Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Renewed in Purpose.

As we approach the historic 250th anniversary of the birth of America, we contemplate its history, culture, and reality. I was born in America in Virginia, so I know all about American history. The first inhabitants of the Americas were Native Americans who developed complex, advanced civilizations. Later, colonists came into the Americas for various reasons. Evil people not only caused genocide against Native Americans, but they also enslaved African human beings, kidnapped them, and brought them into the Americas (which was one of the greatest crimes in human history). I am a descendant of Bantu West and Central African peoples. On the day of July 4, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was signed during the beginning of the Revolutionary War (that started in 1775 and ended with the Treaty of Paris by 1783). The contradiction of many of the signers of the Declaration of Independence is that document mentioned that all men are created equal (which is true), but many of the signers of that document owned slaves and never believed in true racial equality. That contradiction among other contradictions are things that we must reckon with during this time of the year. While folks eat hot dogs, steaks, and other forms of food, we must be real with our past if we want a better future for America. America grew in the midst of blood. The Revolutionary War was between colonists and the brutal British Empire that had colonialism in the four corners of the Earth. The British Empire advanced Monarchy which placed a king as having authoritarian rule over human beings which is in contrary to the ideals of human liberty and egalitarianism. American colonists almost saw defeat (when New York City was conquered temporarily by the Redcoats and when Norfolk was burned by the Redcoats too), but America miraculously won the Revolutionary War with help from the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, and other human beings. African Americans were on both sides of the Revolutionary War seeking an end to slavery and oppression. The great sins of Native American genocide and the enslavement of black African human beings lay at the heart of the beginning of the American nation. From 1776 to our time in 2023, it has been a battle between good Americans who desire democratic principles to reign in living up to our creed, and evil people who seek evil prejudice, racism, xenophobia, sexism, and other injustices to consume America in a wicked fashion. Frederick Douglas's speech about July 4th described the legitimate outrage at American injustices and hypocrisies inflicted on human beings (especially on black human beings) and the right for us to speak out against nefarious evils too. 

It is important to note that people fought back against tyranny from back in the day too. Our ancestors fought back. Our ancestors defeated evil terrorist Confederates during the end of the Civil War (when black men and black women fought for the Union heroically. Heroes of every color also were on the right side of history too), during the end of World War II (in opposition to racism, fascism, anti-Semitism, and imperialism), and in the streets of Selma (where the Voting Rights Act was promoted, and it was signed into law by 1965). Still, the ultimate victory is not ours yet. Many of us underestimate the horrendous, cruel hatred found in Trumpism. Today, we witness old complications and new problems from book bans (advanced by the bigot and reactionary Ron DeSantis), voter suppression laws, and to gun violence. Our response should never be to embrace a confirming attitude. All of us should have an awareness of our responsibility to not only speak about equality and justice, but we have to live by these audacious precepts. That means that we humbly treat people with dignity and with respect, vote, protest, build institutions of helping people, improving our environment, and be sincere about being better human beings in our lives. The greatest way to love America is to improve America (to be free from oppression) that we advocate. People know what my political views are. That's self-explanatory. Whether you agree with me or not, I fully stand by my principles. I am not ashamed of showing my views in public. Therefore, we have a great opportunity in 2023 and in 2024 to continue to advocate for justice and build a just democratic society that our descendants earnestly deserve.



Tensions in the Middle East continue. On Monday, Israeli forces have attacked areas in Jenin. Israeli governmental leaders claim that they want to end terrorist hideouts. The problem is that Jenin is densely populated, and those hardcore atacks will definitely cause civilian deaths and ruin civilian infrastructure. Netanyahu, the most far right Prime Minister in Israel's history, has been filled with controversial scandals. Jenin has a refugee camp where Palestinians have been forced from their homes. This offensive from Netanyahu's far right government result in at least 12 Palestinians being killed, some children included. IDF forces have used aerial strikes, drones, and helicopters. The West Bank is occupied territory where Palestinians are treated as less than human. This has no justification. These attacks have caused a humanitarian crisis. Likewise, there is no justification for the stabbing attacks in Tel Aviv Israel too. The paradox is that mostly Sunni governments like Saudi Arabia in the region have signed alliance deals with Israel while mostly Shia governments like Iran have allied with Hamas and likeminded groups. That is why both Jewish and Palestinian progressive leaders want an end to this nihilistic violence and seek jobs, living standards, democratic rights, and the right of Palestinians to have their own freedom. There is no peace in that region without courageous actions in making sure that both Israelis and Palestinians have their own sense of peace and tranquility.

Mass shootings have existed in Philadelphia, Fort Worth, and in Baltimore. These tragic events represent the epidemic of gun violence. Gun violence cause death and destruction, and we are opposed to it 100 percent. We know why these events occur, and we know the solutions. The solutions include gun regulations, handling mental health issues, increasing federal background checks, banning civilians from owning weapons of war, and making sure to handle the gun trafficking issues spreading from state to state. The problem is that many interests in our political system care more for guns than with human lives. There is no excuse for people to have AR-15 weapons to kill innocent human life. We have 346 mass shootings in my country in America alone. That is more than any industrialized nation on Earth. 346 is an extremely high number. That is why the gun idol worship is wrong.

It is obvious that corporate greed is a major driver of inflation (not increased wages or governmental spending). Some people have a distorted view of love for America. Love for America means loving its cultural diversity and inspirational people in America. Yet, loving America also means exposing the mistakes in America and calling for America to improve itself too. That is why a person doesn't love a person mean that person sugarcoats reality. To show true love, you have be honest about what is happening in our world. A fake patriotism always deals with book bands, denying legal election results, and banning democratic rights. True love of America means to stand up for worker's rights, endorsing student loan debt cancellation, and allowing people to live life without oppression. Six members of the Supreme Court supported ruling that are antithetical to democratic freedoms.

By Timothy