Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday news in May of 2012

Many people want to blame the government for everything, which is silly. Functionally speaking, the government isn't perfect of course. On the other hand, there should be blame made onto certain Wall Street factions and corporate elitists influencing our political system in the West. Also, a person needs demands. Without demands, you lose your political identity. You have to stand for something. Even though the Tea Party movement is so incorrect on various points, they at least promote firm ideological stances on issues. We should promote real policies. For example, it is reasonable for a human being to advocate eliminating economic inequality, to promote an end to the war on terror, to promote quality, free education for all human beings, and advance the need of universal, affordable health care for all human beings. Billions of dollars are being transferred from taxpayers (and the people) into the hands of transnational corporations (not to mention that the global great recession has been a product of market manipulation & other financial criminal activities). This money continues to aid and abet the military industrial complex. Numerous European banks are suffering as well. It is imperative that we shouldn't be funded by corporate Foundations to get our points across. We should be as independent as possible in analyzing problems and formulating solutions. If you want power, we should reject the Left/Right paradigm and form a real program (with a step by step process in getting things done like canceling student loans, stop foreclosures in America for years, protect the social safety net from the New Deal & the Great Society, and end the war on terror period) to help humanity. We need to utilize some credit to rebuild our infrastructure. That means that our hospitals, roads, schools, water treatment facilities, and other facets of our own civilization ought to be blatantly repaired. So, a fighting program is necessary here not just protesting. War contributes to the economic poverty and other crisis in the world. That's a fact. Even some in the mainstream media refuse to report on the war crimes made by the rebels and NATO in Libya. They refuse to cover the rebels' terrorist actions against civilians in Syria too. They refuse to report on the depleted uranium and the overt war crimes by the U.S. empire against Third World nations. Therefore, some in the mainstream media & the establishment are in league with the neo-liberal agenda of extreme debt reduction, massive deregulation, austerity measures, and war on terror activities. We know this. Solutions are needed in our world. I reject the myth that we are totally broke. We have the resources, but the mechanisms to use these resources have been manipulated plus ruled by the global elite. My core convictions are still with me. I will never forsake nor relinquish my core philosophies at all in my life.

More information is coming out about the 2012 Bilderberg group meeting. People have discovered that the Bilderberg Group will meet at the Westfields Marriot Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd. The Bilderbergers have their own 2012 agenda indeed. According to one source, the 2012's meeting code name is called "Palm Tree Conference." The source says that the hotel is closed to all other guests during the Bilderberg Group meeting and has no rooms available on its website for the duration of the confab. Jim Tucker is a veteran American Free Press Bilderberg sleuth. Sources inside of the Bilderberg Group leak the group's agenda and discussion topics to Jim Tucker. That is why some want to peacefully protest in Chantilly, VA. Some members of the Bilderberg Group could possibly violate the Logan Act. The reason is that it is illegal for Americans to visit secretly with foreign agents discussing diplomacy while a person isn't serving in public office. The corporate press falsely labels the Bilderberg Group as just a talking place. The reality is that discussions and consensus are created by the Bilderbergers in order for them to execute certain national and geopolitical policies (irrespective of the democratic will of the people). The Washington Post even had a recent article that mentions that the Bilderbergers grooms vice Presidential candidates before they are selected. The mainstream U.S. media isn't reporting on the real history of the Bilderberg Group since so many of the mainstream media are members of that organization. The same bloodlines controlling most of Hollywood, the military industrial complex, Western intelligence agencies, most transnational corporations, etc. control the Bilderberg Group. There is no doubt that we live in a slick police state now. When you have the TSA molesting even children plus the elderly, when you have a record amount of overt police brutality (targeting people from every single background), when you have laws that violate our human civil liberties, and when you have a materialistic culture, then you definitely have issues here in America. We have issues in the world, but we can't lose hope. We have faith that the future will be better than the past and liberty will reign without nepotism. So, it is reasonable to create demands to end materialism, to end war, and to end the power of the oligarchy from controlling our government.

The 2012 London Olympics is coming soon. One elephant in the room about this event deals with the police state found in the UK now. Like in America, the UK has many laws that violate human liberties. I respect athletes and I respect real athletes presenting their God-given talents to the world. Yet, we have to keep it real for a minute and realize that a transgenerational elite governs a disproportionate amount of our public policies in the globe. A law abiding citizen without a criminal record can't even own a gun privately in their own home inside of the UK. A great amount of symbolism is found in the Olympic pageantry. Rumors about a false flag attack in the UK should not make us paranoid. It should make us careful about the future and ready for anything. Like in America, London is militarized. The military is presence in the streets of London. It's a shame that we Allies didn't totally defeat the Nazis for the philosophies of the Nazis still exist in the 21st century. We have leaders in the West that love the Nazi ideologies of preemptive war, laws that violate human rights, and a faux-patriotic attitude about society (i.e. This thinking deals with people worshipping a flag instead of worshipping God. They love to hate truth tellers instead of rejecting the agenda of the status quo). The global war on terror is sick sacrifice. The elite pretty much is raging a war on humanity where terror and blood continues to be shed in the whole world (not just in the Middle East and the Third World). The London mayor wants to flood the city with 10,000 police specials during the Olympics. The Olympics are unveiling a sonic gun. Why would you need a sonic gun in the Olympics? To me, these futuristic weapons, used by the powers that be, are focused on controlling plus intimidating human beings. This new despotism is spreading in the East and the West. We have to respect the power of individual and the power of the people. The despotic governments of the East and West can't prolong their tyrannies, because the truth bends toward justice. We don't need a clash of civilizations or a war on terror for discussion and negotiations are superior to terror and mayhem. The good news is that factions want a real investigation of the events of September 11. People desire people and people reject degenerate militarism. The British government is threatening to jail protesters if they strongly protest on any Olympic venue. “The UK government is rounding on protesters ahead of this summer’s Olympics, issuing the first court order to ban an Occupy activist from the event. The unprecedented security measures for the Games have been branded as over-the-top,” reports RT. One such banning order was handed out to 29 year-old Simon Moore, who committed the egregious act of protesting against a practice basketball court being built near the Olympic park in East London. He faces a 5-year jail sentence if he ventures “within 100 yards of Olympic venues, homes of participants, officials or spectators and the route of the Olympic torch.” “I think it’s insane. I think it shows the prevailing state of consciousness in our governments and the world, which is one of fear – fear and control,” Moore told RT’s Laura Smith. This is similar to what Hitler did. During the 1936 Olympics, the German Ministry of Interior arrested human beings (falsely called "undesirables" like the Gypsies) before the games. Many of these people were placed in detention camps. Political enemies were incarcerated as well in the camps. The Nazis modernized the Olympic torch procession. The Olympic rings also were modernized by the Nazis. Radiation firing naked body scanners will be in the Olympics as well. Nazi propaganda and Nazi symbolism are still here after decades. Even Prescott Bush (or George W. Bush's grandfather) financially aided the Third Reich, which has been proven by the journalist John Buchanan. Now, we  should see the handwriting on the wall and we ought to oppose tyranny whether it is found.

It's obvious that I reject the prosperity gospel completely. Even when you look in the Old and New Testaments, they show that this gospel is blatantly unscriptural. The truth is that being poor doesn't mean that you lack value in the sight of God. All people are equal in the eyes of God irrespective if a person is poor, middle class, or rich. People from across the religious & political spectrum oppose the prosperity gospel strongly. Not to mention that we have cultural and spiritual problems in the world. Too many people refuse to take care of children born out of wedlock, too many people are materialistic, too many people bash those who are different (whether these differences are racial, social, physical, and personality wise), and too many people embrace a visceral anti-God mentality (or a blatant hatred of the Most High God & his commandments). Therefore, we should inspire people to be more moral. We should be in public to condemn materialism and express love for those with differences. There is nothing wrong with being different. It is something wrong with showing unjust hatred and bigotry toward a person being different though. We have to end unnecessary violence, strife, disrespect, and other evils plaguing our land. I don't want a theocracy, but we need a real improvement in our culture. Now, the mainstream church has been responsible for a lot of this. They are the ones including others who promoted the worldliness, the corporate excess, and the materialism. This blame isn't to be made against real believers in God or real religious institutions, so I want to make that perfectly clear. There are fraudulent financial advisers operating from the pulpits of gospel megachurches. Even ABC's Nightline report on how families' life savings were disappear as a product of a wealth building ponzi scheme. One crook hid the money he took. This regularly occurs in some prosperity gospel churches involving themselves in retail financial fraud. The prosperity gospel is a real cancer in the world. The church can help the community in many ways without being a corporate slot machine. Corporate greed is apart of supremacist Euro-Christianity as opposed to true African-Asian true monotheistic spirituality. African/Asiatic spirituality thousands of years ago focused on peace, brotherhood, the respect of Nature, the worship of the Supreme Creator, etc. without economic exploitation. It is just that Romanism (whose doctrines relate to Greco-Roman paganism & the old polytheistic Mystery schools. The Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. exemplified this faux Christianity) and other forms of apostate Euro-Christianity has been used as a means to enslave human beings (especially people of color in the four corners of the Earth). Therefore, we can use spirituality to fight for economic & social justice. I am for justice. I wholeheartedly believe in using true spirituality (that can better my soul) as a means to defend the poor, defend the outcast, and love the truth as it found in the Universe.

Terry Melanson used sources to prove that Masonic emblems on coins and medallions existed during the French Revolution. He found these sources at the following places: Otto Karmin, “L’Influence du Symbolisme Maçonnique sur le Symbolisme Révolutionnaire,” Revue historique de la Révolution français, (avril-juin 1910); Hennin (Michel), Histoire numismatique de la Révolution Française, Paris, 1826. It's easy to witness that Freemasonry had a huge role in the development of the French Revolution. Many of the leading figures of the French Revolution were Freemasons. Some of the symbols of Masonry (like the square, compass, beehive, circumference, the Phrygian caps, fasces, etc.) are found in the symbolism of the French Revolution. One medallion of the 1789 French Revolution has the Masonic triangle with a wreath on it. There are so many of such Masonic images. One image represents the election of the Freemason Jean-Silvain Bailly as the Mayor of Paris. This coin shows the time of 1789. It also includes the Goddess Liberty. The Goddess archetype is embraced by the Mysteries, because of the followers of the Mysteries believe that the God and the Goddess existed in time immemorial (and they merge to form the Divine Child). The Goddess Liberty is found in numerous cultures in the world. To the French revolutionaries, the Goddess Liberty was a personification of Reason. Human reason was practically worshipped in the French Revolution, because the French revolutionaries rejected the authority of the church. They wanted reason not the church to govern their social and political affairs. The French Revolution proved though that an extreme anti-religious mentality is not about embracing reason. It's about embracing religious bigotry since the some of the French revolutionaries violated the religious liberty rights of those citizens in France (during the late 1700's). The coin of the mayor has the Phrygian cap, the fasces, the compass, scroll, the pelican, the pediment,and other images. The Phrygian cap was worn by newly freed slaves during the ancient Roman period. So, the proponents of the French Revolution used the Phrygian cap as a representation of the French being free from the monarchy and mainstream religious oligarchies.  The pelican found in Masonic medallion outline a savior figure. It's also found in the art of Rosicrucian imagery. The Chiffones d'Ariles' Mediallon represented the ouroboros (or the serpent eating its own tail) and the fleur de'ils symbol. Any beehive images on coins and medallion is an old image. The beehive represents labor and industry. In other words, the Mysteries teach that man must work as hard as he or she can in order for man to achieve godhood or oneness with the Grand Architect of the Universe (GOATU). The French Revolution was a real Masonic revolution. It ended with the rise of Napoleon and the forming of the modern French Empire.

By Timothy