Thursday, May 24, 2012

Crammasters and other folks' words (shown in May of 2012)

Actually, there is only one kind of “racism” — white supremacy
For the sake of clarification (and of course, anyone is free to agree or disagree), I’d like to post my definition of racism:
For one group to practice racism that group must have MORE POWER than another group.Since whites control ALL the major areas of human activity in America –
housing, education, health, entertainment, economics, politics, law, and religion — it is accurate to define all “racism” as “white supremacy.”
White people are the only group in America with the POWER to discriminate (deprive or punish other ethnic groups), and the systems and institutions to maintain the imbalance of power.
For example, rich people are more powerful than poor people. Rich people have the POWER to discriminate against poor people by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. Racism is not empty rhetoric (words) or mindless emotion. Racism is social, economic, and political POWER.
In America, whites have the POWER to discriminate against blacks (and other non-whites) by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. It doesn’t matter that some whites are poorer than some blacks.
In all things and in all places in America, whites are collectively more powerful than blacks are collectively. This imbalance of (white) power creates the opportunity and the ability to practice racism against non-whites.
Even when a black person mistreats a white person, that is not “racism” or “black supremacy” because black supremacy does not exist. If black people were
collectively more powerful than whites collectively, blacks would have the
power to practice racism. Logically speaking, that would mean the end of
white supremacy because only one thing or person can be “supreme” (the highest ranking) at a time.
If blacks and whites had equal power and resources, there could be no
black supremacy OR white supremacy. Our ability (power) to discriminate
against (mistreat) each other would be canceled out, leaving only two
options: coexist peacefully or destroy each other.
Black people can mistreat white people but that is limited to ONLY what that one black person can physically do to that individual white person. Black people do not have the institutional, or police, or social, or economic, or political, or media engines to collectively affect the lives of white people collectively — which is why we cannot practice racism OR be “racist.”
For those who disagree with this definition or feel that black people can be racist, I always ask this question:
Name one thing that black people – as a group — have stopped white people – as a group — from doing that they had a RIGHT to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a fair trial, an education, or use any public facility.
I have yet to have anyone ever answer that question
thanks for allowing me to voice my opinion, i really enjoy your excellent blog.


@ minnie…I can relate to your experience…I was denied a job at a pharmacy after being told a lie that they weren’t hiring graduating seniors, only to be told LATER very nonchalantly by one of my good friends who worked at the pharmacy and who’ve i have known my whole life and who is also a white female that her boss “kept hiring all these seniors,” and then I came to realize that I had never seen a black person working in that pharmacy.
Later my mother had a bad experience at the pharmacy. the woman who worked at the pharmacy would not help my mother, she wouldn’t even look at her, the only person who helped her was my friend. So, I know it’s a racist work place and I’m not the only black person who has felt that way.
Don’t pay any attention to Lara’s comment…I really didn’t get that you had an unpleasant personality from your comments. I think she’s probably just falling into the black sapphire stereotype.
@ Lara…
I find it’s common for people to blame the victim of racism…it’s a way to avoid acknowledging that racism exists…a common tactic that people (usually racist people, not saying ur a racist ) of all colors like to use.


White woman’s tears- yeah, I know this one too. During a high school reunion, surrounded by white people sharing their high school experiences, the topic was about a popular girls clothing store in town, and how fun it was to work there.
I interjected a separate and well known reality of the young black girls of the same community, that was the white owner (who was also a part of this circle of reminiscing) didn’t hire non-white girls to work at the store. The white woman standing closest to me(wife and now co-owner), burst into tears (as if on cue) and ran to the bathroom.
Back in the day, when I was more confused, I followed her into the bathroom to see if she was alright. She told me: ” I didn’t think anybody knew!”
The reaction by the circle was swift and threatening. A person would have thought I punched her in the nose. I was asked to leave the dinner when I came from being in the bathroom.


Absolutely not — in my opinion. The proof is just days before her (unethical) release, the “system” executed (murdered) a black man who all evidence pointed to his innocence.
The white supremacy system is dedicated to demonstrating its contempt for non-white life and one of the ways is allowing whites to break the law and get away with it. I don’t know if most folks are aware that Knox actually tried to pin the murder on a black man but fortunately, he was able to provide a solid alibi,
Now, if she wasn’t guilty, why would she attempt to frame someone else? that’s not logical.
In the book, Trojan Horse: Death of a Dark Nation, there are some chapters on the white female phenomenon, called the “Dead White Women’s Club” and how the white supremacy system uses the white female “damsel in distress” to promote racism and false “white victimization.” You should check it out.



I feel they are using Mrs. Obama to get to President Obama. They have always used the black women to get to our black men, and to divide our families. If they can weaken her, they can weaken him. Because they know that together they are a force hard to beat. Black women have always been strong and kept the family together, inspite of the lack of support we have had from society and the Church. Yes, we have had to be strong. I say to Mrs. Obama don’t let their opinion of her, define who she is, a good person.
They used the comment about Mrs. Obama to define her as being “un-American.” Well, people in America has not always done things to blacks that it can be proud of, especially in the polical arena. It is not surprizing that Mrs. McCain has “always been proud of American,” she has benefited all of her life from being a white women with money. I find it interesting that the media can’t see this, or can they?


See this, this is exactly what pisses me off so much.
A black woman can be beaten, abused, and live in fear, and that’s somehow an “acceptable” life for her. Like, they take more issue with the fact that she pulled a gun and shot it at a man who was hurting her, than the fact that she was being beaten.
It’s like the message is: Clearly she shouldn’t ever feel threatened enough to pull a gun, because as we know, black women aren’t people! If anything, they’re made of teflon so insults don’t stick and fists don’t hurt them! However, men who shoot teenagers? They’re totally scared little abused mice who need special protection and a defense fund!
If this were a white woman (especially the “right” kind of white woman) she’d be the one with a 200,000 defense fund.
Am I the only one who see’s an odd timing thing with this? Like, the Jury left and came back that quickly, a sentence that harsh…are they trying to send a message of WHO gets to “Stand Your Ground” in Florida?


RE poor whites, in every war, there are casualties. The trick is to make white supremacy look more like class warfare rather than racism warfare.
There are three reasons:
1. If there were no poor whites or so-called ‘rich black or non-whites”, it would be too obvious to non-whites that they were being screwed. The reality is skin color alwayw outranks class. Skin color determines CASTE, meaning you are BORN into your true status and that can never change, regardless of how much education and money your acquire.
Just ask Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jackson, OJ Simpson, President Obama, Harvard Professor Gates, etc. all of who have more “money” than a paper god, but are (and were) still treated like n_____s in a white supremacy system.
2. There is nothing more dangerous than a large number of disenfranchised and frustrated people who have nothing to lose. They have to make it appear that there is such a thing as “black/non-white progress” to keep non-whites — the MAJORITY on the planet — in line, hopeful, cooperative, and submissive to white supremacy aka
“If I do all my homework, dress nice, drive a luxury car, live in the right (white) neighborhood, and eat all my spinach, maybe, I can get the same respect whites get.”
Strangely but predictably enough, when blacks/non-whites see poor whites or white people begging on street corners, non-whites feel better about being mistreated. “Hey, white people are suffering, too!”
3. Capitalism requires slavery, including white slavery. It is unrealistic to think that all white people will be equally privileged just because it’s a white supremacy system. That’s not realistic. The ultimate goal is complete control of the majority of people on the planet with the people classified as white dominating those who are not. That is it in a nutshell — in my opinion.
So, I would strongly advise non-white people NOT to spend precious time defending white women or white people and spend more time worrying about ourselves and how we will survive this system.


laromana says,
Your comment is totally on point. The fact is that along with those WW who play the EWB (entitled White B–h) card, ANTI-BW BM are to blame for condoning/promoting ANTI-BW HATE/HATERS, instead of defending the humanity, dignity, and femininity of their SAME RACE women.
Pamela says,
I can’t stand how a white woman’s racism is swept under the rug by society.
I notice that a lot of threads on topics saying vile things about black women are started by white women. To make matters worse black men join the white women in their slandering of black women.


WW are so competitive and envious of BW that they are taking black babies (adoption AKA theft), and are rushing to have brown babies with BM.
Actually Welsing has a theory about this. She says more and more white women will want to mate with black men so that before they die,they will have contributed “color” to this world. She says that for white women, having a child of color grow in their wombs and birthing them is empowering.
But, my thing is, there are enough black men in this world to go around so no need to feel all competitive.
I think the American media likes to perpetuate the myth of the almost extinct decent black man.
Have you noticed how many WM make catty and vicious comments about BW’s looks? For example, Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh and Republican congressman Sensebrenner (an overweight WM) who said Michelle Obama’s had a big butt?
I beg to differ. I don’t think its so much as the white men being catty–i think it is more or less feelings of inadequacy they have when it comes to black men that gets projected on to black women. This is because racist white men want to believe that they are the most desired males and they know that historically they have turned many black women off and that ultimately she (black woman) will prefer black men above him.


@ phoebeprunelle who said, “But, my thing is, there are enough black men in this world to go around so no need to feel all competitive.”
Following that logic, there are enough resources in this world to go around but that doesn’t make white people feel secure enough to stop practicing racism/white supremacy.
WW are not competitive just for their individual emotional needs, they are dedicated to maintaining a system of white domination and that includes dominating AND taking any and everything that belongs to BW. It has nothing to do with supply and demand and everything to do with white supremacy and white domination.
I caution us not to underestimate or be too cavalier about the damage that this “competition” can wreak in our lives. There is too much evidence that proves how dangerous they can be.
You make a good point about the “cattiness” of white males toward black females and I also would add that there is a TON of hidden homosexuality among the WM population and I believe this accounts for the UN-NATURALNESS of any man who spends any time ‘dissing’ women’s body parts.
A normal man — in my opinion — either likes the way a woman looks or he doesn’t and if he doesn’t he doesn’t spend a lot of time thinking about it. He just ignores it — and her.
It just strikes me that a man who talks about women the way a woman would talk about a woman has got a whole lot of “woman” in him and maybe a pair of pantyhose underneath those slacks to boot.
(And I’m not referring to homosexual males who are openly homosexual).
Of course, I could be wrong, but I’m just saying…


One more thing while I’m on the topic
Have you noticed how many WM make catty and vicious comments about BW’s looks? For example, Don Imus, Rush Limbaugh and Republican congressman Sensebrenner (an overweight WM) who said Michelle Obama’s had a big butt?
I have seen this kind of strange male hostility and jealousy in down-low males who have yet to come out of the closet. I would hazard a guess that behind a lot of this white males bashing black women is due to some hidden hostility based on the sexual threat that BW present to the down-low white male. AND their not so hidden desire to HOMOSEXUALIZE the black male.
The book I mentioned in my last post also details this UNDENIABLE WM behavior.


@ truthbetold
Amen, I can second that. When I’m out and about it’s WW that check me out from head to toe and give me the evil eye. Not bragging because I don’t consider it a compliment to have WW practice racism on me.
If you’re a nice-looking BW with a nice figure, you have had that experience
Just google the ‘Hollywood Reporter Women in Entertainment Power List’ and you’ll see how WW have very powerful positions in the entertainment and media industries.
Which explains why brown and dark-skinned BW are usually portrayed as obese and undesirable and why it is RARE to see a beautiful, sexually attractive dark skinned BW in TV or in the movies OR to see a BM actor loving or romancing and having sex with a BW.
WW are so competitive and envious of BW that they are taking black babies (adoption AKA theft), and are rushing to have brown babies with BM. Why they’re paying thousands of dollars to plastic surgeons and the beauty industry to have
bigger lips
bigger butts
bigger breasts
darker skin
curlier hair
You should check out this book ‘The Interracial Con Game’ which lays out the whole sexual competition from WW toward BW.


Trayvon was suspended from school for drugs. Maybe true, but beside the point. This comes from the Sanford police. They say he was suspended “after being found with an empty marijuana baggie.” Hardly against the law, but apparently against the school’s zero-tolerance drug policy. Even if true it has nothing to do with the case and the Sanford police know it: they tested Trayvon’s body for drugs.
Why are the Sanford police making it out to be Trayvon’s this thug? So what if he had an empty marijuana baggie or even smoke the stuff prior. You know how many teens smoke pot? Hell, why not lock up every teen and throw away the key! Trayvon was suspended for drugs, and he did NOT deserve death.


@ leigh
They probably were so desperate to smear his name, they used anything they thought could help their case. They most likely believed weed wouldn’t go over well with the Baby Boomers. I say good luck with that one! Many are former hippies!


Trayvon dressed “like a wannabe gangster”. Wrong. According the Geraldo Rivera, “everyone that ever stuck up a convenience store” wore a hoodie. He needs to get out more. Tons of people wear hooded sweatshirts. Most are unarmed.
I wear hoodies a lot. Hoodies are so comfortable. I like how I can just get up and go. I guess that means I have a propensity to commit crimes. Watch out now! You’ve got a criminally minded, 5’3″ Asian woman on your hands! Geraldo needs to get a grip.


Here is what makes me so angry about this case; a white man shoots and kills and burns 16 Afghans most of them children and he suffers from PSTD. In fact, America was more than ready to come up with excuses for this man who has taken away the lives of entire families. His wife is even saying its not possible that she killed him. Boo hoo!
If an Afghan man walked into an American household and killed 16 Americans, mostly kids, the guy would be facing the electric chair as it were.
GZ KILLED a young man. It doesn’t matter which part of the world one lives in, this is a matter that should be decided by the court on whether it was self-defense and therefore manslaughter or whether it was murder. It should not be decided by the police! That’s BS.
Now, American media is falling all over itself to prove that this young man was just a thug and bloody deserved to die! After all gangstas like him are better dead, right? Urgh! Am so mad and yet you have the right to have a #kony2012 video? Take several seats please.
The hypocrisy of American society is outstanding. Life is life. No one has the right to take away someone’s life regardless of how “bad” or ‘thug” the other person is. And if you do, you must go on trial. THE END.