It is certainly is taking everything in me to not use certain words here. First, what we see is a disgrace. The white savage racist should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Donald Trump has shown what he is. Donald Trump is a fascist. First, he doesn't want Muslims to come into America. He supports waterboarding. He made people in one rally to raise their hand and swear allegiance to him by voting for him. That is very similar to other rallies decades ago (in Nazi Germany). His Trump University ruined the lives of untold people and that is why a lawsuit came about against Trump on the university issue. In a rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina), a black man was assaulted by a coward and an evil person. The cops did nothing to immediately arrest the white racist (who sucker punched an innocent man), which shows the cops being disgraceful too (not just the white racist). For a long time, we have exposed the callous nature of what reactionaries stand for. We have shown and documented how Donald Trump is an enemy of freedom. We have shown the truth that many of his supporters are fascists, white supremacists, and the lowest of the low in character. Trump claims to believe in God (Yes, I will go there), but he has utilized extreme vulgarity, misogyny, religious intolerance, and racism. A demagogue like Trump, who spews xenophobia, disrespect, and hate is not a role model that people should emulate. We believe in workers' rights not austerity. We believe in the power of the masses of the people not in the deification of the oligarchy. We are against injustice and we desire human justice. John McGraw should be convicted with assault. Trump has gone out of his way to claim to believe in God, but he said that he doesn't ask for forgiveness to God for any mistakes that he has made. So, any Evangelical voting for Trump is a hypocrite totally. Jackbooted racists in Trump rallies is a signal of Trump's agenda. Rakeem Jones is a brave Brother and he deserves respect and justice.
Serena Williams's words are filled with great graciousness. She spoke about how Maria should experience accountability for her actions. Serena Williams is a Sister who is a legend. Serena Williams personifies class, strength, excellence, and she has encouraged girls and women worldwide. Maria Sharapova failed a drug test (the outcry against Maria is very tame to put it lightly) and she couldn't defeat Serena. The bigger point is that hard work in a just fashion is always important to do. Serena's talent and her compassion shines magnificently. The oligarchy doesn't care about human rights, environmental justice, or the aspirations of the masses of the people in general. Sister Michelle Alexander has done an excellent job in exposing the evil components of the mass incarceration state (which has grown under Nixon, Reagan, and Clinton). The prison industrial complex not only exploits human life. Solitary confinement has been explicitly condemned by many human rights activists. Also, many people who leave prison face economic discrimination, deprivation of voting rights (even if they are nonviolent offenders in some states), and a lack of educational opportunities. Many people lack housing and health care rights. Capitalism is linked to racism and imperialism. This is a class struggle for human liberation. Therefore, social activists are speaking out about these important issues form police brutality to the rights of immigrants. Crooked cops act as an occupying force instead of a force of humanity and progressive compassion. Sister Michelle Alexander is right to call for the fight for the human rights of black people, the poor, etc.
Crooked cops are terrorists. We have a serious problem where many cops have murdered unarmed black people and covered it up. The death of Ramarley Graham is a tragedy. There are no witnesses to substantiate the claim from the officer who said that Graham reached for a gun in his waistband. There was no gun used by Graham as he was unarmed. The cops originally lied and said that Graham started to run from them towards his home. Surveillance footage showed Graham walking not running. The cops used no search warrant to enter his home, but the cops did it under a hot pursuit exemption to the 4th Amendment. Haste killed him. Haste said that Graham was reaching for a gun in his waistband, which was another lie. Therefore, this case is filled with cops making up lies. According to media reports, Graham’s grandmother has insisted that the cops did not announce their presence when they entered the apartment and that Haste did not warn her grandson before he shot him. Haste was the plainclothes NYPD officer who killed Graham. In 2015 alone, 1,000 people were killed by the police. The NYPD sent a settlement to Graham’s family. Yet, there has been no indictment of the officer involved in the killing. We know that people are killed by officers even if a person does follow commands. The police institution is not infallible. Cops need to clean up their house. This problem runs deeper than commands. Many black people have followed respectability politics for a long time (black people have always been told about interacting with the police by our parents and others), yet that hasn't worked to cause liberation. Bloody Sunday was about innocent protesters using civil disobedience and still they were assaulted by evil cops. Liberation is caused by struggling against evil, using self-determination, and confronting the powers that be. This problem relates to institutionalized racism, poverty, the police occupation of our communities, the militarization of the local police, and economic deprivation. There are many issues that must be talked about. Police brutality must be addressed too. We are not shocked at the cop not being charged since the people in blue protect their own. The NYPD has a long history of corruption. A cop can kill people readily with impunity. We are in solidarity with the family of Ramarley Graham.
Lupita Nyong’o’s fashion style is excellent and impeccable. Lupita has incredible consciousness and insights on American society and the international parts of the world society. She has given excellent speeches on numerous topics. One of her greatest speeches was about her speech on beauty to an audience of a large amount of black women (for Essence). Her speech was eloquent, accurate, emotional and brings home the point that beauty is compassion and the honor given to Blackness is a sacrosanct action to do. Her story is an inspiring one. Despite the obstacles, she shines her talent and her wisdom in a comprehensive, determined, and inspiring fashion. Wisdom, courage, strength, and resiliency are beautiful. So, the cover in InStyle is very wonderful. She's a gorgeous black woman. Also, she is an actress who has participated in a diversity of roles. She has been involved in plays that focuses on issues that relate to the human experience (like the experiences of Liberian women near the end of the 2nd Liberian civil war). So, we realize that the battle is not won yet. We have a long way to go. Yet, we always congratulate the great accomplishments made by our talented black people. Lupita Nyong'o's work and actions will inspire not only girls and women in this generation. Her legacy will inspire women and girls of future generations as well. We all love her humbleness, her compassion, and her spirit. Her elegance, her great wisdom, and her confidence once against document the power of black excellence and the love that we promote for the black community worldwide (as Africans, Afro-Latinos, Afro-Caribbeans, Afro-French, Afro-French, etc. are our Brothers and our Sisters) in general. Black Liberation is not just something we believe in, it is a goal that we actively seek as human beings.
By Timothy