Friday, December 03, 2010

Early December 2010 Updates

President Barack Obama and Congress wants to negoitate tax cuts for the wealthy. The Obama administration have had closed door talks with congressional leaders of both parties. The discussion was about the extension of the Bush tax cuts. There has been reports that a deal could exist with the Republicans getting their tax cuts for the wealthy (without the $250,000 money limit or the $1 million limit as propsoed by Senate Democrats). The Wall Street Journal viewed the talks as a means to promote the temporarily extending current tax rates for all inocme levels. The New York Times said that this compromise can allow some concessions on the unemployment conspensation deal. What is coming is a windfall for the wealthy whose estimated value is $700 billion over 10 years, or $70 billion a year if the extension is for a shorter period of time. This handout to the financial aristocracy may be packaged with a revival of extended unemployment benefits for the long-term jobless, which the Obama administration and the Democratic congressional leadership allowed to expire on November 30. There is a social necessity to give the unemployed extended benfits. The Labor Department said that new claims for unemployment benefits jumped about 26,000 last week. It's not in the total of 456,000. New jobless claims have been averaging 450,000 a week throughout 2010. This was well above the level of 400,000 that U.S. economists cite as indicating a stable, rather than a contracting labor market. 800,000 workers are in risk of lacking benefits. The White House Council of Economic Advisers released a report warning that if Congress does not act to restore the extended benefits, a total of 2 million workers will lose coverage by the end of December and a total of 7 million workers will be cut off by November 2011. The result will be a further slowdown in the US economy and the loss of another 800,000 jobs. The House of Representatives is about to be mostly Republicans. The House now forced a vote in yesterday afternoon on a bill to extend the Bush tax cuts for the 98% of families with incomes below the $250,000 mark. The bill narrowly survived a procedural vote in the morning. It passed 213 to 203. Nearly 30 conservative Democrats voting against it. These Democrats are silly since most Americans agree with middle class tax cuts and they are no different than the Republicans. The bill was adopted later in the day by the larger margin of 234 to 188. Nancy Pelosi tied the tax vote to the expiration of unemployment benefits. She criticized the Republicans since the $700 billion in wealthy tax cuts since these tax cuts are more expensive than the unemployment benefits costing only $18 billion. Pelosi’s deputy, outgoing Majority Whip Steny Hoyer, chimed in: “I believe that passing unemployment insurance is a moral imperative, not a political deal.” Both parties could work together to extend tax cuts for the wealthy. There are closed door talks. Pro-austerity and pro-Wall Street bailout figures Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Budget Director Jacob Lew are in talks. Max Baucus was in the talks as well. He is the finance committee and co-architect of the 2001 Bush tax cuts. Congressman Chris Van Hollen, a key aide to Pelosi, represented House Democrats, while the Republicans were represented by Senator Jon Kyl, the minority whip, and Congressman Dave Camp, who will head the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee in the incoming Congress. Some Republicans want to block any legislation in the lame duck session of Congress until the Senate took up bill to extend all the Bush tax cuts and fund government operation all over the rest of the fiscal year (as agreed by 42 Republicans Senators signing a joint letter). 42 out of 100 Senators are a minority of Senatorss. This isn't bipartisan rhetoric at all. This is an ultimatum. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Jim DeMint of South Carolina lie and said that taxes can't be raised in a recession. Taxes were raised on the wealthy in the Great Depression and some of the greatest economic boon in history existed afterwards. Some Republicans act aggressive while some Democrats acted in cowardice. The deal is that the 2 parties have minimal differences. They represent the elite that wants tax cuts for the rich and privileges for the upper middle class (while Democrat put up the image that they are for the working people and the unemployed). Now, Democrats are supporting the bipartisan commission that ewas appointed by Barack Obama to lower the federal budget deficit. Even Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois (or the lone Senate liberal on the panel) agreed with an increase in the age of eligibility for Social Security to 69 by 2075. Everyone knows that Ken Conrad (or the Senate Democrat from North Dakota) agreed with the chairman's report since he spoke of austerity for years.

The Wikileaks scandals proved the corruption in the Western governments worldwide. Its founder named Julian Assange said that the world must know about the corruption in the modern world, which is a throwback to the Dark Ages. Some release of the documents form Wikileaks are called by the establishment as controversial. These document show that the U.S. government uses duplicity in enacting its policies in the world. It's not apart of our government representing true idealism, but a corporate dominated government that represents neptitude. There is hostility to Wikileaks even from Europe. The American media has been complicit in promoting the evils of imperialism and other forms of social injustice. The Wikileaks showed many truths about the coverage that the media does on what's really going on in the world. Some American politicans want Assange to be executed. The U.S. Congress called Assange a traitor to America when Assange is an Australian citizen. He isn't an American citizens at all. The people who support that charge against Assange obviously didn't realize this. Even Mike Huckabee (with links to the CNP and the CFR) wants Julian Assange to be executed. He's supposed to be a Baptist preacher and even Mike is wrong to promote that wicked action. No real man of God would call on the U.S. government to murder an Australian citizen. The US government was able to get British prime minister Brown to “fix” the official Chilcot Investigation into how former prime minister Tony Blair manipulated and lied the British government into being mercenaries for the US invasion of Iraq. One of the “diplomatic” cables released has UK Defense Ministry official Jon Day promising the United States government that prime minister Brown’s government has “put measures in place to protect your interests.” Other cables said taht the U.S. government threatened Spanish prime minister Zapatero, ordering him to stop his criticisms of the Iraq war or else. Joe Lieberman from Connecticut threaten Amazon to oust WikiLeaks content from their hosting service. This is against the First Amendment of course. The U.S. government and the compliant, token American mainstream media say that there is nothing new in these thousands of document. Yet, they want to shut down Wikileaks and its ofudner. The documents are damanging. Assange is hiding out in the world. He fears CIA and Mossad assassination. The Swedish government accuses Assange of sexual misconduct on a woman that he steadfastly denies. 2 women put charges on him. If these allegations are true, then he should be prosecuted. Yet, this doesn't mean that this Western Empire agenda is jusitifable at all. WikiLeaks released a US classified document signed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that explicitly orders US diplomats to spy on UN Security council officials and on the Secretary General of the United Nations. The cable is now in the public record. No one challenges its authenticity. Yet, today the Obama regime, precisely White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, declared that Hillary had never ordered or even asked US officials to spy on UN officials. As asked: Who do you believe, the printed word with Hillary’s signature or the White House? We shouldn't trust a corrupt government unconditionally at all.

Tons of researchers found out unique information about the civil rights movement and Dr. Martin Luther King. The civil rights movement was made up of people that legitimately wanted the liberation of people in America. The government knew this too. Later, the oligarchy infiltrated much of it to prevent it from talking about international issues and promoting the liberation of all peoples in a radical, revolutionary fashion. This has been exposed by Andrew Gavin Marshall and other researchers. The civil rights movement existed for centuries as black people fought for real liberation back in the 1500's. Now, the elite tried to rule this independent and people driven movement to be more colorblind and limited in its outlook (with no radical plan to end poverty among all peoples). This is why the National Security State wanted to pacify the real Civil Rights Movement since it was against the status quo. The CIA, FBI, police, and the military infiltrated a large portion of the civil rights movement. There were spies, infiltration, and disruption of people too. Billionaire elites funded mainstream, controlled branches of the civil rights movement too. The elite used Foundations to try to entice people to join in the system instead of fighting against it. Dr. Martin Luther King spoke out against the ruling oligarchy especially from 1967 onward. The rich philanthropists didn't like this. So, they use tactics of intimidation, infiltration, etc. to try to discredit him. King focused on only on race, but only economic, militarism, and materialism. He realized that if you target these evils, the oligarchy wouldn't like it. So, the oligarchy uses a divide and conquer tactic that continues now to divide people unnecessarily, while real solutions aren't made. King knew this and he exposed the whole corporate system as an evil empire that seeks to economically exploit humans from all over the world not only black people. The elite hated this and allow him to be assassinated by their agents (as proven in a court of law I might add). It's not a secret that the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover monitor civil rights groups, the Klan, the Black Panthers, the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, and other groups since 1956 via his COINTELPRO program. The Civil rights movement was hated by Hoover and many factions of the government back then. They obsess with labeling the Civil Rights Movement as collectively Communist, which is a lie. For promoting individual liberty and being free to have religious liberty is antithetical to the agendas of Communism. Hoover and the FBI tried to blackmail King for them accusing him of doing adultery. King refused to back down. One leader of the United Klans of America member was a FBI informant. The National Security Agency (which is more powerful than the CIA) monitored illegally anti war and civil rights activities. Dr. Martin Luther King opposed the Vietnam War explicitly since 1966 (and took it to next level in April of 1967 when he gave his "Beyond Vietnam" speech). The establishment hated him for it. For example, Life Magazine calling the speech, “demagogic slander that sounded like a script for Radio Hanoi,” and the Washington Post saying that, “King has diminished his usefulness to his cause, his country, his people.” In this time period, the National Guard, the FBI, local police forces, and state police forced collaborated domestically to monitor anti-war groups and civil rights organization (this is called Operation Garden Plot). Ironically, members of the Army's 111th Military Intelligence Group that surveilled King under a 24 hour a day surveillance in Memphis just before his death (this unit was from Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia). Now, the assassination of Dr. King was proven to be a conspiracy in a court case back in the late 1990's. The jury said that Lloyd Jowers (or the owner of Jim's Grill), the FBI, the military, parts of the Memphis Police Department, the CIA, and organized crime worked in unison to kill Dr. Martin Luther King. William Pepper or the lawyer for the King family took the case to trial and believed in the verdict. Judge Joe Brown was presiding over James Earl Ray's final appeal of his conviction. He said that: “Dr. King was shot with an M-21, which is a specially accurized edition of the M-14 semi-automatic weapon that the military used.” During the 1950’s foundations like the Rockefeller Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and others came into to give money to infiltrate the Civil Rights movement. They moved into mostly fund moderate groups like the NAACP, The National Urban League, and the League Defense and Educational Fund. This doesn’t mean that real people aren't in these groups, but corporations massively fund various high level organizations. The corporations did this to prevent real radicalism among communities in America (to prevent a global class focus to benefit the whole human race in populism absent of corporate control). Dr. Martin Luther King's SCLC received little funding and fell into pieces. The elite don't want us to question the current socioeconomic system that exploits human beings and continues a reactionary system in place. The elite wanted civil rights to just be about reform and integration without revolutionary changes in society (including the promotion of imperialism in a slick fashion). For if you want to have a better system, it's time to replace this wicked system and a new system that benefits people of every class not just the super rich. Real civil rights activism is about the liberation against racism, empire, poverty, and socioeconomic exploitation (in fighting against materialism too).

It isn't a secret that the Big Food lobby sent money to promote the unconstitutional food bill. There are over 200 groups that lobbied for the Food Safety Modernization Act or S.510. People should look at an unconstitutional section of the bill. It was passed in Tuesday. The Roll Call advised tht the bill contained a provision called Sec. 107. It allowed the Senate to raise revenues. This violates Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution. It only allows the House to raise revenues. S.510 opponents now celebrate the House's use of the blue slip process. This is to return the bill to the Senate. The Alliance for Natural Health figures that, “The only possible ‘quick fix’ would be a unanimous consent agreement in the Senate to strike that revenue-raising provision from the bill—but Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has already stated that he will oppose, so unanimity will be impossible.” ANH believes it is unlikely that the Senate will return to a debate on S.510, given its full agenda. Its only other option is to “allow the bill to die at the end of this Congress [which means] a new Food Safety Bill will be introduced next year.” President Barack Obama wants to sign S.510. He feels that this bill will make our food safer. The Senate moved too quickly. Their overreach only supports the natural foods movement's view that the bill isabout the federal government desiring to control completely over local foods. Shiv Chopra is a Canadian health whistleblower. Shiv said that this bill will cause a corporate control of the food and public health services ion the rest. Others believe that there is a corporate agenda to allow the feds to impose itself on local food production and distribution. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Kraft Foods North AMerica, General Mills, and Big Agra American Farm Bureau Federation funds the S.510 bill. said that AFB spent 9.5 million dollars since 2009 to lobby for S.510 and against the House version. Food & Water Watch noted that AFB president Bob Stallman “condemn[s] consumers and farmers who oppose the industrial model of agriculture, referring to them as ‘extremists who want to drag agriculture back to the day of 40 acres and a mule.’” Clearly, the American Farm Bureau Federation does not favor small farms. Other corporations as funded this bill as well. Food industry lobbyists have support this legislaiton. The Tester Amendment “exemption” — defined as those generating less than $500,000 a year in revenue – is ludicrously low. The Tester Amendment doesn't exempt small food producers as proponents said. S.510 opponent Senator Tom Coburn believes that the bill will not make our food safer. In his mind, he believes that the bill will drive small producers out of business. Even food producers giving food to the homeless or supply homeade products at bake sales, county fairs, church cazaars, and community picnics don't need hyper regulation. There is nothing wrong with legitiamte regulation, but not hyper regulation that strifes freedom. It's not a secret that Obama's administration is filled with former employees of Monsanto like making Michael Taylor its Food Czar. Monsanto promotes the dangerous GM food system. S.510 has been recalled to the Senate Chamber. Many natural food proponents and small farm businesses oppose S.510. Large corporations support S.510.

Secret Societies and the Illuminati are linked. Some of the elite support a global currency. Even the IMF report called  Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability (in April 13) called for a global currency named the “bancor." FDR opposed it. The Fabian Socialist John Maynard Keynes supported the bancor. In September 1, 2010, Dr. Alessandro Sassoli was interviewed by Coin Update about his idea to have a global currency (as beginning in 1996. This project is form the UFWC or the United Future World Currency organization). Sassoli said in the interview that: "...The world is evolving very fast. Maybe in just eight years time, it might be possible to introduce a new super-national currency like the UFWC by 2018.” This is the same date (2018) for the global currency (the “Phoenix”) projected by The Economist in its January 9, 1988 edition, so the timetable is on track!  On the same day (September 1) as the Sassoli interview, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon remarked: “There is such a thing as the global public good. And for that very reason, we need to think about the issues of global governance needed to manage them.” He also talked about the need for “global economic management” and global disarmament. Days ago, China bought 18 percent of General Motors. This was done and it was bought with the interest our government is paying them on our debt to them (and with the cash that Americans are paying them to buy cheap, frequently forced labor products). Even Mark Steyn disagreed with Thomas Friedman on calling China's management reasonable. There are great Chinese leaders in the world, but the Communist Chinese leaders are dictators. CFR chairman David Rockefeller called the dictator Chairman Mao as doing a legitimate progress at whatever price of the Chinese Revolution. This is inspite of the well known fact that Mao brutally tortured and killed tens of millions of innocent Chinese human beings. The TSA immoral pat down is police state-like in its cosmology. It's easy to see that Cecil Rhodes was a student of Ruskin's from Oxford University in the 1870's. In that time, Wilhelm Wundt create the first laboratory in experimental psychology at the University of Leipzig. Wundt's grandfather was the Iluminati member Kirchenrat Karl Kasimir Wundt (whose code name was Raphael. This is according to the “Illuminati Provincial Report” from Utica dated September 1782). A grandson of an Illuminati member doesn't mean that he will agree with their agenda. Yet, the “Father of Progressive Education,” John Dewey, was a co-author and signer of the first Humanist Manifesto (1933), and Dewey’s mentor, G. Stanley Hall, was the first of Wilhelm Wundt’s American students. The Humanist Manifesto followed similar views of Adam Weishaupt's agenda. It promoted the do what thou wilt philosophy. Each wanted mainstream religion to be suppress and the near worship of the human intellect (or Reason). The secular humanism from the Humanist Manifesto is commonly taught in public schools for at least the past half of century. Even before Cecil Rhodes attended Oxford and Wundt set up his laboratory in Leipzig, there was Albert Pike. Pike like Weishaupt was a Freemason and rejected conservative religion and believed in the liberty of thought (there is nothing wrong with the liberty of thought as long as it's not used for evil). Pike supported this view in his 1871 Morals and Dogma book where he wrote that: "...Everything scientific and grand in the dreams of the Illuminati, Jacob Boehme, Swedenborg, Saint-Martin, and others, is borrowed from the Kabalah…. Liberty of thought… universal Fraternity! A new doctrine, a new religion….” Pike praised Lucifer as the light bearer like Alice Bailey. Bailey supported the agenda of the Illuminati. She viewed the Illuminati as enlightened people that are enlightened by Lucifer (This is found in her book called A Treatise on the Seven Rays: Esoteric Psychology. She once supported Lucifer Publishing). Bailey wanted a new world order where the points of light related to service just like ex-President & Bonesman George H. W. Bush promoted later in his Presidency.

By Timothy

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