Monday, June 01, 2020

Summer 2020 Part 2

Charlemagne - WikiquoteUnited States Capitol cornerstone laying - WikipediaList of presidents of the United States who were Freemasons ...
Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

The Mysteries of Life Revealed Part 1 (The Merovingians and Other Bloodlines)

We're adults here. I wanted to write this form of information for a long time. We know that Secret Societies and very powerful political organizations exist in the world back then and today. Once again, we are here to witness more revelations of the mysteries of life. It is not a secret that the one percent and their select families (i.e. the Rockefellers, British Royals, the Rothschilds, and other European super wealthy families) have inordinate influence on the political, social, economic, and spiritual functions of the world society. For example, Pilgrim Society members include heads of some the largest corporations on Earth. The Bilderberg Group hosts international meetings to discuss the international affairs of the global society since 1954. We know that many serious problems exist in our world like racism, sexism, xenophobia, ecological devastation (that includes climate change, threats to biodiversity, pollution, etc.), poverty, economic inequality, and other complications. The essence of life must include promoting solutions too. It's not enough to shine light on evil. We have to promote good too. Many of these solutions entail universal health care, an expansion of the social safety net, and public investments in manufacturing including infrastructure (which will create jobs). Eliminating poverty, abolishing systematic racism worldwide, and forming a real system of justice for the entirety of humanity make sense during this time of 2020. Henceforth, this work is about understanding the actions of the many bloodlines and families with a large amount of power. Some in those families have done massive evils and soul their souls. Jesus Christ is right to say what profit a man to gain the whole world but loses his own soul. We promote the development of our souls by almsgiving, helping each other, and showing the truth to all people.

Involving conspiracies and conspiracy research, we should always reject the 2 extremes. One extreme teaches that no conspiracies have ever existed in the Universe. The other extreme teaches that every aspect of the Universe is a conspiracy. That is why we believe in conspiracy facts not theories. Fake conspiracies are obvious falsehoods like the flat Earth lie, the Moon Landing being a hoax, and the existence of aliens from other planets. Even the History Channel, for years, have promoted some of these myths, and that is very disappointing. This doesn't mean that every conspiracy is fake. We know that the Bilderberg Group is real, the unjust assassination of Abraham Lincoln was real (and it was a conspiracy. We know of the names of the people involved in that conspiracy), and the Pilgrim Society is for real. We know about Operation Phoenix and Operation Paperclip including Operation Chaos. COINTELPRO is a real conspiracy where the FBI wanted to advance strife and stop pro-black and other revolutionary movements for genuine social change. That fact and other facts have been documented by authors like Harriet A. Washington, James H. Cone, John L. Potash, Nelson Blackstock, Karl Evanzz, and Roland Sheppard. The definition of a conspiracy is about 2 or more people planning something and carrying it out. By those words, conspiracies have existed throughout human history.

Far too often, some want to deny reality as an excuse for them to try to intimidate sincere people who desire to research what is true. We know about corporate corruption and other forms of intrigue spanning human history. We should have an inquisitive mentality while focusing on the prize. That prize is about justice for all. There are those in the mainstream, corporate media who make it their duty to mock anyone who talks about conspiracy related information, even if that information is true or accurate. We know that a small number of multinational corporations control the vast majority of the corporate media to promote neoliberalism and the status quo. With the events going on in the world, we reject getting caught up in distractions. That is why I certainly salute those who use charity or philanthropy, who stand up for real principles, who endorse fitness, who believe in not dehumanizing someone based on one's background or physical appearance, and make it their duty to advance inspiration for fellow people. I also send great respect to those who help minorities, the poor, the oppressed, and other members of the human race. This is the start of this 8 part series on Secret societies, political groups, and like-minded issues. In this series, I will go there, and I won't hold back on mentioning facts on political organizations, on the Bohemian Grove, on everything. It feels like old times doing this journey. I haven't forsaken my core convictions, but I am a more progressive man than many years ago. The 1% is not infallible. There is power in the common people standing up for integrity, liberty, and justice. That is certainly real talk.

Memphis (Ancient Egypt) - Ancient History Encyclopedia

The Ancient World's Oligarchy

During the ancient times, the Mystery school religions of ancient Egypt, Sumer, China, India, Nubia (or Kush), Greece, Rome, Media (including Persia), the Americas, etc. had many differences. Yet, they were unified in being polytheistic in many cases, having a structure of advanced civilizations, embracing the Mysteries, and having an oligarchy that dominated the lives of many human beings. The essence of the Mysteries, in simple terms, is about using rituals to make humans grow from the lower level of consciousness into a higher level of consciousness (possible godhood as mentioned by Manly P. Hall. The New Age movement is nothing more than a modern rendition of the old Mysteries). Many oligarchs had leaders who were related to each other, and other oligarchs didn't have family tree relationships. There were also many courageous people who fought against the corruption shown by many in the oligarchy too. In ancient Egypt (whose symbols are readily copied by other civilizations and secret societies) had its 18th dynasty with a long dynasty. In it, Amenhotep I had child named Tutmose I (whose mother was Senseneb). Tuhutmose's son was Thutmose II. He married Hatshepsut. Thutmose II had a child with Iset named Thutmose III. His son was Amenhotep II. His son was Thutmose IV (whose wife was Mutemwiya). Their child was Amenhotep III, who married Tiye. Their child was the famous Akhenaten. Akhenaten was known for promoting the monotheistic religious movement of Aten or the sun god.

Akhenten's actions were revolutionary during that time. His son was King Tutankhamun or King Tut. This era saw a major advancement of the ancient Egyptian civilization in terms of science, astronomy, technology, mathematical subjects, and other realms of human existence. In 2012, a study signed by Hawass disclosed that Ramses III had a haplogroup that is associated with the Bantu expansion and is the most dominant in Sub-Saharan Africa, E1b1a. One of the most famous dynasties of the oligarchy during ancient times was the Julio-Claudian family tree. It existed over 2,000 years ago. The family trees of the gens Juilia and the gens Claudia merged to be the Julio-Claudian family.

This was the first dynasty of the Roman emperors. The 2nd emperor of the Roman Empire was Tiberius (42 B.C. - 37 A.D.). He lived during the time of Jesus Christ. His stepfather was Augustus (who was part of the Octavia Roman plebian families). His biological parents were Tiberius Claudius Nero and Livia. Augustus's stepfather was Julius Caesar.  Julius Caesar's parents were Aurelia Cotta and Gaius Juilus Caesar the Elder. Gaius's parents were Gaius Juilus Caesar II and Marcia Regia. Gaius Julius Caesar's parent was Gaius Juilus Ceasar I and his father was Sextus Julius Caesar I (who lived in the 200's B.C. He was the Roman praetor in 208 B.c. during the Second Punic War). This line ended with Claudia Augusta. The ancient Greeks copied a lot of the infrastructures of ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia. Later, the ancient Romans copied many of the architecture and culture of the ancient Greeks. Later, ancient Roman rules and other parts of their culture influenced the rest of Europe. Many of these dynasties didn't just end by invasions. They sometimes ended by internal corruption, in fighting, persecuting various peoples, and outright power struggles.

The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail - WikipediaClovis I - Wikipedia

Who are the Merovingians?

For years, books and films (like the Da Vince Code film) have mentioned the Merovingian family. A lot of people know about this family, and many people don't know about this family. The Merovingians came from the Frankish Merovingian dynasty of Europe. The Frankish people were Germanic people from Germany that invaded France at the end of the Western Roman Empire. Ancient Roman sources cited them in the 200's A.D. The lived on the Rhine River. Back during the days of ancient Rome, Germanic tribes were readily used as bodyguards for the Roman Empire. One Frankish leader Childeric I of the 460's A.D., was one of many military leaders commanding Roman forces with various ethnic affiliations in Roman Gaul or France. Childeric and his son Clovis I were part of the early the Merovingian bloodline. Many members of European royalty are descendants of this bloodline including the Hapsburg dynasty plus the royalty of Spain. The origin of the Merovingian bloodline is said to have came from Childeric I's father Merovech (or Merovee). There are legends pertaining to his story too. Back then, many Franks embraced paganism. Clovis I (ca. 466-511) was the founder of the Carolingian Dynasty. His wife caused him to convert to Christianity by 496 A.D. His wife was Clotilde. Many people believe in the heresy that the Merovingians are descendants of Jesus and the House of David. We know that to be a lie, and Revelation 3:9 refers to such a heresy. The truth is that many religious groups like British Israelites and Mormonism (whose founder was Freemason Joseph Smith. Recent DNA testing document that he has Irish ancestry. Joseph Smith's mother named Lucy Mack Smith was a descendant of the Merovingians via William I of England. Therefore, Joseph Smith was another Merovingian) teach that Israelites are descended from white Europeans or white people in general. As time went onward, the Crusades included many Mervoginians trying to conquer the Holy Land in Jerusalem plus in other places for control and wealth. Economic, religious, and other forms of power are influenced by the Merovingian bloodline back then and today.

William the Conqueror - Wikipedia

One of the most famous Merovingian leaders was Charlemagne (747-814). He was a Frankish King who set up an empire that influences Europe to this very day. During the early Middle Ages, he united the majority of western and central Europe. He was an emperor that made history. He was the eldest son of Pepin the Short and Bertrade of Laon. Pope Leo II on Christmas Day at Old St. Peter's Basilica in Rome crowned him as "Emperor of the Romans." He promoted the Carolingian Renaissance with cultural activity in Western Europe. He had many children and was buried at the Aachen Cathedral in the capital city of Aachen. His son was Pepin, King of Italy. The following descendants of Pepin (773-810) to William I the Conqueror are the following people: Bernard, King of Italy, Pepin, Count of Vermandois, Herbert I, Count of Vermandois, Herbert II, Count of Vermandois,  Robert de Vermandois, Count of Meaux, Adele of Meaux, Ermengarde of Anjou, Judith of Brittany, Robert I, Duke of Normandy, and William I, King of England (1027-1087). The Order of the Garter is a famous group of UK leaders of society too. The Order of the Garter was founded by Plantagenet King Edward III in 1348, just after the arrest of the Templars in 1307. The Merovingians of France, who later became the Plantagenet Kings of England, are therefore related to origin of the Order of the Garter. That is why a large portion of the British monarchs from William the Conqueror to the Plantagenets, and many before, were Merovingians to the present age.  In 1309, the same Merovingian king who arrested the Templars took the Catholic Church “from Rome to Merovingian France” where it remained for 70 years. All popes during these years were French and Merovingian. It is known as the Babylonian Captivity.

Charles Taze Russell - WikipediaConstruction of Rockefeller Center - WikipediaAlice Bailey - Wikipedia

Other Bloodlines

There are many other power bloodlines then and now too. For a very long time, families like the Astors, Bundys, Collins, DuPoints, Freemans, Kennedys, Lis, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Russells, Van Duyns, Krupps, Disneys, McDonalds, etc. have played key roles in American history. One of the easy way to get people to understand how the super wealthy function is to discuss about the Rockefeller family. For generations, the Rockefellers have invested in oil, banking interests, mainstream establishment Christian organizations, New Age institutions, and other entities.  They give money to seminaries in America (they have given money to the Catholic Church, the Episcopalian Church, and the Unitarian church), universities, religious groups, Lucis Trust, and they are very popular in the corporate media. We know that the UFO myth has been promoted by Laurance Rockefeller for years. Maurice Strong was a great friend of the late David Rockefeller. Maurice Strong promoted Mother Gaia worship. Lucis Trust promotes New Age literature and believes that the spiritual hierarchy can help the planet. Charles Taze Russell was of the Russell family, and he invented Jehovah Witness religious group. When people study this man, not only was he a false prophet (who made false predictions), he was a person who glamorized the occult. This is why many people believe that he was a Freemason, while other scholars have denied that he was a Mason.

Charles Taze Russell promoted healing handkerchiefs, he utilized the winged sun disk image in his documents, and his burial ground had a pyramid on it. Charles Taze Russell wrote phrases like Golden Age, Grand Architect of the Universe, etc. that come from Masonry and the New Age movement. New Age leader Alice Bailey (whose husband was Freemason Foster Bailey) said the following words: "The Masonic Movement is [a] custodian of law, holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation, a far more Occult organization than can be realized, intended to be the training school for coming advanced Occultists." The Watchtower of the Jehovah Witness believes that Jesus was the Archangel Michael, the New World Translation is the superior Bible, and there is no Trinity. So, obviously, the Jehovah Witness is not part of orthodox Christianity. Many in the Russell family play a huge role in Secret Societies, For example, William Huntington Russell was the founder of the Skulls and Bones in 1843, John Russell was the founder of the Daughters of Isabelle in May of 1897 at New Haven, CT, and Freemason William H. Russell was part owner of the Pony Express.  Not to mention that large banking interests back in the 1930's opposed the New Deal, because the New Deal wanted changes in increasing the minimum wage, growing Social Security, and doing other actions that wanted to end the Great Depression. I am a progressive on economic issues, so of course the super wealthy must have accountability and pay their fair share of taxes. Wealthy families are not just found in Europe or America. They exist in China and other places of the world too. The Li family is a prominent family of China.

Today, the media is having a field day on Alex Jones. For years, more people have exposed Alex Jones for his disinformation, lies, and deception. That is why some have the wrong impression that Jones is the face of all sincere conspiracy researchers. He is not a progressive freedom fighter. Alex Jones is an old school right wing extremist who peddles false conspiracies, xenophobia against Mexican people, and support of elitist conservative groups like the CNP (or the Council on National Policy, which is founded by establishment interests). His wife divorced him, one black woman said that she he mistreated her, and one Jewish man said that he mistreated him too. Alex Jones is used by many to deceive folks in thinking that anyone who investigates conspiracies are like him which isn't the case. That is why we are clear to have our sources, stand on the truth, and always abhor bigotry of any kind. A lot of people don't know that many people in the CNP and the American Security Council support far right wing movements in the Americas. Howard Philips and Richard Viguerie are famous members of the CNP. Alex Jones praised Barry Goldwater (who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964), and Goldwater's friend was Curtis LeMay. General Curtis LeMay committed mass bombings of civilian targets in Japan during WWII, tried to cause war with the Soviets during the Cold War, and was once a supporter of George Wallace's Presidential campaign in 1968. Alex Jones equates liberalism, progressive views, and socialism to communism. That is just plain false. Alex Jones has always been linked to far right groups like the John Birch Society (this group is known for lying about civil rights activists), the CNP, and like minded groups. He has promoted the lie that the Sandy Hook school massacre was an inside job, he entertained those who believed in the no plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11 myth, and he talked about the myth that there was a second gunman involved in the October 2017 Las Vegas shooting.

File:Yale Skull and Bones Tomb.JPG - Wikipedia

Alex Jones in 2011 interviewed Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt to talk about Yale's Skulls and Bones. Charlotte's father or Clifton Samuel Thomas was in the Skulls and Bones like George W. Bush, John Kerry, McGeroge Bundy, Henry Luce, and other people. Iserbyt said that her grandfather worked with Sir Abe Bailey while in South Africa. 15 Bonesmen were at his father's wedding. Scroll and Key member Alexandra Robbins wrote about the Skulls and Bones including Anthony Sutton. Years ago, H.L. Hunt funded the John Birch Society. His son Bunker helped to set up the CNP. Eustace Mullins (the anti-Semitic, holocaust denying person) was funded by H.L. Hunt too. CNP member Howard Philips and others visited Nicaraguan death squad leader Colonel Enrique Bermudez. Oliver North was involved in the Iran Contra affair. His friend was CNP leader General John Singlaub and CNP leader General Daniel Graham. CNP is also made up of extremists like Tim LaHaye, Pat Robertson, and the late Jerry Falwell.  Alex Jones ignores the large increase of CO2 levels over the decades, rising sea levels, and other problems that prove global warming. Many CNP extremists believe in the myth that Nixon and Kissinger were pawns of the Soviets and the CFR wants to transform America into a communist style dictatorship. It is clear that the CFR (or the Council on Foreign relations) believed in neoliberal internationalism not communism.

Therefore, the truth is that different cliques of the establishment (they include liberal and conservative establishment factions) compete for control of institutions, but the same one percent remains intact with supranational powers. Also, Alex Jones is a supporter of Donald Trump. That alone means that Alex Jones is a shill. Alex Jones is a friend of Roger Stone. Trump is known to promote lies like Obama not being born in America, climate change being fake, and Ted Cruz's father possibly being involved in JFK's assassination. Alex Jones is the reason why we reject far right extremism (Pat Roberston is another far right extremist. It is important to note that Robertson writes that his family’s aristocratic lineage is linked to the British Churchill family. His mother is Gladys Churchill Robertson). Pat Robertson has been supported by the Knight of Malta J. Peter Grace (who was one of the most powerful men in America back then). Pat Robertson's father, Sen. A. Willis Robertson, was London’s and Wall Street’s chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. A. Willis Robertson was abbreviated for ‘Absalom’ Willis Robertson, a Merovingian name. That is why at the end of the day, we believe in fair working hours, living wages, watchdog agencies to monitor banks, and not endorse unrestrained access to guns at any circumstance. This is not Stalinist tyrannical communism. This is plain old commonsense. Another extremist is David Icke. He promotes the Reptilian myth, and he doesn't believe that Jesus Christ historically existed (when his existence is mentioned in the Bible, Josephus' works, Tactius' words, and other early sources of information). I believe in progressive solutions.

The Broken Policy Promises of W. Bush, Clinton, and Obama ...

How many U.S. Presidents are Related

It is not a secret that many United States Presidents are related to each other, and many of them are related to the Merovingian bloodline. Here are the facts. John Adams and John Quincy Adams are father and son respectively. William Henry Harrison and Benjamin Harrison are grandfather and grandson respectively. George H.W. Bush is the father of George W. Bush. Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt are fifth cousins. James Madison and Zachary Taylor are 2nd cousins, Martin Van Buren and Theodore Roosevelt are third cousins three times removed, and James Madison plus Barack Obama are third cousins (nine times removed). Millard Fillmore and Ulysses Grant are 7th cousins. Warren Harding and Richard Nixon are 9th cousins. Herbert Hoover and George H. W. Bush are 10th cousins. Even Barack Obama and George W. Bush are distantly related. As a review, the Merovingian bloodline descended from the Germanic Frankish Kings that has existed over 1,000 years ago. The old blasphemy and lie is that the Merovingian people were created by Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene. Now, Charlemagne was a Merovingian King. His descendant was King William I, King of England (1027-1087). William I was the duke of Normandy before he was King. He was called William I the Conqueror, because he invaded England in 1066. He defeated the Anglo-Saxon forces of Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings.

This was the Norman Conquest where English revolts were suppressed. William I’s great grandson was Henry II (King of England). He lived from 1133-1189. Another of William I’s descendants  is Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926). Therefore, these European Merovingian Royals are related to many American Presidents and other corporate leaders. Barack Obama has an ancestor who is King Henry II of England. Obama is a 7th cousin four times removed of renowned artist Georgia O’Keefe, and his eighth cousin once removed, Elizabeth H. Richardson, was married to novelist Ernest M. Hemingway. Another relative is Gordon B. Hinkley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (i.e. the Mormons). George Washington’s ancestry came from England. George Washington's great-great-grandfather Lawrence Washington earned a college education in England and began serving as a reverend in Essex in 1633 until the fighting of the English Civil War began. Lawrence Washington’s son John Washington immigrated to the colonies after the death of his father. John Washington (he married Anne Pope) was the great grandfather of George Washington. George Washington (of the Merovingian bloodline too) was a Freemason, a slave owner, and a member of the Society of Cincinnati.  
Here are a summary of links of many Presidents to the Merovingians:
1. George Washington is the 29th great grandson to Charlemagne
2. Thomas Jefferson is the 30th great grandson to Charlemagne
3. Barack Obama is the 39th great grandson to Charlemagne
4. Lyndon Baines Johnson is Obama's 4th cousin 3 times removed.
5. George W. Bush is the 35th great grandson of Charlemagne
6. FDR is the 33rd great grandson to Charlemagne
7. Gerald Ford is the 37th great grandson to Charlemagne
8. Prince Diana is the 8th cousin to George Washington. 
Now, we know the truth.

What was discussed at the Bilderberg Meetings?: Analysis - Latest News

The Oligarchy's Bloodlines' Power

The power of the oligarchy is very intensive in 2020. For decades and centuries, people have understood that only a few number of people control the vast majority of the economic, political, and other resources of the world. For example, the British Royals control millions of acres of lands worldwide. The Vatican has some of the largest religious libraries on Earth. Many families in China control vast regions of Eastern Asia. Only a few multinational corporations control the vast majority of the corporate media on the planet Earth. Therefore, the oligarchy is very much real and active. This is not just something (like economic exploitation, economic inequality, etc.) that we read in history books. These things still occur now. Even in the United States of America, families like the Rockefellers, the Mellons, the Luces, the Vanderbilts, the Reynolds, and other groups of people have been involved in influencing monopolies, various industries, mainstream educational services, the Federal Reserve,and other aspects of the neoliberal globalization reality that we see today. As for the Federal Reserve, many of the early supporters of the FED were Pilgrim Society members including high level political leaders. Many decades ago, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont, and other people from the House of Morgan include some of the most politically powerful people in U.S. history. Also, we live in an international world. The establishment is not a monolithic group of human beings. It is readily diverse. For example, many families have diverse factions in them, but they are unified in the same goals. World power works in the same way. Look at World War II. 33rd Degree Freemason Franklin Delano Roosevelt and rumored Druid Winston Churchill had disagreements on the outline of some World War II policies, but they unified in wanting the Nazis and the rest of the Axis Powers to be completely defeated. The Nazis being defeated is a good thing.

In Western society, there is the liberal establishment (filled with NGOs, Pilgrim Society members, and the like), the conservative establishment (made up of neo-cons, various right wing factions), the Vatican global network (made up of the SMOM or Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, etc.), and the Zionist factions (which is filled with the Mossad and Lord Jacob Rothschild was a powerful player in the funding of Israel. Baron Edmond de Rothschild was part of the CSIS and he was a member of Le Cercle). Also, China and Russia are powerful players in the geopolitical worldwide stage too as nuclear powers, both nations have massive military forces, and they have much financial influence in many nations. All of these factions battle for control, rule, and influence constantly. Many political leaders have called for a new world order too. Many of them want global government (as the late Bohemian Grove Walter Cronkite has advocated) or a neoliberal system to dominate our affairs (as advocated by the CFR's Foreign Affairs magazine). We are clear to reject one extreme that says that everyone in power are Devil worshipers (many disinformation agents advocate the UFO deception and other myths) and the other extreme that says that no conspiracy has ever existed in human history. We are clear to promote democratic rights, but we reject injustice.

Harvard University - WikipediaStock market - Wikipedia

The Eastern Establishment in America relate to many people in universities, banks, insurance companies, law firms, and think tanks will considerable political power in America. They exist in America, especially in the Northeast including Washington, D.C. Many of them have links to British aristocracy and the British Royal families. Some support the United Nations and sustainable development movements. Many of them are linked to the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrim Society's goal is to establishment closer relationships between American elitists and British elites. Many families with membership in the Pilgrim Society are Astor, Aldrich, Belmont, Baker, Carnegie, Warburg, Vanderbilt, Schiff, Reynolds, Sasson, Loeb, Lodge, Lamont, Harriman, Duke, Drexel, Baker, etc. The British Pilgrims have many Baron, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, and Viscounts. Some of the world's largest banks, law firms, and corporations on Earth have Pilgrims in them making the Pilgrim Society one of the most powerful political organizations on Earth. Henry Luce was a Pilgrim Society member, and he founded Time magazine in 1923. Other people who financed the magazine were J.P. Morgan, Thomas W. Lamont (a Bohemian Grover), and Dwight Morrow. These were members of the Pilgrim Society too. It is no secret that the CIA collaborated with the Time magazine. Allen Dulles (or head of the CIA years ago) was a friend of Henry Luce. Many CIA operatives worked with Time magazine. Those in the know understand about the CIA's nefarious actions since their inception (since 1947).

Pilgrim Society member Sir Eric Drake was the Anglo-Iranian leader. Drake wanted a coup against Iran, because Mohammad Mossadeq of Iran nationalized the AIOC or the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The CIA worked with MI6 to create the coup against Iran via Operation Ajax (with the backing of President Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill). Pilgrim Society member Allen Dulles oversaw the 1954 Guatemalan coup, and Dulles was head of the CIA back then. Dulles and Eisenhower allowed the murder of Patrice Lumumba who was the nationalist President of the Congo. The sellout Mobutu Sese Seko ruled the area and was invited to join the 1001 Club (filled with European imperialists). For decades, Presidents have members of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Pilgrim Society, Bilderberg Group, etc. in their cabinets.

Pilgrims readily study at Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. We know of how many American elites are part of Yale fraternities like the Book and Snake, Scroll and Key, and the famous Skulls and Bones secret society. Pilgrim member Daniel Coit Gilman incorporated Skull and Bones into Russel Trust and co-founded the Carnegie Institution. U.S. President William Howard Taft was a son of a Skulls and Bones member and he was part of the Skulls and Bones too. A disproportionate amount of Pilgrims are members of the Episcopal Church (which is linked to the Anglican Church of England). Queen Elizabeth II is the Sovereign of the Order of the Garter. Prince Philip, the husband of Queen Elizabeth, was initiated into Freemasonry at Navy Lodge No 2612, London, on December 5, 1952:

“Present at the initiation were the Earl of Scarborough, grand master...and Geoffrey Fisher, archbishop of Canterbury. The lodge has many ties with the royal family as King Edward VII served as its first master in 1896 when he was Prince of Wales. King George VI...served as master when he was Duke of York. In 1928 H.R.H. Duke of Kent...was master and later became grand master of the Grand Lodge of England.” – William Denslow,10,000 Famous Freemasons, 1957.

Also, it is no secret that Freemasonry teaches religious Universialism or you can believe in whatever god you want as long as it is one god (despite its characteristics or dogma). Here is how the Grand Lodge of Louisiana stated the Masonic position in their secret handbook:

"To the altar of Freemasonry all men bring their most votive offerings. Around it all men, whether they have received their teachings from Confucius, Zoroaster, Moses, Mohammed or the founder of the Christian religion – just so long as they believe in the universality of the fatherhood of God and universality of the brotherhood of man – meet upon a common level. The Jew returns to his synagogue, the Mohammedan to his mosque and the Christian to his temple – each better prepared for the solemn duties of life by the associations in this universal brotherhood."
-Louisiana Monitor, 1980

Deception is promoted in Freemasonry too: "...The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the [true] Princes of Masonry..." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 819)

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh - WikipediaHouse of the Temple - Wikipedia

Yes, Prince Philip is known to have said racist remarks about people of color for years.  Freemasonry rejects the doctrine of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ alone and preaches instead how to become better men by receiving the “light” (enlightenment), which is progressively imparted through degrees of initiation. Masonic scholars like 33rd Degree Freemasons Albert Pike and Manly P. Hall admit in their own literature that Freemasonry is influenced by the Mystery Religions, the Kabbalah, and other aspects of the occult. For example, Manly P. Hall believed that man can become a god:

“Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt, on the potter’s wheel he is being molded. When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood and joins that throng of Master Masons who, in their robes of Blue and Gold, are seeking to dispel the darkness of night with the triple light of the Masonic Lodge..."

“The glorious privileges of a Master Mason are in keeping with his greater knowledge and wisdom... For Him the Heavens have opened and the Great Light has bathed him in its radiance. The Prodigal Son, so long a wanderer in the regions of darkness, has returned to his Father’s house. The voice speaks from the Heavens, its power thrilling the Master until his own being seems filled with its divinity, saying, ‘This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’ He, in truth has become the spokesman of the Most High. He stands between the glowing fire light and the world. Through him passes Hydra, the great snake, and from its mouth there pours to man the light of God.” (The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manly P. Hall, 1976, pp. 92, 54-55)

Dr. Maertens, who is a 32° Freemason and a Druid, reveals that Druidry and Freemasonry have similarities with each other. Obviously, I disagree with Freemasonry because of many reasons. The Prince of Wales  (who is Prince Charles), the Queen's eldest son, is a well-known advocate of New Age philosophy and paranormal science. The cousin of the Queen is Prince Richard, the Duke of Gloucester. He is the leader of the Order of the St. John. Prince Edward of the Duke of Kent is the cousin to both Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Gloucester. He is the Grand Master of the Untied Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) and the First Grand Principal of the Supreme Grand Master of the Royal Arch Mason of England (plus the Grand master of the Order of St. Michael and St. George).

Also, many people want to downplay the power of the Vatican/Jesuit network when it is the most powerful religious network on Earth now. They have large global power with priestly orders like the Jesuits, the Opus Dei, the SMOM, Constantinian Order, the Holy Sepulchre, and other Papal Loyal Knighthoods. The Vatican calls the Pope Holy Father when the New Testament is clear that we are to call no man Holy Father. The Vatican make it a mandatory rule for priests to not marry, but 1 Timothy 4:1-3 says that you shouldn't make it mandatory for any priest to not marry. Marriage and celibacy should be voluntary among any human being. Peter was married with a wife. The Vatican believes in purgatory when there is no scriptural mention of it either in the OT or NT. The Vatican hierarchy was complicit in the great evils of the murderous Crusades, Inquisition, the persecution of believers in God who disagree with their doctrines, the Maafa, etc. Therefore, not all Catholic people are responsible for these things (this doesn't mean that every Catholic person should be blamed for everything under the sun. I believe in religious freedom), but the Vatican Hierarchy has views that I obviously don't agree with. Today, deception is so bad that some believe that every Christian is equivalent to the fake Christians who enslaved black people centuries ago, exterminated Native Americans long ago, that believe in the Anglo-Israelism myth, etc.

 Tragedy and Hope - WikipediaInternational Monetary Fund - Wikipedia

Today, the descendants of the Merovingians and the Nobility bloodlines of Europe include members of the 1%. It is not a secret that many elite people are part of meetings that debate policies in the CFR (whose President if Richard N. Haas being based in New York City), the Bilderberg Group (headed by Etienne Davignon), the Trilateral Commissions (whose leaders are Tom Foley, Peter Sutherland, and Yotaro Kobayashi), the Pilgrim Society (whose Patron is Queen Elizabeth II and President is Lord Inge), and the Bohemian Grove (which is based in Northern California). These groups have connections to the United Nations, the European Union, APEC, etc. International financial groups are the Bank for International Settlements (the BIS found in Basel, Switzerland), the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of London, the European Central Bank, etc. When we talk about the one percent, we aren't talking about some ambiguous faction. We are talking about people who own millions of acres of lands, who own banks, who control lobbies, and who desire the neoliberal centrist status quo not revolutionary change benefiting the rest of the human race.  The status quo has been promoted by many elitists. One is Professor Carrol Quigley. Carrol Quigley, the history professor at the Foreign Service Schools of Georgetown University whom soon-to-be President Clinton honored in his acceptance speech at the 1992 Democratic Convention. Quigley wrote:

"The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies... is a foolish idea acceptable only the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead the two parties should be almost identical, so the that American people can 'throw the rascals out' at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy."  [Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time,  The MacMillan Company, 1966, pps. 1247-1248]

A lot of people know the truth. Queen Elizabeth II is the Patron of the ca. 1,100 member Pilgrim Society of the UK and the United States. The Pilgrim Society was created in 1902 by Sir Harry Brittain. Justice Roberts' CIA father John G. Roberts Sr. was linked to the First National Bank of Maryland and Bethlehem Steel, which was owned by Pilgrim Andrew Carnegie. Both George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush have links to Pilgrim Society members. Famous U.S. cabinet members of the Pilgrim Society include people like: Casper Weinberger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Alexander Haig, and George Schultz.  Rupert Soames (SERCO), Sir Nick Clegg of Facebook, Bill Gates, Lord Mark Malloch Brown, Prince Andrew, and Prince Charles are influential people in the world stage. British and American Pilgrim Society members pledge allegiance to the British Monarch. Also, other international groups are definitely real.

Civil Rights Movement Timeline - Timeline & Events - HISTORYDo You Feel Less Safe In America Today?

Inspiration to fight for Justice

Like always, we believe in inspiration and justice. Part of that inspiration is to define who we are. We are human beings. We existed from small cells and developed into complex organisms as a product of the miracle of life. In our being, we are diverse as our diversity represents the beauty of humanity. Therefore, each of us are very fortunate to read these words in the Internet, and the gift of life ought to be cherished by anybody. Also, we realize that we face many challenges in the globe. We witness a new generation of far right radicals who love xenophobia and spew racist hate in Europe, in America, and in other places of the world. A virus has killed over one million people worldwide tragically. We hear stories of such tragedies during this new era of time in 2020. Life is never easy. Likewise, there are untold stories of heroism that flourish mightily. Right now, many charitable organizations are feeding struggling families in New York City, in Chicago, in San Antonio, in Detroit, in Los Angeles, etc. There are medical experts saving untold lives from the coronavirus, other diseases, etc. That is why in the future, we will achieve more greatness. Also, it is important to reject sinfulness. Many in this time may talk about righteousness but have hidden sins or want to compromise with the world. We should reject that premise. No human is perfect, and that is why people should be given the opportunity to use repentance, follow the will of God, and move forward in living a glory filled life.

As along as anyone is alive, that person has a chance for redemption and forgiveness from the Lord.
The problem with the Trump supporter is that he or she ignores Trump's racism (Trump said that there are good people on both sides when the Neo-Nazis were in Charlottesville to spread their hate), his environmentally devastating policies, his corrupt policies, and his outright offensive language to people who disagree with him. Trump supporters (like the shill Patriot Nurse disrespecting Heather Meyer as Heather Meyer was murdered in 2017 by a neo-Nazi during the Charlottesville tragedy. The Q movement is another false movement in support of Trump when Trump is just as connected to the wealthy elitists just like other politicians) are found loving FOX News, Beitbart, Daily Caller, and other instruments. One sign of a demonic, lying deceiver is a person who hates black people or Jewish people viciously. Trump said that any Jewish person who doesn't vote for him is disloyal, which is overtly anti-Semitic. Also, he said that many people consider him the King of Israel which is blasphemy. Many Trump supporters ignore systematic racism, the evils found in the prison industrial complex, and poverty in general. The problem with the centrist neoliberal crowd is that they want to have it both ways while omitting that only structural, comprehensive change is needed to change society in a more positive direction.

*A large part of the why we have the situation of 2020 is because, many progressive laws were created back then along with the reactionary backlash against those legitimate laws. Also, by the end of the 1960's and the 1970's, the powers that be restricted the resources that could empower many communities. Many folks stepped away from helping the poor and disenfranchised communities. That is why racists scapegoated black people for the socioeconomic problems while desiring the same old laissez faire economic system that ruined so many lives. For generations, political leaders and policymakers not only segregated communities. They invested in militarized police, the expansion of the prison industrial complex, decreased the social safety net, and instituted lax housing. This has grown unemployment, ruined public schools, grown gentrification (done by large corporations and developers who care for private profit at the expensive of the displacement of human lives), and harmed water systems in many communities of America (from Flint to places in New Jersey). Committing resources to rebuild communities is a necessity as even cited in the 1967 Kerner Commission. Any solution has to deal with grassroots organization, community empowerment, massive structural changes, police accountability, and federal government investments. In other words, ordinary people must have the resources to follow their own destinies collectively with federal government financial resources. Also, multiple solutions are needed. You need lawyers to defend people's rights, you need charities and other organizations to help the suffering, you need great political leaders who can pass great laws, activists to inspire society, and human beings in general making life better for everyone.

We are the same people whose ancestors defeated the Confederacy over 150 years ago. One of my ancestors named Johnson Brickhouse was an African American Union soldier during the American Civil War. We are the same people who built up America in fact, and we owed reparations. We are the same people who have mastered art, music, a myriad of other intellectual skills, athletics, legal matters, and other components of our society. We are the same people, whose glory of Blackness, has thoroughly inspired the world in large measure. Therefore, giving up is never part of our vocabulary. As long as you have breathe, you can do good in enriching the lives of the world society. The imperfections of America (which should never be denied or sugarcoated) should never led us to condemn every American. Many Americans and others in the world love mercy, want to do what is right, and desire the best for their families in a sincere fashion. The expression of the general welfare, the security of our liberties, and the execution of justice for all exemplify our creed. We believe in that creed 100% without exception and without compromise. We want all people to be free.

Like always, Keep your faith and hope. Part 2 of this series will be about the Knights Templar.

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 The Cold War (30 Years after its End) Part 1: The Genesis

This era of time of the Cold War has changed the entire world. It caused the technological explosion that we witness in the year of 2020. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, it is right to reflect on the Cold War. The Cold War didn't start with the Greece crisis back in the late 1940's. It started by the end of World War II. By that time, the Axis Powers were about to be completely defeated. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed away in early 1945, but Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin were key Allied leaders who differed on the outcome of World War II. Churchill wanted British imperialism to rule continents while Stalin wanted Poland and Eastern Europe to be dominated by Soviet influence. FDR was more moderate in his foreign policy views. While, FDR didn't want Communism to rule Poland, he did not want British imperialism to spread into other places of the world. FDR wanted the Atlantic Charter to be the blueprint of the world society after World War II. The Atlantic Charter wanted free trade, open markets, and a rebuilt capitalist Europe. America, the Soviet Union, and the UK all agreed with demilitarizing Germany and to make sure that Nazi Germany was gone forevermore. The Cold War magnified further the differences between the liberal, two party democracy of America and the Stalinist state of the Soviet Union.

The irony is that both sides of the Cold War would claim moral superiority, but both sides made mistakes. The U.S. claimed to be the champion of democracy, but America during the Cold War had lynchings, Jim Crow, racial discrimination, imperialism, the suppression of the rights of many minorities, sexism, police brutality, and other evils. The Soviet Union claimed to be against the actions of the bourgeoisie and capitalist exploitation, but the Soviet Union during the Cold War had suppression of religious plus democratic rights, gulags, terrorism against even progressives, excessive miltiarism, and other evils.

 That is why many Third World Nations didn't want either America or the Soviets dominating them, so they created the Non Aligned Movement to promote ideological independence. Lumumba, Sukarno, and other nationalists defended their countries' infrastructure. The Cold War was more than a battle of ideas among 2 empires. It dealt with the Civil Rights Movement, the women's rights movement, and other social movements that expanded into unprecedented heights. It also dealt with people as diverse as Muhammad Ali, Dr. Spock, and Ella Baker. The Vietnam War, anti-colonial movements, and NATO dominated the era. We saw the end of the Cold War by 1991 when Russia was born after the end of the Soviet Union. The end of the Cold War never refuted socialism. It refuted authoritarianism, Stalinism, and the evil of Western imperialism too. Numerous people don't know that Lenin, before he died, opposed Stalin as leader of the Soviet movement. The events of the Cold War showed the world that freedom is important to promote, but also social justice and economic justice too. The Cold War wasn't peaceful. It consisted of wars, brutality among both sides, imperialism, debates, assassinations (done by many factions), proxy battles, propaganda, and other events. From McCarthyism's evils to Reagan plus Gorbachev's negotiations, the Cold War wasn't a dull era. Culture became more international, and we have to learn lessons form the Cold War. One lesson is that the Cold War teaches us that dialogue, standing up for liberty, and understanding nuisance will make a difference in making sure that our world is better.

Battle of Berlin - WikipediaAtomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Wikipedia

The End of World War II

The Yalta Conference from February 4-11, 1945 was the start of the end of World War II. Many scholars believed that this conference was the early start of the Cold War, because it was when the Soviet Union, America, and the UK debated about the future of the world after World War II. The Nazis were being defeated after the Battle of Stalingrad. By early 1945, the Soviets were winning in Eastern Europe, America was liberating the Pacific, and America was in North Africa fighting the Axis Powers. The Yalta Conference included President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin plus all of their aides. The Allied Powers wanted to divide Germany into four occupation zones (controlled by the USA, the UK, the USSR, and France). The Yalta agreement wanted free elections held in Poland and in all countries occupied by Nazis Germany. The United Nations was supported after the earlier League of Nations failed. The U.N. was the dream of FDR. March 6, 1945 was when the Soviets made a puppet government in Romania. Josip Broz Tito was the leader of Yugoslavia. Stalin supported a Poland Communist puppet state by April of 1945. This angered Britain and the USA. April 12, 1945 was when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed away. From that moment on, the world wouldn't be the same. FDR wasn't as hawkish towards the Soviets as Truman. Vice President Harry Truman became President, and Truman was a dedicated Cold Warrior.

At first, Truman didn't know of the diplomatic efforts, didn't know about the atomic bomb, and was biased against the Soviet Union. Truman told Stalin that he or America has nuclear weapons at the Potsdam Conference (this is at July 24, 1945). The USSR finally agreed to invade Manchuria. After Truman committed overt war crimes with his droppings of atomic bombs in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the war of WWII soon ended. The independence movement of the Third World grows. Indonesia declared independence from the Dutch on August 17, 1945. Yet, the Allies and the Dutch invaded Indonesia on August 17, 1945. The Viet Minh controlled Hanoi after the Japanese military surrendered. Ho Chi Minh declared Vietnam independent and even cited the Declaration of Independence on September 1945. World War II officially ends on September 2, 1945 when the Japanese surrendered unconditionally to U.S. General Douglas MacArthur. By September 5, 1945, Igor Gouzenko tells the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that a Soviet spy ring is in Canada and America. Igor was a former Russian advisor working in the Soviet embassy at Canada. The Cold War escalated. Stalin didn't want to give up Soviet occupied areas in the nation of Iran. This caused the Iran crisis. By January of 1946, the Chinese Civil War continued between Communist and Nationalist forces.

The battle lines are clear. Joseph Stalin, on February 9, 1946, said that capitalism and imperialism make future war inevitable. George F. Kennan was a famous political leader. He wrote his Long Telegram, which defined the foreign policy of America involving the Cold War. Kennan wanted to contain Communism at various places of the world in order to stop its spread. His philosophy of containment wanted to use money, political strategies, and containment militarily in order to stop the growth of Communism.  Truman is presented with the Clifford-Elsey Report, a document which listed Soviet violations of agreements with the United States. Nikolai Vasilevich Novikov wrote a response to Kennan's Long Telegram, known as the 'Novikov Telegram', in which he states that the United States is "striving for world supremacy." On December 19, 1946, the French landed in Indochina begin the First Indochina War. They are resisted by the Viet Minh communists who wanted national independence. The French imperialists won initial battles, but they would lose to the Vietnamese forces by the 1950's. During the time of early 1947, France, Britain, and the United States failed to have an agreement with the Soviets on creating a future economically self-sufficient Germany. So, The Marshall Plan was created by June of 1947. This was a pledge of economic assistance for all European countries, even those nations controlled by the Soviet Union. Billions of dollars were sent under this plan to rebuild Europe.

Henry A. Wallace - Wikipedia

The National Security Act of 1947 created the Department of Defense being modernized, the CIA, and the NSC or the National Security Council. These agencies were the U.S. intelligence community's arms during the Cold War. Stalin wanted his Eastern Bloc in order to prevent all of Eastern Europe to be integrated politically to the West. Stalin used his Molotov Plan, and he didn't want an unified Germany for fear that Nazis would rise up again if that happened. On April 16, 1947, Bernard Baruch, in a speech given during the unveiling of his portrait in the South Carolina House of Representatives, coined the term "Cold War" to describe relations between the United States and the Soviet Union. The Truman Doctrine was part of the containment doctrine. Truman extended $400 million of military aid to Greece and Turkey, signalling its intent to contain communism in the Mediterranean. August 16, 1947 was when India and Pakistan gained independence from the United Kingdom. The Soviet Union formed the Communist Information Bureau (COMINFORM) with which it dictated the actions of leaders and communist parties across its spheres of influence. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was formed, with David Ben-Gurion as its first Prime Minister.

Greek Civil War - Wikipedia

The Greece Crisis

By March of 1946, the Greek Civil War started. It is a war between the Communists and the Kingdom of Greece. Truman send millions of dollars to the Kingdom of Greece in order to cause a victory for the right wing Greece government. The Kingdom of Greece won the civil war in the end. March 6, 1946 was when Winston Churchill spoken of a dangerous Communist threat of spreading an Iron Curtain across Europe. It was his Iron Curtain speech. It was famous and controversial. Churchill never trusted the Soviets during WWII, and now he had his wish for an ideological confrontation among Western Europe and America vs. the Soviet Union. The Communists gained power in Czechoslovakia and the Philippines gained independence from the USA (while the Philippine nation fought Communist rebels). U.S. Secretary of State James F. Byrnes repudiated the Morgenthau Plan on September 6, 1946. He wanted America to keep troops in Europe indefinitely. Also, he wanted U.S. approval of the territorial annexation of 29% of pre-war Germany, but does not condone further claims.

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Divisions in America and the Soviet Union

After Israel was a nation, further divisions would occur between America and the Soviet Union. Hungary would further be controlled by Communists with the leader Matyas Rakosi. There was the June 18th communist insurgency in Malaya against British plus Commonwealth forces in 1948. The Deutsche Mark was promoted as a common currency in the British and French zones of Germany. By June 24, 1948, Stalin ordered the Berlin Blockade. Stalin closed all land routes from West Germany to Berlin. He wanted to starve out the French, British, and American forces in the city of Berlin. The West ordered the Berlin Airlift to supply the citizens of Berlin by air. On June 28, 1948, the Soviet Union expelled Yugoslavia from the Communist Information Bureau or COMINFORM for the latter's position on the Greek civil war. The Berlin Airlift was a success, and it ended by May 11, 1949. Communists gain power in Korea by September 9, 1948. American counsel and his staff in Muden, China were made virtual hostages in China. It doesn't end in one year. Relations among China and America became terrible for years and decades afterwards. 

In 1948, former Vice President Henry Wallace ran a historic Presidential campaign in the Progressive Party. He lived from 1888 to 1965. The Progressive Party wanted conciliatory policies with the Soviet Union, desegregation of public school, racial equality, gender equality, free trade, a national health care system, and other progressive policies. He was supported in his campaign by Albert Einstein, Paul Roberson, and Lena Horne. He had 2.4 of the nationally popular vote as Harry Truman won the 1948 Presidential election. He came into 2 more political evolutions. The first one was in 1950 when he supported the Korean War and broke with the Progressive Party. Wallace became adamant in opposing the Soviet Union because of the Soviets' violations of democratic rights in the Soviet Union. By the 1950's, he developed his farming in New York State. He endorsed Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956. He didn't endorse Kennedy or Nixon in 1960. He praised John F. Kennedy's inauguration address of 1961. By 1964, he experienced another evolution in praising LBJ's policies in trying to stop rural poverty. Henry Wallace, in private, criticized Johnson's escalation of American involvement in the Vietnam War. By the year of 1964, he endorsed Lyndon Baines Johnson for President instead of Barry Goldwater. He passed away after being diagnosed with ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Henry Wallace loved agriculture and science. His accomplishments that benefited humanity are honored.

By 1949, NATO was created on April 4th. It stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Its original members are Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, the USA, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the UK. Its goal is clear to resist Communist expansion. On May 23, 1949, the Bizone merged with the French zone of control to create the Federal Republic of Germany with Bonn as its capital. Indonesia witnessed its Islamic insurgency in August 7. The Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb on August 29, 1949. Konrad Andenauer was the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany on September 15, 1949. East Berlin is the capital of the German Democratic Republic controlled by the Soviets. On December 19, 1949, sovereignty was handed over to United States of Indonesia from the Netherlands through the Dutch-Indonesian Round Table Conference with Sukarno as the first president of the newly formed federation.

Korean War - Wikipedia

The Korean War

By the 1950’s, the Cold War greatly intensified. On January 5, 1950, the UK recognized China. China severed diplomatic relations with the UK. China recognized Vietnam as an independent state from France. The last Kuomintang soldiers surrendered on continental China on January 21, 1950. President Truman said that America will develop the hydrogen bomb on January 31, 1950. This bomb was much more powerful than the atomic bomb. The Soviet Union opened diplomatic relationships with Indonesia. It was sent via a telegram reply from former Indonesian Vice President, Mohammad Hatta, to the telegram of Soviet Union’s Foreign Minister Andrey Vyshinsky on February 3, 1950. The Soviets and China ally to sign a pact of mutual defense on February 12, 1950. Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-Shek moved to Taipei, Taiwan after the end of the Chinese Civil War. Taiwan is the new nation of a more capitalist nature. This was on March 11. Containment is the cornerstone of United States Cold War foreign policy via NSC 68 via the U.S. State Department Director of Policy Planning Paul Nitze. The European Community is promoted by Robert Schuman via the Schuman Declaration on May 11, 1950.

On June 25, 1950, the Cold War would change forever. This was when the Korean War started. North Korea invaded South Korea over the debate on whether the peninsula of Korea would be dominated either by Communism or Western capitalism. During World War II, the Japanese Empire conquered Korea until the end of that war. By 1948, North Korea and South Korea existed. South Korea was controlled by Syngman Rhee. Tensions rose long years before 1950 too. To understand the Korean War is to understand what the Vietnam War was like. The Korean War was a prelude to American involvement in the Vietnam War, because both wars involve debates, ideological disagreements, the role of governmental power, war crimes, and stages of the conflict. It lasted from 1950 to 1953. By June of 1950, the United Nations used its powers to allow NATO to intervene in the Korean peninsula.

The Korean War is not known very much, but it was a brutal war. Many infrastructures in the peninsula were destroyed. Curtis LeMay was involved in the mass bombings of Korea. Between 1-3 million Korean civilians died in the Korean War. Both sides enacted war crimes in the conflict. You have to look at the conflict chronologically too in order to see the truth. After North Korea crossed the 38th parallel, the war was on. The Soviet Union gave North Korea weapons like tanks, etc. 90,000 North Korean troops (led by Kim Il-sung) easily overran the capital of Seoul. The South Korean Army was retreating at first. If nothing was done, North Korea would dominate the whole peninsula. Rhee appealed to the United States to help South Korea. Harry Truman acted. America had an integrated military force at this time. So, white people, black people, and other Americans worked together side by side in this war. Truman called on the United Nations to promote his military response. The Soviet Union wasn’t present for the votes which it could use its veto power to stop the call for an intervention.  The Soviet Union boycotted the United Nations at the time, because China wasn’t seated at the UN.

Truman used the UN resolution and not a Congressional authorization to intervene in the Korean War. Truman deployed troops from Japan to South Korea. The problem was that many of these soldiers didn’t have a lot of combat readiness for the Korean environment. The terrain is different. They joined the South Koreans and fled too. On July 4, 1950, UN forces engaged North Korean forces for the first time in Osan. They fail to stop the North Korean advance. They gathered at Pusan or a South Korean city. The Allied forces held fast. New supplies and troops helped the American plus the South Korean forces. By September 1950, the UN counterattack existed. The United Nations included forces from South Korea, America, Britain, Turkey, Canada, Australia, France, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Belgium, New Zealand, and other nations. General Douglas MacArthur had a bold plan to drive out the North Koreans. He said that the supplies were low from North Korea, because they had a rapid advance. General MacArthur wanted to use a surprise attack on the port city of Inchon behind enemy lines. Inchon was a port or landing site, so he thought that the North Koreans wouldn’t know that such an attack was coming.

MacArthur is seated, wearing his field marshal's hat and a bomber jacket, and holding a pair of binoculars. Four other men also carrying binoculars stand behind him.A group of soldiers readying a large gun in some brush

General MacArthur was successful. By September 15, 1950, U.S. Marines landed at Inchon. They attacked into the rear guard of North Koreans. Communist forces retreated into North Korea. The 38th parallel was the border. Americans debated on what to do next. Some wanted to end the war citing that the UN mandate fulfilled its purpose. Some like General MacArthur wanted to go forward into North Korea. Truman didn’t want this, because he felt that China would get involved and WWIII could happen. China didn’t want American forces to go near their border. MacArthur ignored China’s warning. He believed that China wouldn’t intervene in the war. Also, Taiwan was ready to invade China, but Truman didn't want that to happen. Truman ordered America's Seventh Fleet to not help Taiwan possibly invade China.  MacArthur attacked north of the 38th parallel by October 2, 1950. North Korea had mountains and the weather was cold. UN forces conquer the capital of North Korea or Pyongyang on October 22, 1950. By Thanksgiving of 1950, U.S. forces were near the Chinese border at the Yalu River.

By November 25, 1950, about 500,000 Chinese soldiers attacked American and South Korean forces. China was in the war. Chinese soldiers captured Seoul on January 4th, 1951. The United Nations used forces to recapture Seoul during Operation Ripper on March 14, 1951.  Allied forces retreated being outnumbered. MacArthur wanted to invade China, which was ludicrous. Truman was angry at MacArthur, so he fired him for insubordination on April 11, 1951. Also, MacArthur wrote a letter to the House criticizing Truman, because MacArthur opposed a limited war. While MacArthur was hailed as a hero in America, the Korean War continued. Gen. Stratemeyer, General Matt Clark, and General Douglas MacArthur accused the government of preventing them from bombing bridges and supplies in fighting the Chinese military. MacArthur would be replaced by the CFR member General  Gen. Matthew B. Ridgeway. The Korean War would end in a stalemate. Spring 1951 was when Allied forces re-grouped and stabilized their position near the 38th parallel. October 10, 1951 was when President Harry S. Truman signed the Mutual Security Act that announced to the world that communist powers will be opposed by U.S. aided to in their minds to promote “free peoples.” Diplomats had a peace strategy. Dwight D. Eisenhower won the 1952 election in part of because of the stalemate of the war. Eisenhower studied the war and formed a peace deal. The ceasefire came on July 27, 1953 after Stalin died. The end of the Korean would start the Eisenhower era of Cold War history. Eisenhower was not soft on his views as some people think. He was just as imperial as other Presidents. He was more sophisticated about his actions.

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McCarthy's Evil Crusade

To understand the evil done by Joseph McCarthy is to understand why he was evil. He was evil, because he wanted to eliminate the constitutional rights of Americans if he or she disagreed with his reactionary, radically anti-Communist views. It is not that people have the right to disagree with Communism. People have that right. It is that the First Amendment also gives people the right to peacefully agree with Communism if he or she desires to. I don’t agree with Stalinist Communism, but I will defend anyone the right to believe in what they want to. Joseph McCarthy executed his reign of paranoia in the 1950’s, but anti-Communist hysteria existed long before that decades. During World War I, dissidents were harassed and jailed by the federal government. Civil rights activists during the 1950’s were also harassed. The lie of Joseph McCarthy was that he felt that Communism was a monolithic scourge, and that all Communists collectively wanted to promote a totalitarian empire that tried to take over the world. This Red Scare of the 1950’s caused drills in schools, bunkers being built, and innocent people being oppressed. There were national security debates. The Cold War saw very bad policies among many sides. American imperialists were wrong in executing exploitation and oppression overseas via the CIA coups in Iran, Guatemala, etc. while hypocritically claiming to be for democracy when black people were lynched and terrorized by racism. Many pro-Stalin Communists were wrong to jail Trotskyites, to harm religious freedom, and violate democratic rights in many ways too. All of this is documented too.

That is why neoliberal capitalism is just as wicked as an authoritarian form of Communism. Both seek to violate individual and collective human rights, both exploit the rights of people of color, and both are not real solutions to cause genuine revolutionary, structural change in our world. Attorney General J. Howard McGrath, who worked under anti-Communist radical Harry Truman, promoted this hysteria. McGrath viewed Communism as spreading in businesses, offices, street corners, etc. Some believed in the lie that Communists in America infiltrated the heads of the American government. The truth is that only a handful of communists were in high ranking positions of government. Truman issued the Federal Employee Loyalty Program. The FBI screened people for claims of political disloyalty. About 3,000 federal employees were dismissed or resigned after investigations. The Smith Act violated human free speech rights. The House Un-American Activities Committee or HUAC was created in 1938. HUAC’s job was to rid society of Communism. Many left wing or progressive directors were backlisted for even peacefully believing in Communist views which they have a free speech right to do. The Hollywood Ten were made up of progressive writers, directors, and producers who used their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. The Supreme Court in 1957 said that witnesses before HUAC can’t be forced to name radicals that they knew. The HUAC used bullying tactics. J. Robert Oppenheimer was harassed because of his political views. He had ties to the Communist Party including his wife plus his brother. It would not be until the 1960’s when he was mostly left alone. Alger Hiss was accused of being a Communist.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed. We know that evidence showed that Julius was a recruiter for the Soviets (as proven by the Verona documents), but Ethel had a minor role. Joseph McCarthy said that American traitors were undermining America. So, by February 1950, he was on a crusade by accusing many State Department leaders of being communist agents. He was a Senator from Wisconsin. He claimed dozens were communist. Names on his list changed. He never publicly showed the names. One of his great lies is that he accused former Secretary of State George Marshall of being a Communist. Marshall organized the Marshall Plan to give loans to rebuild Europe after World War II. Many far right extremists supported him like the American Security Council. He was educated at the Jesuit Marquette University. Joseph McCarthy interviewed people. He was emotional and twisted the truth. Even people who were non-Communists were discriminated against and fired because of their views like the black U.S. Employment Service employee Dorothy Bailey.  Historian Ellen Schrecker wrote a book entitled, “Many are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America” that documented the occurrences of the time period. McCarthy accused Communists of infiltrating the federal government, universities, the film industry, and in other places via subversion including spies. By 1954, much of his support declined.  McCarthy was censured by the Senate with a vote of 67-22.  McCarthy spoke out against communism and socialism forgetting the differences between the 2 philosophies. McCarthy was a violent bigot who assaulted the journalist Drew Pearson in 1950. McCarthy was allied ideologically with the Committee Counsel hypocrite Roy Marcus Cohn.

McCarthy once supported Eisenhower and then attacked Eisenhower accusing him of being “soft on Communism.” Later, McCarthy accused some members of the U.S. Army of being in league with Communists. That was the beginning of the end of his political career. The Army – McCarthy hearings started on April 22, 1954. The Army’s chief legal representative Joseph Nye Welch defended Fred Fisher saying to McCarthy to show decency. Edward R. Murrow was one of the few journalists who criticized Joseph McCarthy. On March 9, 1954 at on Murrow’s show called See It Now, Edward R. Murrow said the following words: “…We must now confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law. We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, if we dig deep in our history and our doctrines, and remember that we are not descended from fearful men…” McCarthy later had little power in the Senate. The Red Scare started to decline by the end of the 1950’s. This event showed that free speech matters. Joseph McCarthy died in the year of 1957. We should never support the suppression of the First Amendment rights of those we disagree with.

Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia

Crisis Overseas

As 1953 came about, more Cold War crisis existed. By January 20, 1953, Dwight D. Eisenhower was President with John Foster Dulles as the Secretary of State. Stalin died on March 5, 1953. The Soviet Union had a power struggle for a time. Soviet troops crushed the uprising of 1953 in East Germany. The Cuban Revolution started on July 26, 1953 when Fidel Castro tried to overthrow the dictatorship of the government of Fulgencio Batista. July 27, 1953 was the date when the Korean War ended after Eisenhower threatened the use of nuclear weapons. August 19, 1953 was when the CIA and the British MI6 worked together to assist a royalist coup of Prime Minister Mohammed Mosaddeq via Operation Ajax. This was done to restore the Shah of Iran or Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The coup came about after Iran nationalized its oil industry, and the West was afraid of Iran joining the Soviet camp. By September 7, 1953, Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Communist Party. His main rival or Lavrentiy Beria was executed on December of 1953. December 4-8 was when Eisenhower met with Churchill and Joseph Laniel of France in Bermuda. January 21, 1954 was when America launched the world’s first nuclear submarine called the USS Nautilus. This nuclear submarine would become the ultimate nuclear deterrent. The KGB was created as a successor agency of the NKVD on March 13, 1954.

May 7, 1954 was an important date of the Cold War. That was the time when the Viet Minh defeated the French at Dien Bien Phu. France withdrew from the Indochina peninsula. Four independent states are formed. They are Cambodia, Laos, and North Vietnam including South Vietnam. The Geneva Accords call for free elections to unite Vietnam. Yet, none of the major Western powers wished this to occur in the likely case that the Viet Minh (nationalist Communists) would win. The Hukalahap revolt was defeated in the Philippines on May of 1954. On June 18, 1954, the elected leftist Guatemalan government was overthrown in a CIA-backed coup. An unstable rightist regime installs itself. Opposition led to a guerrilla war with Marxist rebels in which major human rights abuses are committed on all sides in Guatemala. Nevertheless, the regime survives until the end of the Cold War. By July 8, 1954, Col. Carlos Castillo Armas was elected president of the junta that overthrew the administration of Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz Guzman. On July 22, India annexed the Portuguese territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. On August 11, 1954, the Taiwan Strait Crisis started with the Chinese Communist shelling of Taiwanese islands. The US backed Taiwan, and the crisis resolves itself as both sides decline to take action. The date of September 8, 1954, there was the foundation of the South East Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO) by Australia, France, New Zealand, Pakistan, Thailand, the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Like NATO, it is founded to resist Communist expansion, this time in the Philippines and Indochina. Suriname was a Dutch constituent state on December 15, 1954.

The Baghdad Pact (on February 24, 1955) was founded by Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. It was committed to resisting Communist expansion in the Middle East. The Soviets gave aid to Syria on March 1955, and the Syrians were allies of the Soviets until the end of the Cold War. There was the Bandung Conference was first held in Bandung, Indonesia via the Asia-Africa Conference. This was on April 1955. On April of that year, the Non-Aligned Movement is pioneered by Jawaharlal Nehru of India, Sukarno of Indonesia, Tito of Yugoslavia, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana. This movement was designed to be a bulwark against the 'dangerous polarization' of the world at that time and to restore balance of power with smaller nations. It was an international organization of states considering themselves not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The Allies end military occupation of West Germany by May 5, 1955. On the next day, America started formal diplomatic relations with West Germany also followed by the United Kingdom and France. West Germany joined NATO and started rearmament on May 9. By May 14, the Warsaw Pact was founded in Eastern Europe and includes East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Albania, Bulgaria, and the Soviet Union. It acts as the Communist military counterpart to NATO. Austria was neutralized and Allied occupation ends of Austria on May 15. President Dwight D. Eisenhower of the United States, Prime Minister Anthony Eden of the United Kingdom, Premier Nikolai A. Bulganin of the Soviet Union, and Prime Minister Edgar Faure of France, known as the 'Big Four', attended the Geneva Summit. Also in attendance was Nikita Khrushchev of the Soviet Union. This was on July 18. On November 1, 1955, the Vietnam War as we know it started. On February 25, 1956, Nikita Khrushchev delivered the speech "On the Personality Cult and its Consequences" at the closed session of the Twentieth Party Congress of the CPSU. The speech marks the beginning of the De-Stalinization.

1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

At Poznań, Poland, anti-communist protests lead to violence on June 28, 1956. The United States and the United Kingdom canceled offers of aid on the construction of the Aswan Dam in Egypt due to its arms purchases from the Eastern Bloc. Nasser retaliates by nationalizing the Suez Canal. That was in July. By October 23, 1956, there was the Hungarian Revolution of 1956: Hungarians revolt against the Soviet dominated government. They are crushed by the Soviet military, which reinstates a Communist government. The leaders of the Hungarian Revolution were socialists and progressives. On October 29, 1956, there was the Suez Crisis. This was when France, Israel, and the United Kingdom attacked Egypt pre-emptively with the goal of removing Nasser from power. International diplomatic pressures forced the attackers to withdraw. Canadian Lester B. Pearson encouraged the United Nations to send a Peacekeeping force, the first of its kind, to the disputed territory. Lester B. Pearson wins a Nobel Peace Prize for his actions, and soon after becomes Canadian Prime Minister. There was the Viet Cong insurgency growing in South Vietnam. This was sponsored by North Vietnam on December of 1956.

1956 saw the Sino-Soviet split of the Cold War. This was one of the most important events of the Cold War. It was about Khrushchev criticizing Stalin after he died because of Stalin’s authoritarianism, gulags, etc. Mao didn’t like this, because Mao was a lifelong Stalin advocate. Mao didn’t respect Khrushchev and accused him of losing his revolutionary edge. Khrushchev said that Mao was an extremist because of his glib attitude about nuclear war. Khrushchev made many desperate attempts to reconstitute the Sino-Soviet Alliance, but Mao refused any compromise. This caused an intra-communist debate. The Soviets and the nation of China competed for the leadership of the global communist movement. In retrospect, that split contributed to the victory of the West in the Cold War along with other factors (like the decline of the Soviet Union, revolutions in Europe during the 1980’s, etc.).

Various Occurrences of the Cold War (that many people don't know about include):

-Operation Paperclip-This was a secret program from the JIOA (the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency) that allowed secret agents of the Army CIC to get more than 1,600 German (many of them were Nazis including Nazi Party leaders) scientists, engineers, and technicians like Wernher von Braun to work for the u.S. government (from mostly 1945-1959). They wanted them to fight the Soviet Union during the Cold War in having a miltiary and space race advantage against the Soviets. The Soviets did the same with many German specialists (in about 2,200 people) via Operation Osoaviakhim. Operation Paperclip was very secret back then. The U.S. government studied the V-2 rocket technology. Many of these scientists were sent to Fort Bliss, Texas. Wernher von Braun would be the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, which was the key instrument in getting humans to the Moon. Adolf Busemann was the mind behind the swept wing, which improved aircraft performance at high speeds. None of the Nazis were tried for any crime from Operation Paperclip except for the scientist Georg Rickhey. It's a bizarre history.

-Operation Mockingbird-This program was a CIA program that wanted to manipulate news media for propaganda purposes. It funded student and cultural organizations plus magazines as front organizations. The author Deborah Davis mentioned that Operation Mockingbird recruited many U.S. journalists to influence people. By the 1970's, the CIA was already caught during similar actions via the Church Committee Report. So, CIA leaders used a policy to restrict CIA agents from working so closely with news reporters. Yet, to this very day, many Hollywood directors consult with CIA agents in making movies that promote an agenda.

-Operation Gladio (of NATO)-This was a clandestine operation of the Western Union and NATO to fight Communism in Europe. It lasted from 1956 to 1990. They wanted to stop Warsaw Pact nations from invading pro-NATO nations. People debate the role of the CIA in Gladio over the years of Lead. To this very day, the CIA denies any political terrorism in Europe. Operation Gladio is certainly real.

Patrice Lumumba - WikipediaJawaharlal Nehru - WikipediaNon-Aligned Movement - Wikipedia

The Growth of the Independence, anti-Colonial Movement

For centuries, many Western imperialists oppressed people (especially people of color) all across the world. One positive outcome of World War II was that new nations started to form in opposition to colonialism in Africa, Asia, the Americas, etc. Decolonization after 1945 radically expanded. Also, many of these countries with nationalist movements wanted independence. Some had links to Communists and others didn’t. In the eyes of the Western imperialists, they wanted new nations to be satellites of the West. That is why the United States and the Soviet Union competed against each other for influence in the Third World. This decolonization movement in the Third World lasted in the 1950’s, the 1960’s, and beyond. Both sides sold armaments to gain influence. The Soviets believed that imperial powers losing their influence were the victory of their ideology. It is also important to note that many new nations from colonialism wanted no influence from the Communists or the Capitalists. The United States via the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were active in coups. The CIA fought “non-cooperative” Third World governments to advance Western interests while praising pro-CIA governments. The CIA even funded anti-communist rebels to try to overthrow the Sukarno government in Indonesia. The rebels failed by 1961.

In the Republic of the Congo, it was independent from Belgium by June of 1960. The CIA cultivated President Joseph Kasa-Vubu, who wanted the dismissal of the democratically elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba and the Lumumba cabinet on September of 1960. Lumumba called for Kasa-Vuvbu’s dismissal. During this Congo Crisis, the CIA-backed Colonel Mobutu Sese Seko quickly mobilized his forces to seize power via a military coup d’état. The CIA supported the assassination of the great leader Patrice Lumumba. The leftist People’s Progressive Party candidate Cheddi Jaganwon was forced to resign from the British Guiana after the British suspension of the still dependent nations’ constitution. Between 1954 to 1961, Eisenhower sent economic aid and military advisors to strengthen South Vietnam’s pro-Western regime against communist efforts to destabilize it. Vietnam was divided by North and South at the 17th parallel. South Vietnam’s leader of Diem was a known dictator. Many nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America didn’t want to choose sides in the Cold War. The Non-Aligned Movement of 1961 wanted neutrality. Khrushchev wanted to deal with neutral states. Independence movements caused the Third World to be more pluralistic and cause the rise of nationalism in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America.

No Way Out (1950) GREATBIGCANVAS Dorothy Dandridge - Vintage Publicity ...Montgomery Alabama Bus Boycott • 1955-1956 ...

Cold War Life in America

Life in America from 1945 to 1956 was massively different than America today in 2020. America was a superpower along with the Soviet Union. American society was in the midst of change and challenges. During that time, more people lived in the suburbs because of less expensive homes and other economic resources like the GI bill given people more opportunities. Highways expanded especially under Eisenhower. There was a growth of a conservative culture where nuclear families were overtly promoted. Many adult men didn’t even wear beards. Women wore conservative dresses and other clothes. Mainstream TV shows were middle of road without many controversies. Also, there were other things going on in America. America still had massive poverty, racial discrimination, sexism, and other evils. These evils are wrong and have no justification period. That is why social movements like the Civil Rights Movement grew into the next level. After the unjust murder of a child named Emmett Till, you saw more protests in the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the fight for more civil rights laws, and more people speaking out for racial equality. Before that time, there was the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954 that made the segregation of public schools illegal. The problem was that many places refused to desegregate their schools until years or even decades later.

Governor Orval Eugene Faubus (Democrat) of Arkansas used the Arkansas National Guard to prevent school integration at Little Rock Central High School in 1957. President Eisenhower (who was a Republican) nationalized state forces and sent in the US Army to enforce federal court orders. Jim Crow back then was always brutal. People were lynched and murdered. Black women were raped by racist cowards. Black men were called the n word by racists regularly. You can’t drink where you want or you did things in segregated locations. This harsh reality not only existed in the South, but Jim Crow existed in parts of the Midwest too. Economic growth grew, but poverty massively existed in many parts of the African American, Native American, Latino American, and other communities nationwide. McCarthyism ruined a lot of people lives. Yet, many groups fought back from civil rights groups, the Beat movement, and other people. The culture of the 1950’s also had an expansion of music and art. Rock and roll, R&B, jazz, gospel, country, and other genres were promoted thoroughly in American society.

By Timothy

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