Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Updates in Late May of 2019.

There is a difference between progressives and neoliberals. Progressives critique the excesses of capitalism. Neoliberals love capitalism unconditionally. Progressives believe in universal health care. Neoliberals want token reforms or the status quo. Progressives believe in no unjust wars and in no imperialism. Neoliberals readily advance the interests of Empire by promoting hawkish foreign policy positions and refusing to advance reconciliation. That is why I could never be in alliance with the liberal establishment or the conservative establishment. The conservative establishment seeks free market fundamentalism and oligarchy while the liberal establishment seeks the comforts of corporate power in the guise of "liberal" expression.

The liberal establishment makes the mistake in viewing reforms as necessary to enact change. The liberal establishment will tolerate people talking about celebrities or talk about rights at times. Yet, if you talk about criticizing capitalism, the state, the Empire, and the policies of the political status quo, then that same liberal establishment will criticize you. It happened to Dr. King. When Dr. King criticized the Vietnam War, capitalism, and poverty in bold terms, the liberal establishment slandered him. When Paul Robeson criticized U.S. foreign policy, he was ostracized. Real change comes by a radical restructuring of society collectively in order to enrich the people (which is all of the people not just the few who are rich or upper middle class. We have to address poverty and economic inequality plus racism including sexism in order for us to experience the Promised Land). You have to show love and concern for poor and working class people in order to get solutions rolling. The Brothers and Sisters on the block have as much right to have justice as anyone else.

The liberal establishment and especially the conservative establishment (filled with Wall Street funded oligarchs, xenophobes, and many bigots) readily hate socialism without understanding its doctrines or history. Being a progressive means to reject the agenda of the status quo and believing in justice for all. As I get older (being 35 years old now), I am certainly realizing that revolutionary solutions are better than centrism. Legends like Dr. King, Lorraine Hansberry, Malcolm X, Paul Robeson, W.E.B. DuBois, Claudia Jones, Ella Baker, Fannie Lou Hamer, etc. believed in seeing systematic/institutional oppression abolished via radical methods in order for human beings to witness the Dream up close and personal. We want to make the Dream real.

When you think about her, you think about a legendary singer whose career spanned more than three decades. She broke down barriers and opened doors for artists of the 21st century. Her performances are elaborate and diverse. Likewise, she has a humble spirit to stand up for her family and for the art of music. She is Sister Janet Jackson, and it was her birthday yesterday. Now, she is now 53 years old. Gary, Indiana is the place of her hometown. From being on Good Times as the young girl Penny to having her own albums, she is totally in control of her own life. From the time of the 1980's, she promoted her music globally. Rhythm Nation 1814 was groundbreaking as an album that wanted unity, and she displayed her amazing dance moves. She was born to be a dancer. Janet Jackson enthusiastically engages in powerful self expression. She wrote her own songs, acted in many films, and lives life in the midst of loving people. By the 1990's, she shown albums that showed her grown side. She wanted the world to know that she is a grown woman who has the right to express the full range of her personality.

His friends Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis produced many of her classic songs. They have used elements of rhythm and blues, funk, disco, rap and industrial beats in order for her to establish her own sound. From 1993's Janet to 1997's The Velvet Rope, Janet Jackson has amazed people with her lyrics plus erudite messages. Janet Jackson is conscious and outspoken to fight racism, xenophobia, police brutality, and other injustices. She continues to tour, make music, and love her fans. She has a child that she always loves. Janet Jackson is an outstanding philanthropist and a hero of the arts. I wish Sister Janet Jackson more blessings.

By Timothy

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