Friday, July 22, 2022

Late July 2022 Updates.


The January 6th House committee hearing dealt with the issue of Trump not doing his job to immediately stop the terrorist insurrection at the U.S. Capitol building. This event was not spontaneous. This situation was Trump and his allies attempted coup d'état against the United States government which would be planned for months. Many of these terrorists wanted to hang Mike Pence. This was the final public hearing until the fall. New evidence has detailed the massive failure of Donald Trump's 3-hour refusal to condemn the insurrection by the violent mob. The hearing was led by Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia, and Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. The former White House aides giving their testimonies under oath are Matthew Pottinger and Sarah Matthews. The audio was released of Secret Service agents scrambling to lead Mike Pence and his family to safety as the mob came near them. Trump didn't make a phone call to law enforcement or the national security officials as the attack took place. Matthews said that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany looked at him and told him that the President didn't want to mention peace as they were crafting a statement. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs General Mark Milley told the committee that he was shocked that Trump never spoke to him when the chaos existed. People want to know why the Secret Service destroyed texts when they were told not to do so. Pence wanted Secretary Miller to get the National Guard and military to the Capitol to stop the insurrection immediately. Two more witnesses collaborated Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about how Trump argued with Secret Service agents about returning to the Capitol. These agents sent Trump back to the White House. The hearings in public will continue in September as the committee gets new information every day.

It seems like poor shaming and scapegoating of women aren't just part of incels and fake conscious people. It's found in some who claim to be spiritual too. T.D. Jakes recently made a sermon saying that single women who are successful are trying to be men, aggressive, and all of the negative words that he can muster. Of course, I don't agree with that nonsense. We are mature thinking people who believe that single women, married women, and other types of women working hard, being successful, and being great are positive aspects of society. T.D. Jakes sounds more like Kevin Samuels than Pastor Howard Thurman. Raising up strong families has nothing to do with dehumanizing women who voluntarily choose to live their own lives positively. Obviously, I don't agree with the megachurch, prosperity gospel of T.D. Jakes either. Also, Kim Burrell said that churchgoers should avoid poor people and people who she calls "unattractive." Basically, in that speech, she endorsed poor shaming and lookism. These old prejudices are not only illogical but violate the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule says to treat your neighbor as yourself. That means you treat the poor, the rich, and the middle class just the same. You don't become rude or disrespectful to your neighbor if he or she is different from you in any way. In fact, Yeshua ben Yoseph said that he brought the good news to the poor to inspire a change of lives, not to dismiss them as not "worthy" of friendship. Suffering people don't need shaming. They need inspiration, investments, progressive economic policies, spiritual strength, and respect plus dignity. Kim Burrell apologized twice. You can believe her apology or not.

There is the recent disrespect of comedian Leslie by Shemeka Michelle and Jason Whitlock is uncalled for. Shemeka called Leslie Jones a slur (out of her name) and Whitlock just laughed without standing up for Jones and disagreeing with Michelle's comments. I'm not shocked at Whitlock, because, for years, he has been a spokesman for the views of far-right racists. He has said self-hating comments for years about black people standing up for social justice. No one is shocked at Whitlock's antics. What is shocking was that Shemeka would disrespect Leslie Jones. Jones wanted to make the point that it is difficult for black Americans to glorify July 4th when black people have been victims of American racism for centuries. You can disagree with Leslie Jones' views but calling a black woman out of her name is wrong period. In a racist society, Shemeka should know better that people who look like us were slandered for our intellects and physical appearances. Shemeka is disappointing. Jason Whitlock is typical of a person who loves political correctness and far-right propaganda than black liberation.

President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19 as many people know. He has mild symptoms. He still works at the White House in isolation with strong medical care. That is why he is working in Zoom to have meetings with people from across the world. Biden told Americans that he is doing well. The pandemic is nothing to play with. The good news is that we have new medicines and technologies better than last year in dealing with the virus. The bad news deals with mutations in viruses and how the virus can cause hearing damage, organ damage, lung harm, and even death if not treated properly. Biden has been vaccinated and double boosted. President Biden is a 79-year-old man. His symptoms include runny nose (or rhinorrhea) and fatigue. He has an occasional dry cough. He used the antiviral medicine called Paxlovid. Vice President Kamala Harris and First Lady Jill Biden tested negative on Thursday. The Biden administration continues to desire new funding from Congress to advance treatments and vaccines.

The Secret Service only turning in only one text message to the January 6th committee is certainly bizarre. The debate is whether the Secret Service agents deleted the text messages by accident, by a migration program, or were they intentionally deleted. The National Archives wants the Secret Service to investigate unauthorize deletion of text messages. Liz Cheney and other members of the Committee want more messages from the Secret Service to gain insights into what happened. January 5th and 6th were days about both warnings about violence at the U.S. Capitol existed and when the violence took place at the U.S. Capitol too. Former Vice President Mike Pence was afraid to go with the Secret Service to leave the U.S. Capitol for some reason. Some people are talking about the word cover-up. The Migration process happened on January 27, 2021, and this comes after Secret Services employers were instructed again to preserve records on January 25, 2021. The January 6th Committee said that deleted Secret Service texts may have violated the Federal Records Act.

By Timothy

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