First, I send my condolences to the family and friends of Michael Brown. People have every right to express indignant anger and outrage at the situation in Ferguson. The death of Michael Brown was a tragedy. The unjust actions of many militarized police to use tear gas, assault weapons, armored vehicles, flash bang grenades, etc. against innocent, peaceful protesters is wrong. The situation of police brutality in America is an epidemic and there is a systemic problem of corruption among not only the police, but other people in the state (and corruption is readily found in corporate power too). When people protest in the street and express legitimate outrage at the conditions in Ferguson, that is not about “throwing a fit” or having a “ghetto pity party.” It is about standing up against oppressive conditions. The Malcolm X Grassroots Movement has done groundbreaking research on the extrajudicial murder of our Brothers & our Sisters by the police. Margaret Kimberley and other scholars have documented the errors found in American society. The brutal beating of Marlene Pinnock by a California highway patrol officer means that we have to stand up against the injustices inflicted on people. We have every right to resist white supremacy and racism. This is also a class struggle. The poor are heavily oppressed by the ruling class and the super-rich. Therefore, the poor should be empowered, so they can fulfill their own destinies and aspirations. Many independent organizations are in Ferguson now trying to create solutions and are fighting for social justice. The family of Michael Brown deserves respect and they deserve justice totally.The shots from the video are disturbing. The video could of been verified by now or not. Regardless, we know that Michael Brown was shot multiple times and killed by the officer. We know that at least 6 shots were fired at Michael Brown. We know that Wilson was once part of a police force involved in corruption (and the Jennings police force was once disbanded). Also, many witnesses have talked to the FBI and that is not a minor thing. They can’t lie to FBI, because if they do, then that is a violation of the law. Eyewitnesses along with other pieces of evidence collected can be great in trying to figure out the important parts of the story. Ironically, some people place more credibility on Wilson’s friend (talking in a radio show) than the eyewitnesses (who have shown many of their faces in public). Originally, the local law enforcement people in Ferguson utilized lax transparency and they displayed a horrendous response to peaceful protesters too. In my view, Michael Brown was not a nihilistic thug. He was a young person who was about to go into college. Many officers are thugs and have done a whole lot more mistakes that Michael Brown will ever do. The status quo can’t exist for now on. I have no issues with cops having body cameras, the ending of unnecessary militarization of the police, the changing of laws to address police brutality issues, and other solutions. We should never have anything other than justice. RIP Michael Brown.
Hatred only brings more instability in life. What we have found in the world is that Love is stronger than hatred. True love can build movements, inspire change, and cause people to fight harder against injustice. The racist is wrong, because there is no liberation in degrading a person by virtue of their skin color or their ethnicity. There is no virtue in falsely demonizing a person inappropriately. I know about great movie of "Panther." Huey realized that black liberation is tied to human liberation regardless of what troublemakers say. We know who the troublemakers are. LOL. Regardless of their lies, we know the truth. The truth is that black people are entitled to justice, freedom, and equality. The truth is that the Golden Rule of treating our neighbor as ourselves is a legitimate ideal to embrace. Power to the people precisely mean power to all of the people of the human race. Readily, the one percent would exploit the human race in order to cause injustice while they seek more power and more oligarchy. The Panther film is really underrated. My favorite part of the film is when the Black Panthers came into the California legislature armed with rifles. Bobby Seale said that he is anti-oppression and you can't fight hate with racism. That is the point that one friend has made. :) The people of Ferguson have done charities and food drives to help the community as well. Me personally, I am at a point in my life, that if a Brother or a Sister is a communist or not, if that person wants liberation sincerely, then that person should not be thrown into jail at all. Claudia Jones was a Communist and she was a Sister who fought for the liberation of black people sincerely. I am not a Communist, but I'm not a reactionary either. The Sister fought discrimination, racism, and economic injustices in the UK. Yes, the government lied about the Black Panthers. Black people were denied fundamental freedoms. We are still denied true freedom today. Also, they did want equal treatment, fair housing, good jobs, etc. It is the Cold War and the McCarthyite era of the 1950's that agitated anti-Communist paranoia in a higher level. Everyone is not a communist. LOL. Extremists view a lot of people as Communist for even standing up for racial justice. The feds did flood communities with drugs via the Golden Triangle, etc. They caused divisions and they illegally monitored the BPP. The Black Panthers were scapegoated for the events of the 1960's. The truth is that people wanted to be free. After WWII, nations in the Motherland fought for their independence. People just wanted to have a chance of true liberation from oppression. Some folks get too caught up into labels. We have the God given right to freedom, to be treated fair, and to have justice.
The White House vowed a protracted military campaign in Iraq and they have authorized surveillance of areas in Syria. President Barack Obama gave a militarist speech on Tuesday to the annual convention of the American Legion in Charlotte, North Carolina. There are reports of U.S. spy drones operating over Syria and air strikes could start by the end of the week. Obama told the veterans’ organization that “the United States is and will remain the one indispensable nation in the world,” a boast that is belied by the bloody debacle unleashed throughout North Africa and the Middle East by a string of US military interventions in Iraq, Libya and Syria. The airstrikes of Iraq by America comes after Iraq has been overrun heavily by the ISIS group. ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is a split off from Al-Qaeda. The West wants to use “humanitarian” justifications for military intervention in Iraq. He vowed that “American combat troops will not be returning to fight in Iraq,” and declared that the “answer is not to send in large-scale military deployments.” Yet there are many U.S. “advisors” and Special Operations troops in Iraq and in the rest of the region. Combat troops are full regular Army brigades and Marine expeditionary units. The airstrikes in Iraq came in August of 2014, the Obama administration has rushed another 1,000 U.S. troops into the country. The U.S. Central Command reported two more air strikes on Tuesday near the Iraqi Kurdish capital of Irbil. The targets are said to be ISIS armored vehicles whom ISIS captured from the U.S. supplied Iraqi Army stockpile. The U.S. has carried out about 100 air strikes in Iraq. President Barack Obama wanted a broader strategy like arming local forces incluing the Iraqi government, the Iraqi Kurdish militia, and the moderate opposition in Syria. He wants an international coalition to handle the situation in Iraq. He wants justice done in his words. He also vowed to take direct action when it is needed to protect people and defend the “homeland.” Meanwhile, Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters onboard a MILITARY plane en ROUTE to Afghanistan that, while he believes at present ISIS represents a “regional threat” and not a direct threat to the US, he is prepared to shift this assessment. Once the general “determines that the Islamic militants in Iraq have become a direct threat to the US homeland,” the Associated Press reported, “he will recommend that the US military move directly against the group in Syria.” The irony is that America could bome forces who once were rebels against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad. One years ago, the President wanted congressional approval to bomb the Syrian government on the fabricated pretext that the Assad regime had crossed the red line by using chemical weapons in the civil war with ISIS (and other Sunni Islamist forces). There are reports that the U.S. is collaborating with the Assad regime covertly by providing intelligence from U.S. spy flight to the Syrian military. That military is conducting more bobings on ISIS strongholds. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem declared on Monday that the Syrian government was prepared “to cooperate and COORDINATE” with other countries in combating ISIS, but warned that any unilateral air strikes carried out without the approval of Damascus would be “considered aggression.” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters Tuesday, “There are no plans to COORDINATE with the Assad regime” on any military action within Syria. So, the U.S. is using ISIS as a pretext to try to attack Syria possibly. The West wants puppet regimes (in replacing secular regimes) and a hegemony in the oil rich region.
We are entitled to be free. That means that we have right to embrace political independence. We should continue to reject empire. The death of people by drone should be condemned. We see how the unjust bombings in Libya and in other places of the world has not solve problems, but it has grown them. We see the record number of the deportation of human beings, yet xenophobes want more hatred against immigrants, which is wrong. The West supports neo-Nazis in Ukraine and Israeli terrorism in besieged Gaza. Many people want the people of Ferguson to be “calm” when they support Western foreign policy which don’t resemble any form of calm at all. We don’t need reform. We need revolutionary change in society. Bill DeBlasio is the New York Mayor. His mayoral campaign is about portraying him as a fighting, strong progressive. He married a beautiful Black Woman and has children of color (when our people has been victims of racial profiling and street humilitation). Yet, he has hired the police chief Bratton, who supported Giuliani’s police policies. Stop and frisk, and Broken windows programs have grown tensions between the community and the police. Eric Garner’s death is a direct product of reactionary police policies. Therefore, we have the right not to be silent. The militarization of the police has been a national policy for years. The young people of Ferguson do inspire us. They have expressed courage in resisting the police who have violated the civil liberties of the residents of Ferguson. This is a struggle for freedom and liberation. There is nothing wrong with the sharing of resources and power to create a society where racism, sexism, and inequality are abolished. We all share one planet and people are entitled to justice.
Roland Martin is right that the situation in Ferguson should be turned into a movement. We have to make sure that it is the right type of movement. I have no issue with plans and strategies to increase economic power in the black community. Yet, there must be unique solutions to address poverty, economic inequality, and other forms of economic injustice. There is no solution without the addressing poverty in the world. I have no issue with independent, grassroots political organizations as well. There must be direct action, boycotts, and laws have to be changed. We should fight for and demand the restoration of our civil liberties. We should fight for BETTER HEALTH care. The police should be monitored heavily of their actions and proceedings in the streets of America (with body cameras). There must be equity in criminal sentencing and more solutions ought to exist to eliminate unfair sentencing disparities. One of the easiest and best ways to begin this change is to work in our local communities first (in dealing with issues of poverty, education, infrastructure, policing, etc.). Once we do that, we can see the tangible changes caused by our efforts. This movement should never stop in the local level since we should collaborate with like minded people locally, nationally, and globally. One great Sister, who is Courtney (she is a Great Friend), is 100 percent right to mention that black people and all people in general should have power and justice in the Earth. This is a crisis. We have to address racial profiling, police brutality, and other important issues in our community. We have every right to institute self-determination, which freedom loving people have advocated throughout human history. There is nothing wrong with donating or funding independent, political organizations that are fighting for real social change. Grassroots, participatory-democratic organizations can be used to organize, mobilize, and execute policies. Also, we have to confront poverty, gentrification, economic injustice, the prison industrial complex, etc. It is important to defend the human RIGHTS of the residents of Ferguson. Black people in Ferguson have every right to advocate for their interests in the city. The development of political and economic power is necessary for us to be free indeed. All of us have the responsibility to do action. We should value our lives as black people. Our lives matter.
By Timothy