Volcker Revelation: ‘Stiff’ New Tax Needed to Cover Obama Spending at 25% of GDP
Naked Emperor News
Friday, May 21, 2010
Why so much? Because the real deficit is around 25% to one third of GDP in the US.
At least double of that of Greece.
Rand Paul ... r_embedded
Wrong, it's not Capitalism, but anarcho capitalism. The US basically doesn't have their own constitutional
economic and credit system anymore for almost 100 years, so what are we talking about?
He says:"ï'm proud on our capitalism and system"...well how far back do you want to go in history then.....those 100 years?
It's not reality and many people like that simply live in the past, they pretend that it's still like that today,while they darn know well, as their own opposition is about,that it's not like that anymore ( Orwellian,holding two contradictionary opnions at the same time)
So then say the system is not great today, but we have to go back to the past or so....the old American tradition and system, like before 1913 and the FED, IRS etc.
Greece and Europe is not Socialistic. Its a mixed economy and increasingly Capitalistic.It's actually more and more anarcho-Capitalistic, less and less state owned, more and more privatized and deregulated....THAT is why Greece ended up in troubles.
Secondly because of speculators that are US and London based attacking Greece and others to give the dollar some breathe.
See, Rand is not saying all of this. He makes it look like that Greece collapse because of socialism...that's a cruel joke!!
He's convenientley also not showing how much more Greek got in return from their goverment than Americans. ( but that is likely seen as bad...."darn greedy that actually had some returns of their taxes!!")
( you have to correct the fact that Greece has a lower income per capita then the US or Northern Europe, so in comparisson)
Many don't pay taxes, but equally so in Turkey, where the local IRS won't visit remote area's to get more taxes.
How lower developed a country is, how lower the percentage where goverments actually get their tax money.
Secondly the US deficit is higher than the Greek one...even the surpressed official figures. Speculation in an unregulated financial sector destroyed Greece. ... ountry.svg
Greek actually don't even pay so much more taxes, but they do get more in return for it as the American system, which is most privatized and hollowed out.
you still pay a lot of taxes in the US, but get basically nothing in return compared to other countries. Standard of living dropped for 40 years by two/ thirds per worked hour.
Then he says:"that you don't see Cuba having what we have etc.", but then he doesn't say that Cuba is economically completely crippled by the US sanctions,
It was a wealthy country in the 1950s and is living under severe economic sanctions ever since.
No, Cuba's leadership is not good, but what he says about why Cuba doesn't have this materialistic wealth level is not due to their system, but rather due to economic sanctions.
So it's all cheap propaganda to lure you in, then mixing some truth with disinformation.
Greek could go with pension by the age of 53, Americans rather have to work until they did with 2-3 jobs for very long working weeks on average, cause purchasing power per worked hour is too low to make a living, making ends meet, blue collar jobs is really problematic as they're paid much less as it's a typical class society like the UK.
So if Greece has lower fedicits than the US, but did live that life as they did,is that bad? No, the goverment should give in return for what you paid, so actually they did that for a large part.
But Greece is a small country of 11 million people and so a smaller economy which is way more sensitive to billionaire speculators and destabilisation, then a country that has an economy 50 times as large. ( The US exists with 320 million people)
So small countries, are an easy pray as they cannot hedge easily ,even if they are very wealthy per capita, if they're small,they canot hedge attacks by tens or even hundreds of billions.
( the EU hedged this by $1 trillion,Greece cannot do it, but the US or Japan can do it too)
The hedge funds, many located in Wallstreet ( that took over the US goverments a long time ago), knew this, so that's how they saved their dollar for a while by distracting, blowing S-Europe's problems out of proportion and betting against them so in this perfect economic warfare, they sunk the weak edges of the cometing currency, the Euro, so that the Dollar and the enormous deficits and real debt levels of the US stay out of the picture.
Despite all what was possible in Greek, the low age retirement etc., the welfare state, even their fair share of corruption, ( most corrupt European nation, even before Italy, ingrained into the local culture just like in turkey) they still managed to have a deficit lower than in the US, while in the US welfare is the lowest of the developed world.So something is wrong with that picture Rand describes. Unless you think that if people pay taxes, they should not get anything in return for it.
So or Rand is very badly informed, or he's actually nothing but a mainstream conservative that just divides the people into left and right or conservative and liberal and is pushing everybody against socialism as the general evil, while basically ignoring the real issues and not explaining those while at the same time hailing the system, while it's not a shadow of the past anymore and actually a problem right now with all deregulation, derivatives and all stability the system used to have before when the US was functioning well and others too as a result.
See,the real problem is not goverment, but the special interest Rand Paul quickly mentioned without going into the necessary details about it.
Indeed, government needs to be taken back. But you can't blame the Greek collapse on Socialism, the mains problem isn't even deficits, but the lack of physical economy remaining, monetarists are too much focussed on money supply and budgets.
If hedgefund would be made illegal right now,speculation and derivatives frozen, nobody would have collapse. Cause you actually can borrow quite a lot of money until that would be too much,
Then you still can make arrangements without a collapse and adjust it in case debt would be too high. There would be no speculation on Greek interest so that they surely cannot borrow what they need.
130% of debt rate to GDP doesn't make you bankrupt, Portugal has almost 200% in the 1980s, but back then the market was more regulated, less problems with very violent agressive financial predators.
If you pay with an average maturity of 20 years and an average common interest, ofcourse you can pay it.
Ofcourse it's wise to make sure it doesn't go out of control.
It's private companies ( not you or my company, i mean oligarchs) and conflict of interest that makes countries heavily indebted
and try to keep it that way for the sake of power over government and a continual cashflow into their direction.
Dutch media also hypes that the real problem was the high deficits of Greece and debts, not really the speculators, although they did profit of it. but that's too simplistic.
The usual mainstream conservative and austrian School of Economics attacks are at Socialism.
I'm just saying, why is Rand doing it? He realy sounds like the average conservative Repblican, which is hardly opposition,
cause these guys gave us all problems and their conflcit of interest hollowed us out and many Dems were paid of or also stepped into this conflict of interest to make money that way and joined the game. That's why you can have a Dem, who is Wallstreet puppet ( Obama) who pretends he's doing the greatest reform of the banking system since the Great Depression. ( really a joke!)
Obama is just like any of the usual conflict of interest corporate Republican leaders that are working for oligarchs. Today there's hardly any difference, certainly not on top of the two parties, the biparisan system,the CFR tells what both parties need to do. Obama, Clinton and many others arepart of that. A One-party state.
I'm saying, why is Ran and Ron and the rest of the "opposition" still working through the system, the Reps, while they know they never could make any change?
If they really would, they would end up like J.F.K. Ofcourse you never can reach any high position witin the Rpoublican Party and get in office, UNLESS you actually are allowed to be and silentely part of the very system, but rather more an extra choice,, extra flavor because they know many people don't buy into the general propaganda anymore and this way they have another way to lure you into the system.
-Flying Dutch
I just see in Dutch news, the Dutch Senate wants to overrule certain ministers and ban speculation,
just like Germany.That would be good news! Austria wants it too. Dutch ministers didn't want it if other nations don't do it. but if the Senate wants it, they get overruled.
Germany and the Netherlands have to pay about everything.Also before this crisis, the Dutch pay even twice as much per capita as Germany to the EU. We're like the European ATM or so!! Sjeeezz.
Before the Euro, the Dutch currency was the strongest currency of the World for 25 years or so, just before the German D-Mark.
People want back to it! France is likely not to join and will likely join the weaker club if the eurozone falls apart is being said.
Well....I said Senate, but it's the Tweede Kamer:
The House of Representatives (in Dutch: Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal ( pronunciation (help·info), literally
"Second Chamber of the States-General"), short Tweede Kamer), is the lower house of the Netherlands' parliament
Did you notice, the Euro did rise since Chancellor Angela Merkel banned speculation.
The speculation market is not that big in Frankfurt, but on the other hand it might scare speculators away in London, Wallstreet etc.
-Flying Dutch
Germany Bans Naked CDS Against Euro-Zone Government Bonds:
Tentative First Steps in Europe’s Self-Defense Against Zombie Bankers and Hedge Fund Hyenas
I was wandering what Webster would have to say about it!
Nothing i disagree with, i did learn alot of him, but i was giving my own opinion about things independendly, but now i see that his new commentary is exactely what i saw and thought too. :-)
Tarpley thought Sarkozy would do this, but it was Germany.
Sarkozy is befriend with Edouard de Rotschild, you see that France isn't longer following her own course like in the past, it re-joined NATO and the Anglo-American block. ( establishment)
That's not good for the French or France.
Germany simply had more guts this time, whatever the reasons behind it, but judging it at face value it's a good thing. Luckily for the US there are many awake people now that are not agreeing with their own establishment and alos kown this establihsment is unconstitutional and is not really American either.
Naked short-selling is only for nudists right now! haha
The emperor has no clothes, also into it!!
In short...outlaw the outlaws! ( the US constitution certainly gives no room for a monetary system which lead to this)
contrary to the false idea of many Europeans who think this is the American system, it's actually not. but the US credit system issued by goverment, as it was allowed under the constiturion is not longer in place and replaced by a quasi-European monetary system. It's just that this monetairism grew out of porportions in the Anglo-American branche, but it's British./ European of origin. Strangely enough,the ban on certain speculative financial tools, is coming from Europe now.
A credit system, sounds scary to many due to the word "credit"., but it's where goverment issues AMERICAN dollars, no privately owned FEDERAL RESERVE notes, that belont o a company. Bzigniew Brezinski was complaining that their desires NWO, the hi-tech Feudal system is not going well, because too many people, most people have woken up to theri propaganda and lies, deception and divide and conquer games. The danger is that they might do radical things, like starting up wars or allowing terrorist attacks to occur or biological warfare, some release of a deadly virus ( if you think that's crazy of me to write, just read their own material!!These peopela re just completely insane!!) to distract people and seize centralized power and call and physically implement martial law.
Brezinski with Kissinger is the highest visible kind of mediator between the establihsment, the cartel and the puppet goverments ( those we're electing)
CFR Meeting - Zbigniew Brzezinski Fears The Global Awakening ... re=related
Well, bear in mind that the elite bankers who orchestrated the institution of the Fed in the first place pretended to be against the Federal Reserve Act (when they had in fact authored it).
This was basic "please-don't-throw-me-into-the-briar-patch" psychology, and it worked exactly as they intended.
I therefore can't help but wonder if they want us to focus merely on auditing the Fed. Not because they don't fear an audit, necessarily, but because they -- realizing how close the economy is to total collapse -- are trying to run out the clock on us (to use a football analogy) so that there's no time left to replace the entire debt-based, fractional reserve money system with a debt-free money system.
As Lindsey Williams said fairly recently on Alex's show, the ruling elite fully expect that, within two years, the masses will be too weak from poverty to "resist" their global fascist agenda. That's why we must focus on replacing the current system. If, because of our preoccupation with "auditing," we fail to do this NOW, then won't we be playing right into the bankers' hands?