Wednesday, May 26, 2021




Yesterday, it was a year after the unjust police murder of George Floyd Jr. by the Minneapolis police in broad daylight. For us, who are black people, it's a tragic anniversary to put it lightly. We have been the victims of overt terrorism by racist terrorists for over 5 centuries now. We have a long legacy of heroes throughout the African Diaspora who fought for us from Harriet Tubman to Benedita da Silva. Derek Chauvin (who was recently convicted) put his neck on George Floyd's neck for more than 9 minutes. Floyd said that he couldn't breathe and called for his mother. It was one of the saddest chapters in American history. Also, this injustice has motivated black people and people of every color to stand up for justice worldwide. It resulted in racist monuments to come down, laws to be changed, the Confederate flag banned from Nascar stadiums, and the growth of the largest anti-racist, anti-police brutality marches in human history. Yet, so much needs to be done, and we have a long way to go in making sure that liberation is the order of the day not bigotry. Bystanders begged the police to stop abusing Floyd. George Floyd's family continues to suffer pain, but they are very courageous to speak truth to power. Our Brothers and our Sisters deserve dignity, respect, and human liberty without exception. The 2020 protests existed in Minneapolis and worldwide in over 2,000 cities and towns. About 15-26 million people worldwide demonstrated for our black lives. These protests were multiethic, multinational, and muti-generational. This movement filled with workers, the young, the old, and other human beings shows us that our voices aren't silent. 

Our voices are real. This time comes in the midst of the pandemic, massive economic inequality (as the super wealthy have record profits at the expense of the working class and poor. We see 412 new billionaires created in 2020. This has never happened in human history), political polarization, and other issues that make us clear to see that racial justice and economic justice must be made real for all. Let's not forget that the Trump administration also used authorities in D.C. to harm peaceful protesters, so Trump can use his photo op at a church (making a sacrilegious mockery of the Bible). National Guard and military agencies were in more than 30 states with over 96,000 troops. It was the biggest unrest in America since the 1960's and the American Civil War. The irony is that the far right seeks to minimize the corruption found in the police institution (some in that institution act as occupying forces promoting class oppression) while dehumanizing the innocent victims of that institution. So, George Floyd has changed the world as his daughter has proclaimed. We still have to fight for our rights as black people. We have to unify among the working class and the oppressed. Justice for all is what we desire fully. Also, I believe in justice for black people. Black unity is what we stand for. Black life is part of me, as I am a black man. One of the gifts of us black people include our resiliency, our intellectual creativity, and our strength. We are the first humans on Earth, and no one can be free until black people are free.

Black Lives Matter.



Right now, the BLM Sasha Johnson is fighting for her life. The reason is that she was shot by 4 men in London. Her friends and supporters want accountability. She was at a party. Also, she is a 27 year old mother of three children. UK BLM activists have stood up against police brutality for years. The common misconception is that the United Kingdom is some oasis or Utopia of racial harmony. Nothing can be further from the truth. Far right racists are found all over the UK who believe in the lie that only white people deserve to live in the UK. We know from historical evidence that black people and people of color lived in the United Kingdom for centuries and thousands of years. Not to mention that the Jutes, the Angles, and the Saxons didn't originate from the UK originally but from Germany. They came into the UK during the end of the Western Roman Empire. I know my stuff now. Sasha was a victim of death threats. Sasha's friend Chantelle Lunt (another activist) has received death threats too. Sasha Johnson is part of a political party called TTIP or Taking the Initiative Party that wants diversity in public office. Sasha Johnson helped to organize protests in fighting police brutality and institutionalized racism in the UK. We wish Sister Sasha Johnson a full recovery. The cause of black liberation is always just and sacrosanct.

We have numerous vaccination milestones today in dealing with the pandemic. Now, the United States of America have 50% of all American adults fully vaccinated. That is a long, huge accomplishment amidst a long time of pain and suffering among many human beings. The Biden administration has the goal of having 150 million adults or about 70 percent of the population to be vaccinated by July 4, 2021. 25 states and the District of Columbia have half of the adult population fully vaccinated. The Moderna people say that their vaccine is 100 percent effective for kids between ages of 12 to 17. As sporting events, businesses, and more restaurants open, we witness more people coming into these places for the sake of experiencing some measure of happiness. As for the elderly, 73.9 percent of all elderly Americans are fully vaccinated. About 40 percent of the total American population is fully vaccinated. One poll says that 45 percent of people will continue to wear their masks. Cases continue to decline in the United States of America.
GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene said an anti-Semitic comment that the government mandating mask wearing is equivalent to the Holocaust. Not only are her comments evil and disgusting. They represent the minds of racist extremists like Greene. There is no place for anti-Semitism period. Those, who exploit the suffering of Palestinian people, as an excuse to promote anti-Semitism are people that I don't support or respect. Palestinian people deserve liberation without anti-Semitic rhetoric. We know that hate crimes have increased in the Jewish community worldwide too not just in the States. In America, many Jewish people have been hit by poles, one menorah was spit on, synagogues being vandalized, and this must stop period. Rep. Greene once again showed her true colors, and she should be banned from holding any office in Congress. It's that serious. Kevin McCarthy is a coward who refuses to condemn the comments of Greene until very recently. Many GOP members are silent, except for Cheney, Romney, and a few people in Congress. There is no excuse for anti-Jewish hate. The Holocaust murdered millions of Jewish people. Some of my ancestors are actual WWII veterans who liberated people in Europe from Nazi tyranny, so this is very personal with me. Therefore, Marjorie Taylor Greene is about white racist hate, offensive harassment of progressive people (she is a liar for called BLM a terrorist group), and bigotry. Her views have no place in any society. 

By Timothy


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