Sunday, June 03, 2012

Libertarianism Refuted from a Spirtual Viewpoint


I'm confused... Is this a Bash on Ron Paul video, or a debate?? Adam is a sell-out!!!! I am willing to bet that Ron Paul regrets endorsing this fraud!!
The nature of the problem is simple. Governments aren't in control, Corporations are. Lobbyists stear the course of our national government. Corporations have seats in the U.N. council. Corporations supress useful technologies so they can direct the crisises we face. Banks control the Federal reserve. Left, Right, Libertarian, Tea Party, Communist, Socialist, Black, White and every other target is a distraction. Follow the money and you'll find the criminals.
Wow!!! Webster Tarpley totally debunked Ron Paul!!! Kokesh, is in fantasy land!!
Yes money you earned for your family driving on roads the government built you, crossing bridges and going through tunnels the government built on your way to and from work. Buying and selling goods using transport infrastructure the government built. It is perfectly legitimate for the government to tax you to pay for services they provide. If you are so unreasonable that you will not pay any tax at all then go somewhere where there is no infrastructure and build your own society from scratch.

I don't think there's anyone in the world I find more annoying than this Adam guy. Tarpley is trying to wake up a dreamy child, and the child just keeps babbling and babbling...
Anarchists and libertarians throughout history have always been allies and enablers of Oligarchy.The common link between the two would be Social Darwinism, which in turn leads to fascism. Allow Pellagra paul to come in power and he is gonna kill people by the 100 000s and possibly millions. To h___ with Ron Paul.

Webster Tarpley is the man.
It's only been a couple of months I've been calling Ron Paul supporters as bad as Obama worshipers. Especially when you see the reaction to informing them that Ron Paul is seen throwing free masonic handshakes.
The radical individualism of Libertarianism is in effect, anarchy and survival of the fittest. It offers no protection to the weak from the powerful which is the basis of a constitutional republic.Any association of human being living together, regardless of whether its a single family or a nation, requires that people work together for a common good for mutual benefit and protection.No human being could possibly keep or use everything he earned in isolation without association with others.
You ask for total deregulation, bankers want the same, you ask for destroying the social safety net that my grandparents fought for, you want the same, you have some kind of fetishism for gold, bankers too. Do I have to continue? Stop the drugs, and one day you might be able to understand.


Tarpley is well aware of what Libertarianism represents. Libertarianism equals the wholesale of all government services to Private interests. Peter Thiel is a huge supporter of Ron Paul and he is on the Steering committee of the Bilderberg group. Does this mean that Ron Paul is controlled opposition...not particularly. But it does mean that there is a disturbing Libertarian streak within Bilderberg. Ron Paul is meant to set the meme.

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