Robert Kennedy Jr. and Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett had a discussion about censorship, COVID-19, and other issues. The House Representatives praised RFK Jr. not because they agree with a love of democracy for all. They wanted to exploit RFK Jr. to express hatred of progressive views and desire a one term Presidency of Biden. Robert Kennedy Jr. denied that he wanted to believe that the pandemic vaccine was used to spare the lives of Jewish people, but other sources claim that he has done so (including a tape). Robert Kennedy Jr. had to apologized for comparing the Holocaust to vaccine mandates before. RFK Jr. is wrong to compare the vaccines in dealing with COVID-19 with the Tuskegee Experiment. The Tuskegee Experiment was about innocent black Americans receiving disease without treatment, but the pandemic vaccine was sent to people in trying to save lives. That is the difference. Robert Kennedy Jr. had reactionary views on immigration and claims that there is a vaccine/autism link which has no conclusive evidence. Robert Kennedy Jr. had spewed skepticism about some vaccinations for years. I don't agree with government authoritarian censorship on the Net, but we should oppose disinformation and lies spewed on the Internet though. Robert Kennedy Jr. has been funded of his Presidential campaign heavily by Republicans, and he has been pictured by extremists like Steve Bannon. The irony of Elon Musk is that he claims to be a free speech absolutist, but he censors certain words that he doesn't agree with.
The Florida Board of Education is at again with their historical revisionism. They recently approved a new black history standards that lies about black history ironically. It doesn't show all of black history. Many education and civil rights activists have criticized the new plan. DeSantis criticized a AP African American Studies source and doesn't want any mention of social justice in textbooks. The new standards in Florida teach the lie that slaves developed "skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit." Slavery was not about skills applied for personal benefit. Slavery was evil and tyrannical that caused rape, abuse, and families ruined. This nonsense is like saying that the Jewish victims of the Holocaust learned about beneficial skills at the concentration camps. The plan also requires instruction of acts of violence perpetrated against and by African Americans in reference to the 1920 Ocoee massacre against black people. This lie is about promoting moral equivalency and denial of the viciousness of anti-black oppression of black people in America. Recently, a publisher in Florida eliminated references of Rosa Parks being black, because of the DeSantis law. This is reprehensible. STOP W.O.K.E. Act is about hatred and not fairness. Don't underestimate DeSantis. He is just as vicious as Trump.
The D.C. grand jury interviewed Trump aide William Russell. This relates to the information about the January 6th terrorist insurrection at Washington, D.C. The Trump target from the DOJ cited 3 federal laws. Trump reposted a threatening video after the DOJ target letter. Trump shows his extremism once again. Trump already said that he wants more authoritarian policies if he is re-elected. Trump is overt about making the executive branch a nearly fascist branch of government. That is why people should oppose Trump overtly. He is known racist, sexist, and xenophobe.
Recently, the Biden campaign released a campaign aid using the words of Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene to support the Joe Biden re-election campaign. Greene said that Biden has pursued the largest public investment in social infrastructure and environmental programs. Greene acts like this is a bad thing, but we need infrastructure and a better environment in order for us to live our best lives on this Earth. At a conservative conference, Marjorie Taylor Greene lied and called FDR and LBJ socialists. The reality is that FDR and LBJ weren't socialists. Both Presidents did promote policies that increased the role of the federal government in saving people's lives. FDR wasn't perfect, but he was 100 percent right to promote Social Security, defeat the Axis Powers in World War II, and advance economic progressive policies that saved millions of lives from poverty. LBJ wasn't perfect, but he was 100 percent right to promote the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, the Gun Control Act, the Housing Rights Act, environmental regulations, and investments in public education. The Great Society cut poverty in America in half. Greene is a MAGA extremist who claim to be a spiritual person, but she has cursed out a woman in Congress, lied about Democrats collectively being allied to pedophiles, and other outlandish statements. It is important to vote fascism out of office in 2024.
Andrew E. Kramer of the New York Times is wrong in WWII history. Kramer once wrote that the WWII began in Ukraine in 1939 with the Soviet invasion in Ukraine. The truth is that WWII started with the Nazis invasion of Poland. There were Neo-Nazi nationalists in Ukrainians killing many Jewish people back during WWII too. Then, the NY Times changed the statement and said World II "reached what is now Ukraine in 1939 with a Soviet invasion into territory then controlled by Poland in western Ukraine." The Soviet Union never started WWII. In fact, the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union and tried to conquer the area of Russia, etc. Stalin once had a deal with Hitler which was opposed by Trotsky. Later, Hitler broke the treaty and invaded the Soviet Union. Kramer is wrong to mention that the Hitler Stalin non-aggression pact just broke down. The reality is that Hitler opposed it and invaded the Soviet Union via Operation Barbarossa. Hitler never respected the humanity of Slavic people at all. 27 million Soviet citizens were murdered by the Nazis, 900,000 Ukrainian Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis (and the Ukrainian fascists. Today, the Azov Battalion should not be glorified). The Red Army in WWII contributed heavily to the Allied victory during WWII. The Putin invasion against Ukraine was evil and unjust (Putin is a tyrant and a far-right nationalist extremist), but this war should end by not making Ukraine a puppet Western state. Ukraine has every right to self-defense to defend their lives basically. The war should end making Ukraine independent from Putin's invasion and from Western imperialism.
By Timothy