The Occult Secret Society Network
To learn about the occult Secret Society Network, you must know about history from the ancient times and modern times. The Late William Cooper wrote an excellent article on the similarities between all Secret Societies. Occult groups indeed had many similarities. Most of them follow the premise that human salvation is achieved by knowledge by gradual ceremonies. A lower level iniatate is not shown the whole truth in all of these groups. Many of them are shown blatant deception. The higher iniatates are given the whole truth and some of the teachings of the lower levels readily contradict the teachings of the lower levels. All of these organizations withheld many secrets from the general public. One of the main origins of this whole system came from Babylon and Egypt. Their polytheism, levels of groups, and religious people influenced most occult Secret Societies throughout history. I have no problem with ancient Egyptian and Babylonian languages, architecture, mathematics, astronomy, science, etc. but I firmly disagree with their polytheism and them not following the One True God.
Many Mayan groups also had great astronomy and technology, but they performed immoral human sacrifice. Secret occult groups like Asoka’s, King of India’s Nine Unknown group (started in 250 B.C.). In 1100 AD., was the approximate date when Sufi Gilani founds the Arabic school of Illuminati Kadiri Order of Sebil-el-ward in Bagdad. Also, Joachim of Floris founds the primitive Christian sect of the Illuminated Ones. In 1119, the Knights Templar were founded in Palestine at Clermont with 9 original founders. The Knights Templar was later dissolved by a papal decree in 1313 and a year later in 1314 when DeMolay and others were burned in Paris for heresy. From 1378 to 1384, the legendary "Christian Rosenkreuz" is claimed to have forumulated his organization called the Rosicrucian Order, an occultic organization. The Rosicrucians misinterpretated the Bible to promote their occut agenda. They place a high emphasis on the Mary and the Holy Grail. Martin Luther wore the Rosicrucian cross on his shirt. Many authors claim the Luther was a member of the Rosicrucian Order. Famous Rosicrucians were Francis Bacon and Robert Fludd (who studied the magical arts). In 1500 was the approximate date of Roshaiya, Illuminated Ones, in Afghanistan and the beginning of the Alumbrados (Spanish Illuminati) in Spain plus Charcoal Burnes in Scotland. There also were the Hell Fires Club in the 1700’s and the Illumines of France in 1762. Benjamin Franklin was a Freemason and a well known member of the Hells Fire Club. This group was known for doing sexual rituals.
In 1754, Adam was 6 years old and taken in to live with the Jesuits. Later in 1768, he graduates from the University of Inglostadt, and becomes a tutor and catechist. He was ordained as a priest. He used to be a professor of Catholic Canon Law as well. He was the one who created the Bavarian Illuminati, but Illuminati related groups existed for thousands of years before 1776. He divided his group into several levels and it was hunted down by authorities. The Illuminati united with Freemasonry by July 1782. By the 1800's, many offshoots came like the League of Just Men (which assisted Karl Marx in forming his Communist Manifesto ideals). The next couple of pages will look at Freemasonry, the Theosophical Society, the Golden Dawn, O.T.O., Scientology, British Royalty, the Jesuits, and other groups.
Freemasonry is more than just people wanting brotherhood together. How did Freemasonry begin? Masonic documents try to trace Masonry back to Adam and Solomon, but much of this is base on mythical symbolism. Even Freemasons admit that the Hiram Abiff story was a myth to convey teachings unto people. Real Freemasonry existed from the Ancient Mystery Religions found in Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and even the Druids. Many guids and workers in ancient Greece and Rome set up the foundation of modern Freemasonry according to Christian author David Allen Rivera. A famous Grand Lodge existed in 926 A.D. They had secret passwords and codes in there. Also, there were operative (non-occult workers) and speculative Masons (occult workers) from 926-1717 A.D. As time grew on, many Masonic Lodge became speculative. For example, the Rosucrian and Mason Elias Ashmode invented the 3 Blue Lodge degrees of Freemasonry. Modern Freemasonry came in 1717 at England. It was formed by 2 Protestants by the names of Dr. James Anderson (A presbyterian) along with George Payne and Dr. Theopholips Desaguliers (a former Hugenot turned Anglican). That's why many Protestant and Baptist churches are readily infiltrated by Masons to this day. Freemasonry spread all across Europe and America from 1717-1800.
Anton Chiatkan and other writers proved a Masonic connection to the Ku Klux Klan. The Kabbala, which Albert Pike (who was in the Confederacy and was convicted of war crime by using his Native American soldiers to kill 400 Union soldiers in a merciless way by scalping them) supported, contradicted Mosaic Law and true Judaism. Freemason Andrew Johnson pardoned Pike, then the next year, Johnson became a 32nd degree Freemason. The KKK was formed in the spring of 1866 inside of a Tennessee Hotel by ex-Confederates. The KKK relates to the Greek word "kuklos" or circle since a lot of Secret order organize in a circle-like setting. Low Level Freemason General Nathan Bedford Forest (Forrest was initiated in Lodge #168 at Angerona, Tennessee. Paul M. Bessel, Executive Secretary of the Masonic Leadership Center at records Forrest’s membership) was the first Imperial Wizard of the Klan. Pike was the chief Judicial Officer. The early Tennessee Klan had Masons under Pike and Freemason Robert Tombs ran the Klan in Georgia. As As owner-publisher of the Memphis, Tennessee, Daily Appeal, Albert Pike dissented with giving voting rights to black people and opposed Reconstruction. The KKK was pro-Black Codes and the Black Codes had anti-gun laws (proven by JPFO or the Jews for the Perservation of Firearms Organization) in them to prevent balck people to own guns. A statue of this Freemason, Confederate, and traitor Albert Pike still reigns in Washington D.C. to this day (with a majority black population). The Klan wear hooded sheets, burn crosses, and terrorize people like cowards. The Klan was revived in 1915 by William Simmons and many of the Klan in that time were Masons in it. According to, Albert Pike wrote about the mythical Aryan supermen as well. Wyn Craig Wade's "The Fiery Cross,", Historian Dr. Walter L. Fleming, John Covici, and others proved the KKK/Masonry link.
I thank 2tuff and others from the Unhived Mind Forum in exposing a lot of Freemasonry influence in Great Britian as well. Freemasonry is always incompatible to Christianity. For example, Albert Pike and Albert Mackey call Freemasonry a Religion. J. D. Buck (32nd degree) wrote in Mystic Masonry (1925) that "...The only personal God Freemasonry accepts is humanity in toto...Humanity therefore is the only personal God that their Masonic philosophy is that God is whatever you want him to be and is referred to in general terms as the "deity" and the "Great Architect of the Universe," but in higher degrees, he is identified as a force of nature, usually the sun..." Many Masons are members of other occult orders.
33rd Degree Freemason Thomas Watson Sr. (also a Bohemian Grove member), Hjalmar Schact, Old Prussian "regular" National Lodges, Grand Master English Freemason Edward VIII, 33rd Degree Freemason and anti-Semite Henry Ford aided the Nazis as well. This is confirmed by, John Daniel Scarlet and the Beast's book, Eric Jon Phelps, and other sources. EndTimes Deception Website document that the cult Rael has Masonic influences as well. Edwin Black's "IBM and the Holocaust" book proves that Watson IBM company set up the census machines to count Jews and kill them during the Holocaust. Recently, By Vivian Yeo wrote in ZDNet Asia on November 10, 2005 that IBM wants a global identity system for many nations.
Today, there is a high Freemasonry population in Britian today. In fact, Robert Winnett from The Sunday Times on November 20, 2005 wrote that a senior Freemason headed a fund that gave the Conservative Party 93,000 pounds. This Mason's name is Michael Price and he is the provincial grandmaster of Warwickshire freemasons. Winnett wrote that it benefits the Tories than the national party. Price runs tons of Masonic lodges as well. is a link describing many Masons like Andrew John Francis Stebbings, Lord Lane of Horsell (Senior Grand Warden), and others. Sir Winston Churchill is one of the most well known Freemasons in Great Britian. He was a Druid and was Prime Minister of Great Britian during World War II. Michael A. Richards from Seinfield is a 32nd Degree Freemason and this is mentioned in the 2000 version of the Scottish Rite Magazine. There is a radical Muslim/Masonic connection as well. This never denotes the vast majority of Muslims who aren't into terrorism, but a evil minorities like other faiths. Dr. Abdullah Azzam trained Osama Bin Laden and Azzam was a member of the Secret Society called the Muslim Brotherhood. The Scralet and the Beast and proved the Masonic similarities inside of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mason well-known Muslim extremists were members of the Masonic Lodge, Young Egypt, or the Muslim Brotherhood like Gammal Abdel Nasser, Pasha Saad Zaghlul of Egypt, and other figures. Like always, most lower level Freemasons aren't aware of the evil at the higher levels. As for disagreeing with Freemasonry, I thank President John Quincy Adams and the Patriot William Morgan who stood up against Freemasonry. William Morgan died, so that we could learn the truth about that order like you see today. There’s also an interesting fact about Freemasonry. Masons said the word JahBulun"in the Royal Arch Degree (equivalent in the 17th degree in the Scottish Rite and the 7th Degree in the York Rite). Jahbulun actually equals to Yah (Yahweh), Baal, and On (or Osiris). There is also the deal with Solomon. Watch-Unto-Prayer Ministries and even pro-LaRouche site EIR recorded by many Freemasons endorse the building of Solomon Temple (a fake one since only Christ can create the new true Temple).
Now, it's time to discover information about the Theosophical Society and the O.T.O. The Theosophical Society is a very powerful occult society that has heavy influences in the United Nations. Its logo is in the image from above with the Hexagram (having nothing to do with David), the ankh (meaning the sun god), and the swatika (another sun symbol used by the Theosophists, Native Americans, Buddhists, and other groups of people before the Nazis even existed). It was invented by female co-Mason Madame Blavastsky. The year in which she formed the group was in 1875 and she wanted to deal with science, religion, and philosophy. Freemason Henry S. Olcott was a co-founder. She is quoted as praising Satan as freeing man during the Garden of Eden, which is a lie. She praises Satan many times in "The Secret Doctrine," on Vol. 2 pgs. 512 and 513. proved Blavastsky's evil quotes as well. She wrote in favor of a world govenment. The concept of "supermen" didn't originate from cartoons, but from the New Age Movement. Madame Blavastsky wrote and believed that Aryan Supermen from Atlantis escaped the destruction of Atlantis to travel to Tibet. She thought the Jewish people and blacks were inferior people from other origins than the Aryans. This is one of the foundations of Nazism, evolution, and white supremacy. Charles Darwin's grandfather was not only a Freemason, but Charles Darwin was a racist. See, Darwin's original title of his book was named "THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES BY MEANS OF NATURAL SELECTION OR THE PRESERVATION OF FAVORED RACES IN THE STRUGGLE FOR LIFE.” He also called the black race and Abroriginals as inferior to white people and evolution more from primates than whites. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and other evil terrorists supported evolution and dehumanized people.
"The Extrernalization of the Hierachy" by Alice Bailey from Lucis Trust talked about the New Agers and Satanists' plot to make the Hierarchy (or demonic beings according to Bible Believing Christians) to rule the world. Fritz Springmeier wrote that David Rockefeller is part of Lucis Trust's manageent. On pg. 107 of Alice Bailey's "The Extrernalization of the Hierachy", she wants Lucifer to rule the earthly level and they embrace the "Christ" or the Antichrist. The book on pgs. 511-512 and 514 use the Masonic Lodge, churches, and eductional schools to try to achieve their agenda. New scientists, espeically mircrobiologists and biochemists disagree with Darwinian Evolution, because the complexity of the cell must be destroyed before real evolutionary processes must occur. Mutations is not a sign of evolution, but a genetic defect and the cell is extremely complex in its parts making a sign of a Creator rational and legitimate. Many scientists were and are God fearers indeed. Social Darwinism is similar since it bashes the poor as perfectly justified to suffer punishment and eugenics. The early eugenics movement were made up of much of the American elite, these elite funded the Nazis, and even set up the United Nations. That's why the U.N.'s land was given to them by the Rockefellers. That's why the United Nations supports abortion, depopulation, sterilization, vaccines, and the whole nine yards for decades. That's why I'm sensitive about these things since these racist liars have lied about my people for centuries. Anne Besant was another co-Mason and was head of the Theosophical Society. Alice Bailey's husband Foster (a Mason) founded Lucis Trust (or Lucifer Trust), which is now an U.N.NGO. They promote New Age spirituality. Hitler was a follower of Thesophy. According to Fritz Springmeier, Mahamta Gandhi was into Theosophy. That is true, because proved that Gandhi researched Theosophy, but he didn't join the Theosophical Society. Many Christian ministries like Contender Ministries make mention of the Mediation Room with a cube object where worship is conducted.
The Golden Dawn is another occult group that was formed in 1887. Freemason S.L. MacGregor co-founded the Golden Dawn. MacGregor supported the Kabbalah and had an obessesion with Egypt and dressed as a pharoah. The Golden Dawn was influenced heavily by Freemasonry. Freemason Dr. Wynn Wescott helped create the Golden Dawn as well. Wescott Junior Grand Deacon to the Grand Lodge of England in 1902 and the head of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia. Wescott worked with the O.T.O. on many occasions. Wescott follow the occult Cabala. A. E. Waite was a Freemason and another famous member of the Golden Dawn as well. People were arrested for crime and the Golden Dawn's rituals were similar to witchcraft and sexual rituals according to the "Illuminati, All Conspiracy, No Theory" DVD with David Icke and other people.
The O.T.O. is the Ordo Templi Orientis. It was created by Freemason Karl Kellner in 1895. Theodor Reuss was Kellner ally as well. The most famous O.T.O. member was Aliester Crowley. Not only was he a British Satanist, but he said that he was in Craft Freemasonry in Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. 343. According to John Yarker, Crowley was given the conferred the degrees 33°, 90° and 96° of the Antient and Primitive Rite of Masonry, Disciples of Memphis. Yes, there are degrees higher than 33 degrees in Freemasonry. Aliester wrote the "Book of the Law" from a contact that he claimed was from a spirit named Aiwazz. His motto was "Do What thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. He wrote about the New Aeon and Age. His wrote blasted morality and Christianity heavily. Crowley soon headed the OTO in Britian, while the OTO originated in Germany. Rock and roll plus pop musicians regularly praise Aliester Crowley like Ozzy Osbourne, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, etc. Freemason Dr. Theodore Reuss once headed the OTO as well. NASA's Jack Parson was a famous OTO member who was a Satan wroshipper and wanted to create the Antichrist child. He died in an explosion. The O.T.O.'s logo is still blatantly occultic, which God Almighty doesn't want or intend.One of the best book exposing the Ordo Templi Orientis is called "Blood on the Altar" by Craig Heimbichner. This book is pro-Catholic and I disagree with this book on many front, but it does tell the truth on the OTO.
One famous extension of the OTO is Scientology. Not only was the founder of Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard) was a temporary member of his O.T.O. group (the Ordo Templi Orientis) back in Los Angeles, but he praised Aliester Crowley greatly in his own words. Hubbard's own son believed that Scientology dealt with the Satanic powers. Many in Far Left Hollywood are definitely members like Jenna Elfman, Leah Remini, Catherine Bell (The woman from the Navy show JAG), Christie Alley, Tom Cruise, Isaac Hayes, John Travolta, Lisa Marie Presley, Greta Van Susteren. According to, it costs $380,000 to join Scientology. Christianity doesn’t cost a thing to be a member. You need to only need repentance, follow God and his Son plus the Holy Spirit. Scientology is divided into many spiritual levels called OTs. The highest OT (or Operating Thetan) is OT VIII. Araine Jackson’s account of OT VIII says that in the OT VIII levels, you must believe that organized religion can’t explain the link between the spirit and the material world (therefore renouncing them). They also must accept that God not only don’t exist, but believe that God is just another implant that must be audited out like any other false memory. The Bible says that the fool have said in their heart that there in no God, so they are fools. Hubbard is anti-Christian by saying in his Resistive Cases, Fromer Therapy, HC0B23 on September 1968 that Christianity uses mind control. Christian Margery Wakefield wrote that Hubbard believes that man is basically good, but the Bible says that all humans have sinned and come short the glory of God. Many writers have denoted a Gnostic connection to Scientology. Even I don't understand all of their complex slang that they use. It's a very weird group. We should all oppose it. Liberty to Captives Ministries has one of the best information about Scientology on the Net. While Scientologists like Tom Cruise fightfully bash psychiatry, but Tom Cruise is part of Scientology, which is part of the NWO agenda as well.
Now, let's look at British Royalty. It's a fact that the Order of the Garter, Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, and the Knights of Malta are one of the strongest groups on Earth. Those orders have heavy power in the intelligence agencies of the world. A very powerful world leader surprisingly is Queen Elizabeth II. She is not only the cousin of SMOM Grandmaster Andrew Willoughby Ninian Bertie (the leader of all Knights of Malta worldwide and was elected as head in 1988), but Queen Elizabeth II is the Grand Patroness of World Freemasonry. The Queen is also a member of Order of the Garter (like Winston Churchill, Lord Carrington, Sir Timothy Colman, etc.) and the Order of St. John [the Protestant version of the Knights of Malta]. The House of Windsor (i.e. the Duke of Edinburgh) itself is House of Windsor based at Buckingham Palace are actually the German royal House of Hanover (Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha) as also said by David Icke. Queen Elizabeth’s private bank of Coutts Bank London is financially tied to the Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is headed by Knight of Malta Frank Carclucci. The Knights of St. John of Jerusalem was created in the 11th century from the Knights Templars. The Knights Templar helped Gerard (founder of the SMOM) became the foundation of the Order of St. John. Pope Paschal II recognized the existence of the Order of St. John in a Papal bull in 1113. The logo of St. John has the Maltese cross with the insignia I.N.R.I. which is Masonic and is the Jesuit’s words in its oath (Iustum, Necaor, Reges, Impios). Famous members of St. John include Nelson Mandela, Tony Blair, Louis M. Bloomfield, etc. The Duke of Kent is the Grand Master of British Freemasonry. Fritz Springmeier wrote that James H. Carey (of Chase Manhattan) is a Knight of St. John member as well. Some of the British Royal Family supported the Nazis like the father of the Duchess of Kent.
A few people realize that European aristocracies yield global power as well. “The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea” written by great Jewish Christian Tim Cohen excellently making the case that European royalty is linked to globalization and still have immense power. Almighty God wants us to follow him alone not men, so unlimitedly following a King is wrong and immoral. To follow a King to do evil is a sin and also wrong. I follow God alone beyond a King.
Now, it's time to see what you've been waiting for in talking about the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus, and other groups. This nexus is going to describe global power. The Order of the Jesuits was invented by Ignatius Loyola in the 1500’s. The SMOM was created in the 1100’s, Opus Dei was formed in 1929 by Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer, and the Knights of Columbus was invented in the early 1800’s in New Haven, Connecticut (by Catholics who complained about religious bigotry by the No-Nothing Party and other groups). Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola was before an inquistion court in 1527 for sympathizing with the Alumbrados. The Vatican has consistently been against real reason, religious freedom, real liberty, etc. for centuries like Galileo, Inquistion, Syllabus of Errors (that bashed modern civilization), and other events. The Vatican is just as evil as the Freemasons.
Here's info about the Jesuits. The Jesuits and Freemasons linked up for centuries. In fact (according to William O. Peterson's work in 1951), many of the Scottish Rite degrees were written in the Jesuit College of Clermont in Paris at 1754. This was done by Chevailer de Bonneveille. Jesuit Peter De Smet was a friend of Freemason Brigham Young. High-level Freemason King Frederick II of Germany admitted the Jesuits into Germany during the 1700's. This is one smoking gun proving that the Jesuits indeed colloborated with Freemasons for centuries. Jesuit Abbe Sieyes assisted Freemason Napoleon Banoparte (initiated into the Army Philadephe Lodge in 1798 and a Templar Mason according to the reliable research of Freemasonry Watch Website). Even Napoleon wrote in his Memoirs that the Jesuits were a military organization and were power hungary. "The suppressed truth about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln" (LCCN: E457.5.M27)" by Burke Mccarty and many other authors document the Jesuit involvement of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. In fact not only was John Surratt a Roman Catholic and involved in the assassination, but many of the co-conspirators were Roman Catholics like George Atzerodt, Davy Harold, Lewis Payne, George Atzerodt, and Mary E. Surratt. Surrat became member of Zuaves (personal body guard to the Pope, in the Vatican) before, eventually, being extradited back to Washington D.C. Like always, the Freemasons were involved in the coverup. For example, Mason Stanton coverup information on Surratt's whereabout. Charles T. Wilcox has a new book proving the Jesuit involvement in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln as well. Eric Jon Phelps mentioned that the Jesuits trained the dictator Stalin. World War 2 had Jesuit fingerprints all over it. The Jesuit confessor Tacchi Venturi influenced Italy’s dictator Benito Mussolini to outlaw Protestantism in Italy, deported Jews to Auschwitz, and gave military aid to Saudi Arabia’s King Ibn Saud in 1932 [according to]. Hitler was never excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church at all. The canon to Munich Archbishop Michael von Faulhaber was Wilhelm August Patin. Patin was a Dominican priest, S.S. officer, and Himmler’s cousin. SS General Baron Frederick von Eberstein admitted on questioning at Nuremberg that Archbishops Michael von Faulhaber and Brunswick were high ranking officers in Himmler’s Germanic, Teutonic S.S. Heinrich Himmler’s uncle was a Bavarian Catholic priest. In fact Jesuit Priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was not only a New Ager, but he supported the Piltdown Man hoax in the early 1900's. The truth is that Piltdown man was a mixture of bones from a human and an orangutan. Fidel Castro was trained by Jesuits in the Colegiao Laselle and the Colegia Dolores. Even Oswald meet with the Jesuits and his cousin was preparing for the Jesuit priesthood at Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL at 1963. THe Jesuits trained Bill Clinton in Georgetown University. Jesuit priest William J. Fulco was the director of the Passion of the Christ with the Jesuit Douay Bible.
Now, the Knights of Malta must be exposed. They are the Vatican footsoliders. They also head many of the military, political, and economic institutions of the world. They once were under the Grandmastership of Russia in 1798. Hitler signed Concordant with Vatican Cardinal Pacelli in 1933 with the help of Knight of Malta Franz von Papen. SMOM Joseph Kennedy sympathize with the Nazis and he was forced to leave his post in 1940 as a ambassador to Great Britain, because of his treason. SMOM Joseph L. Larken appointed Papal leader General Franco of Spain along with the FED. Knight of Malta John J. Rascob was involved in the plot to overthrow FDR’s administration to form a Hitler-like dictatorship was only stopped by General Smedley Bulter, Congressional medal winner. Fritz Thyssen, a Nazi funder, was acquitted at Nuremberg via CFR member and 32rd Degree Freemason Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson. The Vatican had the Papacy and many SMOMs involved in shipping Nazis to America, South America, etc. The Knights of Malta also supported the Area 51 base with anti-gravitational devices that the Nazis had. J. Peter Grace is known to be connected to Operation Paperclip and Area 51. The Vril Society and SS went into flying saucer research. The Black Knights and the Black Sun were other pro-Nazi Secret Societies as well. SMOM German WWII General Reinhard Gehlen (Hilter's chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union) not only was involved in the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, but trained Mossad troops. Researcher John Buchannan talked with Alex Jones and proved that Gehlen had a firm role in the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency, so the CIA was created by a Nazi. The SMOM had a firm relationship with the JFK assassination. John F. Kennedy wanted the CIA to be eliminated by their corrupt covert activities. The head of the CIA in 1963 was Knight of Malta John McCone. Knight of Malta Lee Iacocca, head of the Dearborn Division of the Ford Company, dispatched Renas [head of security for the Dearborn Division of the Ford Motor Co.] to sent the car that JFK sat to D.C. Iacocca became head of the Ford Motor Company in 1970. SMOM Cartha DeLoach was part of the FBI who investigated his assassination as well. SMOM William Casey invented the Manhattan Institute, which fronting for the illegal/government controlled “faith-based” initiatives. The President of Georgetown is SMOM John J. DeGioia (CFR member). DeGioia is member of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, Chair of its Education Committee, according to the webpage he "represents Georgetown" being a member of the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations.
Knight of Malta James Jesus Angleton was the Chief CIA Counterintelligence and manned both the Vatican and Israeli intelligence desks. The Bush/Bin Laden family network has a business relationship with the Carlyle Group, head by SMOM and CFR member Frank C. Carlucci. Today, the Knight of Malta Juan Carlos of Spain has been involved in the Peace Process as reported by Barry Chamish. Possible 2008 Presidential candidate PA Senator Rick Santorum is in the Knights of Malta and his wife is a Dame of Malta inducted at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC on November 12, 2004. I just found out that Lord Guthrie is not only a Knight of Malta, but a a director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons today (mentioned in the site of He supported the Iraq War. It's a known fact that the Knights of Malta are equivalent to the 11th Degree of York Rite Freemasonry. That tells me that high level Freemaosonry and the SMOM aren't enemies, but allies.
As for Knights of Columbus info, John F. Kennedy was a member of the K. of C. Roman Catholic Knight of Columbus Francis Matthews was the Secretary of the American Navy. He allowed thousands of Catholic Vietnamese from the North to South Vietnam aggrivating the Vietnam War as mentioned by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty. In fact, Matthews was the Supreme Knight of Columbus. According to Eric Jon Phelps, Edward Kennedy is also a K. of C. Ronald Reagan's (one of the biggest wolf in sheep clothing ever) own relative was another one and Reagan admitted to that. Tom Ridge is another famous Knight of Columbus member. FBI spy Hanssen was a member of Opus Dei. The critics of Opus Dei say that they use bondage ceremonies.
Skulls and Bones was born in 1832 by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft (grandfather of President William Howard Taft). Anothony Sutton and Ron Rosenbaum exposed its rituals of an occult tomb ceremony, and oath, confessing sexual secrets, masked men, and other weird circumstances. The mainstream media reported the initiate screaming “The Hangman Equals Death! The Devil Equals Death! Death equals Death!” The S & B are in very prominent positions of power in education, politics, religion, etc. Henry Rootes Jackson and John Perkins Sr. were Bonesmen who were secessionists. Howard Stanley was a member of the Skulls and Bones who lead Morgan Stanley & Co. after J.P. Morgan died. Bonesmen W. A. Harriman and the Guaranty Trust financed Communism in the 1920’s along with Knight Woolley, a Bonesmen since 1917. It’s now a historical fact that numerous Bonesmen (like Averell Harriman, Roland Harriman, Knight Woolley, and Prescott Bush) aided Hitler (Hitler was in a S&B like groups called the Thule and Vril Societies. All of those Secret orders worked together since both were linked to the occult desiring evil). Journalist John Buchannan confirmed Prescott Bush's involvement with Union Banking and Prescott funding the Nazis as well from looking inside of the Library of Congress documents. In fact, it’s a historical fact that both the S&B and the Nazi SS used a skulls and crossbones as their insignia. William Bundy was one are in the JFK’s administration. Anthony Sutton was one man who documented all of this information describing the Skulls and Bones.
The Bohemian Grove is similar to the S&B, but they are based in Monte Rio, Northern California. Hundreds of people come to praise the false god Molech, a Druid/Canaanite pagan idol. A statue of it is 40ft. tall in California. Video have a human effigy burned. The whole thing is occult and Satanic since pagan words are spoken in the Cremation of Care ceremony and death with sacrifice is promoted. Corporate bigwigs, politicians, and U.S. media celebrities are in this group like Ike, Reagan, Bush Sr, Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush, David Gergen, Walter Cronkite, William F. Buckley Fr., John Diebold, Alan Greenspan, etc.) Many of them “relax”, male and female prostitutes abound there, and authors plus researchers like Herman Schmidt admit that networking involving world affairs exist there. For example, according to Alex Jones, Star Wars, the Atomic bomb, Alan Greenspan’s appointment, and other events were influenced by the Bohemian Grove.
Evil Jewish people have a history as well. It started with apostacy from the OT days and during when some of the tribes went into Babylon. Some followed false gods and during the NT, the Pharisees followed the Midrash. This was written tradition and that's why Jesus said to them that you make the commandment of God none effect by your tradition. Later, these apostate Jews invented the Talmud, Kabbala, and Zohar, which is the religious backbone of the evil Zionist movement. The Sabbeaten movement was involved with this by promoting a false Messiah in decieving many Jewish people. Zionism to me are divided into 2 camps. One camp are good Zionist Jews who just want to come into Israel as a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy. The other group of Zionists are evil, want to oppress people, and seek to embrace the occult. Many of them are Freemasons like Shimon Peres, Netanyahu, etc. Some Zionists worked with Hitler and the Nazis. Lenni Brenner’s book “Zionism in the Age of Dictators” at Chapter 7 outline that the Zionist Party some freedom and could publish a newspaper. Non-Zionist Jews were murdered by the Nazis. Rabbi Moshe Shonfield said that many non-Zionist Jews were deceived and the Zionists led a Jewish Council to work with the Nazis. Masonic Jewish Zionist Rudolf Kastner worked with Nazis Adolf Eichmann and Kurt Becher to kill 400,000 Hungarian Jews validated in a trial against Michael Greenwald. Dr. Henry Makow and a group called Jews Against Zionism documented the Nazi-Zionist connection for years. Israel's flag is a Hexagram and has nothing to do with David as well. Many Masonic Jewish Zionists have done other evil like supporting Communists in the Soviet Union, etc. I don't agree with the Anti-Defamation League, since the Masonic B'nai B'rith help formed it, they over exaggerate sometimes about anti-Semitism, and they support a far left agenda. Even conservative Jewish groups oppose them and the pro-gun JPFO.
Anti-Semites talk about the Askhenazi Jews, but Jewish people lived in Germany, referring to Cologne, is found in imperial decrees issued in 321 and 331 A.D. (according to Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 7, col. 458). Jewish people lived in Russia in the 100's A.D. Jews arrived in Pannonia (Yugoslavia) and Romania in the Third Century (according to Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 16, col. 868). Other Jewish tribes are in Israel who are from Yemen, Spain, Ethiopia, Africa, Central Asia, India, China, etc. (i.e. Sephardic, Lemba, the Kaifeng, Indic, Bnei Menashe, B'ney Yisrael, etc.) They have nothing to do with the "Khazars." Therefore, the Jewish people have people and have a land. There are good and evil Jewish people, but not all Jewish people need to unfairly bashed. Evil forms of Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. In fact, Jews against Zionism is a group that opposes Zionism strongly. As for the anti-Semites, they have nothing to say to me. Those lying hypocrites won't talk about persecutions of Christians in Egypt, Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other places by Muslim radicals. They are also refuse to believe that there was a Jewish presence in the land for over 2,000 years even after the Disapora. These hypocrites talk about stealing land, but people stole land for thousands of years. America is the perfect example of land theft and that's worse than what they're complaining. Muslim extremists stole millions of square miles in Northern Africa and they're trying to steal Sudan. These bigots say nothing about that, but lie and say it's the Jews' fault all of the time. Give me a break. They won't talk about the Bible elaborately, because the Bible says that All Israel” is used in Ezra 2:70, 6:17; 8:22, 35; 10:5, and in Nehemiah 7:73; 12:47. The return of the tribes also are from Ezra 2:1-2, and that Jesus Christ is the King of the Jews (Mt. 27:37). Jesus Christ is called the King of Israel (the twelve tribes) in Mt. 27:42 and John 12:9-13). The Magi called Christ King of the Jews (Mt. 27:11), Luke 2:36 mentions Asher, John 4:19-26, Jesus said that salvation is from the Jews, Paul (from the tribe of Benjamin) is called a Jew in Acts 1:39, In Acts 18:24, there is a Jew named Apollos, native of Alexandria, Egypt, Anyone who hates his fellow man is a murderer. (1 John 2:9-11, 1 John 3:15), and Israel is the apple of God's eye in Zech. 2:7-11. I will never curse Israel. I will criticize the evil government in Israel and there's a difference. These bigot cry about "Christian Zionism," but a man can still love Israel, oppose any evil done unto any Palestinian Arabic person, oppose the evil in Israel, and still be holy in the eyes of God. Being an anti-Semite and a real Christian is an oxymoron. Also, we don't want any oppression against the Arabs. To say that we must Israel to exist and Arabs to die is not only a lie, but a deception by anti-Semites. Many people from the Vatican and Replacement theology Protestant support anti-Semitic lies, but I won't. The Bible says that the Jewish people were chosen for a duty. Just because people are chosen, doesn't denote racial supremacy. For example, some people are chosen to write books, but that doesn't mean an author is racially superior than another person. I'm not like some people who are scared. I will defend my position. Liars like Yoginder Sikand from said that they we hate Jews. First, hating an individual is a sin and violating God's Word. Second, a real believer in God will never hate a Jewish person for any reason. The Crusades were supported by the Roman Catholic Church killing Jews, Arabs, and other people not Evangelical Christians at all. Most of the Bible were created by Jewish people and we owe them a lot of thanks. Many real Christians centuries ago supported and loved the Jewish people without malice. Then this liars bashed John Hagee (though Hagee accepts false doctrine), but Hagee is right that God isn't finished with Israel. The Bible clearly states that during the 1,000 years with the Messiah, Israel will be expanded into the Euphrates, etc. Then this liar mocks Bible prophecy. These types of people make me extremely angry. Without people like us, you wouldn't be here in this nation. Christians built a lot of this nation and that's fact. Since this guy doesn't know what he's talking about, I'm moving on., Chuck Moorse, and other writers document the Muslim radical/Nazi connection as well. Chuck Morse's book, "The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism, Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini” and other resources document the Nazi/Muslim connection conclusively. For example, Haj Amin Muhammad al-Husseni. This guy was Yasser’s uncle. Al-Husseini was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem appointed by British Mandate Governor General Herbert Samuel [Rothschild Zionist]. al-Husseni meet with Adolf Hitler at Berlin in 1942. A picture proves it. Al-Husseni lead riots against Jewish people by brainwashing and provoking Arabic people in 1920. Many other programs were led against Jewish people in 1921, 1929, and the 1936-1939 rebellion. According to the documentation from the Nuremberg and Eichmann trial, the SS helped finance Husseni’s efforts in that rebellion. The head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, took al- Husseini on tours of Auschwitz and financed his Muslim academy in Dresden, Germany to be a training ground for a puppet Nazi/Muslim government. In S.E. Europe, Husseini recruited Bosnian Muslims in Nazi occupied Yugoslavia to ethnically cleanse the Jewish people. Nazism brainwashed other Arabic nations as well when the Young Egypt group was formed in the 1930’s with stromtroopers, torch processions, and translations of Nazi slogans like “One folk, one party, and one leader.” Young Egypt attacked Jews and called to boycott Jewish businesses during the war. In William Grim’s “The Palestinian-Al Qaeda-Neo-Nazi Connection” posted on 2/25/2004 said that “…One of the main leaders of the 1941 pro-Nazi coup in Iraq was Khairallah Tulfah, the uncle and guardian of Saddam Hussein. When Saddam failed in his attempt to assassinate the Iraqi leader Abdel Karim Qassim in 1959, he fled to Egypt where he was given protection by Grand Mufti- protégé Nasser and ODESSA-connected former Nazis…” has a lot of information on this issue.
Le Cerle is an intelligence group with people who are Masons, SMOM, and other orders. There are other groups who want global government like the Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group (invented by Jesuit Preist and Freemason Joseph Rittenger according to Dr. John Coleman and Eric Jon Phelps), Council on Foreign Relations (Other Freemasons in the CFR include 33rd degree English Grand Lodge Mason “Colonel” Edward Mandell House, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason Christian Herter, Scottish Rite Mason Averell Harriman, 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Bernard Baruch, and Grand Orient Lodge Mason Paul Warburg plus Jacob Schiff), the Round Table (invented by Freemason Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes took influence from the Jesuits according to William Jefferson Clinton and Tony Blair are members of it. Cecil Rhodes readily talked about the need for the Global British empire in the world), etc. The Pilgrim Society is a prominent group with ties to British royalty. Members of the Pilgrim Society according to are Paul Volcker, David Rockefeller, Edmund de Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, etc. Black Nobility (mentioned by David Icke, Dee Jay, 2tuff from Unhived Mind Forum, etc.) as The "Black Nobility" are/were the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, Italy, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). Today there in families such as the House of Guelph, House of Bernadotte, House of Hohenzollern (in Germany), etc. Many people who obsess over the Rothschild (though a powerful bloodline) rarely talk about the Black Nobility controlling a lot of wealth on Planet Earth. So, it's not totally a bankers' conspiracy, since ideology, intelligence, political impact equals power as well, not just money. The International Bankers are controlled by the Secret Society Occult Empire.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)