Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Controversial Views never end

It is easy to witness the fact that the Big Brother system has grown or expanded under the current administration. Recent news describe about how the feds desire to find ways to record more conversations and texts found from cellular phones in America. Federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and courts made at least 1.3 million demands for subscriber information in 2011. Even today according to the New York Times, telecommunications companies routinely hand over thousands of pieces of information (to the feds) every day about their customers (including the contents of text messages and caller locations). AT&T even responds to more than 700 government requests for information every day. Sprint reported that it received an average of 1,500 government requests each day last year. A Congressional Committee investigated the increased usage of phone tapping and other forms of date mining by government agencies. They found that 9 telecom companies reported on the huge surveillance by the state on their customers. The Times found that there are over 1.3 million government demands for cell phone users' private information in existence. The cell phone companies describe information about the federal government agencies have increased their requests for subscriber information. Sometimes, even legitimate safeguards against warrantless invasions of privacy are flouted. State surveillance of cell phone usage have grown and there has been a fall in the number of police requests for wiretapping warrants made to the U.S. courts last year. Surveillance has increased globally in the world. “Whether they realize it or not, Americans are carrying tracking devices with them wherever they go,” said American Civil Liberties Union spokesman Christopher Calabrese in response to the revelations to Congress from the cell phone carriers. “The cell phone data of innocent Americans is almost certainly swept up in these requests,” he added. The ACLU found that local law enforcement agencies skirt safeguards and that telecom companies regularly give the feds a huge database of phone information. This reality is startling according to Rep. Edward Markey (or a Democrat of Massachusetts). Yet the current Obama administration is in favor of the expansion of unwarrantless state surveillance in America when it wanted to grant legal immunity to phone companies that had participated in the previous Bush-era program (of illegal wiretapping carried out by the NSA or the National Security Agency). Even during January 2012 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals dismissed 33 lawsuits against companies that participated in warrantless electronic surveillance. The NY Times didn't report on the Bush's program of domestic spying in 2003, but later in 2004 when the election was still on. Both parties have played a serious role in the attacks of our democratic rights. The U.S. Constitution, the 1934 Communications Act, and the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Communications Act respect either the right of privacy or the right of human civil liberties. That is why we should do all we can to fight against social and economic inequalities in the world. The reactionaries in the past decades have strengthen the repressive power of the state via police agencies, prisons, spying operations, etc. that violate human freedoms. This isn't right. It is just to eliminate Guantanamo Bay too.

It is easy to see that Hollywood, the entertainment industry, and like mind-minded entities are tied into the establishment. Even Frank Zappa admitted that: "...Government is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex." The military industrial complex for a very long time used entertainment, disinformation, and misinformation as a means to try to control society. For example, Hollywood leaders consult the Pentagon and its arms regularly to form scripts for movies or influence productions. Occultists, intelligence agents, psychologists, space agency operatives, and the CIA are allied with this global system. Even a new Hollywood film entitled, "The Master Official" describes this old history. The film starts Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams, and Laura Dern. The plot talks about a religion called "The Cause," which is compared by some individuals to Scientology. It will come out in October 12, 2012. We know what Scientology is about. People with addictions, secret lifestyles, and those seeking an alternative spirituality in general join Scientology. Scientology is a Gnostic like religion that views man can needing to do rituals (and reconciliation experiences form his or her past lives) as a means to find enlightenment. It's a religion that mixes mental health with spiritualism or mysticism. Now, some speculate that the film describes some of the life of the Master known as Jack Parsons (or the rocket man who loved the occult) and the other man being L. Ron Hubbard. L. Ron Hubbard is the official founder of the religion of Scientology. Scientology was created back in 1947. Scientology influences Hollywood as many Hollywood stars in that organization like Tom Cruise, Tom Travolta, and others. One producer named JoAnne Sellar even said that the film is just a WWII drama, which could mean that she is afraid of overtly criticizing Scientology. It's a shame that in this day and age, that numerous people are afraid to expose Scientology. Now, Parsons was a jet propulsion expert and he believed in the Crowley philosophy of Aleister Crowley. October 12th, 1875 is ironically the date on which Crowley was born. Crowley was an occultist and he influenced the New Age Movement and some musicians. In fact, even the Beatles accepted many of the tenets or ideologies from Crowley. Many of his views dealt with the New Age movement. The New Age phrase itself has been popularized by the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry since its magazine was once entitled, "The New Age." The Scottish Rite has members that advocate the new order of the ages. Crowley believed in the tenet of "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law," which means that humans can follow their own will to do what they want to do. Sometimes, human will is imperfect and can be highly deceitful. He worked as a member of British Intelligence during WWII. Crowley used huge amounts of drugs like cannabis, mescaline, ether, cocaine, and heroin as a means to deal with his consciousness. These actions caused his followers to do the same during the 1960's. Crowley and others caused the 20th century rebirth of witchcraft and the embrace of paganism. The defunct Harvard professor Timothy Leary loved Crowley's views and promoted the usage of psychedelic drugs. Jack Parsons would set up an U.S. branch of Crowley's occult order called the Ordo Templis Orientis. Back then, occult rituals were the bread and circuses of yesteryear. Today, the occultism is gone underground heavily. Now, overtly, we have the circuses of reality TV shows, Hollywood movies, and computer games. The military industrial Complex still has its power in Viacom, Sony, Disney, and other media companies.

Mitt Romney recently spoke at the NAACP convention. Mitt Romney wanted to communicate the message that he has the interests of the black community and his policies will enrich families of any color. There are a lot of real issues in the black community. His views were from a Republican point of view. He talked about education. Education is important and I believe that people should have access to all forms of education. I just believe that all public schools ought not to be eliminated in America for public schools should mean that all kids should have access to education. Reforms ought to exist in public schools (like the ending of privatization and the end of corporate control of public schools) without their total elimination. Romney is hiding his finances. He didn't release his 2011 tax return that deals with his wealth. Mitt Romney condemned the new health care law, but he created its blueprint while he was Governor of Massachusetts. My views are on known on the health care law. I believe that the law should be revised without eliminating all parts of the law. A singer payer system or a Medicare for all like avenue is better than the current law presently. It certainly takes some guts for a man like Romney to speak at the NAACP location. Yet, Romney is wrong to end the Office of Affirmative Action when he was Governor and issued a fee for discrimination claims. The NAACP has an interesting history. Neither Romney nor President Barack Obama is perfect since all of us understand both of their agendas. While the President agrees with drone attacks globally, Romney agrees with the Voter ID laws (that have even now disenfranchised minorities, one veteran, an elderly person, and other human beings). The President didn't come into the NAACP meeting, but Vice President Joe Biden will ironically enough. This debate about Presidential candidates is an old one. As an individual, you have the right to vote who you want to. Yet, you have to keep in mind that economic inequalities, high unemployment rates, civil liberties being trashed, released prisoners having lax opportunities to move on with their lives, and other realities should be learned about too. Mitt Romney said that he is the man that will represent the interests of the African American community. LOL. I don't believe in the two extreme views that there should be no government in existence or that government should dominate all aspects of society. I believe (as JFK said) in efficient government to promote the general welfare of the people and enrich that our rights & to make sure that opportunities are protected. So, I do believe that the public sector and the private sector can help society. I reject the collective mindset of the Republican Party that desires to cut public jobs radically. On the flip side, race neutral policies don't work to solve racist policies. In other words, you need explicit policies that challenge racial discrimination (like ending racial profiling, ending discrimination, getting rid of mandatory minimums, and promoting policies to build up the black community) in order for things to change. If other minority groups can put pressure on the President to enact policies that benefit them, then the black community has the right to do the exact same thing. As an African American, I have to present my issues to the public and speak out about things. Also, I will look at views and make a succinct decision on who to vote for and what issues I want to express in the world.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that eating raw living foods can cause great dividends for a human's life. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds can help strengthen the human immune system, cause clear skin, and allow people look extremely younger than what their actual ages are. One woman is named Annette Larkins. She is 70 years old, but looks like she is 40 years old. She eats raw living foods, specialized drinks, nuts, and seeds. She has great health, wellness, strength, beauty, energy, and longevity. Mimi eating a vegan diet for decades. She is 71 years old and loves her life. Jim Morris is 72 years old and works out 6 days a week for one hour. He doesn't eat hamburgers, pizza, and steaks all of the time. His diet is made up of nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables. Sunny Giffin is 70 years old. She eat raw foods in order for her to control her wealth. She has energy, her skin is better, and her eyes became clear. According to Eric Dubay, there are more omegas in seaweed than in fish, over twice much more protein in spinach than steak, and four times more calcium in sesame seeds than in milk. There are numerous benefits of a raw food diet. A 2001 study done in North Carolina proved that a raw food diet (without meat) can increase the quality of life of individuals who struggle with fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a negative condition where human beings have chronic pain that affects muscle tissue and joints all across the human body. This syndrome in times have been classified as "rheumatism' or a disease that is typified by inflammation of the joints and tendons. It can decrease a person mobility. It can harm the muscular control of internal organs like the bladder and bowels. The treatment of these symptoms is largely limited to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and pain killers. Currently, known treatment is limited to mitigation of the symptoms paired with physical therapy to keep the muscles in use. The cause is unknown, which makes addressing the problem complicated. So, the study allowed 30 people to be placed on a controlled diet. This diet is made up of raw fruits, raw vegetables, nuts, salads, and juicing. This diet has a higher concentration of nutrients. During the course of the study, the participants continued to take their medications to limit variability. The study lasted for 7 months. The participants said that the raw diet caused them to improve their sleep quality, their pain levels decreased, and they had increased flexibility plus the range of motion in the joints and spine. There was no change seen in muscular endurance exercises. Participants were absent from their workplace less often and reported a drastic increase in the number of days where they reported being very pleased with their quality of life. This study demonstrates that a raw food diet can help ease the extreme discomfort of fibromyalgia patients.  Organic foods and raw foods are great ways for a human beings to improve their health indeed. 

By 1965, Malcolm X went through a lot of changes, but Malcolm X never turned soft. He was still strong. Malcolm X felt that in order to have more progressive society, women ought to have equal educational and social opportunities as a male should have. He believed in equality for all people, but didn't want to allow people to unite with him brotherhood if they wanted oppression. On January 1965, Malcolm X gave one of his most important speeches in his life. It is called "On Afro-American History." In that speech, he didn't express race-neutral, soft rhetoric as some revisionists believed. Malcolm X expressed uncensored truth. In that speech, Malcolm X said that black people can't learn the present or the future without understanding the past. He said that the non-white people in the world are having a larger influence and that black people must think internationally about issues beyond just national (since black people live in the 4 corners of the Earth. In fact, there are more black people living in Brazil than in the United States of America). The fall of the European Empires after WWII was a good thing, but we must seize the day in making the world better without imperialism & without evil oppression against human beings. So, it's reasonable for us to establish cultural, business, and social connections with black people all across the globe. Malcolm X said that just because something is all-black doesn't mean that it's racist. He expressed the history of advanced black civilizations that used religion, science, engineering, technology, government, and other components of life to enrich their areas in the world. Malcolm X said that the slave owning Founding Fathers founded America and if it was up to them collectively, we (who are black people) would still be slaves. Now, there are too many people with the superiority complex as a product of living in Western society. Malcolm X identified with other revolutionary struggles in the world as a way for people to fight against the agenda of the Western elitists. In January 1965, he said "...I believe that there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those that do the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice, and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the systems of exploitation... It is incorrect to classify the revolt of the Negro as simply a racial conflict of black against white, or as a purely American problem. Rather, we are today seeing a global rebellion of the oppressed against the oppressor, the exploited against the exploiter." We should fight against this mentality and advance justice instead. It is obvious what Malcolm X felt about capitalism. 

By Timothy

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