Friday, October 18, 2019

Defending the Culture.

A lot of news are coming out. The U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland gave his testimony to the House impeachment investigators. He is a GOP donor. He said that he was disappointed that Trump won't have a meeting until they spoke with Giuliani. He said that Trump ordered diplomats to work with Giuliani on Ukraine (in order to get dirt on Biden). His view is that he wasn't aware until later that Giuliani wanted the Ukrainians to investigate the Bidens. Rick Perry is resigning very soon as Energy Secretary. Trump wants to host the G7 Summit at his own resort. Pelosi said that this plan is unconstitutional, because the President can't accept gifts or payments from foreign governments. The White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said that his administration does it all of the time when asked if he had described Trump doing a quid pro quo. Mulvaney admitted that getting Ukraine to investigate the Democrats was a factor in holding up hundreds and millions of dollars in aid. Later, Mulvaney and the Trump allies denied a quid pro quo situation. The reality is that the lies, contradictions, the xenophobia, the bigotry, and deception of the Trump administration is overtly obvious. There is apparently a ceasefire agreement done by the U.S. and Turkey. The agreement disarms the Kurdish YPG, and it is about promotion of a border zone helping Turkey. It is blatantly about appeasement to Turkish extremists, and it is a further betrayal of the Kurdish people. The authoritarian Erdogan got everything that he wanted.Trump said that Turkey should clean everything out. That implies that the ethnic cleansing of the Kurds was worth the agreement (which is a perverted, sick thing to say).

One advice in life that people should follow is to be careful of culture vultures. A culture vulture is a person who exploits people or a culture for profit under the veneer of being for the people (but he or she isn't). There are many examples of culture vultures. DJ Vlad has his show where he interviews mostly African Americans about their lives, music, and social mores. Later, a black woman named Christina Santi is suing DJ Vlad (whose real name is Lybonvny) for racial and sexual discrimination. She accuses DJ Vlad of making racist and sexist comments about her. The comedian Mike Rappaport is not only a fraud, but a hypocrite. He said that he is down for the cause. He made a racist comment about the human being Kenya Moore. He disrespected Janet Jackson when Janet is an iconic legend. He vulgarly called Spike Lee an offensive word. He said that he would drop any NFL player who protested against racial injustice on 9/11. He made sexist comments about black women journalists who criticized his antics. So, I knew what these people are all about. Rappaport (he needs Higher Learning) acts like since he know about the hip hop group The Tribe Called Quest, then he can say what he wants without criticism. No, it doesn't work that way. Gina Rodriguez is an actress who has been caught criticizing the black community for promoting our interests, and she said the n word (which afterwards she gave her token apology). Gary Owens allowing his wife to use the n word is not only disrespectful, but it is a form of cowardice. I'm from Virginia. I know how these vultures get down. Bill Maher said the n word, defends any policy of Israel, and has been accused of verbal and physical abuse of black women for years. I know my tea now. If I really wanted too, I could expose how these people act behind closed doors some more, Yet, I won't do it. The lesson is here is that this time is the time of discernment. We don't have to hate anybody. We can just show the truth, and the truth reveals all.

Today, also more people need to be exposed. This racist lowlife Michael Rappaport recently said that Kenya Moore got "ashy" ankles. This is the same person who compared Kenya Moore to a gorilla. He is so bold against black women like a coward, but he won't talk to rich white people like that since he is on code. Then, this liar Rappaport said that Kenya made it racial. No, he made it racial by also disrespecting black women journalists with vulgar references to them. He made it racial by calling Spike Lee a vulgar term. He made it racial by disrespecting Kenya Moore multiple times.These culture vultures think that because they marry a black person, say slang like "yo yo yo", etc. that this gives them a pass to do what they want. No, they get no passes. More especially black men need to call these jokers out to their faces. I fear no man walking this Earth. DJ Vlad and others are culture vultures.

There is a lot of language to describe Rappaport, and we know what those words are. Recently, one singer from Boyz II Men (who is Shawn Stockman) defended Gina Rodriquez using the n word by saying the lie that all Latinos are black. No black person should use that word. Not every Latino is black. There are Afro-Latinos and they are black. That's it. I'm from Virginia. Ever since the reparations discussions are coming on and more black people are expressing wokeness in the net, some people are trying to force black people to allow non-black people call them the n word. We should reject that premise. No one is calling my mother or my relatives the n word in any shape or form period. I don't tolerate that mess. Some of our people need to stop tap dancing and start embracing reality.

Some very sad news is the passing of Elijah Cummings yesterday on Thursday morning. He was 68 years old. He loved his city of Baltimore, Maryland where he was born and raised. He made many accomplishments and made history. This is not about politics. It is about a man who sacrificed a lot for his country. He married the love of his life (who is his wife Sister Maya Rockeymoore. She is the chairwoman of the Maryland Democratic Party since December 2018) and had many children. He loved black people and all people. Just before his transition, he fought to find the truth in dealing with the Ukraine scandal. He graduated from Howard University which is one of the greatest HBCUs in the world. He studied law. He was part of the Maryland House of Delegates before he was in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was the first African American in Maryland to be named Speaker Pro Tempore or the second highest position in the House of Delegates. Baltimore lost a champion for civil rights and justice, but his influences permanently will shine brightly in America plus the world.

Rest in Power Brother Elijah Cummings.


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