Friday, April 23, 2021

News in Late April of 2021.



There is a record amount of anti-protest bills in many states of the Union. These laws not only violate free speech rights as found in the First Amendment. It is representative of the old anti-democratic agenda that has been in America for long centuries (used against black people). These proposals are in 34 states currently. Many of these bills have obscene proposals like immunity for divers who hit protesters in public streets, blocking convicted protesters from student loan eligibility (or even unemployment and housing assistance), and turning misdemeanors into felony crimes. These are real police-state like measures. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed his anti-protest law. Such plans seek to silence dissent and scare activists. Yet, we are not scared. We are still here. We suffered the worst form of global slavery in human history, but we are still here fighting for justice. These GOP hypocrites lecture us on rights (many of whom complain about pandemic related lockdowns), but they endorse policies that violate fundamental human civil liberties.  In the final analysis, the right of assembly, the right to protest, the right of free speech, and the right to justice are all rights that our ancestors and us during this generation will always respect.


Majorie Greene Taylor called BLM the greatest domestic terrorist organization in America which is a slanderous lie. This came after the Chauvin verdict. Rep. Greene won't be criticized by Congressional Republican leaders. Greene said these words, because the Republican Party is in league with a racist like Trump, so a racist and extremist like Greene is saying her nonsense. Real terrorist organizations in America are neo-Nazis, The Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, and others groups who actually stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. These groups threatened to lynch Mike Pence and said racist slurs to black U.S. Capitol police officers. Greene has no real policies to help Americans. So, we believe in unity in infrastructure, stimulus, voting rights legislation, etc. The American people deserve much better than Greene's lies. The U.S. Attorney General had directed the DOJ to investigate the Minneapolis police force. This comes after the verdict. The federal government has the right to investigate, promote recommendations, and issue fines to police agencies if they refuse to comply with recommendations after a trial. 


This is my first time talking about the Maxine Waters situation. For decades, Maxine Waters has been a progressive activist in favor of justice for us. Now, many of the far right disingenuously criticize her for her recent statements. These same Republican hypocrites never criticized Trump who called many Mexican immigrants "rapists and drug dealers." They never criticized Trump's many statements overtly calling for violence. They never criticized Trump provoking terrorists to try to stop the legal certification of the 2020 election. Maxine Waters only said to have a bigger confrontation against injustice. This same call came from Malcolm X, Dr. King, and other civil rights leaders. Her words never called for unjust violence against innocent people or innocent property unjustly. Yet, the same Trump lovers, who are silent on record gun violence and on police brutality, want to use Waters as a scapegoat. This targeting of a black woman by evil people is not only evil and wrong. It is typical of folks who want to pacify legitimate black anger against oppression. We have every right to be upset and angry at our Brothers and our Sisters being murdered for no legitimate reason period. I could care less what Rep. McCarthy has to say when that male bowed down to Trump like a coward. Therefore, I will stay on code, and I have no problems with Waters' statements at all.

On Earth Day, President Joe Biden proposes to cut greenhouses gas emissions by half by 2030. Biden has brought America back into the Paris Climate Accords. He wants extra job creation using green energy jobs. Commonsense dictates that jobs, infrastructure, and investment will grow the economy. When you build something, jobs comes about. When you have customers and consumers buying resources that enriches businesses and retail. When you have health care, educational services, libraries, hospitals, and other forms of infrastructure developed, then life expectancy grows, jobs become better, and Americans' lives are further improved upon. We want broadband internet services to poorer communities and rural locations too. Not only that means that we need to address structural racism and other inequalities that still plague American society. Sociological studies document institutional racism conclusively along with tons of stories of our Brothers and our Sisters telling  their stories of oppression, marginalization, discrimination, isolation, and dehumanization by evil people. There should be an infrastructure bill passed by Congress, because it's the right thing to do, and it will improve human beings in multifaceted ways.


What recently blew my mind is seeing more university level studies about my ancestors. It described information about Sussana Turner, Arthur "Boss" Claud, and Sarah Claud. It described about the Nottoway Native Americans too, who lived in large numbers in Southampton County, Virginia. That is why there is a river named the Nottoway River. I am a descendant of Susanna Turner, who is my 3rd great grandmother. Her parents were Millie Woodson‐Turner and Morefield Hurst. It is said that Millie Woodson-Turner's parents were  Parsons Turner and Mary Woodson. Susanna Turner married Rev. James Thompson Claud, and their child was Arthur "Boss" Claud, who is my 2nd great grandfather. It is part of our family tradition to know our genealogy. One secret in life is that you're be surprised about who you're related to.


By Timothy


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