The above poll question reads...
Since the 2010 midterm, how many times have you heard "Tea Party" Republicans even MENTION the American Sovereignty Restoration Act?
The three options are...
Many times
Very few times
Not at all
If the "real Tea Party" is so "real," then why am I the only one in this forum who ever even mentions that bill, let alone promotes it?
Whine and complain, whine and complain, whine and complain -- that's all I ever hear from the so-called Tea Party on this issue.
Meanwhile, the aforementioned bill has been sitting in Congress for over a decade just waiting for someone to dust it off and reintroduce it -- or at least mention the friggin thing.
Is that the sort of all-talk-and-no-action approach that Rand Paul and Ted Cruz supporters are supposed to gush over all day?