Saturday, September 26, 2009

LRAD Mounted On Truck Terrorizes Pittsburgh Residents


LRAD Mounted On Truck Terrorizes Pittsburgh Residents
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September 26, 2009

In the photo here, we see an LRAD mounted in the rear of a militarized police vehicle driving through the back streets of Pittsburgh terrorizing the residents. Note the child on the curb holding up his hands to block the sound of the terrorist device. He’s obviously with al-Qaeda.
In videos posted on Infowars, we can see that demonstrators and on-lookers — and the majority of them seem to be on-lookers — are not engaged in violence or are they a threat to the police (who are outfitted in black Darth Vader military gear).

The use of the LRAD in Pittsburgh during the G20 Mafia confab is the first use of the device in the United States. It was first used against Iraqis disgruntled over the occupation of their country by U.S. military forces and trigger-happy contractors. It was tested on the killing ground of Fallujah and is used in Baghdad and elsewhere in Iraq. The LRAD device was on hand at protests of the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City but not used. It was used extensively in the client state Georgia against opposition protesters in Tbilisi in November 2007.

U.S.-outfitted Georgian cops use LRAD against demonstrators.
In the coming months, we will likely see the LRAD terror weapon used against an increasing number of demonstrators as the economy tanks. Pittsburgh was a beta test.