Monday, October 07, 2024

Nearing the end of the 2024 Election.



During this holiday season at the end of 2024, we will always remember to have our eyes on the prize. That prize is democracy and justice for all. When J.D. Vance can't even admit that Trump lost the 2020 election (during the 2024 Vice Presidential debate), you know she has a problem. We know the distinctions between Trump and Biden. When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, Trump delayed 20 billion dollars of aid, allowing Puerto Rico to be without power for 181 days. Biden and Harris have presented a powerful response to the victims of the Helene Hurricane disaster in the southeast. While CEO pay has skyrocketed since 1978 at 1,085 percent, the federal minimum wage is still $7.25 for the past 15 years. No human adult in America can fully survive on $7.25 dollars an hour. We have some MAGA cultists believing that the minimum wage should be 0 which is ludicrous and cruel. Some people care more for giant corporations than the people. Conversely, we care about the interests, lives, dignity, and humanity of the people fully. The trickle-down economics falsehood promoted by Reagan and many conservatives should be rejected from a moral and ideological perspective. Former Trump administration leader (who is now against Trump's agenda) Olivia Troye said that she was a Homeland Security advisor in the Trump White House. She saw firsthand how Donald Trump politicized disaster relief, left devastated Americans waiting for help, and leaders from across the nation were calling her office desiring action from Trump. She said that the Biden-Harris administration is stepping up in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene with decisive leadership and a swift, effective response. People have every right to fight back peacefully and constructively against the agenda of oligarchy, massive inequality, giant monopolies, and all injustices against the people. One human being named Lina Khan is doing a great job as FTC chair to enforce anti-trust laws and defend the interests of the working people. Vice President Kamala Harris has a known history of taking shady landlords to court over being accused of price-fixing schemes. 


By the 300's A.D, Christianity been through massive changes. By 300 A.D., the first Christians are   reported in Greater Khorasan; an estimated 10% of the world's population is now Christian; parts of the Bible are available in 10 different languages. In 301 A.D, Armenia is the first kingdom in history to adopt Christianity as the state religion. From 303 to 312 A.D., there was the Diocletian Massacre of Christianity including the burning of Scriptures. Diocletian was one of the most anti-Christian Roman Emperors of all time.  In 303, the emperors Diocletian, Maximian, Galerius, and Constantius issued a series of edicts rescinding Christians' legal rights and demanding that they comply with traditional religious practices. Later edicts targeted the clergy and demanded universal sacrifice, ordering all inhabitants to sacrifice to the gods. The persecution varied in intensity across the empire—weakest in Gaul and Britain, where only the first edict was applied, and strongest in the Eastern provinces. Persecutory laws were nullified by different emperors (Galerius with the Edict of Serdica in 311) at different times, but Constantine and Licinius' Edict of Milan in 313 has traditionally marked the end of the persecution.  The persecution failed to check the rise of the Church. By 324, Constantine was the sole ruler of the empire, and Christianity had become his favored religion. Although the persecution resulted in death, torture, imprisonment, or dislocation for many Christians, most of the empire's Christians avoided punishment. By 303, there was the person of Saint George, bishop of Pettau Victorinus who existed in 304, and Bishop of Rome Marcellinus repented of his previous defection and had martyrdom with many companions. The 306 Synod of Elvira did the wrong thing to ban relations between Christians and Jewish people. In 310, Maxentius deported Bishop Eusebius and Heraclius to Sicily. In 312, Lucian of Antioch, or the founder of the School of Antioch was martyred. In 312, Constantine claimed to have a vision. He said that he while gazing into the sun he saw a cross with the words by this sign conquer. He was inspired by the issuing of the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D. That Edict means that Constantine and Licinius end persecution and establish toleration of Christianity. After this time, the modern-day Catholic Church as we know it would be born. No words in the OT and NT support calling a grown man Holy Father, the belief in purgatory, the Rosary, the forbidden of clergy like Bishops to get married, the union of church and state, sprinkling or baptizing babies, calling Mary the Mother of God, and venerating statues in a religious setting. We know that the scriptures mention the Deity of Jesus Christ, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, baptism (which is done by immersion), communion, the priesthood of all believers, the separation of church and state (as Jesus Christ said that his Kingdom is not of this world as found in the New Testament), and salvation (being by grace through faith). Let us be clear on the truth. 


By the 1900's, fashion changed with more industrialization and international trade. For men, there were top hats with old-school suits and canes worn. Many men wore ties and bow ties with suits of black, blue, and many colors. A new stiff suits were found by the late 1900s decade. Men working sports or just being outdoors wore golf shirts, baseball caps, sweaters, and jackets too. There were leather shoes and socks by this time. Women had silk dresses and other clothing. Corsets had the S-shape design. Many corsets had a narrow waste. Back in that time, the world was much more conservative than today in the 2020s, so clothing reflected more conservative, respectability politics style of wardrobe. Many women wore silk satin and long sleeves. Some women wore light colors, spangles, rhinestones, and lace. Long evening dresses were commonplace. Children back then wore elaborate clothing too. Women wore feather caps, stripped silhouettes with buttons on them, and ankle boots. Many women wore sportswear to do arching, golf, and other activities. 

By 1910, there was a backlash against the more traditional styles. The 1910s in Western fashion encompasses styles from 1910 to 1919. Western fashion in this period carries influences from oriental and neoclassical inspirations as well as the subsequent effects of World War I. Over the decade, Women's fashion experienced a shift towards shorter hemlines and dropped waistlines in addition to the more practical garments necessitated by the war. In men's fashion, evening wear largely continued to adhere to previous conventions while trends in informal outerwear continued to evolve. During the period, shifts in fashion made way for styles associated with the Jazz Age of the 1920s. Many people in the 1910s wore more confortable clothing. The German concert singer and wife of an architect Ann Muthesius wanted women to wear clothing to reflect individuality not confirmed to what Paris fashion leaders wanted people to do. Many women wore more free and loose clothing with pins and diverse color schemes. During WWI, men and women wore uniform-style clothing, leather shoes, and hats. Many women wore coveralls. Button wool suits in a dress form were worn by women too. This was the era of the new woman when women fought for their human rights. Paul Poiret was a designer during that time involved in fashion. The Orientalism style dominated this ear too with turbans, pearls, fur, robes, and dresses with elaborate designs. 

The 1920s saw an explosion of massive fashion style. There was the Jazz Age and the Harlem Renaissance during the 1920s. Therefore, diversity was part of the whole ethos. Shoulder straps were worn by women. Many modern fashion styles were created by the famous designer Coco Chanel (1883-1971). She released her fragrance of Chanel No. 5 back in 1921. The flapper look took off during the 1920s. This look from women was not conservative. It was daring with short hair, short caps, shirts, suits, minimized dresses, shoes, and simplicity. Cardigan suits were being commonplace. Jean Patou invented the knit sweater. Elaborate hems caused clothing to be more stable. Shoes were modernized. The Roaring Twenties involved freedom of expression similar to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. Nothing is new under the sun. Men also wore suits, shirts, and umbrellas. Women wore rompers at the beach. 


There are always moments in our history that will change our lives. The 2024 Presidential election has changed our lives in many ways. This is the finale of the 2024 American Presidential election after long months of debates, tragedies, and events that are part of world history. Nothing will be the same again. In four years, President Biden has left the Presidential race, Trump experienced 2 assassination attempts, Kamala Harris raised record money involving her Presidential campaign, and we see a move to fight for our democracy. Our ancestors shed blood for our freedom. We stand on the shoulder of giants who stood up against slave traders, against Confederate traitors, against Nazis, and against Jim Crow leaders. We are against discrimination and oppression of any sort for we believe wholeheartedly in the august principle of the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule states that you love your neighbor as yourself. 


The country music of the 21st century will go through many changes. By the 2000s, we saw the war on terrorism, especially in dealing with the Iraq War. So, country music had a group of people who wanted to support the Iraq War and the war on terror in general with certain songs. The late Toby Keith made such music. Yet, the truth is that you can love America and critique political policy legitimately at the same time. Both concepts are not mutually exclusive. Also, there was a branch of country music that loved to be influenced by pop, rock, R&B, and hip hop music. A country music artist that represents that side of the coin is Kacey Musgraves. Musgraves is a pioneer who is steadfast in her views, unapologetic, and desires country music to be a beacon to appeal to everyone. That is what real music is a part of. Music is meant for all people. 21st century country music has grown internationally too. 



Meta Fuller wrote poetry too like the poem Departure (relating to the call for freedom for black people). Her poem "Departure" was included in the 1991 collection Now is Your Time! The African American Struggle for Freedom. Warrick Fuller loves to make contributions to the theater. She was a designer, director, and actress. One of her focuses was stage lighting, which was not considered a true art form until the late 1920s; moreover, lighting design was dominated by men. Fuller was able to design for both African American and white theater companies, which was unheard of at the time. In 1918, she joined theater organizations in Boston, Massachusetts. She was known for her paintings of "living pictures" as well as the creation of props, scenery, and masks. The Answer was an African American stage production where Fuller designed costumes while also performing a small role. She became active in the Civic League Players (CLS) in the late 1920s and was the only African-American in the organization. With the CLS, Fuller worked on over thirty shows in all different areas of production and taught workshops. In 1928, she was taking theater classes at Wellesley College and Columbia University that focused on pageantry, lighting, and playwriting. After becoming less active in the CLS, Fuller joined a Black theater company called the Allied Arts Theatre Group (AATG) where she worked as a head designer, director, and board member. She was involved with the AATG until the founder died in 1936. Even with her commitments to being an artist and working in theater, Fuller wrote at least six plays under the pseudonym, Danny Deaver. There is an excerpt of stage directions in her production titled, A Call After Midnight.

In 1907, Warrick married Dr. Solomon Carter Fuller, a prominent physician and psychiatrist, known for his work with Alzheimer's disease. Born in Liberia, Dr. Fuller was one of the first black psychiatrists in the United States. The couple settled on Warren Road in Framingham, Massachusetts where they were one of the first black families to join the community. She continued to create works of art, against the stigma that she should settle down and become a housewife once she and her husband had three children one of which, her son Perry, went on to become a sculptor as well. Prominent African American people visited their house, as did the Prince of Siam. Within the community, Warrick Fuller helped establish and was involved in the lighting of productions put on by the Framingham Dramatic Society. She was an active member of the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church where she directed and costumed their plays and pageants. She loved to create traditional biblical scenes inspired by her religion. She said that art was her divine calling. She loved to create wonderful, great works of art. Warrick Fuller passed away on March 13, 1968 at Cardinal Cushing Hospital in Framingham, Massachusetts.


Meta Vaux Warrick Fuller's legacy is extensive in being a genius who loves the beautiful gift of art. Her intellect and courage refuted false, stereotypical sexist, and racist notions. She was ahead of her time to create sculptures that reflected the greatness of black people too. In real life, I have painted images before, and I sculpted images when I was in high school. Meta Fuller carried herself with regal dignity. Her work has been shown in America and in many countries of the world too. She was one of the leading black woman sculptors of America in her generation. She studied with experts like Auguste Rodin in Paris, France. The Danforth Museum has a large collection of Fuller's sculptures, including many unfinished works from her home studio. Her work was featured in 1988 in a traveling exhibition at the Crocker Art Museum, along with artists Aaron Douglas, Palmer C. Hayden, and James Van Der Zee. Also, her work was featured in a traveling exhibition called "Three Generations of African American Women Sculptors: A Study in Paradox," in Georgia in 1998. Fuller's work was included in the 2015 exhibition of We Speak: Black Artists in Philadelphia, 1920s-1970s at the Woodmere Art Museum. 



The country music of the 1980s and the 1990s set up a major foundation for the country music of the 21st century. That time saw old-school country artists expressing their talents like Dolly Parton and George Strait. New school artists came on the scene like The Judds, Alan Jackson Reba McEntire, Garth Brooks, and Shania Twain with their unique set of style and charisma. These artists appeared to a wide spectrum of human beings, sold out stadiums (with thousands of people going into their concerts), and had a pop star popularity. Among rock, country, hip hop, and R&B music, these genres readily have folks who try not to go into the pop label. On the other hand, there is no growth among any musical genre without breaking the mold and expanding into many places of the world. Country music by the end of the 20th century evolved to allow the younger generation to establish their own standards of artistic expression found in people like Jewel, Lorrie Morgan, LeAnn Rimes, Mindy McCready, and Long Ryders. By the 21st century, we saw country music both have patriotic themes and more hip hop, pop, and rock themes merged into one. 

By Timothy

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