against governmental policies. The extremists want us to either follow no government & no regulations in society (plus getting rid of all welfare and social services in the USA that will cause poverty in a enormous level) or some wish for the government to act as a dictatorship in controlling every aspect of your life in a tyrannical system. Real reform would be legitimate government, preserving welfare plus real social services, legitimate regulations, and legitimate freedoms for people to build up health care, education, infrastructure, the environment, and other components of the nation (this enhances the General Welfare of the people).

It's easily proven that IBM funded the Nazi Holocaust. This Masonic corporation allowed computer technology to be utilized by the Nazi to track and murder Protestants, Baptists, Jewish people, and folks of many backgrounds during the Holocaust. This has been documented in Edwin Black's book called IBM and the Holocaust. The head of IBM in that time was high level Freemason and Pilgrim Society member Thomas J. Watson Sr. The IBM Hollerith machines were used by Hitler to promote murder. IBM today owns Verichip Corporation. Verichips popularizes a microchip in animals and human beings. The lesson about these facts is that we should always oppose mandatory microchips into our bodies if that occurs in the future and the military industrial complex didn't exist now (It spread among thousands of years especially during WWII). Of course, the Vatican was involved in the Holocaust and Ustashi Massacres in the 1940's as well. The Honorary Knight of Malta Dwight D. Eisenhower is pictured wearing a Maltese cross with the Queen Elizabeth II (and she's wearing a Maltese cross too). The Jesuit/Vatican link to the new world order didn't end with WWII though. Even Rockefeller Center is across the street from Archbishop Timothy Dolan's St. Patrick's Cathedral in mostly Roman Catholic New York City. Jesuit Georgetown University still have huge power in the Federal Government, State government, and local government of America.
Georgetown promote the Counter-Reformation (that deals with destroying the Protestant Reformation in suppressing the freedom of conscience, the right to bear arms, and the right to reject authoritarian entities from controlling our peoples & lands). The pro-Jesuit Council on Trent, the Syllabus of Errors, and other anti-liberty proclamations haven't been repealed by the Vatican at all. The Jesuits have worked with the Cecil family too. This threat isn't just transpiring here in America. It's a grave threat that's apparent in Europe, Australia, Africa, Asia, and all over the world. The Vatican elite use puppets like the Protestant/Ecumenical Dame of Malta Queen Elizabeth II to promote the globalized world system. Even back in December 2, 2009, Vice President Joe Biden and the television news host Chris Matthews meet with each other to celebrate Jesuit volunteers in Washington, D.C. the Knights of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, and Vatican have permanent observer status at the United Nations. The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem is a taboo subject to discuss even among some in the alternative media.

The person who invented the credit default swaps is one of the key architects of the carbon derivativies, which could be at the center of cap and trade. It's easily proven that speculative derivatives (like credit default swaps or CDS) is the major cause of the economic crisis. The CDS were largely responsible for bringing down the large corporations of Bear Stearns, AIG, WaMu, etc. The risky derivatives are still a risk in our economy because of their risks, because of top experts. George Akerlof is a Nobel prize-winning economist. He predicted in 1993 that CDS would cause the next meltdown. Warren Buffett even called them weapons of mass destruction in 2003. Even Buffett's ally Charles T. Munger wants the CDS to be prohibited from the economy. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan proclaim CDS as being dangerous. SEC Christopher Cox said that the virtually unregulated over the counter credit default swaps have played a significant role in the existence of the credit crisis. Other folks have said the same thing like even President Barack Obama, George Soros, etc. Senator Cantwell says that the new derivatives legislation is weaker than current regulation. Even Bloomberg believes that the carbon trading scheme will be largely centered around derivatives. The banks will handle this carbon trading system as well. Blythe Masters is the female JP Morgan employee who invented credit default swaps. She now is leading the JPM's carbon trading efforts. Masters oversees the New York Bank's environmental businesses as the firm's global head of commodities. Some in Congress like Democratic Senator from Washington State named Maria Cantwell oppose carbon derivatives. She is 51 years old. She proposed in November that U.S. state governments be given the right to ban unregulated financial products. “The derivatives market has done so much damage to our economy and is nothing more than a very-high-stakes casino -- except that casinos have to abide by regulations,” she wrote in a press release. Congress may allow industry to pressure to let carbon derivatives trade over the counter. Some can even manipulate cap and trade markets. The system can be gamed indeed. Hedge fund manager Michael Masters, founder of Masters Capital Management LLC, based in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands [and unrelated to Blythe Masters] says speculators will end up controlling U.S. carbon prices, and their participation could trigger the same type of boom-and-bust cycles that have buffeted other commodities. The hedge fund manager says that banks will attempt to inflate the carbon market by recruiting investors from hedge funds and pension funds. Even some environmentalists are opposed for cap and trade. The reason is that the country isn't finished with testing new financial regulations (including the fact that Wall Street can benefit from such a system as outlined by Michelle Chan. Chan is the senior policy analyst in San Francisco for Friends of the Earth). Inadequately regulated carbon derivatives can destabilize the economy and lead into another crash. The government might bailout out CDS sellers again if a crash transpires. Indeed, the same dynamic that led to the S&L crisis also led to last year's CDS crisis, and will lead to the next crisis as well. So - while CDS might be a particularly dangerous type of "weapon of mass destruction" (in Warren Buffet's words), the new carbon derivatives may very well become the new form of looting on the public's dime. We don't need carbon derivatives at all. We dont' need carbon trade to improve the conditions of the environment, especially since big banks will exploit this plan in creating fraud and bubbles. Global warming hysteria and the cap and trade deception are promoted by the international bankers including the Club of Rome (that loves the belief in Peak Oil too).

The exposure of Austrian Economics is bigger than a economic disagreement, but it's a political disagreement as well. As for the government, Austrians believe that government is going bad because the essence of government is that it can make no beneficial improvement in society especially from the federal level. I don't agree with that. Government has been corrupted by many reason. One is that private corporate interests have infiltrated and taken over the government to enact bad policies spanning many years and decades like the derivatives, etc. Privatization (or allowing select corporations run completely the resources of a nation) is just as much of a threat in U.S. society as is totalitarian government. It isn't a coincidence that some in the Austrian Economic crowd want most if not all welfare plus health care to get cut since some of them believe in the Malthusian lie that society should not care about those disadvantaged unless charity or religious organizations alone help them out. The problem with this argument is that not everyone is religious who is poor and that charity has a finite reach toward ending poverty. A comprehensive, constructive approach in alleviating poverty is a much better solution than advancing a limited prescription. If you want something done, you should reform government not end it. This isn't socialism since socialism is the government seizing or stealing markets arbitrarily for control. Ironically, Fabian Socialism was funded by the British global elite back in the early 1900's not to benefit the common man, but to give crumbs to people while giving out covert authoritarianism at the same time. This is really about allowing the government to promote the General Welfare of the people. Government was meant to be formed by the people to enrich the common standard of living among society. Regulation is not Socialism!! Socialism deals with the government stealing or seizing markets in an illegitimate fashion that cripples all forms of private enterprise (or the government controlling all forms of the means of production). I don't agree with that. Derivatives where banned, illegal until president Reagan (maybe forced or pressured) wrote them into existence again since the early 1980s, which was the first seeds for the problems we're having now. To make a long story short, economic growth came in the 1940's to the early 1970's that was consistent. The monetarist policy of ending the Bretton Woods System came about in 1971. There was the oil embargo that caused high inflation in the early 1970's and in the late 1970's and early 1980's, Paul Volker raised the FED prime rate to 23%. This caused much of the destruction of the industrial base of the United States. Ronald Reagan was elected, because people were disgusted with Jimmy Carter's policies. Reagan came in and deregulated services and expanded the deficit. His supporters claimed that he expanded GDP, but the poverty rate didn't radically decline in the timespan of Reagan's administration. Bill Clinton had a surplus in the economy (although Clinton made the mistake of passing NAFTA that contributes to the exporting of jobs overseas without legitimate compensation to the workers who had their jobs depleted) and George W. Bush expanded the debt as well. According to Webster Tarpley, the U.S. standard of living declined by 2/3 in the past 4 decades. Wall Street, the Federal Reserve, and their political puppets are responsible for these economic tribulations not the poor or most Americans for that matter. The ironic thing is that the Fabian Socialists and the cartel capitalists have been funded by the same people via the Rockefeller Foundation. Friedrich von Hayek spoke out against nationalism. Now, I believe in nationalism and I'm sure Ron Paul agrees with it. So, why are Austrian allying with a man that don't agree with nationalism. Hayek is a big proponent of Austrian Economics who lives a live long time from 1899 to 1992. He tutored David Rockefeller in the 1930's. Isn't it interesting that Rockefeller have influence in the University of Chicago, which is a despository of radical unbribled, unrelegated capitalism. The big picture is that government have been infiltrated by big corporate interests in order to try to control socieities globally.

Secret Societies deal with alchemy all of the time. Alchemy existed for thousands of years. It's apart of the Mystery Religion. It deals with the concept of trying to change base metals into gold or transform man's conscience from the lower to the higher self (and ultimately into godhood). Alchemy is from the Old Persian word of kimia or gold. In the Arabic language, the word is al-kimi and in the Hebrew language the word is אלכימיה or al-khimia. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, India, China, Japan, Korea, plus Classical Greece & Rome hae embrace alchemical schools. Sir Isaac Newton was one proponent of alchemy and the occult studies in the 15th century. Newton claimed to be a Christian, but he mixed Christian teachings with his esoteric ideology. Newton wanted to use alchemy in trying to find the Philosopher's Stone, to get gold created, and find the Elixir of Life. He not only studied science, but the sacred geometry of Solomon's Temple. He studied geometric patterns like golden sections, spirals, and other patterns in Nature. He believed that these patterns represent Biblical realities. He believed that King Solomon built the Temple in divine guidance and that it's a time frame chronology of Hebrew history. In 1675 Newton annotated a copy of "Manna - a disquisition of the nature of alchemy", an anonymous treatise which had been given to him by his fellow scholar Ezekiel Foxcroft. In his annotation Newton reflected upon his reasons for examining Solomon's Temple by writing:
"This philosophy, both speculative and active, is not only to be found in the volume of nature, but also in the sacred scriptures, as in Genesis, Job, Psalms, Isaiah and others. In the knowledge of this philosophy, God made Solomon the greatest philosopher in the world." There are other famous Western alchemists like Roger Bacon, "Saint" Thomas Aquinas, Tycho Brahe, Thomas Browne, and Parmigianino. Alchemy is bigger than occult rituals, but it deals with Hermetic language that only in recent years that a wide spectrum of people have understand or decipher. This understand certainly proves the apparent connection among Kabbalism, Rosicrucianism, and other occult movements. In alchemy, there is the term of magnum opus. This term is found in Hermeticism and alchemy that deals with the mystical union of the self and God to be one (or the uniting of the microcosm with the macrocosm into a single entity). The magnum opus is a term also known for a very important work of literature. Ultimately, much of what the New Agers seek this goal. It isn't a secret that the Jesuits have ties to the New Age Movement. Pierre Chardin S.J. created the modern New Age Movement. Salvador Freixedo S.J. promotes UFO disinformation and he claims that he's an "ex-Jesuit."

By Timothy

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