Now, the bombing of the building was strange, because it was odd how supposedly one bomb would destroy much of the building. Benton K. Partin is the Brigadier General of the U.S. Air Force. He is now retired. Now, Partin is an munitions expert par excellence. He said that a single truck bomb can't have a damage pattern of destroying huge columns without supplementing demolition charges at some of the reinforced column bases. The bombing was internally exploded by many reasons. One man who sent a letter to Senator Don Rickles showed evidence of an internal explosion was Air Force Brigadier General Partin (Retired). This Air Force person said that among other things that: “It is absorb…says Partin, to hold that truck bomb blast was powerful enough to take down large steel-reinforced, concrete columns and still leave sheet rock, furring strips, and other light, decorative materials virtually unfazed.” (16) is a link with information that promotes that internal explosions might of occurring in the Oklahoma City bombing also. There are more evidence of internal explosions since the Truck could of produced such a damaging quality alone. You need to show more valid evidence than shrapnel striations. McVeigh wasn’t a hero, but he was a murderous puppet used as an agent provacateur. There is an evidence on the Waco-OKC connection, because during that time, investigations were occurring about the issue of Waco and immediately after the OKC bombing, the investigation of Waco stonewalled and Clinton passed his Crime and Terrorism Bill. Also, many federal agents were missing along with documents of Waco, drug trade, etc. implanted in the building.
Victor Thorn had brought some of the best, easiest information on the OKC-Elohim City connection. The federal government claimed that they never knew that the Alfred P. Murrah Building was going to be bombed on April 19, 1995. After their investigation with 2,000+ agents, they still say that Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh solely were involved in the wicked attack. Of course throughout history, the government has lied to its own people. This time is no exception. The FBI, ATF, Department of Justice, and CIA, among others – lied through their teeth about having no foreknowledge of, or involvement in, the Alfred P. Murrah bombing on April 19, 1995. That is why the government didn't evaluate correctly the Elohim City connection. Who is Andreas Stassmeir? He was a German national. He came into America by 1991. He would be the head of security at Elohim City. Andreas' father was Gunter Strassmeir (Gunter was the architect of Germany reunification). Gunter was a top aide to German chancellor and Bilderberger Helmut Kohl. Strassmeier's grandfather was also a founding member of the Nazi Party. Operation Paperclip was an American program where American intelligence worked with the Nazis after WWII. So, the Strassmeier family are link to the global elite. Andreas worked in the Army. The media called him an anti-Semitic Neo-Nazi, but the London Times said that he had Jewish girlfriend (and this girlfriend served in the Israeli army. Also, Strassmeir could speak fluent Hebrew). Strassmeir's state was AO when he came into America.
Kirk Lyons helped Strassmeir to come into America. Then, Lyons gave Strassmeir a driver's license and address in Knoxville, TN. Kirk Lyons was a federal undercover agent or informa. Lyons visited Strassmeir's parents in their Berlin's residence in 1991. Some view Lyons as Andreas' handler. Lyons introduced Strassmeir to everyone at Elohim City (at April 18, 1995, which was a day before the attacks). Lyons' law firm even recieved a 15 minute phone call from Timothy McVeigh. The London Times reported that when Strassmeir first arrived in the United States, he was befriended by retired Army officers, CIA veterans, and Civil War reenactment history buffs. According to Victor Thorn, the CIA infiltrated such groups and they have ties to the Pentagon (and other federal agencies). One of these men was Vincent Petruskie. He was a special agent for the Air Force Office of Special Investigation (or OSI) from 1951 to 1975. Vincent saw Strassmeir's father in Berlin. Vincent was apart of Vietnam as well. Now, the catch is that Vincent Petruskie have been caught in doing gun running, drug trafficking, and shadowly deal making with people. Vincent Petruski became an ally of Andreas. He tried to get Strassmeir a job at the DEA, the Treasury Department, with INS, and also the Department of Justice.
Andreas Strassmeir's station wagon was impounded by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol after he was pulled over for not having a valid license. Kenny Peace, (a tow-truck driver from Muldrow, Oklahoma who yanked the vehicle), said that immediately after this event he started getting a flurry of calls from a Houston attorney, a general or major at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. These calls could quite possibly be from Petruskie, the Highway Patrol’s district office, the State Department, and the Governor’s office – all telling him to immediately release the vehicle. Andreas had full diplomatic immunity despite his visa being expired. Furthermore, the contents of Strassmeir’s briefcase held a copy of The Terrorist’s Handbook (including how to build ANFO bombs & detonators with delayed fuses), job applications for the INS & DEA, foreign bank statements which showed he was by no means an impoverished pauper, and suspected government classified documents in both English and German. There were classified papers about negiotations between Strassmeir (on behalf of Petruski Associates) and others to buy 757s. These planes are from Germany's Lufhanasa Airlines to transport business out of Costa Rica. Petruskie is known for shadowly transport of items. Texas Light Infantry Brigade temporarily aligned with him. Yet, Straismeier found he used a secret code to enter a federal building one night. They view as a federal agent, so they kicked him out of the group.
Andreas Strassmeier could come to the 400 acre compound in Oklahoma near Muldrow called Elohim City. This compound had Aryan Republican Army, the KKK, the Aryan Nation, and other neo-Nazi type groups. Elohim City was a nexus point in the conspiracy to blow up the Alfred P. Murray Building (U.S. Assistan Attorney Steven N. Snydner of Fort Smith, AK said that this plot was created as early as 1983). Richard Wayne Snell, James Ellison, and Kerry Noble wanted to use plastic explosives and rocket launches to destroy the OKC federal building. The feds in 1985 arrested Covenant founder James Ellison. It wasn't raided again until 1995. People wonder why since this compound was dangerous according to former Covenant member Kerry Noble. One member of Elohim City named Robert Millar was a contact of the FBI for years (as confirmed by the testimony of senior FBI agent Peter Rickel testified on June 31, 1997). Millar admited that he shared information with the FBI, the DEA, and other law enforcement officials. Gary Hunt of Elohim City was another paid informat of the BATF. Elohim City is a strong place where immunity was commonplace for its members:
This is why The McCurtain Daily Gazette reported on July 1, 1997 that, “Millar’s position as a mole for the FBI could explain why the compound has never been raided. Despite its use as a hideout for gun-runners, drug dealers, bank robbers and suspected members of the conspiracy that bombed the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, Elohim City has enjoyed a reputation as a place where fugitives can live without fear of arrest.”
A video that shows Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh at a U.S. military base that specializes in explosives and demolition training over a year after he supposedly left the army puts the official story of the April 19 1995 federal building bombing under serious doubt and mandates a re-opening of an investigation into the terror attack that killed 168 people. Bill Bean released the footage and he was a film producer (who has suffered intense surveillance and harassment since taking the footage). In early April 1995 a Ryder truck identical to the one used in the bombing was filmed by a pilot during an overflight of of an area near Camp Gruber-Braggs, Oklahoma. A June 17th, 1997 Washington Post article authenticates the photos as being exactly what they appear to be, photos of a Ryder truck in a clandestine base at Camp Gruber-Braggs. Why were the military in possession of a Ryder truck housed in a remote clandestine army base days before the Alfred P. Murrah bombing? In a 1993 letter to his sister, McVeigh claimed that he was approached by military intelligence and had joined an "elite squad of government paid assassins."
Multiple reports of Arabs at the scene assisting McVeigh were ignored and surveillance tapes were withheld under national security. The likely reason for this was the fact that Bush senior and Clinton were responsible for bringing in nearly 1,000 Iraqi soldiers captured by U.S. forces during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, some of whom could be involved in the bombing. There are other reports of two explosions and several failed devices being defused by bomb squads were buried by the establishment as the official explanation that McVeigh acted alone was pushed.
We know that McVeigh and Terry Nichols drove, on October 12, 1993 from Fayetteville, Arkansas to Elohim City to meet with Andreas Strassmeir. McVeigh called Strassmeir at Elohim City on April 5, 1995 a few minutes after reserving a Ryder truck. Timothy McVeigh participated in military maneuvers directed by Strassmeir at Elohim City on September 12, 1994. There is no doubt that McVeigh had a link to Elohim City. A highly documented April 8, 1995 event (merely a week-and-a-half prior to the OKC bombing) where McVeigh, Strassmeir, and Michael Brescia were videotaped by security cameras at Lady Godiva’s strip joint in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Of special note is McVeigh bragging to one of the dancers, “On April 19, 1995 you’ll remember me for the rest of your life.” McVeigh's deathrow associate David Paul Hammer said that McVeigh was meet with military people (McVeigh claimed that he was recruited on the Defense project to gather information on Aryans, the KKK, etc.). Andreas Strassmeir, who admitted that he met Timothy McVeigh in the late spring of 1993 at a Tulsa gun show, and that he was in possession of McVeigh’s Desert Storm military uniforms. ATF infiltrator agent Carol How stated that Andreas Strassmeir was the OKC mastermind and prime instigator of the bombing; and McVeigh was merely his protégé. She also said that Strassmeir exerted “extraordinary influence over McVeigh.” Ms. Howe’s Confidential Informant number was: 53270-183 (or, for short, CI-183). Howe told her superiors that Strassmeir and Dennis Mahon (who was a KKK leader from Tulsa) were the primary instigators of the OKC bombing. Karen Finley – under oath – on April 24, 1997 colloborated Howe's testimony. So, the ATF knew that Strassmeir and other Aryan Republican Army leaders had discussed about blowing up the OKC federal building. During Carol Howe’s trial, ATF Agent Karen Finley testified that the FBI, as well as her agency, “had the information in advance of the bombing of the Murrah building.” She also admitted that Howe warned them of bomb threats against federal buildings before April 19, 1995.
Karen Finey and others wanted to arrest Strassmeir because of his threats, but senior members of the BATF, the FBI, and the U.S. Attorney scrubbed the mission to raid Elohim City in February of 1995. If the raid occured, the OKC bombing could never of existed in the first place. It didn't occur, because According to Robert Sanders, a top ATF official, Elohim City was under intense scrutiny by federal agencies at the top levels of management. Also, the leaders of Elohim City were overt operatives or informats from Gary Hunt, McVeigh, Lyons, and Petruskie. The foreknowledge of an April 19 bombing was so widespread that Richard Wayne Snell, a member of James Ellison’s Covenant, Sword, & Arm of the Lord bragged about this catastrophe on the day of his execution – coincidentally on April 19, 1995. Arkansas prison official Alan Ables said of Snell: “He repeately predicted that there would be a bombing or explosion on the day of his death.” When his prophetic words about the OKC bombing came true, he knowingly chuckled and laughed before being put to death. The OKC bombing was a sophiscated government opt where FBI/ATF agents in Elohim City agitated the bombing to occur. Dennis Mahon, a co-conspirator in the bombing, had this to say of the situation: “If a person wanted to know about the bombing, then they should talk with Andy Strassmeir because he knows everything.” Strassmeir would fled the country in 1996. In his future interviews, he said that OKC was a government opt that went wrong and that Timothy McVeigh didn't know what was in the truck (but knew he was delivering a bomb). The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and Morris Dees’ Southern Poverty Law Center promoted the lone nut theory in the OKC bombing. It's a known fact that the ADL works with the FBI and has infiltrated hate groups for decades.
If the FBI, etc. infiltrated this Elohim City group, why didn't they prevent this terrorist attack from occuring? On July 14, 1996, The McCurtain Gazette reported that, according to a highly-placed source at the FBI’s intelligence division, he was a paid ATF informant or asset sent to infiltrate Elohim City. This sentiment was echoed by Timothy McVeigh’s lawyer, Stephen Jones, during a 1998 interview on KTOK radio in Oklahoma City. Jones said Strassmeir was a German national recruited by Louis Freeh to do deep undercover and intelligence operations for the FBI in the United States. He also said that he discussed Strassmeir’s FBI alliance to the German government with U.S. prosecutor Beth Wilkinson. FBI form 302 said that Strassmeir was a CIA asset on loan from the German government. Therefore, Andreas Strassmeir worked for many agencies like the FBI, the ATF, and the CIA. A FBI informant ran Elohim City. Impious Digest documents this Crescent/Swastika link rather well. Ex-neo-Nazis Bill Baker is now speaking in Muslim circuits. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but racists have united with Muslim extremists to promote hate and agitation. Many of them are government shills. So, racist anti-Jewish people are never part of the real anti-global government movement. We don’t need them, they never had convincing arguments, and you are traitors to God. Some of you even bash Fundamental Christianity, but without us, you would be worse off. There are evil and good Jewish people in the world.
Laws against our civil liberties
News reports show that the 2nd bomb was found in the OKC Building. The first bomb exposed, the 2nd and 3rd ones were found difused. Jamie Coverdale lost 2 grandchildren in the OKC bombing. Their names were Erin and Elijah. She talked about John Doe #2. The FBI denied to her that a 2nd person was with Timothy McVeigh despite of the fact that other witnesses saw more than one person involved in the attack. Timothy McVeigh rented the Ryder Truck from someone else. The 22 cameras haven't been totally released to this day. Susan Otto (who was Timothy McVeigh's first attorney) said: "...When you know everything I know...You will never think of the United States of America in the same way..." Mike Laudenslager, G.S.A. employee at the Murrah Building. He was aware of explosives brought in the building by the BATF and the DEA. He urged parents to take the children out of daycare center in the Building. Mike worked with the Security Director, brought this situation to the higher ups. The Security Director was immediately terminated. The Security Director's wife (who was the operator of the day care center) who notified the fire marshall of this situation lost her contract. Shortly after the bombing helping in rescue efforts Mike was observed by a number of witnesses in a heated confrontation. Later, it was reported that Mike's body had been found at his desk. He was officially listed as one of the 168 bombing fatalities. Oklahoma city policemen Terry, Yeakey, and Dr. Don Chumley had seen Mike alive during the fire rescue efforts. Both of them men met unfortunate deaths.
Wendy S. Painting from Rise Up Rochester on October 20, 2008 wants to find out the truth about the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. There are new developments found by the attorney Jesse Trentadue, because his brother died in the penitenitary under mysterious circumstances (whose name is Kenny Trentadue). Kerry was mistaken for an Aryan Republican Army and Midwest Bank Robbers member Richard Guthrie. Jannie Coverdale, who lost her two young grandsons in the blast, and has herself fought the FBI, DOJ and almost every other federal agency you can think of to find the truth. Jesse tried to use the FOIA to get research out to the public. On September 25, 2008 Trentadue won a ruling. During the ruling, he had sought for over a year and a half to depose, on video, federal inmates David Paul Hammer and Terry Nichols. Nichols, who was convicted and sentenced to life in prison for his still unknown role in the bombing, says he is ready to tell all. The DOJ, the FBI, and BOP tried to stop Trentadue's inquiries. New information is coming out about Hammer (who is on Death row now in Terre Haute, Indiana. For a time, he was in a cell next to Timothy McVeigh for the last years of McVeigh's life). Hammer's book entitled "Secrets Worth Dying For" said that McVeigh confessed that he was an agent of the government during the planning plus execution of the bombing. Hammer will release a new edition of the book on April 19, 2009 showing more details about the role of Timothy McVeigh. Trentadue wants information about German National Andreas Strassmier’s role as an informant/ agent in the bombing, and the nature of his exact relationship with McVeigh and the Aryan Republican Army/ Midwest bank robbers known. Trentadue (who accuses Attorney General Eric Holder of covering up about what really happening in the attack) isn't defending McVeigh or Nichols' actions, but he is trying to discover the total truth of the event. He also wants video surveillance of the Murrah building during the date from April 15 to April 19 (since it's suspected that more people other than McVeigh was with him during the bombing). The truth is that OKC Bombing is bigger than McVeigh as he was a military agent himself. The bombing has ties to Elohim City (infiltrated by the FBI and monitored by the SPLC) and other interests who wanted to demonize conservatives (and other patriots). Patriots assume that the BATF, the FBI, and Elohim City extremists colloborated with each other to make the OKC Bombing occur in 1995. Bill Clinton (a Rhodes Scholar puppet, who agrees with the veto against the Partial birth abortion ban, is anti-gun, is an ally of the Bush Family, and supports globalism) had nothing to do with OKC Bombing, but he was involved in Waco directly. The Oklahoma City bombing was a black op which was done by FBI-infiltrated members of Elohim City.
Who is Barack Obama?
This is a controversial work. When I thought about writing about Barack Obama, I wanted to take my time about it. The reason is that I wanted to be confortable in describing the man. I desired to make sure I doubled check the information about him, because he is the current President of the United States. I don't believe in following the extremist of saying that he's the Messiah or that he's the Antichrist. I want to make my opinion about Barack Obama loud and clear though. Barack Obama has an interesting life. He was born in August 4, 1961. His parents were Stanley Ann Dunham and Barack Obama Sr. Barack Obama Sr. was from the Luo tribe in Kenya. Stanley Ann Dunham was a woman from Witchita, Kansas. She is mostly of English descent. Stanley called herself Ann in college. She is a distant cousin of former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and former U.S. President Harry S. Truman. Dunham even back in the 1950's was concerned about international events and people called her a liberal (plus the original feminist even though feminists existed 100 years before her time). She met Barack Obama Sr. while in college. They married on Febraury 2, 1961 in Maui, Hawaii. Both families disapproved of the marriage for obvious reasons back then. Dunham was 18 years old when Barack Obama was born. Barack Obama Sr. was divorced soon after his marriage with Dunham. Barack Obama Sr. had numerous wives and he was a Kenyan senior governmental economist. He studied in America via a scholarship that was supported by Harry Belafonte, Sidney Poitier, Jackie Robinson, and Elizabeth Mooney Kirk, (who was a literacy advocate who provided most of the financial support for Obama Sr.'s early years in the United States, according to the Tom Mboya archives at Stanford University). Barack Obama Sr.'s third wife was the American born teacher named (from Harvard) Ruth Nidesand. He lost both legs in an automobile collision, and subsequently lost his job. Barack Obama Sr. died at the young age of 46 in 1982 at Nairobi, Kenya. Obama Sr. is buried in at the village of Nyang’oma Kogelo, Siaya District, Kenya. His funeral was attended by ministers Robert Ouko, Oloo Aringo and other prominent political figures. Ann Dunham married an Indonesian student named Lolo Soetro in 1966 or 1967. They moved the six year old Barack Obama to Jakarta, Indonesia. Soetoro worked as a government relations consultant with the Mobil Corporation. From ages six to ten, Obama attended local schools in Jakarta, including Besuki Public School and St. Francis of Assisi School. Barack Obama returned to be raised by his maternal grandparents who are named Madelyn and Stanley Armour Dunhan. He attened the private college preparatory school Punahou School from the fifth grade in 1971 until his graduation from high school in 1979. Barack Obama in his book "Dreams from My Father" (which was published in mid-1995) described the conflict he acquired because of his multi ethnic heritage. He admitted that he was so confused that he used alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine. His fellow students at the Punahou School said that he was mature for his age and attended college parties (in order to associate with African American students and military service students). He spoke of Honolulu and Hawaii in general as:
"...The opportunity that Hawaii offered—to experience a variety of cultures in a climate of mutual respect—became an integral part of my world view, and a basis for the values that I hold most dear." (eyes, B. J (February 8, 2007). "Punahou Left Lasting Impression on Obama". Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Retrieved on January 4, 2008. "As a teenager, Obama went to parties and sometimes sought out gatherings on military bases or at the University of Hawaii that were mostly attended by blacks.")
By Timothy