Affirmative Action is a barrier put in place to ensure that organizations can't discriminate against minorities. Also as an instrument to ensure blacks got a fair shot at being accepted into schools and businesses which were almost entirely white run and still mostly are.
Rather than addressing the much bigger issue of racial discrimination shown in studies by princeton on hiring practices of businesses treating black males as if theyre all convicts based on the stereotypes and social stigmas perpetuated by the media and the discriminatory laws and profiling enacted by conservatives you take a few examples where a small number of whites didn't get into schools which had quotas for diversity, and highlight those as a huge and rampant issue thats holding white society back. Those studies showed that black males with the same background and resumes as their white partners were brought in for interviews or hired at 14% as opposed to 34% for whites when both had no criminal background. When both had criminal records the rate was 5% to 17%.
That means black males are treated as criminals for purposes of hiring whether they are or not. In fact whites get even more benefit if they have criminal records than blacks with none. And for purposes of promotion its probably even worse. But you dont care about that and arent going to focus on it because it doesnt affect you. You'll simply claim that because society finally voted a minority to the presidency that racism and prejudice doesn't exist in this nation, or no longer creates an unbalanced playing field, in spite of massive poverty in minority communities.
Groups like the NAACP are not racist but promote equal treatment for minorities and typically combat racism. Rather than look at issues they've fought against like Republican support of a schools ability to recieve tax breaks while continuing to ban interracial dating, you just buy into the conservative mantra that they are anti-white and look down on other groups or some BS. Its always the black groups that are demonized. You do realize there are Latino, Asian, Jewish, LBGT, and womens rights groups as well. If it wasn't so easy to demonize blacks I guess you and your conservative buddies would try to list one of those groups first and get laughed out because people generally accept them as fighting for equal treatment, unlike the KKK which looks down on other groups and believes whites are superior.
The NAACP does accept whites as well, as do HBCUs which are known to provide scholarships to whites as minorities on campus. You'd turn a blind eye to history and the fact that blacks have been beaten and discriminated against by the government itself as recently as our parents generation when jim crow, fire hosings, attack dogs on civil rights marchers were accepted. And laws like those enacted by the war on drugs sentencing minorities to terms longer than murderers, for nonviolent crimes while police continue to profile and target minorities while giving whites a pass continue that discrimination less overtly.
How is that a simple explanation when the majority of blacks aren't arrested for violent crime or murder but non violent offenses and those statistics have steadily gotten worse since you began targeting, profiling and ripping fathers from their homes for the same non violent offenses whites were getting away with? And many of these werent even offenses during the time of the founding fathers who encouraged and used hemp regularly. White society outlawed it because it was the drug of choice for blacks and hispanics, as opposed to alcohol, and because the paper and alcohol industry sought to retain their profits by demonizing it as reefer madness.
I'll join you in blaming racism and a terrible prison system which turns non violent offenders into hardened criminals, but people themselves are people. When whites were poor in the slums, huddled close together your immigrants had the same violent tendencies and statistics, look up the gangs of new york, australian penal colonies etc. Now take the ability of a father to raise his son to be a man out of the equation and add to it profiling causing him to be arrested and unable to get a job if he has a minor blemish as a youth, stigmatizing of society so he can't get a decent job to raise a family, and covert racists in hiring positions like Donald Sterling who accepts that he has to work with blacks but will never promote them to any real positions of power or influence and you exacerbate the situation by a thousand.
Yet you'd turn a blind eye to the need for some type of action being taken or some type of program to take into account the often impossible conditions many of these youth have to get through to even have a shot at these schools, by eliminating affirmative action and doing nothing about the stigma that still exists and is rampant against blacks and darker minorities. The same stigma perceived by Clippers owner Donald Sterling, racist as he may be when he asks his mixed girlfriend to stop inviting black people to his games, or portraying the fact that she has black ancestry etc. because it makes him look bad in front of his white borderline racist colleagues, associates and a large portion of the mainstream society in America to this day.
Instead conservatives blame violence in the black community on rap culture, ignoring the fact that gangster rap wasnt even popular until well after violence peaked. much less when it began trending upward. You ignore the real factors that did contribute to it such as poverty and inability to get a job, and the social stigmas of being black continue to follow black youth.
Racism on an institutional level is still alive and well in america, things are no where near equal for a minority child being born into this country, so why are you getting rid of affirmative action now and pretending that its a different way? Because you and most conservative whites have ignored, turned a blind eye to, or just not cared that its that way?