Friday, February 14, 2020

Speaking the Truth.

James Carville is once again with his antics. Now, I must refute him again. Carville once supported a moderate President, and now he believes in the myth that the DNC, corporate style ideology is the way to go. That isn't true, because corporate Democratic talking points won't end climate change, homelessness, economic inequality, racism, sexism, xenophobia, or any other injustice. Carville admitted that he is a political hack, he's no ideologue, and he opposes Bernie Sanders ideologically. This comes after Sanders criticized him over his compromising views. Carville rejects reparations for black Americans (yet, he wouldn't dare say in public that he opposes reparations for Jewish people or Native Americans. I'm consistent, because I believe in reparations for African Americans, Jewish people, and Native Americans). Carville said that at least he isn't a communist (being a notorious red baiter like his friend Chris Matthews) implying that Bernie Sanders is a communist. That is lie, because Bernie is pro-democratic socialist. He isn't a communist.

Some folks don't know the between socialism and communism. Some folks don't know the difference between New Deal policies (which Bernie supports) and Communism. There is a difference between Bolsheviks and Menseviks as well. If a person hates socialism, then that person should realize that the economic system that brought about slavery, the Holocaust, imperialism, and Wall Street predatory lending is not related to socialism. We know what that economic system is. Carvile believes that we must revert back to water down revolutionary talk and embrace pragmatism. The truth is that this is 2020 not 1999. Standing up for universal health care, immigration justice, an end to police brutality, and racial justice doesn't mean that we're in an ideological cult. It is just that we reject the centrist, neo-liberal cult. We are in a new generation, and we reject capitulation to the status quo. We want real change for working class people and all freedom loving people period.

What is shocking is that many people that I wouldn't expect are now supporting Michael Bloomberg, who was the former mayor of New York City. The rise of Bloomberg is funded by the corporate elites in trying to not only stop Bernie Sanders' campaign, but any progressive campaign for President like Elizabeth Warren's campaign too. We have seen time after time again how billionaires and the bourgeoisie (both black and black white bourgeoisie members) in many cases some of them have a hatred of working class people of every color. So, they prop up candidates in order to strife the anger at social injustices and permit compromise. Bloomberg is the same guy who has been accused of discrimination and mistreatment by many women. Bloomberg is the same man who stopped the Occupy Wall Street protests at a NYC park.

This is the person caught on tape making outrageous, racist lies in trying to justify the anti-liberty policy of stop and frisk. Some, even in my own community, have the nerve and the gall to publicly support this man funded by the political oligarchy. Bloomberg made these overtly racist comments in 2015 at a lecture at the Aspen Institute. He is the same guy who recently said that if you stand up for the rights of black people, then you're criticizing white guys collectively. He is in no position to harp on the progressive mantle when he supported George W. Bush's 2004 re-election campaign without any repudiation of that. Bloomberg said that every major city has murderers and criminals who are majority people of color. That is a lie. He wanted more cops into minority neighborhoods in NYC. These comments are similar to Trump's rhetoric. The truth is that black people don't use drugs at higher rates than white people, but black people are arrested at higher rates.

You have noticed that he never apologized for the stop and frisk injustice until he made his Presidential campaign in 2019. He is being disingenuous, because he wants votes. The disappointing thing, as a black person, is to witness folks like Gregory Meeks support this male's Presidential campaign. It's a betrayal of the struggle against violations to our civil liberties. There are certain members of the upper middle class and rich bourgeoisie section of my community that don't care about the interests of working class and poor black Americans. That is why they love to embrace neo-liberal, corporate talking points.

Some folks want Bloomberg since they fear that many voters would rather vote for Trump than a progressive candidate. Yet, we have to cast out fear and vote for a best candidate for the job. Bloomberg has spent more than $300 million in his own campaign. To end racism, homelessness, health care disparities, etc. we are going to need people united in a struggle against these evils via collective efforts, political strength, social activism, and a social consciousness.

By Timothy

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