Monday, September 26, 2005

The Order of the Jesuits Exposed Part 1

Eric Jon Phelps have exposed a lot about the Jesuits and he is probably the foremost scholar on the subject today. His book of Vatican Assassins is a famous book today. I don't agree with Eric on everything, but he is right to expose the Jesuit link to the New World Order. For example, here's some facts on the corrupt history of the Jesuits:

1). Jesuit priest Bernhard Staempfle helped Hitler write Mein Kampf proven by author Edmond Paris and Otto Strasser. Strasser was one of the founders of the Nazi Party. Even Hitler said that he modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order.

2). Honorary 33rd Degree Freemason Ronald Reagan was cozy with Boston College President Jesuit J. Donald Monan. Reagan not only passed abortion in California in the 1960’s and was anti-gun, but also allowed pro-abortion/international law Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O’Connor to exist and other bad political policies.

3). Hitler signed Concordant with Vatican Cardinal Pacelli in 1933 with the help of Knight of Malta Franz von Papen. Hitler was never excommunicated from the Roman Catholic Church at all.

4). Many Jesuits and the Vatican supported some Latin American dictators to oppress the people there.

5). Jesuit Priest and 33rd Degree Freemason Joseph Rettinger created the powerful and sinister Bilderberger Group.

6). Jesuit priest William Fulco translated the script into Hebrew, Aramaic, and Latin. Here's some sources as evidence of that. Someone else wrote the script called Fritzgerald.

7). Knight of Malta Dr.John J. DeGioia is a Georgetown/Jesuit trained person who’s part of the Elite by being a member of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, Chair of its Education Committee, and according to a webpage, he "represents Georgetown" being a member of the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations.

8). Jesuit Georgetown University trained Bill Clinton and he even went with Jesuit Richard McSorley on a trip to Olso, Norway since both of them opposed the Vietnam War. Clinton is obvious a person who is pro-abortion and he even vetoed a ban on partial birth abortion when the majority of the American people opposed that type of abortion.

*The Opus Dei, Knights of Columbus, and the Knights of Malta are Secret Orders as well. Rick Sanctorum, Patrick Buchannan are in the SMOM [the Knights of Malta] headed by Bertie, a cousin of Queen Elizabeth (head of the Order of the Garter and head of the Order of St. John). Other Elitists groups are Le Cerle, 1001 Club, Pilgrim Society, etc. are very prominent and powerful, but very few people know about them. George W. Bush is obviously in the Skulls and Bones and Bohemian Grove (which every Republican President are members since 1924).

By TruthSeeker24

*I've edited this article in Jan. 2006.